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Show - , , , . . , DESER:ET .. . , 4-1914- , , . r . . , . , - , , , 8 . . T . . 5 MARCH -.1- ,,, , , ' - . . SATUiDAY EVENINQNEWS - -; ,,- .. .. . , .,, . ,, , .a, , . . ' 0 , ,,,, , ., ... 4............ , 1, ' . ' I - ,,': ; 4,- - , Ir banker and politicianthese were some, walk was held DX Silver City. and the ' Philip Mulhall was the ion et Chia f of the sensatiorielkleetures Of the days ProPerty was knocked down for 830.- - L. Alulhall (deeetiaedt and Emma F. cademy-Ball,Tossers:- , 1,MPRE5SIYET,SERVICES In? FROM was born Proceedings. Robert 11 Idcrarland of One. Under the rentrictione fixed by Marretta Idulhallx, '' ' ' ".-- , ., Coeur d'Alene, speakinr in behalf of the court, the project coula not be Salt Lake City,ratil, IL 18r2. Lleven , - O'Neit and James A. Waime of Wal- sold for less then the num named. yaara, age boo moved, with his mother. , , Salt Lake to Idaho MIA, where, , ,,.,-BISHOP 110C1(00'll againitt biro. exhibited and that alter the sale 'was OOMIUM from made I lace!. !minting , their home until four years ttmes and indulged hi mated. there can be no 'redemption. they at , i deep , feeling r,. , - r 4 ,, ,, ,..., I, i. The elate was bound tol.tdd the $30,- - sgo, when be marristi,dielvaaA.,Slater more than one hot exchange of compli, , 11)A110 COUNTIES ments 40 .., It1 i ; a to secure the equity held of Ogden, 'and moved to Arco., They across the , table. Om- - the table 000 busine . went mercantile : before the board were piled petitions by the state in the Property- .!!::. Artimg.d!,:,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,.," t,..... t '1 :,?.i. !Special rorrespondentle;) :; rii ,, here. 4nd he 'Itaio,conducted a , ., be ,,,.,,',..'-- ,f '.;!,:',1-Be. come to 5,000 citizens of has names of the ,.!' raising bearing 4, ONA; March II.---p.00, Since here moved shop, al Sunday tut .': 9,11ery . i'.....:.,';.,-k.,, , i ..,, J. ..,.',,r',.1y,;.,:..,.."; the state &skint for clemency for the recognised industry in Idaho. formed inarge acquaintance ,r 8, at a p. Ink funeral aerv- ,,,: .!...7,4 '..:: ,'..... .' f ll.:: '.,," ' 141... ';,...::', year, according to the ' first report' have ...f,',..., Imprisoned banker, ' , tv:.: miles around. and both of them ( ,I '.:,,.:;.., r Ices for the.late Bishop Charles W. of, ,t,,,.:,,, ever made on the bee question as , i ,,....... .,.....1 Amount Received Comes Short of t ' '" ' Ai. FRUIT CROP PLOSPZICTS. , i';','' ho w to themselves all endeared !, 4 est Rockwood were held in the Iona far as Idaho Is concerned, 47 '' k.' 15,05 them, The funeral was largely zWr r '' 73 '' 1 ' '''''' i were iminected and only- - a tended meetinghouse. Bishop Rockwood died fl:.' " :?,'".' ,. Sum Disbursed For tchools, prom ill quarters come 'encourag- colonies re 4 k4 tr-latives and .....:.:' 7 by In Iona' the previous :Thursday, as cent found to be ball and but Vtah and I ' ing reports- for a bumper fruit crop Per Idaho. .Mr,' Mulhall la 1 li 3 per cent found '...1 ''''.I.. to de- vied already reported In The News, after necessarl next year.- In the northern part of the .....i;:011 Roads. Institutions his and wife and mother, also 4',,, ,:: .7.'''': 'State ;,,-- , having suffered ,for Isom. time With pounds of honey"Wili sister, byMrs. A- - J. Christianson, ''.".fmtn,,, stat it is said that Indication are for atroy; 1,100,000 and -t cancer of the stomach. He was widelast year, an amount equal brother.. C,,W .1-' a bigger and better crop. Prom down produced E. 4. Mulhall, both ef ly known inthis section. During' early 11 Siounett way it ia reported that to 50 ear loads. This product- 36 cari, ' ) , ',,',,.,C,,,,,& ., value of $150,000; years of his, service as bishop, the to is going the crop peach of the etate. Iona. Ward covered a great deal of ! .: 1)4.17:1 '0!NEIL'S PLEA FOR PARDON. be wonderful and in this lo- - loads were shipped out alone -onhis A.,R. Custad, territory, feem which several wards ,,,,,' iI cality the outlook for prunes has rahch- three milesliving FATAL was NUB ,,, 4 EXPLOSION have since been formed.' In his case, itel 1 never been sorpaased. As for &Pelee, found' dead 1 1 t ' " to 'be widely. known Vat to be wide- .1 Thursday afternoon bangi In all sections the outiook is for a big 1 barn. a De. from rafter in liked ing ht. and ocon and the ly respected. now alVeare that ceased was 31 ..,111:' so it tbat pmduotion. ' :.!' iVinner' at Dallas' Exposition years of age and wits casion of his funeral friends gather- - 1 0 Rialto is due for the biggest and beet regarded ea sober and industrious. lie' IN HEIBIIIIC OBE STORE 2.1 ed from all parts of tha colintry to I fruit mop in the state's hietory. The leaves a wife back in his old home in pay their loot respects to htm. As a 4 - - .. 