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Show are Interested ere Invited to eftend. The lecture will be given, at All, who i 11 0. m. DC f DeitneentiniTeace-Fresimt- y Prosperous Farmers Rea& the Semi-Meekl- News, y . tandards, SC);51. 11101 EASE ' 111 DIE TO ' WELCOMES: i:EHI - 7' - Because, of insufficioney of evidence by respective ' and application of the statute PI . BE , I I taller), so Indicated , ' Giovanni Angelina. oonvIcted on NOat ee .day og murder In the drat de- ,A, for the killing of olio Patrolman P.Gritrith,-maybse,nteneed . , I ; LINE' INTERURBAN , - , , , ' .... . , - - , - , .. , ., .... tationa. Judge E. A., losers. of the . isavil division of the city court. has County Town i Turns Out Following je the program in full, I dismissed the case of the State of rtmnas this afternoon. At Fo'dlock ;Utah 0 which will ben at 2 p.m., the Weal In Honor of Arrivot of Orem js;.. COunsel for Anseltno opened arguments feature under the direction of Mrs. i il'tah against Alonzo E. Hyde. , thMteet fr;C1 ar4, with Miss ' t barged ,witi) embezzlement of S40,e' for a new trial which motion It Is ; ' : Edn Corey lusitigampanlet, general from Butt Si Cariquizt, and ordered ''' Rn,d. ' lo. C. , Loefbourow thought that Judge r Relief octet), cho.r leaded and organ: of the defendant,. ,The of the Third district court, will deny.; discharge' ist respectively: Ithe Was submitted to the court on . , ..' , Arguments for a new trial are being , , Opening hymn. "Our Airmntain Home Ii ,briefs- stitrie time ago. w134) I SPECIAL, TRAIN WITH GUESTS So Deer." written by Emmeline B. - yheeffense charged against Hyde made by Judge:MI.11am IL King: lknoehno at the trial, and Wells, obotr'nud congregation wax .said to have been committed defended Th3geY- On this also r by Judge: Thomas ,Marioneaux; Proyet grot. Martha Bon" ago. ; more than four years the who has' subséquentlf-bee- n I ground general president Y i.. M. 1. A. it was contended that engaged by HYmat"Whert Dark and Drear'" statute of limitations had applied. Anielmo additional' COUnsel. iPrest Oren),Lpcv SpryAntOthi Written by Emily Hill Weodmanimilo The state took-th-e onRosite- stand and the h at theroA, discussAnouth-Liaaaseaaino, A ..Rolt ers. Make Felicitous Speeches armor," names Of leading submitted on briefs. The court - also I motion for a nevr trial 091 judgment home, wtth In address from an ix., are very desirous's: having the mem- women In of the Church who have passed , holds that the evidence presented was passed! on ,Anielmo, notice of appeal! -, not sufficient to the will Immediately be filedso in to ota3i substantiate :Prigram at Tabernacle. bers of the respective stakfis decnnY away. , Whit propoaition have tho Seventh the seats "I Rave No Home, written crime alleged. Ward IlletnryIn ' Quartet, ,. .. I: the execution reiterved .pat-forof The for thlro. the judgment.' ward pervices on the evening of by Lucy Mack Smith, ;select voices. Ansolmo shot ',!Petraimen will be occupied Remarks. Prest. Joseph F. Smith. , the general ' Merril 21, Elder Andrew,Jenson. you to offer this follon-ina between Auselmo ' of Leh t lest, night gave a hearty welcome la"We-,EvResources Wealth quarrel be the aUthorities of the Osumi), members Trio. sitsttnt 1:41r1J1ch historian wilt Pr ay for Thee," trade? desirable on west another and saloon Italian the dies' will histeryi., very chnrus. give invasion into air territory of the epeakerand he the general, board, preildents of Remarks, At Felt City, Idaho. Second South street,lag- The officer ar- the of the ward as compiled and collected Prest Emmeline B. Wells. rested Anselmo, And. when Patrolman new interurban line, the Salt Lake & reeidents are stake Relief Isocieties and presidencies by him. All' former Solo, Mrs. Lizzie Tbomaa-EdwarUtah 'rallroad.' With the town repreturned to call "Felt City is said to be ideally lo- Oriffltil altecially, invited t2 be nrement, to add of the T. L. M. I. A: and Primary ARemarks, Counselor Clarissa S. Wil- one the defendant broke aWay, and - seated correctione epotation& make ' llama ouggestionsbL, or as through the Lehi Cemmeretal one of the cated center of Officer logical and members NEWS ON THZ TiAMS ehould such be found notessaryv taped. The 'officer gave thane, 'where- elub ft became the