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Show . . . ' . ' , . , . ' I - . - Whitney Replies .. . et' .WILL BE CEIIIIIIAT0 - (C9ritinuggi from Dago - Idini t, ,..., four.) ..........., ' ,- . ... , , , - ,11111.1181 , .4 .,, . ' , I . . . , 444 el trAff tot art the-Boo- k ve ite t" , tg (41 I.goocI appe,,rance carries with it prestige, and the needs to be well dressed, in bitious, addition ability. To be dressed, ever, does not mean be dressed extrava?antly'. Hence we call your attention to out line nabby Spring Suits are reasonably priced. I 11Ae I , - . -- , c-- , LiPied" 1 4, tge -- ,' , k suits, fitting, workmanship is splendid, thesut character. we price ourseives,.'iupon the our splendid service who to the fitting and individuality 'every garment.. Function:, Ci-y- 1, ' '17the P.. For the e N leJLII,P1111111,, hey f , i , -II, r : , . t' various councils. quorums. prosidens I God's dealings' with man. We' have : . . r , Lys to our , sufficient evidence , yl satisfy are cies. bishopries. AIIP.'wV lit God has spoken to vertousi minds . . , that . .v1 a The following letter With reference meinbers; In abort. the priesthood sr'l peoples in the past and they have:III : - --15a II 11 CIO Al a to the proposed celebration et the genizations of the Church.. M !written what he revealed to them. He I U 4," to himself manifested the Hebrew one handredth anniversary of the Intreat. .was Along with, prietalteedael non. and gore.have the : deinendence of Norway. to be heal in hid the subject of auxiliarie s. and lug turee as the result. He Hebrewiscripvisited the , '' 1 ' Pelt Lfike City, May 16,,,,17 and 18. as I spoke In Provo 'upon.this theme. I Naphites, upon the American contla 11 I 1 A at Mortabernacle and in ant.' afterwards the of is spoke Nat.' 1911, being sent out by the. ' am:. Salt 'Lake Citythe eocelen Wag mon . as the resul- t- Ha appeared to wifY aociety,of Utah: L. - v4's Waghington's birthday. See Deseret Joseph Smith, and Instructed him how " . to 'Salt Lake City, March 12. 1914. build up the Church in this dis.mn'n News of Feb. 2a, apt for a full report : progressiv9 and of my addressi on the Latter occasion. , pensation; and the Doctrine To Our Fellow Norwegians: :3, " . Covenants .contains those revelations.: 14The follöwang resolution was unani- Here are sample paragraphs: to hav,ing savior of all 1111 well 'My friends. we do recognize the Jesus elitist, whols-t- he howe mously adopted at a mass convention good works that are going on outside men, has visited or will yet visit every; '""1. p of NerviaTians' in this, city. Feb. 6, of. our own system We recognize the branch of the house of Israel, wher-- 1 to . outside as well, ever they. are scattered; for they are 1, .4c; auxilisaiesa of aleed 1914: , , , pre- entitled to his personal ministrations. the Church.; We do not work' itilvtfl 41rettPZ"?..1 , rt Whereae, May- - 17 1.911. hi the one is inside Wherever he has been he has corn.,.; 4o do all. of Ceod's ahle to be tend -1 of buntil edth anniversary, of athe adop to mended them and write . We his word, of people. ' this little handful 'SW EMI .;1.t11,131t, IMF . ' vt,rwx.-.IAN tiou of the constitution that, iset our have auxiliaries to the priesthood. The If it has not all come forth,'It will yet L, ' t III I i 4.11, kicrawi,I i come to forth Is down the of. a it ''ks Is futting 'perfectly organized: rialivt land, Norway, free, and upon Church 211, 7 irt--t chalh, faleaodoctrine, the establishment trf whiob foundation it has maintained wonderful system of 'government, I I I f.V.' it' tifFNI,JtstNs:12 . admiration of all thought ? truth and righteousness and the pre- anging-the . , ' k i its tieedom peace and progress to this ful minds; and yet, in addition to the natation of a people for his glorious' III , we have I I day: we, the on and daubters of priesthood organizations. we have Re- advent. According to whatancestretTAI,t5i1114.fzN.s1,1!4 III 44::',i ----tailor-mad- e Adam our great had I .1 I 4 - that noble land and race, In masa lief aciettee, Mutual