Show Obituaries Richard E. E Howard POCATELLO Idaho Funeral services for Richard Edward Howard 64 of ot W South Fouth Futh Main Slain street treet who died Sunday In the family tamly home were conducted conduced Wednesday at 2 p p. m. m m In the theL theL L a D 0 S Fourth ward chapel with wih Benjamin Benja min R. R I Thomas Thoma bishop bish bish- op officiating Bur Bur- lal Sal was wu in Mountainview Mountainview Mountain Mountain- view cemetery A retired daIry daIry- dair- dair dairman roan man Mr SIr Howard had lived In this area aea 23 years He lie was born August 26 1877 at atu Bountiful Utah a son Ion of ot Thomas Thom Thor as and Mary May Lowe Howard Howad Mr ID Howard came cameto cameto to Pocatello Joward from f fro r 0 m Salt Sal Lake City He lie Hemar lieno no mar married a r r I led e d Catherine Luker In the Salt Lake L D 0 S Stemple temple Stay May 20 1903 Mr lr Howard lalu Survivors vr beside the widow id cude Include the following daughters and sons Mrs Katie Kate L. L Mrs Ella Ela L. L Evans Sirs Mrs Mary ar Leo o F. F and Joseph R K arUp Up i Howard a of f Pocatello r u a sf sister r and eh o one brother broter SIrs Mrs 11 Sarah A A. A Tuttle and ad William Wilam J. J Howard Howad of ot Bountiful Mary Wilcox B. B Blake LEHI Mrs LEHI-Mrs LEHI Mrs Mary Wilcox Brown Brwn Blake 64 6 died In a Lehl Lehi hospital Tuesday of ot a c cerebral 1 hemorrhage em a Born In Lehl September 21 1877 1577 a daughter r of Hyrum and d n Rhodes Wilcox Mrs Ir Blake was a am m married IJ to o Rp Frank Brown Brwn In 1896 1896 Following his death deat she married male Captain William S. S Blake a retired U U. S S. army ay officer For many years year they resided In I Long L Beach Cal Cal Mrs SIrs Blake returned u t to Lehi Lehl I several years s ago after lh the death i h ht ht of t her hS husband and sh h had resided here bere with wit her brother A. A L. L Wilcox Surviving Mrs Blake are ae three brothers tree A. A L L. Wilcox of Lehl LehI Sylvester Wilcox x of Red Bluff Cal af and Ii LeRoy eWI Wilcox c lg of Los Angeles Cal Ca and three tree sisters listers Mrs Mr John ohn Barley of Redondo d Beach Cal Mrs William at R. R H Hansen of t American Fork rk Ji and d Mrs s. s George r Elsmore of ot Salt t Lake City Funeral services will be conducted Friday Fri Fi day cay at 2 p TI m. m In wi the te A. A A H. H Wing mortuary more mor by Ernest N. N Webb bishop I of the Second dbL 1 D S ward a Friends d may call I at atthe atthe the mortuary o prior to services Burial will be in the l Lehl Lebi city cemetery eri Robert Clegg HEBER Robert HESER-Robert Robert Clegg Cleg M 66 farmer fanner and stockman life resident of ot Heber died Inthe Inthe in inthe the Heber hospital early Tuesday morning moring o of a heart hear ailment He was wu born November 4 1875 at a Heber Teber Hebe son In of ot Henry Henr and Christina Benson Clegg Cleg On October 7 7 1903 he married mared Louise e of Midway d who sur- sur t vives He Me also Is survived by 10 of t their f I 13 33 children Mrs Mr Bessie Bensle Bruce of ot Van i Nuys Cal Mrs Ida Powers s of t North r Hollywood r Cl Cal i Earl l Clegg o of Jg Provo Erwin n and D Dean Clegg g of Hollywood Cal Mrs ns s Stella ta taD Longman of l Salt a llYL Lake City Mrs Gladys Scott Lois ils Lola Ila and Maxine all 1 of Heber City He Is also as survived by 13 grandchildren and the te following brothers broth broth- ers ens and sisters t Henry Chess Clegg of Daniels I Mrs a Lena Wheeler t e of CJ Park Panic City a Mrs 1 Susie Armstrong of ot Pocatello Mrs Mr Stella Stela By Bywater Hyrum Hyrm and Oscar Chess Clegg Clell o of Salt Lake City SIrs Mrs Alice Alce Platt Plat of ot Park City Frank Fank and ana anti Ferris Clegg of ot Heber Mr Clegg was wa a successful farmer and stockman tokman and a lover of ot sports He ICe was wasa wa a member of ot the L I. D 0 S 8 church and held the office of ot high priest