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Show I! THINKS LI8E1M j' ! Scotland Yard Detectire Pursu- j ";ing Man Suspected of I j j Frightful Crime. ! , ;IS BELIEVED TO BE 7 j j i ' ' LIVING IN OREGON FOREST j J Killed Young Couple in London I I j ' : Outskirts Forty Years IK 1 j ' Richard Dunbanc of tho Scotland B . 1 YiiTd detective corps, London, was in 1 Salt Lake Sunday on his way to Oregon, I, 1 Avhcre he expocts to take into custody a I I man who forty years ago perpetrated a I I double murder In .tho outskirts of tho S i English metropolis The1 dotectlvo said 3 ' lie had almost positive evidence that tho ( man. for whom a search has been made C all over the world for nearly half a ccn-vj ccn-vj tury, was now a prosperous lumberman a if in an Orogon forest. The families of tho P q two persons murdered have pursued with dftji undimlnlshlng vengeance the man on g 3 ' whom suspicion foil, and have spent a $ J J largo fortune in an endeavor to locate T 11 ' In the sprhu: of 15C7, according to the I j J story told bv Mr. Dunbanc. a young gin I ; ' of a. proRporous family, Emma Boutwol , I j .was cngngod to the son of an b-ngllsli I, .3 i merchant named .Lambert. Miss Bout-l? Bout-l? . well's parents objected to tho marriage, E ,i ( becauso Lambert was reported to be a 1 ! wild and reckless character, and, after t ( much persuasion, the engagement was I broken by the young woman. I Toul Murder. K V-U ras only a short time after this that .LMiss Boutwcirs engagement was an- I . nouncod to A. F. Sill, the son of a t "I , wealthy land owner in Essex county. BBHi J Shortly after the engagement was made V public Hie murder occurred, The bodies J i of the girl and her fiance were found by BlH i a roadside on the edge of London. Kvl- BIh dence was discovered which caused the f ' authorities to believe the victims had BP! been unsuspectingly driven to that lo- HUj oallty In a cab by someone who had de- J , liberntcly planned to oommlL the murder. BPl Suspicion soon centered on Lambert, hut before he could be arrested he had HHk? disappeared. Members of both tho J3out- 1 JA , well and Sill families vowed to nevor rc- J j linoulsh the soarch for tho murderer as BBpJj . long as they had money to carry it on, BBl w and they never have. El 4 .' Lambert was first located in France, a V M,t- although the detectives found out KH '! Trlicro he had been, ho again evaded them It . and disappeared as completely as the tlrfto 4 .imrocduitok- after t he murder. A mrwrir f came to the detectives In 1S0S that lm- j h;rt had become a. wealthy banker in XV -New York City, but investigation found I this to be unfounded. 1 Travels Far and Wide. Iy "And now wo have reliable informa-r informa-r tton. though Indirectly, that T.ambert Is t lu a lumber camp in Oregon," said Mr. j $ Dunbanc, "and that he has given up all M i nought, of ever being captured. T havo mado a careful study of tho locality of j I the camp and llnd that it Is over a day's j ride from a railroad, so that nothing loss ' than telegraphic communication could j reach him sooner than 1 will. There are . jiot three people. I believe, on earth that 3now he is the man wanted, so I havo i absolutely no fenr that he will not be caught if he should be the man we want. y "I have been working on false rumors ' in this caso for several years, and during T that time T have been in nearly every 5 Stato in thip country and in several in 1 ' South' America. J "LamherL is a crafty man. I now bo- ' i lieve that he has been in tho West for ! the past fifteen years, although we have . only had this information in the last I threo months. I never heard of any other crlmo that had been attributed to I him, and while T believe he murdered Sill and Miss Boutwell, I believe he was 1 sobered by tho crime and has tried to A Jcad a straight life since. But the mem- t bers of the two families are persistent, j 3 and as officors of justice the detectives ' J have done their utmost to apprehend I 4 Iambert." t Mr. Dunbanc called at the police sta- 1 tlon Sunday afternoon, but he declined to '! state what his business with the local r i , polico might be. |