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Show GEORGE VANCE DENIES CHARGES OF CRUELTY George W. Vanco does not take kindly to the complaint for divorce recently filed against him by hi.-. WfC. Amanda E. Vance. Mrs. Vance charged her husband with extreme cruelty. In the wav of beating beat-ing and abusing her. She ajso alleged that he became enraged at a cow which had struck him In ihc fnee wit its tall whereupon he secured an ax ond went after tho object of hls wrath frightening and exciting his wife to such an extent that she fainted. In his answer to the' complnlnt Vance denies tho cruelty charges and alleges that he ha r a 1 ways cared for and protected protect-ed ha family and that he ulso bag provided pro-vided them with all the necessaries of llfo, which good work he Intends to do in the future. anw accordingly ,lSks that his wife a complaint be dismissed. George W. Vance Is a near relative of Thomas ance. who Is charged with murdering mur-dering his wife, and Mrs. Amanda Vance Is a sister of the dead woman. |