prest at the time of ot his bis death deat hig te Funeral services s will be held Friday at 2 p. p m. m In the te Weber Tir Third ward rd hapel la In charge of ot Raich Giles Gie bishop Burial Burla will be In ia the te Heber cemetery Robert W. W Maw PLAIN PLIN CITY CIT Weber County Funeral County CountY Funeral services serice for tor Robert W. W Maw 81 Si well well- known Weber be county t farmer u and stock stock- raiser I who died le at hI his home m Monday I afternoon slier after a lon lone Illness Ites will be be conducted Friday at 30 1 p. p m. m In wl Plain City L I. I D 0 S Sward ward carel by Charle L. L Helo bishop Burial Buria will 1 be In Plain City cemetery under direction o of LInd LIed t Cul-t ul t Sons' Sons of ot Ogden Olden Friends mar ma rail call cal at the te home of a ason ton son D Walter Waler W. W Maw Slaw In Plain City Thurs flues Tur- Tur day cay afternoon and evening and FidaY Friday Friday- un us- til tul tl time tie for or services Mr Maw Slav was W born br In tn Hull Hul England A April 18 38 1860 1660 a son sos of ot Abram and Eliza Maw With Wih his Barents arts who Elza were ere L D 0 S church converts he came to America when hen hen a small smal b DOT boy the te family tamly making makins makl Its home borne In Plain City He Re had hd In tn farming and stock stock- I raising all al his life le especially In raising raining sheep heep He lie drove dove a freight team from Plain City to Crinne durn during I his bis early life Ilp He lie le assisted In buildIng the Plain City L D 0 S Sard Sward ward ard cha chapel e He was wa an elder eIder In the te Plain PlaiD Cliv ward He married maried Annie Jane England In the 1 L D S ane November 22 1883 fh he died In IR 1891 He Me t married Elsie tred Marie Marl Green In IC the Logan temple em T March 15 1593 She Se died die several lenal years yeaS ago alo A Surviving a are his I 8 on nn and two daugh daugh- tP lers SIt Mrs IC le J 1 Buckley C I of opI Pleasant t View Weber county count v. v and Mrs Mr Llewellyn Llewelyn of ot Pla Plain Plain- two brothers and a sister lster Iler Hess Hess-c T. T r. Maw of ot Plain City Charles E. E Maw ot cC Provo and Sirs Mrs Florence Florence Flor Flor- ence c Hunt o of r Plain al i 15 grandchildren a ald ld hI r and 18 IS great Emma Biefer Brandley Mrs u. u Emma Biefer Bleter Brandley 72 ot of 6 Third East Eat street widow o of Theodore Brandley randley dl died Tuesday at p. p m m. In a aShe Salt Lake hospital s yr of 01 I cardiac li failure r She was wa born br A April t 10 1869 tn In Zurich Switzerland a daughter of ot Johann Ulrich and ad Bertha Berha Kleiner Kielner Bleer Biefer She Shem became a member o of the tse L D 0 S church r in m 1890 and had bad been n no actIve in church work o many any years Surviving Is a dau daughter ber Mrs Madeleine Brandley of ot Salt Sat Lake City Funeral services Ice sen-Ice will wl be bC conducted Friday Fri F day at D P. m. m In the EI Eighth L D S Sard ward ard chapel chaD East Eat Fifth South Sut street by Joins Fetzer bishop Burial Bural will wUI be In t Salt o Lake City cemetery Friends Fends may call cal at 2128 South Soui State street Thursday from 4 to 8 S p. p m. m m and at the chapel Friday ridy a halt half hour prior to services Infant Willard Wiard OGDEN OGDEN Infant Infant Willard daughter o oEarl ot of otEarl Earl Ran S. S and Ruth Rolls Rut Gardner Willard of ot 1441 Adams Adam avenue died Tuesday at an Ogden hospital shortly shorty after birth birth Private funeral services will wi be conducted con cots f ducted City cemetery e Wednesday will i be and directed burial r by in Ogden C r Sons Sorts mortuary Nels Nets J. J Jenson Nels Nel J. J Jenson 69 South Second West pl street Murray died of ot natural bu hut Undetermined causes cause In a Salt Lake Lae host boa bos pital t Wednesday at it 13 a. a m. m m Christian H. H PROVO PROVO Christian Henry 