4''z''.. Pees and HogsMurder and Inspector dwell upon the importance Pennitylvania. - ,, .4., result, the large Iona meetinghouse and value of spralintr. Per the first quarter 'of this year, ... was filled to overflowing. SuicideForest FiresNotes. 'ARSON' MYSTERY UNEKtLIVED. the shipments of inspected'hoge that ' 0 ,r. (Special 1, ,:' , The aervices were conducted e.ccor& -t x 4,' 44 A., Correspondence.), o':,,,,; ',-'t ..1. , ', , ,, ..,. .tt .''' ,c.;.! " r , .1. ',, , ,., ., .,, , ', P ,1 i, have gone through the Pocatello t , log- to instructions which-habeen, March ''. .. ; ,,,,,, cigarette. ,,!': RUXBURG. ,I 81. '....,., , are to ,... be f 'rb trial of Ruby Vaughn, tars. 4 - given' by the bishop before ,hie death, yards reported . ,;,:, , .:',,,A.,,Ti...61i.i, .., 4,,, ,,,,,",,,,,,,,,.....,t and Wal- Thie Indicates and an old turpenmore or Teeple cars aUs4 tlatch. l'hompeon. iiii,;.d,,,...5.;;............,It..... 2,000 that end were simple yet Impressive. The :,; tine barrel filled tvith, gases (Special Correspondence.) ter IDees, arrested on the charge of will be shipped during the year. ,, .. Iona choir furnished the music: The , March II..--- It . , willibe seen smolt, drugged through two days in Supervisor Orandjean of District 4 combination that very nearly resulted '". . opening hymn was "0, My Father," TEAM. THE the but WMIING court, of service re. during the NnTst has the recently justices' In followed by "Nearer, My examination a of tho moent . ,. God, to , BOTS0,-afternoon ,Session Of I'utollay', he ex- celved figures showing the dangerous Wax fatal accident and a lire. The bey , Thee." The closing numberi was "The "!i of the Idaho tax pomulle- arnination Leslie Paul of this city. He was 'that from and wee brought to an ahruPt lire sone In which the Boise forest to time until the close of Lord is My Shepherd," A quartet Correspondence.) (Special ., eke to tho governor on the tax close becalm five 'witnesses desired bl located., - Lightning and campers are searching tor some article in Mr. tlackof Mr. and Mrs.' Lewis A. Lee. lillarch 1.With thits the first halt. tirst one and then the other team was in the lead. Barlow T. E, Olsen Itituation In this state that. takhkg ea a the Oats could not be found. Justice samosa equally responsible for $O per flare Pella storage room In the baseand Mrs. Bessie Herbert the photograph printed more of the around played his pressmuting motion to rings pRESTON., Bower, records upOn lengthy rendered cent,of the fires, according ment of the Rexburg Drug Redeem,ba,Cs Om amottnt raised by direct teas.. stake academy opponent in the center, while the other er Lives."''I Know that MyJ. Davis. announced that kept for the four years. company's 'while immediately attorney. of Bishop Parley tion in the state for the year 913 and the caee was dismissed, and the role-te- fire store. While there be lighted a elgar. , basketball succeeded that amount to an team offered Milo; blen'Palaiviteerdnoan of the caluoaserdgeadmfoer. aGllrteheantwwooa! and Ineendiary,origin invocation, aznonot of revenue -- from strinvee ,ette and to get the, nuitch Out of the In winning - a hard fought and fast of who set fire to 7141,4 in the Mr 2 Vet' tent Elder Ezra J. William, or lonc- - prod ts other than' property taX lMileoblo to alley back of Main wiriest on the Mornet the local lr nounced the benediction.. Elder John , In the four years a total of 151,000 way placed it into the barrel through game from the (pl. Y. U. rP e ya 0. t The C. Rushton, of the high council. read quintet cham- Nmerieern.y, rep ehe payment of general expenses et ing of March Z. is still unsolved. That acres of timbered lank and 83,000 acres the bang hole. A terrific explosion score at was ot end list the trot was of the Iltah. The halt proved pions Tuesday night. wa$ a hidgraphical sketch of of Bishop pasture lea were burned over. followej . bursting the barrel in a thoufor the annual periods the firewitnessesincendiary 3 government in favor of R. Y. U. called by the prosecu- Theopen , Itockwobd. A letter of condolence to by the expense of lire lighting was 1501- .- sand pieces, one of which struck Yening game was the fastest that boa everRoberts Anown in Vie report, this total annual tion. realized this time by that the from been witB. Elder was H. Robertm 000 in 1910, $5,000 In 1011. and less than Paul in the fate...cutting It played in this city, and frightfully the best men he had were none too was family DALLAS VIC'PORY. tevenuee from allfsourcee applicable to' read. The were Stake: - and rendering him unconscious. 