Improvement as- learned, WITinnritIWIM the 160 of called ,,,, W Christnow gospel ha, I I ill1114111111 111 III 4ft:',1!'; cunvention assembled at Salt Lake sociations, Sabbath scheols,',etc.Religion in and times earlier These "MormoVon." . Primary associations, '11:1.1 reflects. atate Of Utah, L7nited States of classes, Enoch had this gossl are auxiliaries or helps in government. I :,; III V;:,7'4; Abraham had had Noah it: it; pel: 1; are A America., upon the published call- of because the priesttgiven. net 1 I Iv? a They Memes had It. The Savior vigited both of Norway ood-is the t A. H. Boxrud, PP' defective, but ,because 111 in order that the goaPst hemispheres is .b.; arvest are and the laborers 6th great for the intermountain regal:antato Or occasion creatbe for "to every might preached ' any Iv workis and need of there such 'fair,' the for purhas ure." identical been 1914. This of t, ' gospel tailoringcre-13'artmentof February. day ers within the pale of the Church. to the last time 1 that demands trArticuPose of elocang a committee' of ar- "In another way thefe are auxiliaries restored thethe earth forJoseph Smith.' celebratian '; prophet through the proper for rangements; or outside The Church. the helps a is in 'Mormon' the This see 'problem of '' ' , oi this important event la this Prophet Isaiah, have we lar of clothing, the gathIV UM LZIn,11,11t 10.1Ir speaking nutshell. e city, for and be all Norwegian in Israel in the last days. says: this region, do hereby resolve as fol- ering.of of an of shall the shoulders. 'They fly upon in God elegant of the hand 'We variety recognize lows: the toward the west? ,We all great works and in , all great First, That all the Norwegians of look Philletines , upon this prediction, as fore- -, workers. We revere the Constitution, Fall Dress and Tuxeand the interrnouritain region be, our The We a as next to the gospel of salvation. to shadowing history people. yi bereby are, respectfully invited celebrate May 17, I 914, thla extra- shoulders of the Philistines are to us look upon Washington and the other do Suits and all netinct the ut of the the with our founder nation of railroads i steamships line ' ordinary event to every lover of our 11,;IM' native land, in Salt Lake City. Utah. Gentiles. They are helping In their way .most ,reverence. They were inspired of to God on to establish this of governwork the whether God, accessories we great to now That carry Second, proceed I of .us elect a committee of arrangements, they recognize it or not. God has given ment God wanted a nationthe Unit. and he sent a man into the III such as and members, into our hands, the"' powers of the ad States. create of,not him than twenty-fiv- e silk opera came a time II from the leading Norwegians, of this priesthood, the fulness of the gospel, world to was in this nation when deadly peril, seetion, and give them full power to and a work that no other people can tfl hats, etc. 111,,illiltill 1 IPIrl lu act in the premises, select their per- do; 'and he has given into the hands of and he sent a man to preserve it That 1101 III Is Lincoln came, and canWashington we why vice t manent chairman, ehairman the Gentiles other works that I ' 11111111 Hi FecrPtaries: treasurers, executive and not de; we have neither the time nor and that is why we revere them. 7., I, ': with power to add to the ability to do them. The Book of ,..V II ?',' l' benefit of"I me "Let ...... explain, for the , li III thegeneral committee any and all Mormon is'replete with predictions and those Ill ' who may need the explanation1 .' , ; prominent Norwegians they may deem promiaes ooneerning the Gentiles, as that the word 'gentile,' as it appears ilit'' of with steel in In proper, at any time. auxiliaries, the Book of Mormon and as used t -''' 'D-41,,,Third, That we, each and all, do all building up Zion and gathering the 14 ' Saints. is not an op99Ps : by the Latter-da- y ' in our power to make this celebration chosen people." term; The word 'Mormon' z the most importent event in the