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Show ,. , NOVEMBER MONDAY NEWS HE DESERET 23 1921', . : MELT' UPON ,CONIEDETAION TO Ir4EA - E..LE - -3 ' (-- , - i t :.. , Z- 41. . 4a .:?' , : - . - ruz----2 '211 CZE117-7:',- ...:, 1j, r - ta 41,..c., : .: ; , f , Will Likely Spring,. ...,in Thanksgiving .,Dczy Conte5 Defense For plays-Uta- h ggies Drill Llthn Eventers Are In LIcLinim May and t c an Teat' Inexperieigu cl Hooiier Hurler ;:ur-t'- e Alsoel Prime Shape For Bout Be Ace of All Due To tiove Up Considered E3 Clearly Excels Sh ow IntB ig On i At Hippodrome Tont . Vint L000 Feathenveights Stresses Defense in Drills; Lorin ' - . - o it -- - -, 10,9 i Henry Mack and Frank Buffington Promisse Plenty of Action in P ST tlAllt PLAT. (Special Leed Wire to The ):ewel ra- TORE. Nov. 1TH only a few- - hours to go before their round NEW physical growth of Thu- battle atthellippodrometbeatre tonight, in a bout m McLar,oin commie. big boulder from the path of Fidel which will headline the Manhattan - club program, the flyweight champlon. Last year Jimmie was not much Unit Nobe7,Coervaritea,..4unl:George Sonia ed gond-iiiZbigger-the- rg drink of , themselves fit this afternoon for as gruelling a battle as may water. When he stood alongside Laharba it would have taken a offer itself. , , '. keen. !nage of libleical.dimenalians i to tell v ss boys. have--bewhich was the bigger. al- -, Strent$OUld r. They had seed to. though istijarnauerotlactMc., on. the Lamm had a few pounds to show any advantage at ail, lie flyweight king. Maybe that was why the Scotch two exceptionally clever. He wins his bear Labarta the times bouts by ptwhing his opPouent to IYank met. ,,b. 'limit., Hio starts trOM the first then McLarnin has been , song. keeps en top of his opponent stead Ly growing toward the alder-manGDb26'. Non, '',21,.Wittlent . all of the time and wears him down clam. The other night, Lowe, for the pout fou until be is helpless and then wades let Jack weighing Iti pounds, - is and does his work. For that Fields stay two rounds. then sockimam an Aunpire in and kind of battling. Nobs mutt be in on the ed chin him for a full and thymm dmme the bawd" weeperfect shape. 'If he islet be is SOO. may em a chasms hi eel minute Jack believed he was in liable to take a plain and fancy pampa awe mmthe daring the bird house at Golden Gate tt.The ail re e ia . . laming. , Barry Willionsa president oti the Peeing (best leetine le communiesniett to a local Indicates that Lowe! ;lawmen, wilt. be even the once eirer. - Fighting George Must be Fit' , Nobe's style of fighting demands. per force, that he bo in It shim, by the same token of his pponent, if the oP1 Mama tamed& to have a whimer-log thanes, to be In Prillbe own' Mon. a tor It is bard enough , sturdy battler in great form to hold off nut "hinging Nebo. and It ho , isn't in condition, he'll surely fall the little Mexican.