Show BOY STOIC CALMLY WAITS FOR DEATH NEW EW YORK May fay 23 Sov Seventeen Seventeen- 1 old Peter Ed Edelman hopeless in a alove love lovo affair fired A it l bullet into his left bre breast st last night in his home bONt on the third floor of No Xo 1 1 West Sixt Sixty Sixty- seventh N While neighbors w worn ro rushing r for llo doctors doctor torF a 30 pT priest t- t tt t anti aud tho the poli police o Peter Poter with the blood pouring from his hia Wound sat Bat quietly in a chair charr smoking a cigar iJar ot otto ette tl IC Youre Your a coward for trying to kill yourself said ono one of the women who crowded into tho room No Im I'm liot ot a n. coward an w rod Peter quietly It It takes a a Jot lot of nervo nerve to mako up your mind to die and put a pistol up a against a our chest and pull the trl trigger ter You didn't shoot hoot high enough commented a manIll roan man Ill Ill I'll know better n next time replied replied re re- re plied phed Peter You Yon will probably die Peter thatis that is a bad bar wound sa said d a n kindly faced facea wont woman it a. a Im in a lot of tr trouble uble I hope I will die r replied d tho tko boy When an ambulance from Roosevelt hospital arr arrived eJ a few minutes later the tho surgeon after a brief brio examination of tho the wound round had bad the tho bo boy carried to the wagon W and arid told the driver cr to got get down n downto dOnto to hospital Bellevue as al fast a as he ho could ret Peter r lived with his mother Mrs l Harriet arrie Rickert She Sho went w out shopping shopping shop shop- ping 3 after ft r supper About 0 6 0 o'clock clock Peter loter sent his bis little sister Mur I r- r ron on an errand orrand Then ho shot himself He lie waited s several seral eral minutes minute to die and ana then went to to t the tho adjoining apartment and aud asked his Ius friend Thomas ine Do to send for a n priest st Devine rushed out ont for or tho time police und and a doctor lodor Other Othern n neighbors called a no priest who administered adminis tho time last rites of the church just before the tho ambulance arrived Pct Peter r had written ritten a a noto note to his mother It read Say Sav good bye to all aU my may friends Kis iss Mar Mav fa for me I havo been in a lot lotof lotof lotof of trouble Tho girl irl is not to blame I don't dont ion t seem cem to get et along anyhow There is 18 no use trying for I cannot Good Goodbye mother Mrs rs Rickert said Peter was WM in love lovo with H II girl Ji in living on Eleventh Ele avenue Four Pour days ago ho he saw her lIer walking with another boy Sinco then ho had moped Ho lie worked orkell downtown as an elevator bo boy |