76 6 pioneer ne rancher and d freighter g died en Tuesday ss morning r at t the h home of a son Arnold H. H Rasmus- Rasmus en sen sen South Fifth East Eat street after atter an anI I III 1 I I In n e ess s a s o of several se months He lie was wa born August August Au Au- gust 7 7 1865 8 In Parowan a son n of ChristIan Christan r and Mettle Mette Rasmus- Rasmus en sen He spent his boyhood In Parowan and nd received his edu edu- atlon Cation there In 1884 caton he le moved to Sanford Colo Cob He Ic mar married r led Starts Marla I aria Heiselt on October Oc Oc- tober ober 10 1888 at athe at the he Mantl Mant L D S Stem Stem- tern tem pIe She died In 1918 at Sanford Active in the L D S church hurch he had served In n the northern norther states state mission field from 1898 to 1900 He also served nerved as a Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day school teacher Ir Ir ic Ja ln and was wa a I member of ot i stake sake council counci of ot seventy evenly He moved v d to i l S two years ago se i Surviving i are r a son g 4 J daughter s i Amold Arnold Arn Am- old H. H of ot Pro o 1 and Mrs SIrs Corene Andies Andlen of ot St. St Louis Mo Ito two grandchildren and five he brothers brother and three sisters George Enoch and Joseph oseph ot of f Parowan John ohn of ot Sanford Cob Colo James ame of ot Salt Sal Lake City Mrs Irs HattIe Mattle Matte Matheson of ot Cedar City Mrs Ella Ela ila Slaughter of ot Bakersfield Cal Cal and Miss lisa Mis Annie of ot Parowan Funeral services will wi be conducted Friday Fri Fi day at 1 30 p. p m. m In the Provo L D 0 S First ward c chapel el by Wesley P. P Lloyd bishop B Burial tlc tl will be in n Wp Provo City iI burial par park Harold Elgin Gibson OGDEN OGDEN Harold Harold E Elgin Gibson 31 31 of 1 1164 fD Twenty fourth r h hE street f died I n T Tuesday d at p p. p m m. m at the home o of a sister Mrs Howard P P. Fowles e of 1712 Twenty Twenty- Pir seventh nt ot street t from a complication 0 of rif all ail ments Mr Gibson was wa born brn October 30 1910 In Its Elgin a son of ot Archie K K and Minnie Mealy Healy G Gibson He came to Ogden with his yG Seo 3 re family y when a youth u and had lived here since He Me was a graduate of Ogden e high 08 f t tand school I and d had attended Weber e college and completed a number of University of Utah extension courses coures He Me had been employed for tor several years year by the regional forest service serice offices In Ogden den O and last January he obtained a R temporary leave of ot absence because of or Illness Ines from which he tailed failed to recover He le te also had been a Red Cross Cros Instructor in first tint aid ald and was an ardent sportsman and member of ot Ogden Ski club He was wasa wa a member of ot Ogden Twentieth L D B S Sward ward elders elders' quorum Surviving are his mother and two sisters of ot Ogden Mrs Mr Fowles Fowle and Mrs Emery Peterson Henry A. A Peterson SHELLEY Idaho Idaho Henry Henry Andres Andre Peterson Pe Pe- lemon terson teron 55 Jameston farmer died Monday night at his home after an Illness Ines of ot several several several sev sev- eral months lilT Mr Ir Peterson was wa born April Apri 18 1886 In Lehl Lehi Utah a son of ot John and Rhoda RhodaJane RhodaJane Jane Ashton Peterson At the age ot of 16 he moved to Canada Canada and a year later to Idaho where he was wa employed for tor six years bv be the Utah Idaho Sugar company He Ip married Hazel A. A Cox on January 6 6 1909 In the tho Salt Sal Lake L 5 D S temple Stemple They moved mond to Jameston In 1912 Mr Peterson Peterson Peter Peter- Peterson son had resided there since He was wa a director of ot the Idaho Irrigation tion ton district for tor three terms and was wa chairman chair man of ot the district at the time of ot his death He lIe was wa first Crt counselor in the Jameston ward bishopric at the time o of his death death