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Show !: FOOTBALL FUNS I AWAITING NEW DOPE BY WARNrR' il ,: Football fans' are anxiously watting to see what innovation Coach Glen Ij Warner, of the r n i ? si i y of Pi I burg, will develop with the panther " 'J machine for t hr- 1'ipi :-. ;ison. Kv.-rv jj n ear Warner comes out with a new trick, or raiher a new angle of an old trick, and in every contest he seems j i to use it to just the right advantage .'I'll at ,h" ,,S1 Il0,,?" r, "lOUlt III ,,, j i insure victory. ' A couple of years ago, Wernera I j , Pitt machine came to the front' , i i throutrh expert use of the short pas ! over the line, it was nothing new, but as Pitt handled it, few of the' , students recogniy.ed il until they had , ,1 kM had an opportunity to analyze it. i , I Some smart gridiron mentors were! puzzled to the extent they were al- ill ! i most willing to so on record thr.t tho new "dodKe" way a violation of ihn Il rules. Then another year Warner had hi" I ibjM center play of rovinc r.ame starling from a peculiar anle. The play had 1 Ijfl str.rtlins effect Another year his j J fake passes simply swept Pitt over all It'll 11 opposition. Apponcnls Knew the tricks were there,, but Warner's crew Ifii ' u?0(i ,nr-'m with such astoundinp clev-erness clev-erness and at such unexpected mo HIE ments lhe were always decisive. IhIII The Pi" "rifl (Jiror,or 's poinz m Hlllt be more in need of tricks (his yea: Ifflljt , 'i 1 "i" I" ' '' r ' ' I, ;...cU.. IRKI (0nimanl of Smoky City institu till ' lion' for sovcral of nis most depend ' Il lil I" M i : Tin i li. '. In . n through graduation, and their places null H niU8t e tilled by youngsters with lit- tO tie cIbc than ambition to recommena I Mai them. H i; Warner's system of coaching, since. ' he first von fame at Carlisle, has al- ways included a trick or two, but ho , 1 has never made the mistake of loading load-ing his charges up with a trick cod j j . to the neglect or sacrifice of the ham- ltj I ened rudiments of signal makin ! which must of in-,. be mastered unl ii b-v aH elevens before they can even hope for success Warner's plea and 9n l his teaching has always inclined to. it!! ward a powerful defense rather than wtr a tricky offense, and perhaps this ac- nil ' m counts in no small measure for the 'ft rl s uccess of Ins tooiball H ens mrr 3JII y opponents who have a decided advan HI I j tagti in weight and driving power, i Warner and Pitt have come in for some near-scathing criticism for their methods n some departments of th game, but the pure (? experts are usually the first to record Pitt's workings, because wherever Warner may be there is cer.ain also to b some h gh class football. |