Show DUTY ON CRANBERRIES NEW YORK YOnI May 23 It H It has las been de decided do- do b by the tho board of or United States Stales general general gen gen- eral appraisers that cranberries pack packed cd In casks are aio dutiable property un under tinder er tic the specific provision In tho tariff for cranberries cranberries cran berries The Importers of or tho berries objected to the action of tho the customs custom authorities in classifying tho the berries as 18 fruits pr preserved prO pre served in their own own Juice with a tax of 1 cent per por pound and 35 per cent additional additional addi addi- valorem In reducing the tho aeson- aeson mi nt Judge Waite Walto says the born leg berm-leg s have havo not lot lost their Identity and should bo re returned returned re- re turned for tOl or duty at 25 Ei per cent cont as claimed |