hisWhat kr to be gained by tryieg to probrious :400, tory of Norwegians in this section. Make me responsible for such an ut- tft, or was intended to be; it was a slur ..4,60 and terance as this: "God has revealed cast upon the followers of Joseph Pursuant to above, general : is I,4411'sm $rmlow ,t11; in the officers have himself in other dispentiations, of time Smith, because they believed and 1 word the Book sui of MormonLjust been 'selected and much III work has through Prophets like Adam, Enoch, III 'Christian was a slur upon the anNa, been accomplishe . It has been de- - Abraham and Moses, but the only cient the of But Nazarene. an disciples NOded to begin the celebration by function of these worthies was that of mommoommemw enommonmo' omen mmlim'OtTlt DR1YG STORE IS A?' ente 'lament in the being forerunners of Joseph Smith," the word 'gentile,' sometimes regardEMI lialuctiary 4 SO &LAIN STREET . so of is not an as ed 8:15 retaliation, epithet Salt 16, 1914, ake theater, May ik "the last and greatest" of the pro- in areality. It springs from gentilis' p, tn. phets. "Jesus Christ, alone excepted?"' 'of a nation,', 'of a Siindayalay,11, at 4:30 D. m.. the And you follow up that extravagant which means and has' no other significance Survey, when. you uttered this startprincipal ittemorlal.. services of May statement with a moat preposterous family,' presented by class) ten pupils, to those nations that are indicate than 17. 1914, will'he held in the assembly assertion, Leon Kitchens, Emma, Oakley, revelation. They must have looked to set forth a ling purporting The not Israel. and Philistines of hall. Monday.. Moy 18, afternoon and Mermen doctrine: :'Since a man can Bernice Howe, Marion Cart- - 14 at each other in a most significant way Bible the mentioned other in nmusemetital various peoples of clikinds, cdnfess that Joseph- Smith is a prog evening. when you reached this wright, Silas Smith, Robert were Book the and in called will iarcand 'Gentiles,' awith a ball. Johnson, .Stanley McAllister. with you concluding ',phet of God only by the Holy Ghost of Mormon certain nations are termed max. Doubtless they agreed convert-'Mor-take place at Wandarriere. to sin is our George Williams, - Susie Mathat failure to bear such witness is the nations of the Gentiles,' to dia- monism. problem We respectfully clak your assistance, against the Holy Ghost." rt etts, James Spry.to convert indirather than from Israel, both in anin and eugeestions Were you trying (10 Will o the Wisp ..ungmann vidual Mormons. Bishop, Bishop! This will never do. tinguish them T,he to convert . . ..Stayner (b.) Salt Lake making this celebration, a suaeess in You get more and more reckless as cient and in modern times. what City "Mormontsm"into , of arid most nations end and to that civilized The Shamrock of Ireland. Boys and bope You proceed. You admit, further on, mightiest Class of 1914. every respect, Following are the complete programs you';' teak down that rePray?when , tan modern Great Britain onee to at work times, including will Grand finale ..Latayeette school song up begin you markable synopsis in the, Provo taber- to be given at the Lafayette school girls. it is all important to get a man's t and the United States, are nations of nacle? interest with Norwegians in your lo- ,"that 'Me Birthday. Nancy McConachle. Accompanist, Emma Oakley, Eu. point of view," and that "the Chrison 17, St PatMarch Tuesday, building of Out other and Gentiles. these until the the continue work and Parver, genie cality, Your concluding appeal to the eastern Lucy. Budd, Cornelius tiahamissionary has not always in the s, ROOM 14. believing Home Boards is "touching"especially flck day. It will eito b Lafayette you land them in this city, May :16, Viet tried to get the Mormon's point nations: the railroads of themselves to be descended from Abra1914. Special rates on ail Teachers, Miss TAW& Soradk, Miss "color day," the school colors .beftit Dance "Hewlett's Fancy," Class Sadie viewN,Why don't you try a little ham, Isaac and Jamb, but having also when you say: A. Rosser. will be secured. 