Show Hen Henry I ry tells it Ii like ke it is J 1 1 Lisa Keene Horizon Feature Editor I tell it like it is said Alberta Alberta Alberta Al Al- berta Henry president of the Salt Lake Chapter NAACP as she spoke to an almost- almost capacity crowd of students staff and faculty last Thursday The speech was in celebration of Black History Week Henry began her speech saying I hope no one likes what I h have ve to say I dont don't tell ho how how- to be popular I Itell tell it like it is She would rather be rat at Weber State College where the Reverend Jesse Jackson is speaking She would also like to go to lunch with him and the Jazz and rub shoulders with him but she has a soft spot for Salt Lake Community Community Community Com Com- College In 1972 she received a student award from the college then Utah Technical College Henry has had 14 years experience in Utah education and administration She received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Utah in 1981 The University also awarded her with an Honorary Doctorate Doctorate Doctorate Doc Doc- in 1971 She has received many community honors for her activism Henry addressed the issue of celebrating Human Rights Day She said A law was passed It was first a federal law Terry Williams representing representing representing the NAACP filed a abill abill abill bill with the Utah legislature Henry read the current law There were 11 holidays for which state and federal employees had the day off There is no mention of Harvest Day UBA Day Deer Day or anything like that But Human Rights Day is a legal holiday Schools around Utah gave this excuse for not observing the holiday We have heavy loaded class schedules on Monday Yet the law read For any holiday falling on Sunday the following Monday shall be a holiday Then Henry gave the audience a quiz because you dont don't feel like youve you've learned anything unless you have a quiz Does this law say a aBlack aBlack aBlack Black Holiday No Do Does s it say its it's for educational purposes purposes purposes pur pur- poses No Is it just for Black Americans No Is it used as a compromise day No Does it say its it's also known as Human Rights Day Yes Your president of is interested in education and he is interested in equal treatment Just like Dr King who went to jail fighting for justice under the law Then Henry r revealed ve led the hidden Utah secret Henry said I love history and Im I'm sure youve you've read and studied encyclopedias about Utah history Ill I'll give anyone S who can find it printed that Utah was a slave territory She then went on to give facts that prove Utah was indeed indeed indeed in in- deed a slave territory Almost every student who went to Utah junior highs or middle schools used the textbook The Heritage Henry read th the book and found 97 words about Blacks Blacksin in Utah And those words were Negroes In 1984 It said nothing about slaves Henry wrote letters to the authors stating Remove the book or you'll have a suit She later received a letter from the author thanking her along with a revised edition edition edition edi edi- tion of the textbook The new minority section was now in the back of the book We Black Americans shaped the course of history in America said Henry There was slavery in Utah Brigham Young and the Mormons Mormons Mormons Mor Mor- mons brought slaves Now on the Brigham Young Monument their names are on the plaque but they are called colored servants 4 In Utah just 25 years ago Blacks were were not allowed in hotels restaurants swim swim- swimming ming pools bowling lanes and Blacks couldn't marry other non Henry continued Brigham Young said black persons were inferior to whites Then in 1978 Spencer Spen Spen- W. W Kimball president of the church received a revelation that gave Blacks the priesthood Henry concluded to a standing ovation Changes are being made Changes will come People of good heart will care enough to come com e together to make a better world for all of Gods God's children Y S i ir k 1 a. a r a J Jj j z C S 1 q 1 Y A IV I x e v 1 I rt R w w k kro ro p S. S L A i BI Bli J TJ k i o r T Alberta Henry reveals the hidden Utah secret during campus speech I i. i j i |