Show Begin That Practical Economy Right Now Stretch a Ham or Roast for Several Meals Let the men talk about economy economy economy econ econ- omy its it's the women who are really going to practice it and make it work But like every other kind of saving economy in food buying and preparation must be truly intelligent to be effective The best way of stretching food dollars to make them go further Is to buy stretchable foods For Instance instead of buying meat for one meal buy a ham or roast that will stretch over several meals Serve it for Sunday dinner r in all its fresh goodness of taste and appearance Then using your ingenuity and some of the many attractive recipes from your recipe file serve it in a variety of disguised forms that will vill contribute to economy at no sacrifice ot of 11 i i v If your family has a weakness weakness weakness weak weak- ness for ham here is the way to prepare it for its first gala appearance at Sunday dinner and some additional recipes for serving it at up follow meals to derive every bit of value and tastiness from it VIRGINIA BAKED HAM Ten or pound 12 ham bread breadcrumbs breadcrumbs breadcrumbs crumbs brown sugar cayenne pepper whole cloves pineapple juice Wipe ham with a damp cloth and make deep crisscross cuts cutsin cutsin cutsin in the fat surface Do not cut the meat Dust with fine bread crumbs Sprinkle with brown sugar and very sparingly with cayenne pepper Arrange cloves in groups over surface of ham Moisten well with pineapple juice Place in oven heated to degrees F. F Allow 20 minutes minutes min min- utes to each pound for baking Baste ham occasionally with the liquid in the pan Serve on ahot a ahot ahot hot platter garnished with pineapple pineapple pine pineapple pine pine- apple rings and parsley Make a rich gravy from liquid In the pan first skimming well and adding one-half one cup of pineapple pineapple pine pineapple pine pine- apple juice HAM ROLLS WITH CREOLE SAUCE One cup uncooked rice 2 tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons ta ta- shortening 2 tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons table table- spoons onion chopped r cup milk 1 teaspoon salt 8 1 teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tea tea- spoon pepper 12 slices ham 2 tablespoons butter Wash and drain rice nee Cover with 1 cup salted water Bring to a boil boll Reduce heat and cook without stirring in covered pan until tender Cook onion in shortening slowly for 5 minutes Add rice milk salt and pepper Cook slowly until milk is absorbed absorbed absorbed ab ab- and mixture holds its shape about 5 minutes Remove Remove Remove Re Re- move from heat and cool slight slight- ly Spread ham slices out on waxed paper Divide rice mixture mixture mix mixture mix mix- ture into 12 portions Shape into cylinders Put one cylinder cylinder cylinder der in center of each slice of ham Roll up and secure with toothpicks Put into greased baking dish Dot each ham roll with butter Bake 20 minutes or until thoroughly heated Serve immediately with Creole sauce sauce Serves six PLANKED EGGS WITH HAM One cup ham minced 1 cup bread crumbs cream 4 cups mashed potatoes 6 poached eggs tomato slices green pepper rings Mix meat with bread crumbs and enough cream to make a paste Spread on heated plank Make a narrow border of mashed potatoes around edge of plank and inside the border make 6 nests of the potato Slip a poached egg into each nest and place in oven until potatoes brown Garnish with alternate slices of tomato and green pepper pepper pepper pep pep- per rings Serves six HAM WAFFLES Two cups flour 4 teaspOons baking powder teaspoon salt 1 14 cups milk 2 eggs 1 tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon table table- spoon melted shortening cup ham finely ground Sift flour baking powder and salt together add milk to yolks of eggs mix thoroughly and add to dry Ingredients add melted shortening and mix in beaten egg whites Fold in ground ham Bake Save Flavor If you throw throwaway away celery tops you are simply discarding fla fla- vor They can go into soup they can be dried slowly in the oven and stored away for future use or they may be used in a hearty bread stuffing or meat loaf Citrus Flavor Do not discard rinds of o grape grape- gruit oranges or lemons Gr Grate te the rinds first put in a tightly covered glass jar and store in inthe inthe inthe the refrigerator Makes excellent excellent excellent excel excel- lent flavoring for cakes frostIngs frostIngs frostings frost- frost Ings and such |