Show Obituaries Umberto V. V Runs 61 Bountiful died after a major operation In a Salt Lake hospital Wednesday at a a. a a m. m Mr Rugs was wa born brn In Celico Italy 22 son of Joseph and Ro- Ro carla sarla a f stR ia A resident s d t of ot Salt a n Lake City 40 years year he be had been living In Bountiful with a daughter Mrs Mr Williams North Stain Main street for or a ear He lIe le formerly was wa a a tailor for tor the J. J C. C Penney company Mr Ir Rugs RUla was wa a member of the Christo foro toro Colombo Colomb lodge bilge He lie Is survived sur I by a a son Joseph oseph Rugs Salt Calt Sal Lake City three daughters Mrs Carl Nordin Pocatello Idaho SIrs Mrs Mr Raymond D. D Foster Magna and Mrs Sirs Wilkins two brothers Frank Fank Rugs and Nick Salt Lake City and four tour grandchildren Maye Jennings Crisman Mrs r Maye Jennings ln Crisman r 75 a na native na- na t tire tive of i Salt l Lake City died l Tuesday dy nf in Is San Francisco aJ IS after a lengthy Illness l a ac according ac- ac cording to word o received I Wednesday In Salt Lake Le City Mrs Mr Crisman was Wa born brn August Augst 14 1866 a daughter of ot William and Jane ane Walker Jennings early Utah pioneers Her bier first husband was wa John ohn B B. Farlow Far- Far low bow pioneer Salt Lake C City druggist who v died Pl in iii 1896 J Alter After r rC ren spending en several v years In Paris France tol following owing his death she returned to Salt Lake City and was wa married to W. W Scott Scot Crisman In 1902 Mr SIr Crisman died In 1939 She was an early member of ot the Cleo Cleo- Cleo fan tan club In tn Salt Sal Lake City Surviving are two daughters daughten Mrs Mr J. J B Dunn Salt Sal Lake City and Mrs Mr Barrett Barrett Bar Bar- rett G G. HInes Hine San Francisco two brothers broth broth- and ers ens sc 11 Harold Joseph f P P. A. A Je Jennings Jennings I 1 Salt Los taeng Lake Angeles City f and four grandsons Funeral services serice and cremation wIllbe will willbe wi be conducted In San Francisco with entombment entombment en en- In Salt Lake City at a a a date not lot yet determined Bertha Mae M. M Tempest Mrs Mn Bertha Mae Tempest 35 38 Lincoln street Murray died at 8 35 p. p m rn Tuesday In a Salt Lake hospital The wife o of Henry G G. Tempest t Murray FI First re L D S ward bishop o Mrs r T ri was wan wa born May 7 1903 in Eureka N N. C a daughter of ot James ame Oscar and Mooring Mrs Tempest was a graduate nurse of ot Moore Herring loore hospital Wilson o N N. C. C WV In addition d t to her husband she Is survived sur sur- Ived by two sons Golden Blaine and Byron James Tempest Murray four our brothers broth broth- ers James aes R. R R Washington D D. C Eddis L L. hew San Diego Cal Cal Robert RobertP P P. Twin Falls Idaho and LaVon Y Los Angeles and two sisters sister Mrs SIrs Emma Emma Houd Los Angeles and Mrs Sins Dale Logan Antje Riet Bos Funeral services serice for or Mrs Antje Antic Riet Bos Hon Boswill Boswill will be conducted Friday at 1230 p. p m. m In the Thirtieth L D S ward chapel Goltz Golz avenue Mrs Bos Hot 83 of or 1054 South Second West Wet street died Tuesday morning in a aSal Salt Sal Lake hospital hospital Friends mav may call cal at East South Temple street Thursday from 4 to 8 p. p m. m and at the residence Friday from rom 10 a. a m. m until noon Interment will be In City cemetery Carl Carl 68 of 1901 South State street died of ot vascular cardiovascular renal disease at 11 p. p m. m Thursday in a Salt Lake hospital Mr was wa born In Utrecht the Netherlands Slay May 12 1873 a son of ot Peter and Jacoba A former caretaker at the Salt Lake L D S Stemple temple grounds he had resided in Salt Sal Lake City 14 years He lie le Is survived by four sons Dirk Jan William Wiliam Frederick and Cornelius Cornelus an Salt Lake City and Herman with wih the U U. S S. S army four tour daughters Mr SIrs Mrs Gertruda Gertruda Ger- Ger truda Groen and Miss Salt Sal Lake City Mrs SIrs Johanna Utrecht the Netherlands ohanna and Mrs SIrs Alida Allda Alda West Jordan ordan 21 grandchildren and one great great Robert Gardner WEST JORDAN Robert JORDAN Robert Robert Gardner GRrdner 79 died at p. p m. m Tuesday at the th home o of ofa a daughter Mrs Rulon Goff Got West Vest Wet Jon Jor dan elan of ot causes cause incident to age Mr Gardner was wan born April Apri 4 1862 at West Went Jordan ordan a son of ot Archibald and Mary Ann Bradford Gardner L D S church plo plo- A farmer and logger In early years he was wa for or the Utah-Idaho Utah Sugar company for or a number of ot years and was also field supervisor for or the company at Idaho Falls Fals and Sugar City Idaho He lie le was wan also a contractor and for or many years supervised p d road grading o on or r railroads r In aist Utah Idaho and Wyoming II as s well wa as excavating and grading work for tor the Utah Copper company and the U. U S. S Smelting and Refining company Midvale He supervised the building of ot the electric elec elec- tramway from Lark to BIngham the l railroad and the Orem railroad He lie le put In the first pumps o of Utah lake for tor the irrigation of ot the valley of ot Salt Lake valey Sal Mr SIr lr Gardner Is survived by two sons Robert V. V Gardner West Jordan and La LaMar lar Gardner Salt Lake City four tour Slaughters daughters Mrs Irene G. G Olon Olson SIrs Mrs Jane Finlayson and Mrs Elva Goff Got West Vest Wet ane Jor dan and Miss Slits Emma Gardner Salt Lake City nine brothers James H If Gardner Lehl Lehi Syrenus Gardner ames Orange I. I Cal Cal Bruce Ozro Clarence and Frank Gardner Afton Wyo W W. Gardner Salt Acon Lake City Clarence Gardner California and Edwin Gardner North Carolina and five sisters Mrs Mr Gardner and Mrs SIrs Ellen Elen Gardner West Vest Jordan ordan Mrs Sirs Serena Andrus and Mrs SIrs Annie Francis Spanish Fork and Mrs Lillian Lilian Garner Hooper Friends may call cal at 36 East Kant Seventh South street pending funeral arrangements |