11.000 each in 1913 and 1913 by the most enthusiastic crowd gtood Men to play against such speed and President Heber speakers C. ever Cache vals in has assembled former the Austin, lhe PaYment of general expenees of all t One corporation in Idaho cannot have hearing explosion ran into the base- ntheistt : in a Main street 'show The ethiPit Biclit, of end at the the stake President James B. Steele, Eld-.- 1 therefore, When it was. fully denutinstrated branchea of government amounts to window. showing the prise winning carte blanche to lezamine the booki . ment s which seemed to be a,mass of he told his half warm to., center famous ere bills? Thomas hold Isaao Gudmundlocal the could.not Higgs, and 110,641,90041 whleh amount does not flame, found boyi Leslie records Idaho of another lying On his other grains and reports and and of was sorn him it to save that to the tramples up uP, sen and George P. Ward and Bishop their own but actually outplay the ta... toolude money raised by issue of bonds bleeding profusely and that brought credit to Idaho at corporation. But such records may be back game. Vern Greenwood entered the Truman C. Barlow. They-dweldead. He was taken to Dr. apparently and whioh is generally expendee in per- pasties upon team, the spectators went Crismon's m 00mutie Provo men .obtained and thrown open for the pur- office at Dallas, with Corn National firm the conviction the that exposition he game 1:12101the many good qualities of th8' de-- old lind Old and young onanmit improvements.' Of the total his wounds dressed. and he lot of interest. pose of getting at ,the essential facts soon a would created show has Barlow He a Texas., up. excite-,len- t. was ceased. gassed true in to He trust and all the every joined mount of all revenues. IttiltAttlt is regained consciousness. The doe- In a ming before the public) utilities tor took garne, but was outjumped in the ever placed upon him, worked hard 82 stitches to close the 'Even thoso who had come t6 good seised by direct tattoo. and $1.923.- - By 'winning the first and cornon wound, of o out-tthe on cornrn01 by center, the floorand which authority outplayed for the uplift of the community An will leave art unsightly scar on scoff remained to cher. , I. made up of revenues from stakes Men IOU clover seed. mit& a. This is the purport of a. de- which which he lived, delighted in trees and town. fresh generated throughout the half. his face for life. A fire alarm was The B. Y. U.,mencame aources other than property tax. Of was exhibited by the Teton 'high itchool, cision on reached commission the two made both he while Barlow and though by worth flowers and strove to make the earth in and the fire was quickly ex- from their signal victories over the the amount raised by direct taxation Idaho won a distinction commission-'er- e turned case of to the baskets. Since in was able . .A. the Barlow .:.. 'Tuesday get seed.' buyIT. B. g more beautiful, was with the idea in A. and ii,t41.132 Is the amount that the several to all produeers of clover Young Paul is recovering of Shoshone county and the Petieral tinguishedno doubt, that the game the ball in center. the Oneida signs and frugal, liberal with hissIneans in nearly 00 from his hurt. nicely tenant'', ore required to raistrbv dlrect er who last year hipped woeui rl minds. Packer slipped past helping any worthy cause, or Assistd be a farce: so when a group of could be worked. Mining company against the 'Washingtax and pay Auto tho state treasure cars of grass seed out'of Idaho recently 'rbe annual election of the officers of for two baskets. Cutler held ing those who stood in need. He was of which amount tV0,009 is levied for stated that be had secured - Toledo ton Water Power company. the Rexburg Commercial club was held pigmies, dressed in basketball rtilre, Halversonscoreless scored two field especially solicitous of the sick, and and bunted followed them on the floor. smile of Chipman An the elub rooms last Monday the PurPoett of meeting the general ex. prices upon a. consideraol quantity of According to algenerei night. orde,k was himself. and , baskets of Egbert raction ?rest. .Lloyd Adams, who only exercised great faith in admin ister the Ponies of state government, and $141.