host of officials of 1: irtemarks, Counselor Julina Ls Smith. the die- and Inking from Pioneer him. Anselmo and and shot upon Jordan turned, stakes will Hymn, 4'0, Awake My Simon Pant- Ftkond i " Anselmo was ,Captured several hours the Interurban Ante, the governor otihe, Parents' be aeated in the body of the ball: 'and Minstrel." written by the berger will sidress The beseret News te oa Sate on claim officers and den- state a,rul representatrrhett the tom- after later 'thsi.nollto 1,1 comMr. P. said Relief J. land choirSt owlet? Clark, of the Second ward Sunday from En&gn. Liberty Mrs. Louise B, Felt miesioner of Idaho., "With an abun- uty sheriffs, bad 'followed him over , mereial clubs Every Train 'rhat Leaves or Enters school, tomorrow, Sunday. March 15,:irepresentativee the San Lake and Benediction, and Balt Lake !takes will occupy the general president Primary association. of the western por,k towns with- ;the greater part Anselmo at It a. m. ITIn aubtent will be, "Phalli Into Lehi. At route dance coal. gill' !Atm Daily, after 1:30 p. the developed, (It already along temof the ,tity.pleaded .11011, in 11 miles, copper and gold mines. thin Patrons Who Caa Not Obtain It Are Politita be Taught In tho Home," $un- - I his defense at his the.rneeting Salt Lake. South ,Tordan. ae PorarYlluninAtY,. commences 10:110, achool at miles within JO (recent)y discovered), Iteottestert to Inform The Neva Mee, day Granger, B,Ivertom Taylorevitle and Pe those who cannot attend at that with plenty of rainfall ki.) insure crops! trial. Bennion Station were represented are welcome to close work at 11 a. in. withm.rk irrigation. but ith plenty of i watet A sole will be sant by Mrs. Grace L. irrigate if necessary: with Counting Deceased Flies The actuality of the new intentrban 100,000 acres of the,tnost fertile land Smith. line was .signalized in the running of a west In the tributary ,to this town: , AL BRIEFS 7. a. Grimfte Societyfrhe Relief Keepi Clerk Busy Today special train leaving Salt Lake at ft with, good railroad facilities, good aucletlee of Granite stake will hold water wower. cheap, fuel., cheap lumo'clock ,last night," and carrying the . their ennual celebration In honor or ber, good soil, - John appears Counting flies was the popular Pas- Invited gueste to Lehi.' The party was op M. the Emeroon organisation of the society on The to a offer to harvest the rewas investor." degood A. eysitem in time an of the of clerk the the Rasmussen, ,employee city health Whittaker will speak at the Emerson Tuéedge. Merch $4. at 1 P. To. In the Salt Lake Paint & plass company. The local offices of the Felt Townsite partment thie morning. Today was met jrx Leht by members of the Comword meeting tomorrow evening. Ser. various ward chapels, this postPorun. versed on a Jordan Bridge car last boarded in the Pelt building. are company mercial club and escorted to the tabsoon the after thekcar holdup. rear all to man Mitered the meat being mad In order give ." Vices commence at 11;20 o'clock. the opening Of the bounty season for ernacle, There a night ,when program of speeches who desire an opportnnity.of attend. vestibule of the ear at Thirteenth West He was greeted by the command from Atkin T. on t.' ware and Wm. children hand the files. , the holdup to take a fleet and keep Marion H. Tenth , the gpenerat Relief soclety cele- and Second South streets and music was given.- In the mueical. Ing Pioneer, Brady, 11 ohne) quiet.,-.The stake o'clock of Sunday at I the Ensign revolver emphasized the with little packages bration on March 17. at the tabernabright and the Lehi band the Lehi will address the Parents' clans of:the and robbed Conductor tames Hadley of 2 Passes to Great Beyond of dead flee To June 15 the city will programquartet , 781 Ninth East street, ' Tenth ward Sunday tnorning. Mrs.' Abraham ',AnderB. Caudell of J. ro 10 & a pa); bounty, of Hotbrook cents hundred for son, Miss Lucille Eennion and eignalled the cwt. at - Eighth H. Weed...William A. end Le RoyWardLafayette The reTnenty.second Morris was conductor will be the speakthe clay óbe street and was given the same orders. In the death of Marini Hendrickson flies and alter thte: time 15' cents a Hickman were the participants. J, : Morton will epetik in the Twenty.see; ers in the Ensign