'Local self support of the Episcopal green and white; mine? Lawrence harder Walker, Marshall, Eugene to'get atof to in blood invited their veins the You are respectfully the Mr. Z. H. Coombs. Gentiles, churches) cannot be expected for a long When I relerred to Adam, Enoch, have been Dora 107- Eleanor Clark, Silletromp 0:30. comheaGod of of the a the tend First general meeting gathered by as. standing at the time. The reaction from tithe paying 1(1 and other ancleats, loth George Kelfer,Marian Jacobt, mittee. to be held here Monday, April head cif the variant dispensations, of ven, who has set his hand in these lat- results in a lack of generoalty on the Woo ley. Chorus. "The Shell." room 2. , Utah Modern Woodmen 41, 1914, for final action on programs, is the last end greatest, be- ter days to recover the remnants of his Part of those Mormons who become this which Song, "Hearing," claiti "The ete John Man," .; Recitation, Raggedy people. You of of churches. our fulineas of members 'the thedispensation ing do Out all 1. are In this city for Head Camp The Norwegians ROOM 16.. us money to make the equip- Miller. room must times, that will gather together all united and working hard for the sue- things The founders of this natitm were ment give Chorus, "Doll Song." kindergarten. for our church work dignified and in Christ, it wets' tosshow you And "The Green and how poem, cese of our great celebration, Original "I don't like the 'worm' part of it as utterly groundless was yei'e sup- Gentiles: Columbus was a Gentile; Attractive. Appearances count for a Recitation. "A , tans Platter Man." White," Virginia Woodruff., will s' everything indicate st that ."we great deal in the west. and small. shab- Warden Weaver, room Z. position that "Mormonism" stande,for Washington was a Gentile; Jefferbut If Ihi,early bird catches applied, "Ace Eda of plamondlo,4' have the time of our lives," which the scattering Dance, and disintegration. BhNi son, Franklin and Hamilton were by churches make a poor impression. Chorus, "Tom Boy." room 1. ' occasion certainly demands. Polette, Vers Shill, llorenCte, Lund. the worm, Salt Lake City is (oiu k. to best men you so were we "the the also And must the did not that have AQ;entiles; Pilgrim say only For and in behalf of the general these' worthies was that--of being fore. fsgiers and the 'Spaniards and the can find. The 'Mormons' we want to Dramatization, "Big Brother." room 2. Graham Bell,. Ghwendolyn Cannon get the 1917 head camp of the Modern . commit tee, .. with the English gave me help today- - are not the igno.ranU re, , Chorus, "Ssnliman." kindergarten., Mary Murray; accompanist Arthur Woodmen of Alnerica.,- - tent runners of 'Joseph Smith." I did pot Frei's...h.-wh- o T. 0. TtionEsEN. last and grandest dis- the thlve great strains of blood orig- !igloos fanatics of the last generation, Recitation. "Dolly's Leeson," Kathe- Rider. Chairman. term, this "the Rothwell, clerk. of , Exeelalor camp. noom le.' meridian of time" cofhposing the American people; but young men and women who have rine McAllister. room 2. inally pensation in the 0: O. WINTHE11. "because we are working energetleallY means. they were even know--whaWe ourselves, been educated in eastern and western that Black Sheep," kindon't Chorus, "Bah-Ba- h Stories: "Lafayette," Reginald GraPecretary. Do you? I did not refer to Joeeph though, calledNJormOnc' and terming universities and who are tempted to dergarten. ham-, "Biddy's Troubles," Nellie John- already V land that meeting. detipite the fact will not be held for three Smith as "the last and greatest" of the oseereives Latter-da- y Dance, representing two mountain son; "An Saints, are partly repudiate organized religion altogether Irish Letter," Belcher; years vat.it . prophets. nor did-- I declare that .outa .or that race. While'we have within us or to sell their souls for the temporal climbers with their guide, kindergarten. Plano solo. Arthur Ryder. Donald "First all. we have lined UP