- - Idaho grown Welke Weer seed. Toledo Ito all agents served the players mistook them for our first able to get one field basket past CrockIn 131 Is levied for the this week no intoxicating In this capacity for the last has blushed to think g to end blessing them; he visited payment of bonded I. the market center on elmoor seed for company read team, and actually year, second-hal- f so a homes With the tended ett, Saturbe will Denten take te would after to a the score his annual report. showing what has what shame it that were sorrow-stricke- n and tadebtedness and 'Interest thereon. accepted States. United the 9 of in thus Oneidel - Of th total amount favor, into those who mourned. Elder been when Even from comforted such Marcb 7Lfor weaklings. game transportation the of reyentum from club day, the by accomplished last . 1 Jen-Otherwinning the them by game giving point. beof teamSteele told aoureex applicable to tho payment of Rockwood's when consigned . in terriotory" except Bishop year. Through the efforts of the preseamajeeptag "dry were: Alfalfa iooa, Arthur- - J. Snyder, to refereed- .-, ident and members. a successful' coun- In like a quintet of panthers, the B. sonTheof the WT.-Cing called to the bishopric of the Iona general expenses of government. OI7- Springfield, "regularly Ittensed pharmacists." seed, timothy second; score and follows: lineup ward through inspiration. His recI.:1,64 is expended by the state for the Mildred McRea. need el Yolitst ty division campaign has been waged. Y. U. failed to understand their spirit, Bernard. Volmer, fourth: red ofMrs. ord of service, in that office is well maintenance of the several state in- Ralph Aberdeen. has Bled suit for divorce making Rexburg the county seat of and so underestimated their- strength. Oneida. Positione. ' 4 B. Y. U. W. N. Mien, Caldwell. seed, clover of the big Packer... have lived in this atitutions end for the impport of the Chipman known by all who 4.va. ,t Gionti. Boise, from M. P. McRea, aged' 3 years. Madison: a good roads movement in Before the game, several to each common ettboolt and for highway pur. Ithird; tweet corny, S. P. other stake. section has been inaugurated with southerners intimated 4.1t. Egbert Neeley Paris, The couple were married about 14 years the Budge, thir17lierl1 were to in of shut the Rockwood to Friends that assurance the the several poem going Bishop counties of the Barlow at this time of the help Parkinson ....e they Thomas - G. - Clegg. ago and lived together until abont one of the state ' In addition thereto It0,000 is orte fifth; potatoes, , nate. V Greenwood bit:Alight Iv any floral offerings. These and nation to build a road 'academy out. when they separated, the above year ago the All of second. ?ended for the maintenance and sup- IBleektoot. . Salt-LaHalverson 'beabtiftil flowers were very apprQto live with through this section to the Yellowstene Chipman, Egbert Parkinson, Halver-- - Cutler " g hi the open to the entire, weld-er- n husband going to IA. Greenwood National park for the use of auterno- son and Looter Greenwood Twent into Crockett priate, for he always loved flowers. port of the Univereity of Idaho and the weresone g... relattves. , state cOml Idaho the In class. for the visitors. game raising many of them and using them college Of Agriculture which amotink, is for the past bile and all ether conveyances, besides stbtaertet; who IL awards Charles Grout, 15 the following of out baskets classes. The a, to first. Neeleythrew eight with vim from the revolved from the federal sovernment. make others hapPY'numerous other things for the special from the foul line and Chipman . To recapitulate the several countlee were made: J. J. Swartz. Laposet dent 10 years has managed the !Muth hoAfter the services,, the remains benefit of this section. J. Bowers' liankytii-t- Parkinson Was able to put Bar- trials tel, is to open the beatatiful,zew ho- 'was elected IL seven out of . were taken to Idaho Falls and or three 4tt the state pay Into 'the state treas. corn. second; W., T, Nelson. New Plyfirst toss lovi bad in'oenter the for the president at coming Mirtel built ' A.'Allen. A. good spirit prevailed throughout the night train they were taken to by Raymond Guyer mouth, dent corn. second; T., ury for ("sutra) state P41E00001114 ;MON with Prank Turner as vice presi- on or two: and the B. Y. U. scored five are real Salt Lake City, accompanied by mem,,,' Allen also won er Hot Springs, near !Laney, May I. year The Mete' PAYS out of the etate treu . Meridian. third. dent and George V. Harris as secre- points before the locals got -thoroughly the game...The B. Y. U. boys"medicine one Pratt,and Payette, took their prise and Delegates representing stride his athletes, Barlow Soon gothers of the family and Stake Preeldent aroused. ury for the maintenainte of state "nett . two prises on barley, A were In number tary. large attend; Meridian. land, Emmett, Caldwell, Nampa, New ante and much 'HeiberC.TAlistrtrand Bishop -TrUman tottookand rpr general school end high. on flint cern. Ales Wilson. 