ward tomorrow' At Seventh to street. fund. West to'contribute where the quired three the of ew at the 8;30 Brady, another, ond ward tomorrow night surviving After an invocation by 'James H. noon today,bounty had been paid evening, Services will be held 11'140 passengers end Motorman Leo Johnson car stopped for Harry Watson of 730 men elf his type and time has passed ,onTo o'clock on Religion clams work. L. D. 8, Nurse. heats, commencing 750 IlyaWhich were presented to the Clark, president of the American Fork oast ,Ninth South street. the robber re' 7 Twentieth WaretEldere W. W. et 6.45, Owing te it being' quarterly being immolested, aside from being Jumped from the rear platform and' on. During hit life time he has been a health department. After the dead.- Stake, S. W. Ross, president of till will ad. conturence of Ensign tekt,there quired to "Mind tmir own business" ran south. devout member of the ("hutch and has , flies had been counted they were de- Lehi Commercial Club, intrOduced titer and. Geo, t'! Lambert no W, the ' priesthood meeting' dress the meeting in the Twentieth be Patrolman Beynon, who was on his worked unceasingly In the advancement ; stroyed.-and "keep Quiet." II morning. The Sunday echool will Meet The car was returning to the renter Way home on the outbound cat which of Its interests. fi'l dead rats presented for Karl Hopkins of the Lehi high school ward tontorroW evening at it:80., were There He has reared a large ea usual: the Parents' clams Mend- of the carebetweett-Sixt- h ' as thairman of the meeting. Mr. Hopeify on the 'tin" trip and stopped passed, the Pesterity to whom he has been a teach- bounty. The bounty is 10 cents on' lodge ing conference, Masquerade ' at Thirteenth West street et the signal and Seventh Sleet streets, Changed er, From his first entry Into 'Utah he each rat. inviteof It'rial .1.3'rith has leaned kins 14 felicitous manner pictured the comto beencar G. Dr. Samuel which had carried the robber has the When be Mounted the active in. leading his efforts Paul, city health tions for a prise masquerade hall to There b Hesektah S. fdlaner?.. of the robber. newer ioutlook for the further developwhere West street, to and Fifth Intends relentto rodalo wage. a building up the community of which miseloner, be held Tuesday evening, 'March 24. May B. Byler of Xenia, Ohio, who platform, the conductor reeognixed bim 1of Utah county through the , less war skainst the fly ,this season. Ile who had ridden to Thirteenth he telephoned pollee headquarters. A he was a pioneer. in 717nal Writh hail, 20 Third Ear( sign hereelf its admintetratris of the its a man believes that the liy is one of the constriction of the interurban line. patrol wagon filled with detectives 'ar- - Marlon H. Brady was born Dee. le ;street. twtate of PHI late Blimp B. Shaner,e West on the outbound trip. Instead of a nickel. the robber pro- rived on the scene within six minutes 1834 in Caloway tounty. Ky., the on most danavirous carriers of disease to " Carlson Ilona, nappyMr. and has bilked the police 8.department PREST.- OREM TALKS. a, of large revolver 'from his pocket after the report was received and .0a oLlAndsay Anderson Brady and Ella I and he is urging the Witmer. Ituft duced liesekleh 'Mrs. Charles F. Carlson are rejoicing help loettle in ' the public in, W. C.- - Oreni, president of the Salt Salt Lake. According to and shoved the Mussle into the ribs of thorough search of the neighborbbell heard, from over the arrival in their home of resulte.. was made. but .without the letter received this morning, Conductor Hadley telling him to raise Lake & Utah road, was the first baby' boy. Mrs.:Cartoon. who is the Shiner Actiording to- Conductor Hadley. the hem been under the his hands. From the change carrier. Health wore no mat& and was secured daoghte of Mrs. J. t. Eldredge, is nerne of A. Jonestraveling In Weekly speaker called upon by Mr. Hopkins, the holdup dollars. several bighWayman an to le Report. heir and at a local hoapittAL in height. weighr the estate of one Silse 13.Phaner, who small coin. and some '. silver dollars. about140S feet. 9 inches dressed an& Voiced ahe optimistic feeling of the in a dirty and bills from the eon- ing poundi and seveoth.lvited......Elder Roscoe W. died reeentiy at Xenia. All birth week for records He a line. builders the interurban of single .4 ductor'a pockets. In all, $17 belonging gray suit with a dark overcoat and Eardiey will opeek at the Seventh were 'broken the to week the referred was blonde a during ending with support given especially Tbecooplitical MeetingsNo meet. to the street car oompany and 18 of black derby hat. Be ward meeting tomorrow evening; March 13, 1914, according - to the the line- - by - the people of Lehi and bones and was very sharp high cheek 4. What aro the Young Men ing will be hetd Sunday night. On 'Hadley's money was takem eithfoeL featured.