- - Little, Lew Paulso lost by a knockout to Nobel by lbst route- - and .7tanklo. Darren., oven in good allaPe. lost sante a decision. Sloths will do tho Howeveunless he le In the pink.. todal.r,--bothboys looked good'-and dociarod themoshres to be fit- so Mors should be a good battle. Henry Mack. unknown to Salt Loiters, but with a groat reward in the cast. has worked out remtlarly Imre tor his -rranitio- Buffington. ol Balt Loks., Math cams to Balt Lake unknown. but socording to reports from the gymnasium. he a 'ratty fair sort of it boy He has segos speed, a meat sock and ' bows a great deal of Pair His maim claim to fame is 1 of bouts which ha hod with Allen; town Johnny Loonsird, sod hammy Manilla both of whom have lima as by Tag Riskard as tioutandtbo lightweight Otis of t ors for my hoodrish. MI lost a close doMaim to Lamaist end tositht Nam deli a Maw - - tour-rou- nd -- - Look to be - tbill Another press lb foot round and Ted Burke. of tiolitt. It is a chat colored. of between a pair of boys wipe bongos in knockouts sad know bow to ad. minister them. Burk. has won every tart ha has bad in the ring by a knockout,- - twinning his last fight down for a after being knocked count of nine himself. Fle bowed won rile gumtrees came back andmans boat flea. Stewart is is the boot Monday he mat John Posoly, in round the and Snit first Lake. of bad him down three threes. Possly eame bock with a rush and had iltewart banging on desperately tho worond round and out en his feat lust about.all of the Deno in VI third round. however. Stowurt out. gained his rival and wen by a knockout. When two ouch gam. eters inset and start exchanging wallops there should bo plenty of In anothor preliminary Young has shown Danny CrItrion, who noon real stuff here. will moot Padre Ford. a newcomer from Pueblo. Ford is said to be a mighty fair di lid Vaughn. of Perk City an Ray Langton. of Balt lake a pair of two hundred pounders. inexportears& bat willing Muggers. meet should be I n a preliminary which full of action.'llonty btazob and of youngsters. Toting Bert a pair a four dash in Due curtain.raiser. round bout. Mnrsh knocked out Ned Johnson, also of Sidi Lake in a round last Monday. - - , On - 4 ....... Nloom. Peionakt 0Irfo4 11t 11 D. ., kora by offics4"0--RaD- . GREBLZT. Colo, Nor. Colorado College Tigers digested tbs Colorado State Teach- S 10 to in a chow battle Mooed IT' kers Saturday. The 'rigors mood their roguMrs with the oxception of their throe right lintionton, and Soo Teachers mooll Meal border boats fa, than was expected. 7lia Snoop and summary: Colorado College. Stato Teachers. No Poor. :::7-1.1s.. .. Piper 1. Balance Jon ,41. .0 imaultar - 111r Cox. a ovb Mom Itosommer...ig....., .00chriot - Art Coal loom trat C. .......... Brows .. Spar.? EVAILIIS .. . Photos-A- P. thb Timothy Adams Scoring noutmarr: Colorado College; Touchdowns. Cart Browns Groats'', P. Brown. Polito atter hoechdown. Colorado Collage: P. Pleas (drop kick) tiold goo: Jr. Photos OftigaloSoforos. Jordan. Dart- mouth. Dompirodisokanoon. Bead Colorado As lasoaaDoos, elm Drake's Hopes For Second Place Gone - met troDrES la.. Nov. 33,..-(kbus plunging by COrY fullback.. gave Iowa phonier a I to 4 viotory over Milker Rat Droke untvemity in a gam that wreekod the Bulideirs boons for a no for second placs in tho Missouri , valley standings. Lineup and summary: Drab. lows Otata. Coo . . ... Henri Kingerly. i . Gal booth Snort Amend Thomas Amborlong Robertson Mayor EC) Bond ....... . re.... Roane Everett S. Rehm (C) sb........ IC Rimers Cook Creakhiri tb Cory.. ,..ig.,, it; ;;;iods; Boor - : 7 lows State Drake 4440-.