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Show 10., . ' I - : '' ' ; ' '' '' ,, A i ...........Ani A -- q .. , , onnonommommonma , . , SATLIIIDAY DESERT' EVENING' SEWS , ,.. , 7. 111 ' : - ; ...e'..,'......0.--- ;;.. '...': ' r !'''',..', ;;:,4.. 4 , . L ., 14'-1914- ; ,,. I Atihk dctn will y Sas - atistrowma. a a ,,,,01.. 7,NaglkaA ,,. j' . . . INIvn Completed ' -- -, ir 1 - .me.,,,L. . L - :' - ,. , - ' ",: , :, -- , '' - ::. ' ? A ' '' '' .,, 4 11 I ' ' ' IOU." 4-- - ' ' ',; '', ' -- , ,..,,:at ,..,..., ,;,z.24;,,,,,,.; ;', N.--, ,. ,,,,, ,, ,,:- -:, ,',..' ..,, ,, , ,,.,,,,,::,"5.::,,,-;,:-- i;:,..,; . ..,, : 4 , 47:::,'';',..'7!:-::-:'- , fie ;: 114: ci ' ' 4 ': 1: '!, il,, - ' .: , ' :' ,' .. .. .' ''' ' :' .: ... ' 1" ' ' :- ,,''''".."'-'-.- .,.'': ,,,.. OP' ...' ..r ', ... ,,:: 1'."' i. -, -- '' ' l' ''''' Ill! :1,1 :..':': 4:":;' . ' .' 4. .,',41,40,2 0 ks ti' 1. I:1 I .t.,,,t7,::.;,,,,,,,,,,;,11:, ,. ,v - ' . - sr, ir ,, ,. ii 11 I a ,,t - !;,er rlttl''' . 77.7P' :r"-'1- .4;!:"!!" z t .,..,f,'...,:...,.:,404 :' ' ' .:r. .,,:ern,ii,,; ,;;3 t '...."'"'"'....."..."."""'''''7. - - t ,,4NtwYZ0"?,-,- i7- '''i;,- :. :p. : ,,:"!.t..,, : ,-- izot,-- 404' Aim, , --- -- '.:.., ,...,. , - ' sf,,....t.., ,' ,', b ..t ,i'14 -i ; ' ilr: re.vr.c ::' 1 ,,',.. L.. t 41:: ..: V'r.- '4'4 ' .,4. ...t......!.'6 'P.,!,,x, ,,,, ,., !':- ,., : ,,-,- , -- i .,,, ,,::, A " : 4,.: :. . : ,. , - - ::":,;1.,.;::::i::",::::,,: ' - , . - - . I, - :,;- - 'p 1 ., 1 , :,5, ,.y4. ,;,- :,.., 1, J., '11.. ..,.. 4e,',,.,,,, ;, ,,, rA '.''!'';i:',:;,:. .:....... , ,:5:........ , '. r,.::' 4' ,..4T i fi,:,'.';.:'"''. ,' .,i' ' ..7.. '. ;..,..., ' : .4.:!:15,..',. ''': ::' ,:",'''''':' - V.,:,... .. ,(14; 0 ... - RICHTER'S SCHEME, , IA ..ffe. I a 1 - , , o- , . , - ' - ' sorrow , ' ..... loot c' - -- ,, . ioLDG, - - IL. IF W Me - . 4 basi. ,Et, - , . . ' :?;',.. r ,ill 1,. ''K . ' 7 -- Z. '' i. ,?:: ;t:,;. .' ,...,.!,s'"'''' ,i .... ,;,,,.- 6" -- '' " ' ' " ''' , ::,,, 4. ,? ' ,: ,... .: .4 :. , ' , , ' , .1', - , ' - ". 1.4 ,110. . - rim. - ! - WAIL -- - , . ow - i. ,c , . 4,4.;:(Y'l. ik W'' i b, :r : ' i, .,,, :.:-:,,,:t- I 3 4,4 i1,4 Yitib' , , . : ,,, ' . ,.: , , -;:' -- - .. .. -- .. - .0 - .! , -, I- . , , - , a I . '' - - Only $6 to $9 ' ' , , , ,..- - amount ill start you.. Pay each-- . month. 'This garden lots-- 10 - rods 'W . .. . . PriCe ' ' ., , ' .. each.' :;....: ..;, v.' ... , , , , Ilk: two big a; , ' - -- . 11; - , , tO: . ' ,.... . . , , - , .. , , .. .., .. ,-( ,.,,,,,, ' it Go see 4 - -.- 4 ." ''. . ' ,., JE 4 - . - ; .... ' I 56 ando58 Main Street. ' : , - ,. ... . - 7 , .. ......,.. .... ATI t ' ' ... '''''''.''''''': ,. - .., lit' , t Lake City, , . ...... - - , , ' ,3 - ::::.....' S , ' .,...), ... : '...-.-- A . , .. ',, .. 'tit'''' .. . .... , I. . .,. I " , , I , I . 1 ' -' L ,..q..- - ' - , . . . ., nilly leigl II If moue Rivinon Lantiti 11.1fIlloy 0 ' I . ; , illi------- 1,111OKO - 111 -- - ' - week ' ' f- . - , , Up aLles IL, Shares Advance to 51.45Aprilist IS NOW $1.35 , . ':., - - -- ' ' ,- - . . ., ----- -- ' ' : , ' PIIICE Ti!! -- pt to to Price at Public Sold the Are be Any Only a Limited Number - -- -, 4 ' , 1 11 . - f - , - . ,. , All stockholders in this enterprise will realize an earning or 10 cents on pv'ery. hunshare they hold when this advance takes place. This meats $10.00 on each' one : 11 , shares. one thousand or $100 on each : , dted shares . ,..'" - 7 -.. ; i, . 