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Show Ephraim News. Special lo Tho Tribune. EPHRAIM. Jan. 26. The 2-year-old daughter of David Sund died Wednesday ovonlng of pneumonia. The littlo one had Just withstood a severe caso of measles when pneumonia set In. The fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades wero treated to an excellent programme pro-gramme last Friday afternoon at tho North schoolhousc. Tho teachers had arranged ar-ranged a programme consisting of songs, Instrumental music and rocllallons. The Commercial club held Its weekly session In the city hall with a very lai-go attendance. President 'Hanson reported that the matter of having a telephone Installed In-stalled In the Rio Grande station had been referred by the superintendent to Agent W. S. Stove, who had acted favorably. fa-vorably. Seven new names were added to tho roll of membership. The gun club is making preparations to give u grand ball next Tuesday evening. even-ing. The affair will Include a programmo and banquet, and will be the social event of the season. Road SupcrvlFor Martin Isaacson has had a force of men and teams repairing the grade across the swamp.- The expense ex-pense of this work Is being borne by tho county and tho ' people. A loading place whore tho dirt can be scraped into ihe wagons has been constructed, and tho grade Is neariug completion. |