-, students of class saw was Leo what Motorman Johnson of the Chart doiner, ...Meeting corn. Monday night the weekly ,report orthe city health de Utah county, and predicted that the been scouring the who have been devoting their I'Mi going' on from the front of the car by Detectives Menees at 8 o'clock. There were 87 births road would be completed through to various theoeophicall sun-jad- reflection in the darkened front wim, neighborhood since early morning but studying j3 to the department, of which Provo by June 1, and that the work of E, to no. emote. of will a uo Vesper take casual have According, made, Johnson sitm. but 'no study dew, lave 411 were boys and 39 were critehlow will be the 'meeker - et some of the . religions. Wednesday his money and watch from his officials of the police department, howgirls. There' ite extension to Payson would then be ionday's vesper marries at the Y. W. night will be deyoted to a continua. pockets and placed above the ever, a valuable clew to the where' were only 23 deaths Reported, of which taken up. C. A.-- with Misses Irene McFall, Hon of the ancient wisdom. which number box of the ear without turning abouts of the man accused orthe rob18 were males and 10 females. A. total Esther Watson, Marie Peer, and Lola subject is being studied. in Governor Wm. detail. around Spry 'congratulate; been has obtained bery ' of 71 cases of contagious and in- the residents of the ?reeler an hoeteases. at room 111 These meetings held 'country throne) folwas as diseases fections reported These Interact. Veneficial bite lianquet...The en . Templeton which' the interurban stretches upon 7: diphtheria, Small iows: 1; pos. Chicken ,Thieves "Pinafore By Pupils !Escaped tire ofrice ,foree end sailing affPiley, ad are invited to attend. 4: the typhoid fever, 1; scarlet feVer, features assured deteloping end the officers of the lieneficial Lire measles, 40: whooping cough . 10, and through the new intercommunication- Institute by tv"atchmen Conant' Rhoda Recaptured Bryner Collegiate Insurance cetwpany will hold abrtn. hire. chicken pox, Rhoda Cennon Mryner, daughter He helieved that the builders would not (met In the Rotel Utah tonight. Sixty of ?rest David H. Cannon of the n De 'Young. E. L. Rowerter 'watt t..,:.raopla are expected attend. be content with Making Payson the The comic opera. "Pinafore," wil) , ' George temple, died yesterday at her a nee. , to he given by the studeoto of the Co Hog.. Henry Walburg, guards employed by terminal but, that eventaally the line home In Pt. George, according Ttld1 ttc Safeti U. Guard Parollo on MondayThe MaxwellCommercial here dethe received information telegraphic would be carried through Into southerfi late institute. the ipreparatory Post G. A. R. wilt meet at last night. Mrs. Bryner was the wife Yesterday, last night, tatreted Edward ',IF ttab. 3:30 o'cloek Monday afternoon at the of Hyrum Bryner. Her death odour.. partment :ot Westminster college, on flociatign, , Other speakers were Will G. Farrell, , mouth gate of the tabernacle square to red at 3:39)itsterday afternoon, and n"ida evening. March 20, in the Gun- Ivem and Frank gutchifl s. charged almost weathThe mild unprecedented managing director of the Salt Lake join, the hike of March in honor of was eloped Iva, iuborkuloete. The de. ton Memorial chapel.' Eleventh South with the theft of six chickens from MARION H. BRADI. roads the are er h continues, drying up felt Commercial club; Henry Moore, the visiting national commander Of ceding had been ill two years. he and Eleventh East streets Pro:. the; coOps of A. L. Young at Ninth abeth ,Ilendrickson son ot the soil is, get- chief counsel for the Salt take & Utah, the