1,, ; - ' , ' ' . , , , . -,. , , OVE s! 12,000, 1 0 1 . - E - , It flit I , -- 1 - , , I ' ' ,'1 - . . ! ..- - , :i :. , This increase in stock value shows a total of over $12,000 earned for our stockholders since . November 25, in addition to the CASH DIVIDENDS they haveixeceived. ., Our dividend rate is 10 per cent per annum on parpayable every three months. May 1st.' our twelfth quarterly Dividend ' will be declared. Over $7500 Cash Dividends have been paid , , , , , our stockholders. ,,,, - .. ,i.,. z1 , - ' . ,... , , . , Land Merc ' - ,.....,...-,- . , . .. , - Wasatch 963 and 964. , . ' , 3r Kitnhall'.:: ggi'.-, - , , I -- The ride will cost you nothi u. you. .. ..... . ., ' ., , , ., telephone., , , take- : ' - . 4, - 4 ' . ' 7 ' ., ' . Coin-eini-- .. you do your part? '' - - . , Our auto will today. , ,,. ''' -- r ii - .- .-,- .,,,....... '''.... , T w4 ,. -- - 1(, . : t tillt I1 3 1 D, , TS .... t , I . ; , . f , Your money begins working for you the ve-- y day you invest it with us.. And we keep it I.;( 111 Burt & Callquist company reports ' Your is investment buildin home t by protected operations. working in our large and growing that, business lor exceptionally good. . :: t the best of Securitydeeds to the homes we b .11d.- Theses homes are increasing in v alue all,. Their force of earesmen ihtvé been kept .4e,...i,' , . better. - the time.Therefore your security is constantly becoming it Very birSy,, the last le days- thw-res. of which are shown by the list of Wei You can invest with us by paying 10 per rent down and 5 per cent a month. Small Calla have made by, this companY, , 4.rt 51 A few dollars a month saved and invested with us, will enable you to build been foe all classes of property froat ;:. t Monthly .' be 4' will meantime to the andin and the farms lots Income you for large an future, cheap building independent ' ,g'' o''sz". payments up Tenths. - Prospects for thet year are t; -1t , t, cc!, the profits of the Company NOW. r1 sharing , good and money seems to be much T-- 4.64 Some .in time. has been for it easier, than e-."! ,,,--- : .., , The following is a list of recent ..4 1 i rel Four made by this company: house to E. 8. Wileken; Eight rooml t ve.. to Dr. W. G. Tendi home iiiirow yaw vim ger Jir r.1 , . 3.1 3.., , .s . wir c ' Mingdf)111.,t0 tic ,C,I . I M. A. to . ' Coolant. Four r li , cottage' , .4,.. ' 'Lambert. Five n in cottage to L. M. ........: :, 1 ,,,. 0 , ,, , Sorensen'. Three room house to ...I. J. . .S"P .4 iti, i ... . Sullivan. CutUge to Alvin Lundsford.! 0. ,te, e - , cc, ,t.t, - - ',Pour lots to o'''. ..! Charles Montell. Three ; it,v . , li 0, kW . Two lots to F.! ' ' lots to Blesinger-Bros,tqsc, '7. ,I'' : - ---- -, -- ,.. - ---- 340-342-Ma- in At. Ci. 01PnertBut1dinglot----to---NettleMatthewy r, Eighty acres in Wheatland ' , , ,... . I IL ' to Lorenzo EliaIon. , , Eighty acres in .. Wheatland to Byrum V. Elmen. One Es acres in Wheatland -;--. hundred and sixty 4,;2',,,,:'' . o k mountable and Pacific coast state, at eliced 1 to Henri? Dipo.- - Two hundred and six- bureau of entOtriOlOgl,-dePartmeDeputy'Sent , ., i I, ; to 81,290 Special ......-,-, ' , ty acre farm at, Illackfoet, Idaho, to agriculture, for service in thet field. salaries ranging from 1840 ' - Irt--- ;- rt Thomas Salmon. Fourteen acres peach at salaries ranging from $1,800 to' a year. 