an of "His side this Church ''there is no complete the blood of Israel 144 therefore are advantages the Mormon Church offers. Recitation, Complaint," of on three songs, all pupils HIGH SCHOOL NOTESI truth, no Unsullied purity, no abso- taking part in tbis great gathering of These men are the intellectual superi- Cartensen. room 3. Group the lodges of this state and they, with commercial clubs and other civic orChorus, "Wee Willie Winkle," kin- third floor. lute good." T affirmed that the gos- the last days, yet in our veins is like- ors of some of the missionaries our Em,Im of the wise the blood of the Gentiles. boards have thought strong enotigh for dergarten. ganizations, are laying elaborate Plane The technical school is the recipient pel of Christ and the work 'LOur I towards carrying this suite's- - invite, Scool Name." nine boys, Fourth Floor-2:30-- 1:00. 'The Book of Mormon recognizes work in Utah." of a, set of forged tools, made by the Lord are "educated-iand eastern Hon to the next gathering atToledo As one not room I. the work of Columbus in discovering here reaffirm it ROOM. LIBRARY boys of the Boys' Trade school of nahis a to (outside universities" Chorus. "I Wish I'd Been Born In another attempt enlighten you this land, whichwas hid for centuries western ester, Mass. During his reevnt visit to just what I was driving at,, let from the knowledge of Europe and tive Utah). but who "thinks" that he Boy," room 1. "The Goose,'!- - (reading , "We are going tà send a special car to the east Vice Principal L. M. 011- - as if as well of as some lodge-o- r for of eastern me substitute the countries the your quite synopsis things know, hemisphere portion of the 11Lan vte& andexpressed state will be represented by as many at Yale or Stanford, the r did .not- Play it as a precursor of the he had recognizes Second 17. ROOM his admiration of the work done by what vine-authentfc boosters as it chooses to send. They report of what I did coming of Christ. And Washington, let me offer a friendly suggiestion. these boys; as a result this set of tools The boys and girls of the third and at Salt Lake City. who What IS needed to make effective your Frances will stop kt eities all along the route Jefferson, and those other nand rbase,' was presented to the school. They say handschool " 'Mormonism" is not a, religion of laid the foundations of patriots to meet 'with the residents of other is not of in Utah. fourth grades the Lafayette this mighty evangelical work Armstrong. tl Woe a valuation of at least $W. centhe nineteenth and twentieth labors are recog- somer churches and more stately ca- will present a dramatization of the "Irish Helen cities and enlist their support. StorY," governmenttheir Story, Literature descriptive of the state' "T'reedom of speeeh" for the Btu- turies atene,'It did hot originate on nized by us ak preparatory to the great thedrals. Shallow indeed must be those "Story of the Land of Oz," for their Thomas.' auLeo at tractionaand exhibits to show its Cornet The consummation which the God of hea- reactionaries who would look upon such "color day" program, March 17., The solo, dents is the latent plan of Principal earth. Joseph Smith was, not-itMessage,". dramatization hag been arranged bY Niebaur. resources, will also be carried on this It was ven has decreed. All that 'Mormonthings as evidences of divine light. George A. Eaton. He has given the thor: nor Brigham Young. is the au- Mrs. Beanie M. Alston, a third - grade , car, hence the trip vrill be benencial ROOSI-18- . senior class the right to have any of framed in the heavens before this ism' claims for itself, is that it is What you moist need. Bishop, and in every way. Modern Woodmen- of the the fullness of teacher. and appropriate songsIts members talk to the remainder earth was created and is God's plan for another'developmefit of the great worik thority of the priesthood, state-arSong, of the Holy choruses composed. The setting of the guingto raise money to cover-ththe 'class during noon assemblies. the salvation