24Loor enthusiasm was shown. and the ball went into Oneida territory, tgraoefully." to went north high Plymouth and Lewiston, attended an After the business here Prom play of the most they r eY PorPostot, pri.filbs144 exo,ve of Wen fir on flint corn, Th C, Barlow. during meeting a lunch where it remained Al .. en. amounts received as epeetei lid school won first on a, peck of white important transportation conference score Was soon equaled other Idaho teams. was served to the members. The game.. . Idaho Portland last Wednesday. The Purpose from the federal government and all oats: Charles E. Andel-eon"Ast night One of the largest crowds A. Hughes for the Teton of the conference ,was to devise ways ever assembled here for a basketball amounts mimed by hoed issues and ex soLsond: He expects to TETON VALLEY,TELEPHONE American Falls. toth ladies returned the Garland factory. the Namby which foreign markets game witneeeed the game between the to the Palls on 'Friday. vended for peerlament improvereente. latter part move his family there Mgt school. third: I. le Young, won and means COMPANY SOLD AT DRIGGS In other verdi . the money paid by the pa, fourth: Jacob Doyley, Caklev, may be found for the orchard output. B. Y. U. of Provo. Utah. and the Ricks Dr. Shaw an wife entertained last of thls week. to G. obtain of was old A. Ountatson, an committee state to the several uountios for school first on winter wheat: F. employee D. T. Hawkley, appointed aeademy teams. The game was very Irr May evening a large number of Iona Mer(Special Correspondence.) sod highway purpose, and the Monr, Moscow. won first en spring wheat: rates for shipping produce-ItEurope rough. the Provo boys beinglarger than their friends in honor of their the Lincoln- branch ofleftthetheir young deRIGGS. March A. J. the alao was has employ cantile the and etate the company, It by for tnainte- second by L L. Young, Nampa; the local Nye and playing a rritrett daughters. the Misses Agnes and Daisy . expended foreign porta. mince of the state institutions located Snyder, first on garden pea: .arthur cide& to send agents into foreign fields rougher gamek than the local team. who have been here the past winter. and has accepted a position with Z. C. Teton company, Telephone Valley in the several counties. exelueire of tbe. Budge, Paris, first on field peas and to itudy market conditions. Only one neld basket was thrown by and in honor an of Mr. Millet who M. I. in Idaho Falls. He will continue of which J. D. Kilipack was princiTwo new dangers have appeared to the Ricks boys. the B. Y. U. boys re- has been a visitor during the last to reside In Lincoln for the present expenditure of all moner raised by eeoond went to John Norton. Paris. pal owner, wax sold to H. D. Win. IKmd issue. exceeds the amount of a. The first is peatedly fouling the forwards while in month. but who returns in a few days lend encouragement threaten Idaho growers. who will now extend its branches These ger, winnings MeNDOY erhkh the several counties am has recently the act of pitching for the basket. Pour to Minot. S. D., at which place be Is !SUCCESSFUL REUNIONmho are plirentot to the potato bug which and improve its service. growers to (the to atate pay into the required treasury Pan Promisee manifested Itself in Lots& county. Tilt times the local tors were awarded engaged in the real estate business. 'The Winger hotel is nearing cornto meet the general expense)s of state make exhibits at tb number Of exsecond. the brown' tailed moth witioh points because of being fouled. The The program: offered by the commit- ISHELDAT WESTON Pletion and will be ready for occupA lane 35 final ecom government br S37.S.IS.6& in eAdItton exposition. was la to in of the tee on arrangements for the celebrafavor become a reality, but it has not ancy in about 30 day& to this amount the Univernity of Idaho hibitors are preparing theirof 'Prins Is feared yet it might be if certain ship- B. Y. U. Greenwood made live field tion on the rah of this.month by the i' General Manager E. E. Calvin. 