'April 8. 1914. a deput,o Walter W, Smith, special ot tV w ., - Reservation inispeCtor' and dietrict orchard 'on Provo bench to F. C. 13,000 a year, April 6. 1014. .'1'4. tnau; . Three lots on Second West : Sanitary engineer (mate.) tpublic inspector (meta) bureau of biological sheriff during' the Rafael Lopez ri 1 for hunt, vraz convicted yeeterday after- - , 00 Ii tr-.1- '' tu Emerson Investment co. 'health service, for duty In'k the field, airrvey,department of agriculture. '..,. a year. noon of traria larceny for the theft of , - de at salaries ranging from 22,000, to eervice in the field,at 11,500 , ' W. Another Allred. , from J.. a watch April 22. 1914. April 6, 1014. -. t. tv11 Serv!e Jobli. - ,,' ,' I.1:600 per year, In,,,,4 'Unale.) ' Application blanks' and ftulhet Juntor pharmacológist Judge 14.- - L. Ritohle, of the ' the deputy.. .t.i'''"'l til.o. ' Third -' division' the " of bureau of, chsmietry. department ,pf forruation'mai be obtained from criminal , D. C., at secretary of the local board .of U. Se trict- coUrt, sentenced Smith to verve' ' it, , The United States civirdervice comagriculture, Washington, at the registry two Years in the state prison. , . ' !e. 1 mission annotinces the folleiving rsam, salaries raUging twit $1.260 to $2,600. clyil seritice'examinerit t window, Bait take City post office or , a, year. April it, 1014... os t U. ed open competitive examinations ' to Twelfth the of bu- from the secretary (male.) ranger Entomological ' The Newtthe great - ( beheld atearly dates. , . . reau of entomology, department of S. civil service district, post ' office. sOantri assistent e (nalej acrieviture. tor Service le the Rooky founding, eta Itranclato, Cal. , : tritemolosical ' It ' ... , ' ', '4 . ... . . , ,,: .' .-- - u 7 Home Bull ers s:4:7 ;N ,,... Company Salt Lake City,Utah --- tiiAttlIVOTI ! . -- :1 -- 4444 , . . 2-- as , ' -- , A 1. V4 ., - , 1 - ; , - these springs end in constructing a One tourist hotel that will cater only to the wealthy Men who wish to make develop the. springs. tl5nstruct the baths, park the surrounding Country, build a hotel ankto obtain the other attractiOns for wealthy tourists will involve an expenditure of balf a million dollars. , Five hundred men, tom. trilluting $1.000 each. srould supply the capitalization,. and I am satisfied that this'amount can be secured. I am sure inch & project would riel4- large 're. turns and prove.& great thing for the ,t, - city and state." - - 7:. - -- - , ,,,3..4. , , ' - ,.. ---- some of the Aberhot springs in world, I propose to begin aMicivement at once to infereet the people of the City in financing the develOpment of 4 ..0 itr3114.,..,,14:1; ) ' ' ...' BUSINESS FINE. de .. 4 ,,,,i, . : - i , one-ha- am '13mA-of-- all ; , ,.- :.: : , , ' tv; $150 $215 .... The streets! are alL graded, broad' ' cement sidewalks have been laid; shade . Also' a few. half7aeres - .. , ..:, ., ... ... ' ' ' - ... ' , trees are irowing a9d there is an :, ..,... For $625 to $800 each , ., .. t ., . -- -' , al)undanee. Of irrigating water. You . ", the, i;aine: " $16ilointamr ,... ,.. - ... get all of these imprOvemepts FREE Terms $13 io , ' '' ..,., monthly. of cost. .,,?.. , five-roo- m - wositi,--Sheh- I.: ,1 , ' , ,,::.i- weatherof l.htpast $1,000. 