of the human family. It of preparation for the lc:eming of the the gospel, and the giftsleads FG)ng, which In song." into all "Morning the is Emerald that little play City expense by giving dances and Ghostthe Spirit one to This is to create a lively interest In Is the gospel of Christ'. and has been Lord." The Bear Barker, Ira Story." a Story, to make enables understand other entertainments. various and offers great in good opportunity Now. Bishop, r am willing to stand truth school athletics and to produce a more reyealed.to man again and again. Florence holding "Der Baby, " Story, he hears IL My lodge, Excelsior camp. for instance, display of the honored school colors. democratic spirit in the school. The a series of dispensations extending upon that platform, and you can fire the truth when will bold a big boosters' ball In the Springer. Yours respect fully, .green and white. first speakers will be given an oppor- - from the days of Adam down tog. the away at meas long ai you please; but ROOM 19.' - ORSON F. WHITNEY. auditorium. Tuesday evening, March 41, The cast of characters follows: is the windin up I refuse to stand upon the platform lunity Monday at noon. They will be presenttime.lastThis and we axe hopeful oc tielling a large , act in the play. These that you build for me while you bomTheron Parmalee. Erba Jenkins Groups of Wens! tables: Chester Snow, scenethe Mombi the WIWI. , , number of tickets." the days of the second coming of bard its shaky foundations. I htve no and the Carrot," "The Potato Aaron Linde Stephen Kerr. Russel Ihrig and Vernon are Tip 0001.e.,..,.owasarsylvor the eon of God. The gospel proclaim- objection to your lighting a ..Tr an of Tharfas. Kathleen Shirley Worall. Jack Pumplenhead......Robert ed by the ancient apostles was not a Straw" made and set up by "The Bail and the Bat." Hardin Lambounte Fiord Me Boon.. of Health.' Sawhorse Floyd Pratt yourself, The cadet battalion will appear in new: gospel it only seemed to he, to but I object to Guardian of the Grites 7,..Altert Smith WhitneY Oak, "Surveyed," in full dress for tho parade Monday a people who had been practicing a utah or elsewhere,being "The Norma Kent Tree," as the author of. (From Statistic-- Student.) Victim of Check Artist The Soldier with the Green Whiska fternoon in honor of Washington leaser law for fifteen hundred years. the' scarecrow. Windmills "The Pine Tree that weitt to Sea," are not Lucian Ray Sheldon ers moanGardner. national commander of the G. Christinvitect titem to sten up higher, giants, no matter how many lances Brewster. the men coulil If The Scarecrow Eugene Taylor R.. who will be in the city Sunday. and instead of hating their enemies. are shivered against them. I said at ' itTar of the usual nymptoms which Yet another bad check operatton "The Microbe and the White Ruth Squires Jellia jamb presage the oncoming of premature end Monday. Full dress equipment to IOVQ, them and to pray for those, Provo. and I say now. that the work Corpuscle." Norman Felt called to the attention of the poTice mix-crGeneral Whitney could Marjorie from saved Ginger be age many "A Midnight Conversation," Ittirium Will he given to the- cadets just .before who cleanitefullet used them and per- et God. done by Adam, Enoch. Abrayesterday, when the Lumbnurne floral lespondency and an early The Army of Revolt: Maurine Brown, Burton. ' secuted them; They were amtonimhed, ham', and other ancient patriarchs and the earade, grave. symptoms should net be Madeline Larson. Helen Jacobs. Pencils. at his doctrine. .and thosucht depakment of the Writes:Horne Drug,, ROOM 20. eb: it and the work of God done confounded with disease; but should prophets: new ritlys for the' cadets. which Noithile. Carolyn Van Cott. June Ray. new: but it was not: it wns out of 816 and St' be accepted as warnings of tl.e Columbus.. Washington: and other company was swindled s Song by school. arrived recently are being .elcaned and eolutely Esther Baitho rveripRting 40sool the sqm.'' v"- - by. LaRue Ruff. Louise Sims, modern