-4 Scoring: .fovra State. tonelmiewas Cory. Point atter. tomeiniews...J. 3. by J. Bohm. Drakedateties.' Bohm. R.t.rui Coerans. Kalamazoo; umpire. Carritbeen. Munoin; field Midge. Little, Ohio StoicTimehead linesman. Donna, Nebraska. - et 14 StbillaSIL periods. I IAA Amateur Game For- Young Grange I - , 4 Lheeen and asinalazt: Ohio Mane (al Maeda (le) Ramo! eatatinabmil It Mownner Nichols Reed nalveley ..... la. .... e.. rt.. . Nana oSS ., Weida 2 2.44 -. writs db.. Clark .th nnn,,,,,nana liar pee. Iva... UMW ie.a;le;den .a. o Ohio Stat , - - 41 'a 2 I point. flood. tho foelhall rherstrothentant halt anammitter, 40, leek play, ear ea tee eatalflower it t than I -- tractniester of Oa manly - Weddle Otnotent Slag ALLE.ATAIL aizth ger "EVerYWC" TIM Illsoolve ANsetwIrol Dar re...4Ln 111111 IMBNO1111111 Waite. :1111t ingrOAre 1100000Er. MA& Illsoro.-or- Tola L tAir. !J s' gent Sate ONE DAY ONLY. SAT. NOE. SE Sart Sat Nate Sat, $ AS pi. EL 1711M1raA11,2E ALI; 4a $-- 16 I ii I) ne t e Sok Not , ir tie - :T - - ' EVERY ITEM ON THIS (BILL IS Hfl. - - - IT'S it It MARION DAVIES CONRAD NAGEL CHARLES M'HUGH AND STAR CAST ALL IN FUN It - ALL N 00 - . ..... 00 LIGHTS OF OLD BROADWAY NEVER RAYMOND PIKE RAISE-- 00 OUR PRICES TAYLOR AND BOBBIE , C. ..,..5 ee.,. CdI.. , ... ,..,--n- o .Te.E I -- rpit 1- 1-4 VI:1km &X Prongs 1111(91'1 KMER Dirttt Iron' 11011 r, 0 , 0 Or -- ITIIEDB - ' PAT & PAULA HANSEN Ik.1, i , . tt . - , it 4,-- .1 , - ,:s 1,A,rditp Bowies Ass Q illeleregpia Nummoil Bon LYou Viols Dana Behort, Bosworth WOOD 00 PICTURES -- YONG , tVA a (ft) t togiIN L.., aorka al&ollose ' . Also howls atom, litedena Candwick I' - 1.171r1hp, . , ' s . Ilea 00 00 00 ictleillinconsoberwil'adiddd -' .A-- 1 Nzws Ei t . UTAH wain a 'rbra Dancebuld:' 3,,7, p. sa, i Rex, GOLDEN GATE REVUE UNIVERSITY Fw1AktENCE ble:INIALLY h.g. American , i114hit :.aad telMelfirb -Pemba flow SEE , th.11112.11.6.16;tood limns illaseton 0 )iet" Georges Man:Hoff Phsents E o ( 41,... Oncrears-Ru- n " 00 00 00 nthe great romantic, historic story of the treat I IS Me le OUSIL Was rasitam, - - nt Ilamon. Ptak noose BleiLg. 1 - 1 t 4 le m Joillegoodt. teadelpotobedi Coot go Itabotimee. Prieerno logliodlost loner tans itilight.0e so 112211. Elevens IIIi .. - otottC Ulm C 1 It 1141 WOO Standings of 1 R. M. CAVE -- a'. - - laratent Valon messenger bore football teams played to a to I U. on the West high eam-- I pas yeaterday. The day measettger, team played the night messenger' PetettDoughortg.- ,00r ' FACArlitRA Le 1.0 , eteesptevotiorte---Team.fort Ahat ma to be in store Tbe outstanding weakness of the for the local which will the game thusi a et e at for the Partners, Isstart the. fact least before the seven of the men have never that May. game...and prob-- ed in the clamto before and six ably afterwara.- I of them are playing their first year Conside table Of varsity ball, Hamilton. M is roused Minnie Lanford. Gibbons- and Nut the an- - for ere the linemen who will Oar -of ttheir first Thanksgiving day genie. tient i- 11020- days attlyotTm-a;.are re-- 4 ilaw1f 1, rul'hack, and Gibbs, hair-- IC called. In that year the Jiggles! 