'iti, t .... ' has brought about renewed interest in the real estate market and home building., is the report of Dettilyon Home Builders company. The salesmen in the service of the company have been kept riulte busy showing property. to profipective buyers. They also report several sales of vacant lots andshomes. were the following: Aliong them farm on West Jordan be- longing to Oscar Swartz was sold to A Jacob Dorn cottage at 1370 Arapahoe street belonging to Jacob A 60- Swarte. Dorr was sold to Oscar foot lot on Paxton- avenue was sold to Henry Raycroft for $450. Two and lf acres at Centerville belonging to A. Chaney was sold to Moroni Whitbe; 4114t, ' , . - ck-for :- . ''' - Al ., ' , of , Tha-fa- ir - r .. - '' .. BETTILYON CONCERN : . IS KEEPING BUSY1 -- - other-cities : .. ,': N'othing will give you subli a feeling ," of independence as owning the 'land ,.. ' on which and FROM W1Uifl Tel...- ,,, ,,,, -- IL''',..''' .. ': glris,. ,..,..,. - freedom ,,,.. - ' ' - ?,,, tt,--f- ''' ::'?'''''''','- ' ..'' ' -- - . r. , r. . Ji. o i 44, fe, , , ' rapidly developitTg into a high class residence district. Trees are being Planted this week on the inner parkins strips of Yale avenue Instead of close to thls gutters as Is the cane in other subdivisions. The home of E. M. Ashton has been completed and Iis one of the finest of the smaller residences In this city. Isaac Hancock has also finished a $7,000 home on Yale avenue, and is making preparations to move Into it this week. Mr. Hancock has Made testa of the - water In Red Butt& creek, which runs through the property, and intends to plant trout fry in one of the ponds on his property. Two thirds of the lots In the subdivision have already been - sold. d ' , ' - I - I 1.. ' ,7;''.1' - ,..., But you must ACT - .:.... AZglot ' . V 4.4 II elt: .. - - -, , ' ' -' .'' '' ......,,,iir ..,:,,,,, .,4, i"...'" '''''..:'''''''";6"'''-'- '. "'- - - ' ,','' .... r,,,... ' 4 , ,i1;""' i ...in..- ., ''Z.,,, , , .4 ,,,,,,,1,..k.:.;4,,:;';,.4,i,..;02:.z,.,-,..,..-i- ', , ''' . - Aim 4 ,. ---- world. - 1111.7 7' .J14,,,44,sti,..,t a climete that will Compare favor- ably with that of any section in the world and she has a great salt.lake that is without a competitor in, the. 4 . Mb. '',' ' is-her- el .t..r.,,,z,..,,,,,..t.,...,..,..:..; the , , . Co. Fell CI i V .11nwnQIIP a 1111 ; 4,,,.4,,,',1''',"-P"- ,,,,...,.. residence property is much higher than in Salt Lake. In the best residence sections, of these cities the residence Adolph 1110ter who bas And re- property values are from $150 to $200 turned from anextended tour In .the a front foot, while in Salt Lake the east and south has evolved a very best residence'Property is to be had for from $26 to $100 per foot. plan for the develtipment of the hot The only draybock that Salt Lake apringanOrth of Ole elty . and the ereo4 has is the fact that she has undeveloped the best' resources she hasthat of a tourist city. With the proper attraction, Salt Lake would become the a ' ',; . -- - . 1;V ' : ,( ' ', , ., , 0Mhe lel. : ' r., - ......... i - . , : -.. ' .;, . ' .i,. ' ." ; - enJorthe-outdo- : . , ..?,:14, r,..,,...,,,c02.4i.7.7........i.,...5........,......,,:r.:,..;:.....,,::, . " rt GRENrSANITARIUM - ,. Tbe "Orowingestl towill In ihe I', Growingert" state Ill thethilen, - - H. L. Beilroad. , :26 rniles from, Ashton on the' tleated -1.'' , ..,,. The logical 'center of the Great Teton Valley., '". 