Show OLD RIVALS WILL i MEET AGAIN SUNDAY SUNDAY Another Interesting game of or b baseball will wiil undoubtedly be the jesuit ics of the tho contest contest con con- test scheduled to take place pIneo at Walkers Walker's Cell tomorrow afternoon moon between the tho Salt Lake lak nil and Occidental a aggregations gr illIon Tho The colored boys boy have havo been defeated twice b by bythe bythe the local team and UCC d In lIer securing one no tie Each F. of their thEl feats defeats were ocro b by close clone how however hower er that Is 11 even even- reason rl to o that the they are aro about duo due for fOI a 3 victory victory- The Occidentals Journeyed to Draper yc st rda and O cr overwhelmed h the thc country boys joys 0 b by a score of 13 to 4 rh Their lr t team m lifts has h been 11 nJ mat materially rl II since last lut SU Sundays Sunday's game and th the chocolate colored tI hom have 1 practiced faithfully with that only 01 on one hope hop In I view tO to to win nt ot lea least leut t tone one game from Crom the Silt lt I Lake Iak team tam |