01 aiding ;tuft the renege of Agriculture receive plantings with the thought Italverson two Bowman baskets. four, win rose France moctety SVoman's to and Relief (Special Correspondence.) the Oregon Short Line railroad made ments of eommiseloti members of the plants from m ri n us I y Jer maintenance and support tho Idaho exposition seven foul baskets. and and TOOn the been Chipman which a of have be has at last other ports completed. Europe special run over the Teton valley piTOINI, March 12.Yesterday trove the feelers' goverentent the sum a liberal share of the awards to one field basket for the B. Y. 1.1. while is the playlet, "The Bachelor ril'' at 10 a.. m. the .members of the branch yesterday. or tekein, clintly, come,. are not closely watrbed Greely Green scored one field basket program tvwnpeted for in MOIL : W. B. Stone has been Maids' Reunion." which embraces some , appointed by the inspectors. IS foul pitches. The following is 113 odd demoiselles who take AFTER LOG RAT'S& the Weston ward niet in the L. D. S. postmaster for Drina. vice J. J. RAliKrit ST.F.KS TARDON. ParI1 Word has been received here of the and Itneun: the a a for her and 'able President the chapel large reunion, office Boley held F. from the play. ward who R. has be T. hauled Whittaker, suicide of will living Griggs. That logs The appliention fir J. T. Ols Zell. the mill at four miles from ,Buhl. , Whittaker B. Y. V. ' Ricks. - assistantsse of the society are deserving number being present For several for a number of years. Wallace banker now term In Payette river to the Barber -great-prai.for Spring-1- a earns- to GreenwoadShort Link was abottt ill tears Green of atband,Jineweather and. has bad ior pardon oe- Barberton snow nearly .gone. The farmers are A. Green efforts in proiding such pretentious ter in a certainty. Nothing this sootion recentle front Clinton. ....f i Chrirel nearly the entire session of the Is by no to-t-means and activities their charge, entertainment. hat was effect Ballaetine getting ready for spring work. Me.. where he luta a. wife and faintly. Chipman ........... prison pardon board hoot Monday. At definite the Short Line end peed Senator D..W. Davis addreased suited in a successful gathering. lumJ., M. Sewell, the old time merchant, IV Green . He purcheaed a rent near Bahl and Tailor the close of the hearing the fate of the ttOon by association conthe Mutual Improvement was ihort, officials their at who Molland A rendered abvereon spicy program recently severed hie connection,' ber companyg. in a small shack with a was living prisoner was placed In the hands of ference thia.place, the at II o'clock. Chas. Miokelsen gave with the Teton Valley Supply company. last Thursday, but what they hired man at the time of the trag- Jones Bybee last Sunday evening at Mr. three menGov. Haines. Atty. General der" 138s18 hall being' well filled. on his the address of welcome, Peter Mickel- - I s making improvements Peteromn and Secy. of State Gifford. said at its close indicated that they ed3 . L L. Paint sr., waa referee and livered-aInteresting talk on current Den reviewed the history of the ward, More building and will aeon open up and would be apt sickness Threats of political VitfrOaltee if the were not far apart is r- that thought home, It topies. a hit with the audience, the ft line of general merchandise at his '-board refueed a pardon; charges that to get together on a rate that would was the mune for the tragedy. stand made Just before the game attuted - tem- Misses Shaw, who spent the rendere-Th- d-- two musical old stand. chorus food the jury that tried O'Neil was "fixed;" be mutually satisfactory. Inspector Wallis 'of the pure porary bleacher erected In one Pnti of ter on a visit with their parents. the nutphers, Heber McKay gave a bail-Re- v. A movetnent which may tend te acStwet.,me,,,., to obarges that the chief witnesses two next schemes. of the room collapsed under the weight department got Dr. Shaw and wife, left Tuesday tons solo, the Weston brss 1' band against him were self,eontessed per, celebrate matters to thie end Wilts which if they had been permitted to the people, causing a great deal-o- f ex- morning for their South Dakota home. I PAID TO LAST TRIBUTES several and Clarence numbers, played made yesterday. lurers; claims that he has been meteriallas. would save reaped a rich citement until it was foupd that no They will rusticate on a farmstead , Ooodsell gave a comic speech that was ishod enough and that the end' of jusGARFIELD t aside ono Idaho of on-rEburt was counties and that RESIDENTA)F the near Isabel. NErWs somewhere seriously harvest in . dry - a genuine treat. , tice have been satisfied: bitter tumults 41, -.