100,000 acres of ths heat land In tho state tributary." r,--- ---Largest coal mina In the state,' within 12 mllos.,.--- 'Every .dollar tfnvested by.. the Federal OuarenlY CO.. of D. of ita In kind 0., The- strongest bonding company Washington. the 4 '',,,, , ,, , 1 States., t United TOG CAN'T 1.00SE. NO TVTEREST. I;41Y TERM. ' , ' 011 , WRITE , CALt AT ONG8 FOR FULL INFORMATION- .. ' , ". , .!,,.. ri' ... welcome. - , ..:. ''' 4 4 ' ' 1 '',.',':7", , )4,., ' 1. I'L f tahought y, , ' ,,' - - ... )4,1Z,' .. :. ,::. ' is f . -7 live" t. ',1..::::. ....L.: - Ps 1 - n-felt---Cit- - ' , .1. ': 1F,, , - -- -- , ' , ., f l ,,........,...L.,............ .',:. 2: -;. , , Is . 3(1 -- .' i. IL -'t . ,.. .,, , i , , ,.. . .,. ,,. ,. - ' . ' - , -- , .,. . . ' " ..f They will . ; ,, ,' : . ;........;....,....i,...f. ...'.......... ,' :;"" u0A-40,14t- ,..., ;,' t '1 ,;,,.. - t li. - dirActly , ,4''''''''''',..-,..., ;:, .; , :," ' s t...:..,.,,. !''.;' '''''' ; ,7 9. . rivest 'Your MoI1ëy , , . ,,4- - - -y ,,, '.;:,." e... 7 :':', ' 4, ,O.'" ,to, 4 pi,c4...,:,trai,7 A. ' - tit,,,-.-.- " -, ,..., :..,.:,.. ...z ,7t. '!,''' $1.:',J4,.: );'''''''.:?;i5,t4'''''"'''''14.''...''''. :k:!;"':t . , :-i'4,5,,,,r---,- 1.,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,.,:.,,,,,e 4,, ,,i,,,:.,,,....?:,,,..,,,.....,,,,.44.0-?4,,,ift.::.,,- ,t4,,,.i:.,- r e- , .,. ' ,, , . . IA Nix, .. - v . a, chance . .' .' We have done our part. :.: 1.1........,.,...... ':-i. :, , ::::::':::..).fp,.'t A .,.1,,,,,..3.;(1,!:,e ,.. ,:..,.:.:.:,...;...c., 'r i rlt. i lit'i k ' ''...,,s. 4 4,114t.,,,,i,,k ,' 4. ,: 43 ' ,' ..........,.......,.........,.... '. NOW is the time It's Out jn the,'' pure tountry air. - 'cc Spring bduth.i.' ,to 'I! Viltli :East - and Thirteenth plant your gar4en.,i'llie deep, rich: Will produce w'onsderful erops.- Only a few minutes' ride- !roni;husinestS:-'ii?iWill groN.y in Vegetables , and flowers. center. Just right forj .. , 'abundance. .,, or wage-earne.. - : :,., - ', ,.;,, :"7717r '7' 11t .4 .4; :.,.......;.,,,. o Homed Acres. One of the most characteristic window disprECys over seen in the city is farm scene dethe model half-acrpicted in miniature in the window of ICimball & Richards. A model twine, with actual garden truck growinei a real live hedge and miniature trees.and two ,dozen !'inst -- hatched!!, chicks, .. ,' - ,,' ';' , , , l''' ' , - .,. ,, - - .,....4 :.... :, ', , 4' .; .4I ,$.,(, ,,,,o,' ;. ,.::...,:.... ... '' .,.,- makes a. most attractive display. A. tion thereof of a resort and sanitarium miniature flowing well and irrigation that will cost $500,000. He expecte to system, v ith nal dispe raybubbl inegocoeunte, secure the 14sistance tf local eapital. the givea reality-trepresents the poesibilities of a half-acr- e lids in the enterprise. garden- tractat Homefield Acres,, Mr. Richter declares "that the medi- attenand is attracting considerable cinal qualities 'of the water of the tion. At Highland Park, a large force of springs rank as thigh as any in the men are planting peach trees and mak- country, and he is of the -opinion that a sanitarium there would- soon become ing other extensive improvements. The decision of the city commission- popular throughout the entire.x.ountry, ers to begin work, on