Show PIONEER OF EARLY DAYS PASSES AWAY David ld James an old oM time limp r resident of or orall Salt all Lake ell City died this morning at ruts r residence EJ ence West Vest st Firth Fifth North orth street Mr air James was born In England Nov m- m her ber 5 G. G 1832 and r. r came to Utah In SI In ono ceo of tho the famous handcart companies lie JIo nr Itt first t settled In Draper Drap r Utah where lie he JI JId pd d n years After residing for fOI some Iome time In Cache Cacha valley ho came to Salt Lake City at the tho special request of oC Brigham Young and arid opened up the time first plumbing ss In the city lie He later entered tho the contracting and building profession pro pro- and beeam becam well etl known as a a. railroad railroad rail rall- road contractor When hen the tho Sou Southern thern PacifIc Pacific Pa Pa- chile was is-as being built hullt he tte furnished tics thea for forthe forthe the tile construction of or that thal road over o the bl big Promontory point hll hilL Th The funeral will be held Monday afternOon afternoon afternoon after after- noon from the tho Twenty-fourth Twenty ward chapel Burial in city cemetery |