Besides his widow he be Is survived by a son Ion Wallace Walace L. L L Peterson of ot Jameston ton nine brothers brother and sisters sitters Vernal ame and Lester Peterson of ot Shelley Sheley Mrs Elvera RIvera Arave o of Idaho Falls Fals Mrs Mr Armita Clark John ohn and Leonard Peterson and Mrs Irene Whimper o of Lehl Lehi Ray Peterson of ot Salt Lake City and Franklin Frankln Peterson of ot Copperton Utah Utah and three thee grandchildren Funeral services service will wi be conducted Thursday Thurs Thurs- day at 2 p. p m. m in the Shelley L I. D S stake slake tabernacle Burial will wi be bp In the cemetery tery at Taylor u under the dIrectIon t ot of the EIl nu Nalder-Eckersell Nalder er-Eckersell er n mortuary fu James E. E Cantwell Cantwel OGDEN OGDEN James James E. E Cantwell Cantwell 73 retired native of ot Cache county died cited at atUs Us bin home at 2313 Iowa avenue Tuesday at a 7 30 a. a m. m m after a short abort illness Unes of ot a heart ailment Mr Cantwell Cantwel was wa born at July 16 1868 a son 1 of ot Francis Francs R. R R and Dorcus Wall Vall CantwelL He spent most of ot his life Ue In Cache valley valey until he moved to Ogden In 1909 where here he had lived since He Ste was a member e of the Ogden Second ward of the h L D 0 R S church b ea and of the coS Seventies e rl quorum o of W Weber ber teak Surviving are his widow Mrs Eliza Testes Cantwel Cantwell whom he be married In Logan L D S 5 temple two sons son mared and three daughters James ae 5 S. S Cantwell Cantwel Jr Alma Y and ad Vivian Cantwell Cantwel Sirs Mrs ra George r D. D Granland Grant and Mrs Walter T. T R Read ad all of ot O Ogden den al three tree sisters Mr Sirs Mrs J. J A. A Irvine Irine o of Salt Lake City 1 Mrs Fred Eason of El 1 Segundo Cal and t Mrs Ernest Sr- Sr Needham d of gH Hollywood Cal Ca and nine nie grandchildren Anna E. E 0 O. A. A Snow HELPER HELPER Mrs Anna Ana Elizabeth Anderson Andersn Snow 72 72 died Monday at the home of ot her daughter Mrs Mr Ava A. A Draper of ot Helper Born Bor September 30 1869 In Denmark Sirs Mrs Snow was the te daughter of ot Fredrick F F. Otteen and Carle Cane Oteo sen She came to this country when she shewa was wa 11 years old ole She was wa a pioneer of ot Castle Cate Dale where she lived in the first house built buit with wooden floors She was wa an active L D 0 S worker particularly In Inte the te Relief society organization She Is survived by two sons Clarence Claence P. P Anderson Anders of ot Price and Lee Le Anderson o of Vancouver Wash Wah one daughter Mrs Ava A. A Draper o of Helper one brother broter Hans I Peter Peler o of Meeker Sleeker Colo Cob nine else grandchildren grand children and two great Thelma A. A M. M B. B Arbon Mrs Mr Thelma Telma Addoms M McArdle Bitton Biton Arbon formerly of t Salt Lake City died early Tuesday In a tS S Spokane n Wash a ho hospital hospi- hospi tal tal after aUer a week six week si-week Illness Unus according to word received by her t parents n Mr and Od John eIT T. T Addoms of t Salt I Lake k City lyOd The Te wife of ot Leonard M. M M Arbon she ly bad had been n employed e by the emergency e crop and feed loan et office t of the Farm Credit ad administration ad administration c ministration In Spokane She was transferred trans s- s T there l In 1834 1934 ki from s Salt neIka Lake City Surviving are her husband a a ton son sn Terry Terr McArdle of Salt I Lake City her parents r a brother rOh Fred Addoms J 1 of Salt eL Lake City w four tour sisters Mrs Mr Elsie Shepard o of Salt Sal Lake City Mrs Ethel Wesner Weaner Wener of ot Chicago Mrs Rea Rca Foreman and Sirs Mrs Phoebe Phobe Kaufman Kauf Kaut man both boIls bt of ot Los Ls Angeles Martin D. D Brink Martin Mario D. D Brink 39 20 South Sooth Soi Second Wet West street treet died Tuesday at 3 58 p. p m. m In Ina Ina I mesh ment ment a Salt Sat Lake hospital of a a. stomach p all Ul- al |