gentiles, prepared the way for approach of disease.: of roses h wort likr...a.Anart ' "Irish Dance," sheUhl. Taylor. IIXed up for issue and use. They are Marguerite ley. Ardene Anstee. terdey. today, and ferever: and it had the work of God introduced by .Jeseph That many may know what to Irishatories, Nisrion,Wilson, Mar- phoned an order for the roses and wait-- . of Os: Dale Snow. Louis Men The lighter- and arnaller than the rifles IttOOn the earth hefere. Oh. the such when do exist the emyptoms a as work its universal having ed for the delivery boy ut St. Mary's- now used., and have created a renewed rible does not tell all about ib but Smith, Rand. Wendell Coombs. Louis. Pratt, jorie Derr. following smptoms and prescrip- purpose the glorious , Olen interest in. drill. is nublished: Paulo academy. tions the Bible le not the only record of and Richard Finley. advent of the King of Kings and the hreak-dow- n A. premature of the By telephone, the man directed that Marvell Tanner. Velda Heiner, Program. Evening Mice: consummation decreed by him for the sunkis indicated the delivery boy should bring witb him ' vitality by dull, Eva Wiley. welfare and happiness of the whole hu- EIGHTH GRADE. LAFAYETTE AS- change en eyes. cold extremities, back- for $20. The order was tilled man race. Teresa Tingey , SEMBLY ROOM, 7:45 P.M. ache, headache, fatigue, pains in''"; Glinda and L. Poulton, the delivery boy.- " An of back . McCune of Pains small . back, ..... ..... As to Joseph Smith being regarded Musit Glinds.'s Messenger ....Marion turned over the $16 to the purchaser head. spots before the eyes, weak110 DONIS 1 DrchestrfLI as next to Jests Christ in orreatn sof and ness in phi. Awitutilitg Ions Gree,nwell I OZ ma ant dignity, Joseph himself settles Conductor Houtz, Virginia out to J. B. Foster and signed C. trembling. impaired memory, ..2 ..,.,..Lisle made declares that Adam that ouestfelr-Ill- e B. Sawyer,p on the First National bank of appetite, thinner's (or abormal Fairies: Geneve .Whitmore, Aidenn (a.) Marseillaise Hymn, Jr- ' Rouge; de hold's the keys of all the dispensations, Hein. flesh. Jacobs. Margaret Gunter, Lillian of 0.den. let). shrunken, flabby Without a Stain White Inquiry Mee, dullness. languor, .constitpaon distance telep)rene to inclinling the list and greatest.. and' Helen Keats. Bernice Bennion. Kathl (b.) The Flag by 1914. class of ton. kidney disorders, irritability.. that the personages preeldir1g4 severally the Ogden bank revealed the.. C. B. i erine- Chandler. Sylyerna Rosenblum, V lack of ambitions timidity; weak he Lafayette- - Bohm over those dispensations. himself into the .Jak and claims over .350 daily in the Thomas., Sawyer unman- when consumption Kathryn "' ivalit and Ruth Allen. P5, cluded:Diust all stand before Adam and that the check was worthies& spirited.Zagging from a 1.,a donna Mobile, 41f (a.) United States.-- Neglected colds, overwork, con. an account their stewardship, render 41twar ,.., the reader decidee 40 try it Third floor-11.00--2:30, , ... "ikoletto" when he sits as the Annient of Days,- - - get ;tiltee 4ounces of ordinary duties and chronic disorders exert the Olio, Claribel To of Back to Come Erin. fining of lade.' (VI" -. State 1.11 city Moreof the Daniel. of fulfilling e prophecy syrup , ,.. sarsaparilla .'eornpuund , 1 l' f Lucas County. glee club, ROOM en cl one ounce- compound fluid weakening influence which allows tuber over,Joseph affirms: Christ is the make Oath that ho Breading-mix and-- let stand two balmwert;' N !Valeney Adanateat." 4 t ., high great priest: the (History GhwendolTri cular germs ,, ...., mastery. Is senior partner of th" f'rm Of F., J dialogue. Jaek,Nictiorson. hours; then get one 'ounce Opening .) of the Church, Vol. 3. Do. How r - & CO,. dOtOfft business la th one ,' 1 and , scardiol Montgomery .efsence Frances cheneyYoung, (athe..Sumrnër -) Starsof Hedger. Night The greatest treatment that science affords is then could I teach consistently that a Toledo. Stat of and ounce tincture cadoment ,00mCountyM-afore., 4 RoseY they , ColladaY. Barry Anderson. t Will said Joseph Strath. great as he undoubtedly and that said. N courage, rest. sunshine and Scott's Emulsion. cardomern), mix all writthe (not pay pound NVild , se ....01cott sum of ONE HUNDRED DoT,ALAasthe Oppressor," Irish (h.) My is, is the greatest of all the prephets. , hake well and take tor :,'!,,': together. A Clarence ten by Burgess Johnson. Lafayette Male Quartet.