horny-fiste- d Brady. He ; Abe O., A. wee 30 years old and leaves a son (auction is under the direction of Miss :South and Second West streets last Identified with the of cultivat: in his spring plowing and and Abel John Evans. early history ting . Lion of the muolo departDina 'at Great underi, and a deuebter. Funeral gervIcee are Ednah Church. An incident he .records a Those who boarded tie train as it Ing, the trees: are budding, the robins, by Lawrence Eberly, Thursday night. taker of Great P'alla. Mont., has tele- to be held in St. Norse this afternoon, ment. amended is '1840 in that ho. rOde two diary First left terminal at to the the Guard larks are practicing up Walburg temporary' and ,the,meadoiw and Mro. Esther Allen Gay and 'Accórding the pollee that a man pained on Abe! same were kelt lake Girt at HolyokeMice pianist. ,,, graphed The cast of are the. men who encaped from him Wilford Woodriff tor the summebird operas, and tbe West and Third South last night Dan TrtiskeY. violinists. Thorne Severson., said to have al Lucile beside and hie them rode that Mrs. spry. Mr. and Governor of Y, Spry, iktortitngatar, daughter sa follows: is characters as mercurial is after aialt ascending Lake. died steadily in child :the and night Thursday average While robbery wife Mtt Brady. Mra. W. C, Orem, F. M. Oren.), G. N. el. they were end Mra,- Freurnan Morningstar. Wagner Worrell he was escorting them to police Joseph- Porter r: the thermontetritt tube.. The entire,Pas Child and Miss Child, Mr-- and Mra. there yesterda5 The police have been Mr, from a Mi ssouri mob. acting this city, figured prominently iitt Sir Blaine Meotkin Corcoran Captain tmat.le to locate anyont of the DAMS of ''Mormons."' under' barometric is a the home Min high slope A. IL Crabbe, Dr. E. D. Hammond, 1)3r. When Walburg arrived at Making his the find rendition of the Mount Ralph Rackstraw....,.........,Burton Clay , Of Severson, - he was -and Mrs.-Joh- n baptised Mackay and son. Mr. Holyoke sophomore class song Thurs- Dick Deadeye :Kenneth Webb the station. he had Otte chicken -- in Nauvocti- riven He often beard "1 of 17. Degree--1n justice to Prof. day night at the vollege, according to Rill Robstay the same kind of climate for Sunday as and Mrs. P. H. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher charge end flake that five chickens Istseippi Vaughn 'Prophet Joseph preach and advice' from South RadMr. and Mn s. Harry todeVa, 'J. J. McClellan It (should be known telegraphic Mies Ruby Mealtiu Butthe vernal equlnox ii.cione fienry I., Moore, and the 'two robbers had escaped be- -. school with his children. In the :.....that the movement and petitiortierler, Mesa The song was sung in the Josephine . . Miss Ednah Vo Linn ... la due next Saturday 'when MacPherson, Mr. and M'rs. Ralph Erisat hand, it l otliiii ,be started,orthe .. oring the E.7. t)f 17.'8 bestowing a de. open air. In front of the Willistoii . Little trest,Arav n tams he 'had his hemis foil of nerv- in '''1"13 Mr. andOgdenMies Suttercup Woo Morianne-Witelone o,!, the buildings nt the Institug About- - 490 'milesi - and ramping on thaTallnernaaelL--lha-Taduatcahim Witri tuarted bY h I Mrs. J. IL Davie. J. t',1 Jones. gre Sir dosePhli sisters. rousino. aunts. ous hens. herth- to the summer ,solatios,, and cll- west Missouri t nd bank the It hou ( consultation with kilt of the tion. The entire day had been given riven M. Cargo. S. A. Magiunle, Frank ' The arrest of Ives 9.nd :Hutchins took etc. June, 1350, be againitarted for the matte disturbances are to be eapected. Evans, Wilmer Ewing, M. D. Wit sot, The item' is t'eferred t j , todaY71 to eelebreting and 'festivity, it mark. sailors, marines. ni ash,: coition. Place in ,a house ixt Seventh South 'west crossing. the plains with an ox There ars no indications that way today W. R. Armstrong, Waiter J. Sloan. Julog the eine, of school before the two ' weeks' vacation., Miss Brick Maker Morningstar, and.l' Fourth West streets. Formal teem Hebri reached here in Sept. 19. from the, pacific emu the birthoieoe of lien Bamberger anti A. G Mackenzie. Nineteenth Want.