the sewer mains and become a source of much revenue Immediately. will :be an added benefit to this city.. It has unwisely been negto Highland Park homes. Although lected until this he thinks. this beautiful residence district is on Regarding the time; of this the high bench land and has perfect city for the locatienadvantages' of such a sanitardrainage, property owners will wel- ium and of the possible and probable come every., municipal improvement results of its erection here, Mr. which adds to- the healthfulness --and Richter said: Immediately beauty of tho- district. ASalt lake City is a much better city sewer of mains,, the ' following laying point of view than almost the asphalt street pavement will be from every In the of any city double its country laid, thus connecting Highland Park On this trip among the with the heart of the business section population. cities visited I I contrasted the progstate. by the finest paved drive in the teas and prosperity of Salt lake with With the continuation of the line the depression 'found in KansaftCity, spring weather, Kimball & Richard...! St. Louis, New Orleans and Building company will soon l- i1-' 'Jsteksonville.Meirphfs, .The only city that I building several fine modern cottages, visitette, compared fa- all of mhich will be in keeping with vorzbly to Salt Lakewas Atlanta. the 45 homes already built. However, in Atlanta they, apparently make no effort. to - make the stranger I ' past - ,e,..t :",:.".',,,:.--:,;-,1.- ...::,,,,, ' ..;' t , - 0 ' io.; - , tract near Wandamere. The ikt.kflarden extension i of the- Wandamere street car line to Fourteenth South servles ...!...,..7.:....:...... .:.: .. :...; .....'. .1 :, ,.. , li ''' ;:..,... ,.........:., , e Onftpoommalowl willputexceilent ear L 4 -- :........... - - - ., h'i 1. mt. , c) 1 ' , - r., - . , The firm of Ashton & Jenkins will! mand this year Will-bfor moderate I next Monday put on the market an- priced homes, rather than for expenother new subdivisioni to be known sive ones, the company has arranged as Sixth East subdivision, located on, for building restrictions demanding that street at Twelfth South. Within thal. all houses shall ba of brick. a few weeks, E. M. Ashton of the with at least four rooms. The comfirm today declared, 850,00Q would pany will begin at once to construct in improvements on the a number of houses for sale. The 360,-- 1 pbeezePrteyn.aea 000 worth of improvement proinised The subdivision was recently pur- by the company Include the construcchased from J. S. Cameron. In the tion of these houses. Hyrum J. Jenmain part of the subdivision arer 30 sen, ,,a.contractor of Forest Dale, is lots, each with a frontage of 45 feet, ,Interested with the company In the and nine lots of 40 feet frontage, the undertaking. The- - company has acwhole piece containing six acres. Con- quired some otherproperty In the imtracts for sidewalks and water mains mediate neighborhood which will also have already been let, and work lei be platted and placed on the mar- ' I ket. ., being done on them today. deYale that Park, ttlecompany reports,- is Anticipating thegeneral Sprig activity hug already started at Highland Park and Homelield Acres and everything now Indicates that this 'willl be the biggest home building year In.the history of Kimball & Richards. land merchants.