6" he 1e backfield men who will start the game. were hopelessly outclassed but they Armond Jtits and eaptain'Led- - e'- went down with blood In their Ye dington, playing their fourth ye,eric Thomas his third and Fr-and'elydo "Far :Worley, bad ,biti ley in terplaying the serond toe working to perfection and the only veteran who timt, ado,A,, itt at The undr- astonishing result was a 9:to niably wood, almost victory. The very sad apart of all rood will b lseeettlint ad ,.they this is that those victories are, la elevost-thi- but tt the past.apdThursdaY's game hi In whleb hoe is more iiiiti good and eXpetlene, the very doubtful future. At least The Article iniuryIst 'tittiellin Geddi es Howe efidence, selves with the hope that the out- and Sander 'aro sittil come is doubtful- aroundBowe may get tiohbling into the gain if It i$ ne'la11,1trr tiod Minders ha hie may to or got membersoare saying nothing.- Nat- tackle, They are not likely to sisei urally they are rot Tim Referee,. Jame,: C. Masker. Worthwtweerve; umpire). Juba J. ik.bom Ster chimera; bold Judge. Neck Nuance. -- Baconian. Dapetwori-imeJ. J. Lipoki. tone eti porkeiner411 gotautele Chicago. OWLS'S: rEATURNE----- 7 At 4 4411011A. IroN Wt. Aillia Bottle to 114 Tie' Rothe Ttlimeiw....Troaatiehowww. - 1 td i4 Western Union Teams - Salt Lake Theatre morn Lemma. tW. it Drain 'sack. "n- ' Oak-bin- , la GILIT)111131- ALLEN Smigrol mom Roy blander". star ,,battback on tba football team the Valsoralti Nish Allow slastasy et Ow St Peet of Nebraska. la aofmombor of tbs atter American I2 aeseetatioh bsfl hob too the pones tore at Lineal. tlitstis kicks), Imo Hanson fillaireht two bats D, iserbillowite past yowl. Onions Nada reSt. the Denciiiisaoloves. 14Tl4a. Michigan: pilot Dli Sodom,. Nor- kesdlissenbas, waves. tea. litichigas; emnimmummlom Tilos ot period, IS misstep I Inissis. :41.813C Point atter tonclidaws. ns ( rnmitIck). Wisronsis.-,Tonclidowetal. Luth ,740. - BMW, D'ambroate.-re.- 4 a 14..40 4) I ChicaceTourbdscric, fretiollt! , ' ...... - In-a- Mdlouvrallaor IdeCartY . twriedit: tecon14 4111Mesirs 1 Orate teagerminal and Kassel; antra palate. Britton I. Itarek; Ora SCrlotivoin Ohio Harmonrb Meran4etwo111, .. n. North-',aster- 1,-I- -- 1.40111Pe Samsun. I 1 S) 511103fa111CIEI5 Ritaell Hinitatan , R,,,,,, 71-VII0- sentasnr: Irbo tummy ft) 071111., Otios( Clark Inotoollen Britt OM 0.41 Wes. Datigise4y. Illobactsid ,, Nelsobst...,re. rekrom Ikon" lirenter,....ror Itinat 1111010 . . Wlik StiPk,,, 1000LLEGE I 7 bile-m- ed o COLO', of-the I : ....... -- trowt-inenth- ers . , - bass thaw db - upon Lake Michigan was nothing but it saturated- solution of muck'. Plebe Wolverinen. Viewing the work of the tweil elevens in all other game& the conclusion cannot, be escaped that there were theae outfits to meet under even fair playing conditions. MCIATnitt II being touted as a Michigan would win handily. and coming featherweight king. He is The Wolverines have played I Wonderfully fast. . convincingly defeated Indiana. WM. ........ ... , Perkin orunt4oll ,..M......-4.and Ohio B1 LL kWELL . McDowell consin and Minnesota, 1 4'"..r end won Stanford Guard Hurt Mansell ...311..... M. M name b State in the ronferenee., 3 to .. Northwestern Richmond Illinois from ' al..... In Auto Accident iii, AJOR league team are . Ilinftfillt oIlr X. ...... Indiana, 11 to .... ....rt .. .. .. bigamous defeated 63 to i0. ding for the services of Bill wore........ . .. W ittlell gan dejeated the Hoosiers. SAN JOSE, Calif.. Now. ........1"........L. Wingate..... Northwestern was beaten by ChiNorth. guard on tha StanBurwell, star of the ludianapolle MallOY . .. 41 b ford football Paxsegui.. has played his I team last year, , Bill 1,eagh, a team which both Darb, last game of lone I!". 24 gam" Skill".7....."tr".".W and Wisconsin swamped. Today ha - 1)11 t ''11' Das in the Pal &Ito hospital, fight- - for the litoosiere and 'was one ot SP", too Por- - . submitottletur. PotionNM ing for his life, with his back badly the meet etteehre right hangers , u kin'. Amon. Stewart- This Michigan team is splendidly msm 8".1sa Gianta and Yankees I aacompanied by Mias Pran- the league. Earth, ll gifted departments of Hen"Drill l'"111.". teeer... 141111 bead ces Tangential. & Stanford titudatit issast. West. Loki sive and defensive football. .It M left hero in an automobile yeaterdaY ars mentioned in deal rumors. rugged-outfand yet fast and afternoon to visit :timid in I alert as a team of sprinters. Such Near Mountain View. Ms car skidmen sa Friedman. Gilbert, Molenda ded in the Jimmy dust and turned and Gregory in the tackfields and beneath. aver, pinning tho - ouceoadad-is--lifticouple ng Passing matortmorand Hawkins in the line. are en- the machine and extricated the were who to Mountain ruahed dowod with natural ability of the pair. View aaaltarium. k highest order and Fielding Yost, Later. both were romovad to tho his amistatit eoachca have deat Palo alto. ' .12P ImolaiJouganmil veloped them to a high pitch of tooaustained k. collar bone and severe tuts In disciplined Protickincl. 1 accident. the a; A400.4141V -7 bats Milo, atbun ntirittTer.C-W.- JOUST OGOttle GOLFS-Kt. tending physician, said that 1.1prth dt OGDEN. Kee M.Thirty-si- x was in a critical condition. O. dealt. played over the golf course the and of Ogden country,club golf POCATELLO HIGH ROCKY MOUNTRES. Lebanon Valley 41. Albright 4. here yesterday'. Ideal weather conditions have prevailed for the past BEATS BURLEY Colorado College 10. Colorado' Geneva 10. Waynesburg 0. Hampden Sidney 4. ,Rsndolph- ten days and some fine scores were Teachers S. 22.-Bev. POCATILIA Colorado 34, Western States . Ths Pocatello high school eleven -- Colorado Washington & Lee 14. North Aggies 41, Colorado Carolina completely tippet the dope this af- Mines 10. State it ternoon at Overland Park by defeat- West Wilinun and Marl 20- - Roanolin high school S. East - high ing Burley high school by the cor school Simpson 111. Cohimbia College 0 S. of SS to It Pocatello towed its first George Washington Se. Buffalo Monroe high school touchdown en the third play In the Payson initial quarter. when Garner. full- high school O. Renestaer IS. Connecticut B. Y. U. ZL Montana State T. back for the locals. raced several broken field for a' New Mexico university 30, NeW 'yards through Woo. Lava& 7Prt. Colorado Aldsloo.., Itaischdown Pocatello scared anoth- Mexim Aggiee - Massachusetts Antes I. Tufts , 4.1 tralvervoity et Fur touchdowil shortly after when 1.e00 - PACIFIC COMM. Rutgers 1. New York U. II. I Loll C. A. C. tho ball was carried to the .0080 Norwich I. Middleburg I. 4 I Stanford 4 1 .047 line and Garner plunged through California 14. Wyoming U. Temple IL Susquehanna -4 Off Colorado,Valveraler the Hue for his second counter. I Bound Washington 711Puget Mill- -, Navy Plebes. 