---Mathotion, and five others of the ' sophomore Pioneer and the follewring day pitehed but there are ono , The following hoarded the train at complaint charging Ivss and Hutchine- 4859, chines, nate annerintentlent of public Instruc- 'rifle will ?wend the vacation in New Irmeteorological a., on , or tent the banks 'Little CottonDies in This City with robbery was issued today by the wood an bar eters-- in town South Jordan: John W. Wheadon. tion. vitt speak before the Parente' creek, where the home he lived in , Comof the South Jordan president county attorney and they were transolaaa of the Nineteenth ward Sunday storm brewing and , tbere is A. Me- - brick ferred to the county jail from the city up to the day of his death was built. - ;ha say w. S. Simpkins, to be along by Monday mercial club, kir. rine hare-O- . it pioneer a(hool. tomorrow mn4i itt 10;30. Upon arriving there. ho found 12 on18 afternoonis -likely Body Brought - From PriceThe ,t, W. Holt, and barometer"---3Mr. a ." The tiA,hooltiouse le on Fourth North '"hutrutri Mn. Mullen, and prison. A this hour an at . early ' families already there In 1856 he was of Mrs., Samuel ,Unson, better maker. died person, whose nervous system has by Mr. and Mrs. le.,E. Smith. onuostte the Was Mogion All 'body known, as Mrs,- - .loaephine Matting. morning. Mr. Simpkins was born at appointed by Brigadier General 'accident or aicknetts ,,become attuned to-, At Granger James Smith.. la'. P. Pehe welcomed. ' Sfe it Richards , tr, who diet! lest Wednesday at Price, Norirh. Ohio, Feb. 22. 1834, and infantrymen low barometric eonditions. a sort of wire- terson, W, Woodbury, M. Walk and captain of May Cut Salary. of the Nauvoo legiom the company be- - less, telegraph affair, and if these.sym. Reed boarded Stake etinferetterEntilltr wag- brought 4to Salt Lake TelterdaY -the train: at itkverton1164. He enare acute the hero- wen of made atlIce conference 'will he hold titindalru i evening and the funeral will be held carne to Salt Lake in up trig from Union, South Pathetic isrelations' to suffer considerable John Hansen, In Mary Hansen, likely Ore Noble Marrs-cathedrot.bIk With to-19 of .the War Cottonwood wa et manufacture git, Itlarch 15. The morning a and s I gaged resignation ;This will probably Tam at the approach of ertry atom. re; Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Hardy. Mr, and Draper. 14 years. Ho, tierred he held in for etl'IN'erlf, itt 10 It position tn. in the Twen0'11. morrow.. At the time.. or her death. 1871, was treasurer of Ma Salt Lake declared Mrs.al city rengrder Bert,. Nott. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene coining with tbe. passing of the storm ftrat ward chapel., All ward priest. reports received from Price indicated Prams Brick company from the time that the salary-o- f the recorder may be as a guardin Echo canyon In 1857. On Ha center - tto the advent of Mondafa me C. Miller, Mr. and Mrs J.1.- J. , Batter- Imoid and parents' elaases wifl be ad. that the death 'was aometMog of a of 22. 1858 he married Lucy anti teorology will be awaited with. more or field March and ago :4 years and Me. and lare. H. Bean-foilOa organisation Jr cut. , Mr.. Warturn receSved $200 a i Bichards;-,who- ' A remained survives him. Eleven lees interest. Rain is needed to lay the Mr, and Mrs. Ira Bennion. Mr: and journeil au that ;411 vi dolt members of mystery, suicide being suspected. in that capacity until hie is it and were vegetation, dust though. tO, the stake m and help them. tight of it le expected that efforts I children, coroner's jury at Price, however, re., death. He bad IS children ot whom month, born attend vontirenot... MriMrs. J. Geo and tGerrard.Mr. tgo Welled a verdict of clest't ' from a tho Mrs. in- - feared that should a warm rain come. T. following are living: Mrs. Addle will. be made, by at least one member whom are living. They arm Gerrard, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ben- buds all out, a sharp frost the and - under. 