- - Several fine permanent homes are now being erected at Hornefield Acres, thepopular halfacre , - . ' - i - : .. GRADING THE NEW SIXTH EAS T SUBDIVISION. SPRING ACTIVITY. IN HIGHLAND PARK , ;,. 77,-- , Give the, boys an ' ' ... , i , , . Money . , , r .,'.1 - ' :: . ' ., I .... r , ' oSecretazik , , en. , ---- - Muc.11 ;7: arid-A-.-- . , - . ..,;..:. ,i' I 1.1,0,,,14.1 ".i,". .,....,,,......,...., .,.,..,,,,.. , IL Peterson a Morningstar eommittee to urge the same before-th- e Commission at its milt meeting. -"Adopted by the Salt Lake Real Estate association March it. 1914. "EDWARD M. ASHTON, , . "President ,A. BLAIR RICHARDSON. - ,...,!. 7,,....,:i.,:,7: ,..; E. I '''::: ,:,,;.i,44.,z,,,,:;:.,.......,,,,::.;,,,,t, ;,..,...; i prove the additional cost and extended time that will be required to secure this splendor and unparalleled advertisement of the state's resources. ''It is therefore resolved. by the Salt Lake Real Estate assoclation that we exercise our influence to secure the adoption of this colonnade of mono- Mils; that we pledge the support of cur organization and its ',members to the capitol commission in any action they may. take to. achieve the end sought; and that we appoint C..C. Neslefi. W. G. Tuttle. C. W. Johnion, Freeraan --- -- '...N ,44,,..!!-C-'' lf thtate. ' yy ......" "Wr believe the overwhelming popular sentiment of the state would ap- ' , '"Aniiiiiill-ii-,.- , , 1 ,f77.! . , the maitt:hall on the of the hotel, thii door opening upon the roof in the south end of the dance been hall. A service entrance has planned. and is now being inbuilt, the across the air and light shaft rear front the central portion of the hotel to the' wing, When completed the gardens are expected to be among Mississippi the finest west of the river. An interesting feature Concernis the eteel that construction ing the made for the big framework Wa8 In this city. by ...,..:::.:.....,::::.:.....;......,....,,..,:. ......;..,, .,., ,.....' ''':.''....:':': ;.....4.: ..: .... ...,.: 3.. .,,,,.:.: , t - ::::. ':,,'...::',::':i'.'''-;?;:r- 1.4e, column. "It is proposed to substitute for these very commonplace grindstone sections, monolithic columns. each an immense stone, 3112 feet long by 3 feet 11 inches In .diameter, and weighing about 20 tons: these to be quarried out of the native Cottonwood granite. tut and polished like' plate glees. ' "This change will secure to the state house a colonnade of unique magnificence surpassing any other in the world in the number o size and brilliance of its 'columns. , "It will at once distinguish our capitol above all other state houses In America, and proclaim the( state's en- terprise and public spirit in a dignified, enduring manner, that will attractive to visitors and a source u; constant pride and pleastire to the , i. . . Utah state capitol there are to-- be 63 large columns on the, front and two '. ends of, the. building, which were4c117,, tended to be built up in plain drurti .sectioristhfre being 11 sections to each . ....,. ; ,:.: "GentlemenIn the delign of, the I ,,, .. .,' , "March the Honorable': The State Capitol stiNt 'ommission. .' ri .4 .:rrr 's - ..., :: ' '.' :''' ,..,.,:,:,:,......,,....,......,...,,.....,.....:.,:::..,;...;.....,....,..,,.:,.:..:::.:.:: leri , ..,,' 52, . 10. 