- ....a banquet was served tt more than .. for the perpetrators of the frauds. from the fright and a few minor euts sole was state on the character and career of O'Neil; the the Yesterday One Is a beveraget. labeled "Golden and bruises everiohe was all right. SHEEP-FEEDIN- G two hundred in the opera; house from (Special Correspondence.) the, tearing open of his record es a bidder on the King lflfl proJeot; The Robin'' ' dietributed 500 people witnessed the VIM , SUGAR 1 o'clock to 4, and the klay's activia March by the Ogden About was the first ens to he loot by ' tieshtended with a dame g social at IIGBY, assembly gathered , at the ITEMS AND PERSONAL Drug house and containingis 2.17 per which this team yeas, a home the Riche academy cent alchoholi the other Garfield mootinghouaki to attend the ----baying beaten all the but teams . . The local Commercial c ub has taken funeral per theydello. made beverage oontalning services of Elder B. Clifford at 'the matter of public .bighway MI- - Warnerrwha cent alcohol. end made by & woman (Special Correspondence.) up away early last passed . the Vrovements and in restmnse to a Monday morning. lin Gooding. . , Mitch lid...Milne Lpa'sTCOLNst to "call arms" halt turned Definite steps wore taken' Wednes- FARMERS', EQUITY SOCIETY was 40 deal a and of age, but Deceased rreat winter, out with teams to level and grade de-- .,ot he last two or threeyears day by the public utilities commiesion he sufferyears in has'been carried.on feeding sheep street. AT ROCKLAND ORGANIZED poi ed at intervals with rheumatism and . looking to more equable and laultorm 1Ancoln Now the and this , Vicinity.. A an carrier's rural letter examination In bt the heart He was a kind prices for users of electrioity. officers ..N0b006 beet Ipulp from the sugar factory here' is- sheduled-ro- e Weston, March 2g Ileakage order issued by that body the husband and fathel', 'an A. O. 14. Goo. H. Correspondence.) Hansen. Special IN the unIdaho Mopes, , V of and r-representatives ,earnest worker at whatever he tatternearly exhausted; and practically all AlvIn are for Ntaughan, applicants Anti sealone faithful. Powe- & a pp be petnnk, stlecp paNe, t he examinialon. & 'twin Falls Water Power -day Saint. His aged mother, his day eveninic Ed Inas of Am- shipped.. According to reports, on the The announcement was ..' SHOWING THE NEW COUNTIES RECENTLY Light & erican Falls paid this place a visit and those who have tPd here have devoted wife, and his five bereaved comPall1lt, the Idaho-OregMade new a cently postmaster children were among the mourners. lhat, Power company and the Idaho Ball-wa- r. organized a-- society of' the farmers done well from a, financial standpoint.. would he an , tabled after examination -CREATED. The field. superintendents or the, speakers were Elder Chad. Z. JenLight & Power corapa&n, were for fourth class postmasters to be held The as a Farmers Utah-Idah- o are sen of the Garfield bishopric. Elders .s. Sugarcompany eked to pow at 10 a.m., March II, Into what is known . B. Ham: . 4. N proton, '''' Ida0 April acrefor sugar beet, Wm. J. Chandler and W. S. Burton, to stow cause why a lochedule)of pro- Equity society' with a membereblp taking contracts Issued with a fine map of Utah, the World, Nettie who were assotiated with him In the Preston, Mt ms season. Pros- son, ,, the age during coming established be not orotrates should Th otover tort. the Lorene one, purpose tt posed Jensen, Wealelo ritield. presidency of the One Hundred. and pects ars good. tor the usual acreage, Williamthe United States,- the Panama- Canal in :epderbayttomnanyAPrells i Zone; Wyo-- Nielsen. have applied'Ior the Sixty-nintirantzatien Is to '6onseree the right ot perhaps even larger than -usual... Lutre ouorum-o- f h seventy, Prest most the e xamination. tbo tarmerartil the trafflo and stiles raing, Arizona and Canada. tiering the past two weeks, the Mr. and Mrs.' Yemen . Bodert took Josiah Call and Patriarch Jam.- - J. has 4 commission L"Thla the step A 6f the votinoe that Is raised, and weather has been elearAna warm. and The Garfield choir rendered tbetr little son to Salt Lake City last Chandler. taken and deep irtterest is mon- - shipped The same chart contains pictures of the rulers , The to the marketsand for pro4 the ground la musiciki selections. farmit Pridav I some appropriate to be ed in the outcome. ere are a bone for for the the operete44on is tilted by walting anxiously that of the district opurt ellytoir term machinery first The ,the woris , presi ten so se in e -es, governors "- I rOi ietterson the producers In their valley. William when tttey can Start evamt,Ylso etTiverted) the " rounty 0' rm , I pperattonn on slow:Lay, White Was elected president of the Preparations at DEATH-Rigby courthouse Pew PHIL MULHALL Utah, presidents of. the Church-- with principal (wmee"IZ''''1 aCtive for this in the Osmose the appearance running process 2 but there being only a few society for the coming year. lltarch a Is for b recta the season were anner It that sugar the of expected crop cities factory. Non that the post office building world, latest census figures, population, 1 FORMERLY OF SALT tAKE cases on tha docket the jurors w6ra operating early next never better. factory will-star- t been to has removed street another dismissed for the term and a ofew -. information valuable live stock with colr regarding and the - mud is not so deep.