'SrTiit(rial) get I...Nlotagom tumor. chronic Mrs.. K. Mr Thompson. eeph Hyrum Jain (4 the CItY.P1711rnmlmi11 1,41 Upson Lindsay Pearson. rocatello. Idaho; nitwit, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lindsay, air. follow and deetroy everything.' sal- -. I err. of the. Atoxandor Hamilton In.A. , Warren P,,- Mrs. Charles Milne.1 would I . &Mote.. Neve. York clt .. wilt addreint ,went a 'delicate operation some time Gretchen. Great :Palls. Mont: WThe thermotnetel. this and Mrs. S. J. Lindsay, Mr. and Mre sillo 140 IX month . s rbetoteimistilon Is 1Mrs. Frank Snyder, Mrs. John E.. Milne from 40. to 133 degrees asmorning ranged to and belt been ago Mrs. with advised Mont.: lately Anaconda. compared the Parents'ylaws of the Seventeenth undergo a Pecond Simpkins. Bennion, Mr and Mrs.' P. e Mow14 undecided as te, who will be appointed land Mrs.. Arthur C., Casper,- - In addition gs to sO degrees one year ago The high. loseph operation. Het hus- Kato McCallum, AnCOnda, t Evans Mr. and Mrs. J. Lindsan: at and ikard kninday eThool, tomorrow morn-In- c band lit a Mr.-as to was 14 succeed local Warrunt temperature for, March, v, recorder,' to these children, fit grandchildren and Irrancisro; traveling salesmin.--..,Mrs. Carrie Frey, San Bennion atation, Mr, and Mrs. 'Walter on the aublort "Fonds that read," In with the lowest '188, max.' degree . Louise Hutchensen, Salt Lake 31111trre. etuhrve bivueildlitinmg, .0't e44st ' East. Mrs. Jea.--E.1 at 23 degrees hi 1880.1 a vinsarlation of Diamond... Feet Bench - Lea,rur--T- he . Simpkins.. Glendale, CAL Add fort wall andlbe Arst meeting- , !tench Improvement lengue.at P. meet- - Cityt and . the SA alma There Aire grandchildren . during leas.13 were 62. 54.. 416. 60, 41 ' Inet last , night adopted ,, resolutions I house in Union. He was a veteran of date 11 great grandchildren. , end- - 30 degrees revpectivet Y The lowest, the Indian wars and wawa, counselor ; local temperature !asking this board of olucatiott to erect for March 14 wae 6 de-t-o i scoolhouse on Thirteenth East I Bishop Ishmael Phillipe for 23 years... greetrehove gene (luring the ormre,edt-- , II pfe,N.tr, ' voll tworeen 1880. in cold Fil'eth, died SP,Pnt) fed f who spell with highest mini- the funeral of Mr., Brady. :1111 !South streets, and the city eommis )INTERS1 Monday.- March 9. was .held la- the', mum at 47 degrees, a variation of 41 de- POLITICAL The heaviest precipitation -' to, maintain a traffl c'. officer- at ll:111ot ward house; Bishop Charles la.1 grees-was .44 of, aninch 141889, and lit 1q02 date the Intersection-of-the-,-raliro- ad presiding.-- A large attendanc there was-a The new idea in office furnion of - 5 Second In street South !the, ear line, a and occasion the profusil marked Salt hae of T.,' Lake 14. : Claud March RuvI lord,. that can on that line may not announced hib of floral offerings testified to ,thr high ture. A large, light weight candidacy for the lower be 1141 no by tralmt. The east alder house of the state esteem in which the deceased was held., legislature sin the alai declared ltiemselves in- favor of s were Elders 'Armour ths speakers Joseph tieltet., Mr. Russell was 11 i elrb and guttertng extension for their Republican 11.A. James. John Obern, Brest. Myruntt , IIEL11111.1111 BOOKS 11:227.017 'Us fC-- new idnd of .clistrict, Dr,--to the member of the legislature hi 291L Two A, Kerr new' covers assortment Our CouncilJames Councilor Jensen, 'Goff. yearaairohe,l3umpeittiothitProgreeL to Charffsholtr or J. This to the afdie Nolsoneo,"-and rotommendod that st's party but recently returned C, Bergen. the :widest range In designs Sharp and Bishop 'Willard cabiineehanism;; automobile, core be talten tbo$, no pen) or other, Republican ranks. regular of NVIlliam M. Cox. direction Under the .aTTIE STORY Or: MY IIIR" he atlialkett to sextet.' I steel. breeding place several plums.furnished nets choir in state and executive and colorings varying in price the ward ' ' e aeroplane, niotoreyele,' iL. .... , ' A book contalriblg 441 page written Ing rntiskal numbers. The Anthem, "Os a on Arril committee will bold-meeting 1 . a as was tx solo as Father." sung 7- meetin enr.11Cov.4T-MatnIn T."- r' My three parts; the first two is Mks. 4 in the ball Fit ist he rom 1 Heller's story and extract s from chorus, Terry singing-t:. hor. Sella all th e best teals. sewing machine', or party, - South. Mato st,reet to discuss ..:., Miss , tir-iTtrrLAte 'solo Oolv.plisargratl ietteres part. front tangLrace risote, The Democrats will deterpolicies." V'ace.'1The of wait Met . can opening as is a she It it the third Prayer, Part give time whether the state mine finest 'fired by Elder John Sharp of PraPer supplement or autobiography. with rewill be 'held in June for the convention TOD' was IfiTONTE benediction bY and the VIZ WE1Tt LEM) pronounced and letters of her- teaehes.