- each and every case of Catarrh that;',... w.- , ',: . Scou's Emulsion contains pure cod liver Oil "Jesus Christ alone exceptedr I never a teaspoonful after each meal and - : r Friend Our cured by the use of liALL'S .'t,',',,,,1 be cannot at on Lafayette, did Barker. it. night. teach 414 ,, and tithe enrich blood, strengthen the clarify . . .... . ROOM 12. This. eontafno no Opiates .whatLathrop Whitehead CATARRH-- CURE. ri tolungs, '' your definition of the,"sht against the 'I:USX J. CHENEY. rebuild wasted tissue and fortify the Balte ever.. and ..many leo be used by Killarney (a.) HolyGhost" certainly has the merit of. to Entertainment. Me and woroFil who suffer with 'Sworn March's before less 'subscribed lel their (b.) When.lrish Eyes are novelty. I never heard it before. No '," sence, t his ath day of,Decem4 .'. t...ti ,,, resistive forces to throw all.cliseaseserms. nervelt with aboolute- - certainty 'of March of the Blossoms, Lois BeverOlcott my pre "Mormon" teacherevie, r taught it, no ber. A. D.. ISSS ,. - . and testing benefits. prompt idge. . 'A . YOUR lungs !'Mormon" book contains it..t It sits ,Girls of 1914. (Seal) '.. at sy preparing the 'treatment ,. f, 1 The Birth bf thl.Leaves. Ethelyn Violin solo now of Notary Public. boms. no (MP, need apart, "a sceptred .hernilt, -- wrapped in 4,1';,, , ... 17 Cure Catarrh la ,,, Hall's taken Elder. Godard inter. trouble, while the Mgredthe solitude of its owa originality." Lullaby "Jocelyn" ,!fit:: sy -''' o. artily and acts directly upon the blood lents ere much used in, Beath.. 'Pink Arbutus. Vera Jacobs., , Edith Ve' to Failure is Smith that testify Joseph mucous : 'surfaces of he ;system, and 77 ,;:too prescriptions. go that even the Believe Me, If All Those, Ena prophet of Godso that is. the unComing of Cowslips. Harriet Meg- - (a.) . ; r447 Send for testimonials, free. of them separately weed 1 -.- purehase dearing N'eung Charms ..Young Physicians eveigwhire proclaim its worth and pardonable .1111 I fancy I see the F. J. CENEY At CO. Toledo. 0..- - i is occasion , Machree , of 761 Mother Chorus Welcatne; 4 all the Soldt girls. faces of 4 the members (b.) of Honte.A114' -Druggists. thorn against alcoholic substitutes. '., 1,--m ' Take by Hall's Family Pills for coning. Boys of 1914. , A , Sunbeam, Villas McAllister. read your along, councils to whom-ye- s r .' r for prizes The its MYrtle to Bream (tontsst In Ifuntso publication wiper prior, , - .,,,, -- It ,, , . II , , 0 s II .. . . wa-ha- II II . , i II , DESEM7LT EVENING' NEWS SATURDAY MARCH' . . 111441 - ,.. '' , I ., f, ,. NOIIWAY'S 5 INDEPENOENCE - ,. - , .. ,4 , . . . .. -- vice-cons- ul , -- -- ' --- ,: . 0 , When you examine our you will say that a nobbier variety with. clothing cessary for men was never displayed in Salt Cake 1 - - City. ' ' d 1.1 ''', 1111,11M113 - , :14( , , ' ' Nfr' You must - N . Itt I , ', certainly see our samples ,Balmacaan Coatsthe English Top:Coat., that the newest craze. . in 11'1 -- - ''' - - . . 10; , r 6Ig ,I12-11- , -, - St. Patrick's Day Programs ' hair-liftin- - . At the Lafayette School . - - Latter-daySaint- , - F1oor-9:00-1- -- , -- . Mk-Gelti- , ;1 . n , One-Legg- '1 I this-scho- ol fatlos- et-Pr- Eleel.--10:30.12- .00 Noto.--"The 4 . - , Forget-rne..Not- , , , ." e -- only-kno- ...- y. 11-ie - . Zii , 4 Strefigthenl(biliLLunis Is Timely Advice a e : - n V. ' ,. A ;,. , . corn-pou- - 2, I ,,-- . . ' $,. 41 Story--"Soap- ' - - , ' ,. , i ' , ,-- with', Strengthen Scott's Emulsionits benefits are important to neglect it - - - ' ye-ro- ue . vs, , titnidity.--Advertia- , , - ut, , i.. .'.- - J . n.24 . f ,,.., |