1914. , :r,; 0 l'. .00 4."' ' . - Spend ....,...:.,:, ..,..;.;;.1,..,...:.:.,....?.,..,.,,:....,::....,-- ose 191lows: : .... '' ' ' ' - . "."71rir!"71.4;7: 4' ii,, '''''''''' a:. ' . . . ,,:?.,1 ', , , e , ,. , . ' '' ,,: .. ,., ,, .. - ... .4.,,,,..,, .; ,:..1 ',(1.. ,..,,,,,..,.,s,,, , Dv cENTEL: e e.... :1'"t'F.F."1'41"'..1"'''''"'I''4f''''''''''''-'''''''''- I s '' .., , , , 'r..'''''.".K1' ',fr.;', ,...,.,1 ttke...-..- ... . I Ashton-Jenkin- instead of polyliths, and concludes -a resolution adopted by the It - - - at the capitol.' It cOtairdt Of mono- arguments .144:A - "- coMmunication has been, sent by Salt Lake Real Estate amociatien the 'capitol commiesion 'ativocatingl use of monolithic4olumns for tlibte' I - AllW ...L' t '. el.'.7; 1;" ' ilott,,, z ,u, v ' . ?.,.:.., 1...tvg...,.. 7'7',..7.; , - ; , .i,' -t I ..!;':. ;' y . - le .. :;. la 1;;.,.:i:r1r.r;';'.i.l. 10kok 14 ' ,.0- -,. tr01 kl-- J 1-- ;,;:;, .,,.'''''ThU - wr,,41,,, rep-rege- - it- . f 1 - '1 ' '.' ' - t .liv - , ., 0,:.,.,11. ',;,'iii i; ;i4 .,, kritI'''',7".':.,741 .., e - I iii ::?:;;;It.:.,0,'4;. ".. 6 to be turned ! with the flowers either hanging from ! over to the hotel operating company the pergola or climbing on the hedge by May it IS days before the date on the outer edge of the garden. entire floor As shown inAhe-suLthstipulated in the contract. The accompanying will be cut shows a to the south of the den-re- , hall of tile, while that of the - enclosed perspective of the garden, and it as it will appear from the part of the gardens will be of hard south end of the big west wing of the wood. The orchestra stage, or plathotel. on which it is being built In form, will be situated in the southernthe rear Ls the large dancehall, entiraly most pelt of the dance hell. so that enclosed in glass, the roof. and all when the big glass shutters are refour sides being almost exclusively moved it will serve as well for the of that material. To the sides are open garden. The entrance to the garden, will be shown the colonnades and monuments, REAL ESTATE ASS'N FAVORS MONOLITHS , v1--- - ,) ' ... '''.. ,::0.,..,.;;; .....;.a. I DESIGN POR. SALT LANE'S NEWEST AmuSF2CENT !I.!!s would be ready . - 'le:: flt,1.,1,,,;., '...;i!: - tt :''''''''' '... " ,, 1- ,I :. V..1 - ,,,, , ...: - .7; .,:li' - ,,. ... ,.1 ,.,i.....,,.. mmb A .1 c, 1:114.;:il..; ' , The progress of the work on the! root garden- fOr the Hotel 'Utah, ac, .cording to- the architects. Pope and Burton, has practically made a new speek record in construction in this city, the entire steel frame for the enclosed section being now up,. and it is three weeks since the contract Was let. Basing his prediction on the success of the lalt, three weeks the today ' eellrrdd ttee ggrr , - - 111 I IVA",,,,,,,,. 7, It Ijet ''''ir . - 7; liZe 11111000114 '''' ....... : - 17.. ,'t" '' ,1', .f '''': .t. g ,,, vdtta,,,,,,,14,-- , by 1.- -.: r ,1,1,111, '4 ,i, 41, p,h1 t' ,...',",,,!: .,: ,,,,,,,, ,- t";"''r"4d.':".t.'"'"'"'I''"t"'"c'': - 4 ...41 ' - .' ,..L. - '' ,,,,'.1-7- 1.4 '..', 1,.4::::...4,,...,1..;4,1 ,,,1 - r....; : ,;,,,,,k-r,,,4 0:,,,,,g, :4,' 1:::: ,.. AlAt'"'",40;i4VIV:f-s.e,,"gys- azarrzers , , .- 7, ,....1.,..- ' ' ''''' ', 1, ;;.:11: I srx; , ..... : '1 - a' ,..,5,, C ft: , , C.:,,, .- j- .A..'1'.:44:14',..'''''.;1....''...:;',':,,:7.44' iif:6,:::t .. ; 404',' ':;':: t'.- .t,,, .' ,7;' ' ..; ' .z. -i .,, ,A. 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