Show J Go Get Em IEm MacArthur REAT news for all the united nations nations- GREAT r General Douglas MacArthur is in Australia Australia Australia Aus Aus- I where he is taking over supreme command command com command com com- mand of all united nations forces in the southwest southwest southwest south south- west Pacific Its It's great news on two counts First of all the showing made by General MacArthur in the Philippines and the experience experience ence he gained in combating the Japs there make him with without mt question the number one general in the war against Japan The possibility possibility possibility that his talent and his experience might have been lost to America and the united nations nations nations na na- na- na through his capture in the event that finall finally finally- the Japs could overcome the stout resistance resistance re re- resistance re- re of Filipino American-Filipino forces on Luzon was a prospect feared by Americans They felt that America needed MacArthur on the broad front of the war in the Pac Pacific ic even more than the nation or his men needed him on Bataan peninsula Now he is in a position to direct the whole united nations war effort in the southwest southwest southwest south south- west Pac Pacific ic which includes final command of the forces in Luzon Second with General MacArthur in command command com com- mand we can expect plenty of action in the southwest Pacific in the future MacArthur is a fighting general Hes He's already proved that Furthermore hes he's a mighty clever gen gen- eral And hes he's proved that Most important of all he has demonstrated his ability as a aleader aleader aleader leader of men his capacity for inspiring them to do what seemed almost impossible That leadership will be needed in the coming battles to halt the Japanese tide of conquest and finally start it rolling back toward utter defeat Transfer of MacArthur from Bataan to supreme supreme su su- supreme su- su preme command in the southwest Pacific is isas isas isas as good news as a battle victory And we can be sure that the Japs wont won't like the news very well They know what they can expect from that man MacArthur They've already lost one of their ablest generals because of him him and and have had to send their best general general general gen gen- eral to the Philippines to try to get the best of him Now they'll be facing him ona far broader front front and and we hope he keeps all of Japans Japan's generals hopping and committing hara Go get em MacArthur America is rooting rootIng rooting root- root Ing for you you and and fighting with you |