- Mira' Three sizesjust the thing nomination or, 44 candidate- - tor United Elder John H. Walker ThL speakers port oil in the Iv Orld for 50c. i Sullivan. ASRTON4ENKINS COMP4F States terisfor. rustles of the supreme' naleMisnostlexelt. for the average office. , t:.. i bore strong testimonies to the integrity :rice. tn.. 'or court and public Main superintendent St ' 4t '! him ot and for tbe etilogised departed !' CULCO OILS. The members of the party "OPTI3us'ito 110090 Ca. OM... $100,000 Surplus. structicm. honesty, manly- - character. Stead- : will also talk over the purchase or es.. (Aavoittomsso rind 'lovable personality, One Part one Optimism Irithin I oran tablishment et e- newspaper as without two know Part declared. "I that Ifastneas Optimism -or the party. dcial organ CULVER COIIPANY , G.(0) man due to my personal Part three...The practice of OPUrnibin S., M. TAYLOR at CO, tiontact with our tleoarted brother.. His Price. 75 cents. l 1 runcent IStroctora TOrmer Assistant County Attorney "OCT OF THE DARR" posterity would'. make IMO mietake it 31...377 South West Temple.. 257 that te C. South AtOrris Eit'd, announced First Ftrtmt. today their, follow tri his footsteps, and he 115, and addresses on EssaYs. he to not a candidate for the Presi- . leaves a' great posterity 'to his credit, Pbystcal andletter': social vision dedicated to 152 MAIN' STREET.,.. 5tens ot 11 a Stab a, the will, ball Zion." beoome which in Republican Young doyley tt. Shiner strength , NoTtrElt Phone Wa.atch 3200. mother. Price $1.00. -was in South Cottonwood cam. tier lob. He salve that he has not been wrlto to atirof - Erie? itt XenTIL, 'Ohio, Burial DESERET SEWS BOOK norm Filing Devices of Every Kin It will be to hie InterestAdvertise. I a candidate tor the office and would the reing dediCated II tory. "Ths . Leading Book Concern." ' moot. not accept it. ., ., . , ., tstirsstsussessi radar Heber Bergen. , Vloilda3is fl IN PULL. PROGRAM 11 , , I 4 ., - ' , - 1 , pre-Joll- and 1itirs(la311 1 Relief Sôcietys. Oirs thd4S... prpgrarrifpr11.4ext:;Tueso4 War Baiteett reports that there ' remains a considerable amount of unpeid delinquent taxa, On personal property., end rates that Unleill the same are paid et 01100, On , Tueeday next March 17, the be Marla and extra oosta added to 72nd anniversary of the organization the tax es provided by law, ' "Fonds that Feed"----A free lecture of the woman's Relief society of the will be given by Mr. Lambert Mon- Church of Issue Chrlair of IAtter-da-y tt:mar? of New York ,.before the ear- Saints, the organisation having been onto', class of the Seventeenth ward effected by the Prophet .loaeph Smith 'Sunday School tomorysw at 10:30 a. In Nauvoo la 1442 . s. general program nt. Mr. Montgomery ta an onthuatest on foOde and also a fluent 'add intelli- wU bi given in the .assembly hall in gent speaker; AS are invited and thoa this city. Announcement has. treat.. who attend will haver, been made that the' exercisee of litunuato Society blecta-p-T- he in the tabernstale; but t),Ilis be ricers of the :Utah Humane octet?' met Friday afternoon in tho building Is undergoingirenovation. in Walker building rooms to arrange consequence of which the place oboefor a eerie. of meetings at which mat- -t en, for the anniverearybad to be tors of intermit to the ,work will be discommode At the neat meeting, changed to the Asaembly hall.. , iklARCII: 14 1914 EVENING NEWS '..glATUIIDAY IDEERVAT . -- '. 7.. - i nir I , , . 1 ' - Ward---Senat- ,the--patr- ' - butt one R0bbef. Boards Car and M akes Conductor Yield Cash - JLJiLL4 ' , I . good-climate- Warti--Bish- '1. ' Ward-,--Sup- - , , , , high-scho- ol , - ' , " ' ' . , - halt-dolla- rs . he e, ' ed , , , in . , . n Weather : - - head-'quarte- , ' ' -- - ' , . A. - - - , 1 , .o-il- 1 : Jr.,-Mi- sa al, .,- 1 ; -- eut--th- -- -- N. -..-,i .,, . towkkodk' Ars 1 Tills New IVA Paper 1.14 -- . in EUGENICS? For Every Room ) i. Steet CTI:nnet Safe o: - - !IL-Miln- ' I If $8 Z , ssaerce----tifa- I I - - Globe Eales Are I ' ritodern-lctodma- Mise-Hth- " - TFfreprootTTT s ete c;:to $12.0: - Per Roll i . I . : . i Breeden . , Office Supply Co. . t - I ". . ' 13- , - r ., . 101 A I NISTIOr - , ,. , |