- - the T ft. elvil cases...only are being tried thifr-r -afternocn.--theregulaSunda" -a sew Vostmturter bail be; . thotight-otSpecisi 0 ored plates;etc.; , vrers in Lincoln rhumb disservicu . VISIT Tml : her husband.muth40 rto to worry 1101136 of the oltieene, brit pensed with to allow the Parks for divorce from . A IWO. March to at' eandidates have not, so tar., made tend the funeral services peoplo . "Retail Price $1.50. G. T. Parks. has been denied. Geo. , IA died hers Saturday morning, the of the late of themselves to known illegal my selling found, Davis. guilty great Chutes W. Rockwood Of Iona. March Y. niter short illness ot Daly To Paid-U- p : Bishop Subscribers, of the Deseret of intoxicating -- liquor at a previous -" H. C. Austin went to Salt Lake City few days. Kis body wee taken to eemmeii oed. the;oree- with the Rockwood Spillett 0:41, George Vermont But Mins. Entrance cc term- - of court; having Isfailed to- perz----11TeNvel only sit ar accompanytit ti4201114.er Idaho Tells .nn the date of death for tion of a barn and other buildings an ing the remains offainilyo feat his appeal intime Bishop Rockwood out his sentence on the court house The Amoral maraca's were held his town lots last week. biuial. last and returned r Btffiday evening. SEE local lodge of Odd, Fellows rave Tuesday morning. e pay postage to domestic poin , grounds. ' It the L. D. C. church under the di- a The Elders O. r..,1Thltriey of the Coun- banquet and danee to the Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. WoodhOuse hays, no Cliff DweflerViMtunmte rottion of ElaboD Chas. Crabtree. at I Odd Fellows in the amOsemenriall returned ell of the TORR'e, Prost. C. H. Hart from Lehi, Utah. wheretheY' Skeletons of Extinct Monsters. d a was spent several days visiting with relaThe South Sea Island Coliection,, which P. on. Monday. March I. 'The speakers lest Tuesday evening of the First, Collipcil of Feventles, and f Mormon RHall end The attended of of 'direly by tbe member were Elder C. E. Dinwondy, Elder friends. , tivet Stephen U. ItiMvils, of the Funds!, and lived in the valley, and The finest Mineral exhitutl in the school baard werevisituts at our re- Dr. J. O. Mellor'has gone on a busiT. Mitchell and Bl'hop Chas. Crabtree . the order-whmoat enjoyable time was had by ness trip to Salt Lake. cent stake conference, ,which was ,at-- Mr E. R. 4 ell of Idaho rails, 1, There- wee out a , , 100 people. e - , rs and tbe piAttlf the visitors. Patterson leaves today on a. short abundaninv1 ot trip OPE - daJly except Sunday, 9:30 to tended by about Mtge Mary Frodsham, whole The weather Is all that could 'be destuto Salt Lake,. ;vita beautiful and appropriate Adittimion 111 coats. Con4:8. -- i Modern Woodmen took chars" at the dent etsthe Aviculture' pollee" ett J. W. Raker. whe hu been working ducted 'Artie, as roduced rates, by sired except the frosty, nights and ' farmer are preparing to pet In their cemetery and 481101ov Cum 11'4 Ma:-- yea. vrtatted here last Thursday. bvtuir- St the sugar factory here for the past to Letts Of Salt Lake dwattieted the grave. ins with bar MINSI Delia Borns-taret three ;war. has been triune 0 nelda A, , sSTAIETAX , jia . ' N. ::, ' - Bring Provo Down rtoDefeat 2 - . i.4-,4.- , : in-or- 1 :,.. , Z- n: ;...,., . - :: '', l ,' .ic ,4:1-',' - 0. , into.:.,--,,th(a- a ;?'- .!;, ,.a. a:a.;,,:-,:..,,,,i- ,' , ,I,k,.,,,, - .':'. oggl; - t i'').i , k, . ., .. :; ta71 - ,.: J. ,, from-Namp- . -- ?' ,' . ,:,,i,,:-.7-,,e.- -- - ., ; , - , - 1,, '- , , , , ,P, 12.--- Tetsele-Wileon- , 1';..1. '7,,-,,- 5, :' c... .i,. ; Is t ,, - ,,,, , - . . , - corn-pos- ItI0-191- 3. r? re wand 16-1- I i ritt hard-workin- Y.-C- , "To 13-- l 4 . Orta-Aethur , t - ke r " , D , , vu 1 -- - -- ottL-----Pl- Weeks-or-commi- ttee tna-mat,-- te , -- st- e 14 oPemolmow,m I 4 , . - L tit ew Map o lh L HC Alt - ' of , - le, on . - - bu, , or - aloleted tl s , be 4, C eseret .Net - . . k - tk , -- " Deseret Museum , o -- . .:Salt 'Lake City J.. "' 1 , - op-te- nt. lo ,as , |