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Show II ! ' NEW RULING CONCERNING 5 1 U. S. CIVIL SERVICE 1 ' The United States Civil Service com- m mission, in co-operation with the War J, department, has recently mado an lm- m'i nurtunt change in the procedure of exam- ! 'inlng and appointing persons in the varl- j ous mechanical trades and other similar poslrlons in th" quartermaster's dcparl- jnent at large of tho War department. W ,( Heretofore all applications bavo been S filed and all certifications for appoint- 1 niont have bocn made at Waijhlnglon. D. U ( C. Under the new plan tho secretary of 3 j the twelfth civil service district, with ft headquarters at San Francisco, will have L'f ' charge of all matters pertaining to ap- plications and appointments to these po- Iri sltlone. and will make direct certification K -to. the officers of the quartermaster's de- I partmcnt In all the States and Territories k. J of tho Pacific coast, iff ' No educational tests are required for ci J 'any of thesu positions and applicants arc ff Tated on the elements, of age, experience U and- physical condition. & . Within a short tlmo there will be ji I I local representative of the Civil Service 1 commission selected at each of the fol- fl ; lowing offices: Chief quartermaster, Pre- U sldio of San Fi-ancicco, Department of California: depot quartermaster, Q8G J i. North Point street. San Francisco:, chlcr m ' quurtcrmaator. Department of the Colum- M hia, Vancouver Barracks, Wash.; quar- B ; tomiaster, Portland. Or.; quartermaster, m Seattle, Wash. 1 , (Application blanktj and further Infor- f . matlon may now he obtained from the t f secretary of tho twelfth civil service dls- 1; trlct, Postofflce building, San Frnn- i Cisco. |