40, New York A R. Y. V. On .the first play in the second .204 Oregon Aggies 11. Idaho Lary IS. Colorallo Collerre 4 2 .411, ran :Thomas. halfback. left 17, 'quarter. 8 C. IS, Iowa O. Mount Mien SI. Hiram O. trootera ataro 2 4 i .222 fifty yards for a touchdown. PoCalifornia. 8. B. 10, California LaCrosse Normal IS, Donut' 13. Colorado Illaso 2 - I .ilia cattalo ruched the ball to the iloataren 4 Tech 10. .2to II. Columbus O. Augusta has and Thomas plunged through Deaver I Occidental Pomona College IL the line three yards for a touchColorado Teaellemr 41 I .429 $01)711. Tabula 14. Louisiana State I. MIDDLE vrogr. Lost Worlea Burley made its first touchdown Auburn 30. Bintkingbam South-aCrab T. Warming IL Michigan 35. Minnesota In the third quarter. The visitors. ' 411 11. AMON '011111d colorodo P. Illinois Ohio State 14, by a eerie. of line plunges, rushed Moan Mk Lends 13. John Oirroll . the ball to "4 line. and ,Indiana O. Purdue S. CoMeada Ilatverrity 114. Weal. Iowa State 1, Draks it. Halt shot a nice pass to Silcox. who aro leery EL Y. Di 114 iloataas Sesta Y crossed the goal for the first count. Wisconsin 20. Chicago 1. BINGHAM SOCCER 00"1014: Oillare Sr. Hull foiled to kick goal. 10. Ihflesouri I. Reims i.. Otostrat Toaelers IL TEAM WINS IN Lineup: Martinets 13. North Dakota Pocatello. Burley. Notre Dame Northwestern 1". le Chandler Silcox Tido vreolle lebodate. TILT WITH OGDEN Haskell Indians le, Creighton Bwindelman Barlow It..O Cornell Co. Club Staubboir- "weir Currie.. Hartsell Catvorottr ve. ,Cialk Upaalo Cooper 'Union oleo at lialt Lake. MADDing Casts $. Western Reserve 0. Colorado Amite a Wyoadag, Hartwell at root Conine. Kenyon 30. Akron U. 0, Whom DIERVIPIP va Celorallo Saxton . Gibbs Calamity 7 E Dayton 43. Otterbein O. 1 ValeroOa at Deaver. James Ohio Wesleyan 41. Bt. Xavier I. ve.liontaaa lloadma Welsh Thomoo.........1k..... Mercer 21, Oglethorpe S. Corearaity at 101110ittolit Inamemoq Griffith McGreet..........rh : Louisville 34. Toledo I. Butt MU Wooten' Otala vo. Door Illeziao Catholic U. 10. allude" IL I I 1 ...ogro (tali at Anarritarogroo triaadoodemasel. Callies '4.1 2 1 16 Illinois WealaYan S. nliaola ee.....16 $ S 12 , Vikings , ledge t. S 1 Ells Disappoint St. Marrs Coliegto SC Ripon Col Ogden Rovers 10 a 1 4 ipur Calandlo Oriamda ...x...111 Balt Leks 1 1 I Ulnae uIDs.v. Tale Nebraska Ramat fa,. It. Dal Wesleyan 11.06116011 Cedarada toroa am f. tn.. . 1 asyloa Moine b. Domobora at Cedar Walit tunny 11 14110Hil Jam ILdrodoor memilommuum 'Bradford ningbans 1,Ogd. TWINS' co Syracuse 17. Nisaara Welleter MIMI? oo, Yale O. Harvard S. on elnahlr o. Pottle Itradford Lafayette 14. Lehigh S. ..... Cheek Columbia 46. Alford . Its b eternal , Holy etwat 46. Roston IT. 1. Zs rbbov lorr Alibis army 44. 17Henus G. lb Hug picture seven br Part0481 Rucknell 7. Dickinson I. ,..4b1st agobt4all set . Tato itaverford 12. ftwathmore 1. aroma a 0 NICY PLAYING --.11.76:46Allegheny 43. Westminater Ttaeorao. C, QM Sarre M. Mar.'''