Show I BOUQUET WORTH I THOUSANDS O Of DOLLARS CHICAGO May 23 The The most valuable alua ble bio hunch bunch of bl blossoms ver ever handed is isa iSa isa a gift ift to a person was received yesterday yesterday yester yester- day by hy Mother lother Loretta of the House of tho Good Shepherd erd in iu this city eit Tho The value wan wag HI S. S l in cash lb The TUP bouquet bouquet bou bout composed of gorgeous multi eel ored Ired sweet I peas pea was wag presented by a delegation of the ladies ladies' auxiliary of the Good Shepherd headed hea ed by Mrs Irs P. P 1 Ca Cama Cavanaugh ma u h. h Terming an integral part parl of the bouquet bouquet bou bou- but hut hidden among the petals was wasa a certified c heck cheek for 71 of which is iR the net proceeds of an address on charity recently held hero under tho the auspices of oi the auxiliary b by Bishop Glennon of St St. Louis Th The total sum is to bo be devoted to the furtherance of If the house of ot the s 's among mon women Omen and girls Th The a auxiliary was organized last f fall 11 by of Chicago go to aid ail the sisters of the tho Good Gor Shepherd |