Show Heres Here's to Hearty Appetites 1 Savory Beef and Kidney Pie 1 Beef and kidney pie robust and hearty favorite of masculine appetites appetites appetites ap ap- petites Is as certain a culinary pathway to popularity with theman the theman theman man of the household and the business guests hes he's asked to dinner as ever was baked in any well-regulated well oven Generously filled with cubes of seared round steak and lamb kidney with just the right dash of onion carrot and potato potato all all allin in a flavorsome rich beef and redwine red redwine redwine wine gravy topped with a flaky golden brown crust crust t it is an eminently eminently eminently emi emi- satisfactory solution to the question of what to serve for informal dinners any time I Budget Service Its It's a budget service too using less expensive cuts of beef inexpensive In Inexpensive inexpensive in- in expensive vegetables and one of the fine r red rd d table wines of Cali Cali- Cal Cal- fornia By discovering the finest flavor of the meat and antI the gravy and by giving the whole added flavor finish the wine quickly repays the hostess Its very modest original original original inal cost In the cooking process process process proc proc- ess the alcohol in the wine evaporates evaporates evaporates orates leaving only the fine flavor flavor fla fla- vor essence to enhance the dish Serve Wine Too Glasses of colorful red table wine served with beef and kidney kid kid- kidney ney pie add immeasurably to the distinction and the enjoyment of the meal Nor are there any complicated rules governing the service of this ageless beverage It is served simply In whatever glasses are available Ordinarily red table wines are usually selected se selected selected se- se for red meats and white table wines for white meats fish and fowl The dessert wines go with the dessert course course or or after it and It-and and sherry is most popular as an aperitif BEEF AND KIDNEY PIE Serves six One and three- three quarters pounds round steak cut in cubes 3 lamb kidneys 1 cup potato balls ski cup carrot carrot carrot car car- rot balls boiled 15 minutes 1 medium onion sliced 1 11 cups California claret Burgundy or any red table wine 1 teaspoon salt lB B teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons table table- spoons butter 2 tablespoons flour Plain pastry Split the kidneys in half lengthwise and remove the tubes Soak in cold water slightly salted salted salt salt- ed for one-half one hour Brown the onion in bacon drippings Add the beef and brown on all sides Add one cup water and simmer covered over low heat for three-quarters three of an hour Brown the kidneys in one ta tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon ta- ta of butter turning occasionally occa occa- Simmer 10 minutes Add to beef cubes Add meat and heat Season salt and pepper Remove and kidney from wine gr Blend flour with remaining ter tar and add to hot wine gr Cook until slightly Put meat and vegetables in iii casserole Pour o oil on gravy Top with pastry c pricking the crust in se set places to allow steam to esc esc Bake in a hot oven grows grees for about 20 minutes l browned I |