. Vt. reedits Koasea: amply T. J. ?boobs. Coatis. Georgetown Ma; that Imago. J. IL Informal. Dart. napalb; bead limoaim IP W. atatpay, Stamm Tame t aarbeda. "AIM" , No one realizes- - more . that tha Aggies face the biggpme odds in- this i'ear's gam. than ewer sub-Je-ts before.But they are going more7 optimistic for, dtecuestort the Utah fight, on that thorn moons be no to doubt. Tiler hay. vowed x. eopporters are (teeing into the die annals past and uncovering !;itt, Wontbea t Ahem triore, than two the; touchdowns Ton 1.1.1"."11Si: at roost. cgeoggs the t Michigan" haa !ion pee .tig which , indicate t The chief Aggie has been drilgames and lost one, Northwestern lthet.iat ,war1on10-in.i., bag wow 4bome--4 nales especiallrott defense,and j sundry timesi for the Redskins' playaThe of. of this group and lost ofl lentive But power Of the Crimson team Farmers Logan! have t bao been tremendous in every gems 1 Mon. haat defeaged stronger Op- ' - Utah .the Uttar have tr"1"7,:34 .s- beaten ponents than - has the Zranston t when they were :machine- - thouldplayed and if the team. The one exception was whenT ,111 get going on not at given before fell Wolverines it would be better or Thanksgiving the chance.- - This In i the a gem Pilorodt w.re newer the Aggieb:it stotY dulgence is abotit i written when the new gridiron bordering the only : com- - ' '"--"-- -c; ... - Wisconsin Chases Maroons to Cover , ic l ed score-look- MERRILL, BY MILTON GAN; Nov. -- . !A ;4 Romney To Thomas to Surprise Utah's Hopefuls. 116-4C- opy. t - 0 BY 1.4W1ENCE PERRY. 11)RIC., Nov. right., 10224Na unbiased person wiii dinpute Michigan's right an cha:Olon or the to West Ora- conference, as wed aa to stand hIgh among the, leading giro, 7. c hg Plebe isn't lt(8est al La-bar- k, Coast Leaguers; . NtA;rhileN' high East. schools of Salt 'Ake were battling to a scoreless tie in one of the semi-finbattles for the state champions)ip. Monroe and PaYsea to a high were fighting desperately semiother score . here 0 final tilt. The Motiroe'lilaYrs had a considerable advantage in weight the vim dildi local players, ' 1 Payaon bunch lacked tit poundage they made up .for in fighl .., .',,, .. The P eyeop Pie held like a genewait and only onee duripg the eonMcmros, machine able, testivithe make first downs, while the lo-to eels got first and ten on eleven oc- cantonal. Monroe carried the ball to line early in Payson's three-yar- d carthe garne;- - and a Jain. but the locals fought them back to the center of the 'field. Payson opened up with a series of end .''' runs in the second half which took f them near the Monroe goal. but the 1 southerners tightened up and pre vented a score. Both teams titled football quite extensively. . straight 4 with few passes being attempted i either eleven. by The lineup and summary: . ass iissas saniniaryi Prelims Look Good Semi-Windu- p; sit - p 4r No LOOM PEOSINK" Addled Attraction Tiosintd Irsat Can Yea Dad Niel& weeinallocal .. 4 asasse lea isoloodam litsalopo runtime "The Adveattrous Ina TROUPE Od DErrrn SEE rr 17S concc TO BE PACKED See' Clara Illsobert Palathooss. Slade lattlions sod other ISM sapodilla sovilsoloa laklat oalati Polools WONG To.DAY ADVIIES Isaias oad - 7:7, I PANTAGES . Alw. |