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Show - - , , I . . . tOnPnwnw..,W,36.4, , - , , , .. , . , i , .... , 1,1 - . Ohre tne riche& - neither poverty nor - 1 ; - 0 . I1 IZ 1 . ,....... ...- - , a I FO MITIM . - - ' . , - - ., i , ' - q E.- ' E.., A--R 1.717 Payers Plead ' for Some , Improvement Before - ,, 1 Paying Nev Toll; Hear: ing Delayed to Nov. 30 , - - ' ''- .- the under Property holders Above Wahl aro Korth Point drainage district inotodlog Nov. 23. county peered beforet lion sitting as a board of Sag for tile district. and protested - 5 OATSs HURT 15 - - - ..., C , ...... .. ,, -- I - 's 7,:".1.,t.. y- . 1, Car Cralikel Into Milk. iieragon. Three Heaves Leg Bevke: Cut .. It . 4. ,..,,,.., , . ,4 ' , I .. ' , 'r-..-. -- , t, , 1 mra,113thenjob.a.7:.....Brulled'ir. of I -- -- C4-1- sk e- - . '., L"''. - - ! . yrAtn - ;AA- , rt 5 Iri. - y,, 1 i beinge 'j pieetere anedreeeli.lebtutee.3uWinian not to has lately denied the Indiana and they support our children & rebitek.exusiotattrual;aikno Y enrell:orrtiemdir- t- ,,. ,... ,, , . . i r It dian 222 bureau , . . , : , ,F . :: i - r : e . . V fp. --- -- . tot- twill - ....ueth it . . Upper ,A ' . - Colorado ' ra r "148 stilt probably act In eoncert laid nk th. - anykoodificetto a of ble-atal- id their lands I which, may be presented at Ilse Iodising irrigation next :Mk, '42"tt vt : , - 1111 soma epteeltrav ,IILITE,pit ... . , ' i 1 iI - a Az ; TO i i 3 ,.. , ., , Urges Upper Basil 11.1V ! Interests to Cal2111.O like rfla"nd. all . and, ! Southern live o Californs-our Pleas; Board Dueln &L.,n: Teti-chie- chnetase D.:141.1; tiamodermedh.r. , , - , ' Title of the Pueblo Ind !eau official. don't understand out New Mexico toelanda given them! mdnonrster.. thbeeYsaida7 the. ore, ,Ina. been by the 'Who can prove that the Great gelded and lands have been wrest- ttpirit arid the Christian God are eg from them to the. extent they two? We believe they are one are sdowly starring to death. is the the wame God. The government not I charge Mad.Ofby John Collier. rep., !only wants to destroy erour religion. We resentative the Indian Deofetib nele.thu: ohor form of g weeabeadgdramureasr. Jr,;,,A ,..., ,.,,,..xi (4 - ,,, . Eittli Ellin street who auffored It be influenced to remedy condition. Tribal Deem brakes rills Congress Paseeda o fs decked- tit teeth Indians to- - recover by an nolo- at a tocalsbohyboe. through the catina--Th- e naobil iondayNtiv peahredWd k.tilthaceots TwamPeal"apatnierd cosiornaterdbeongs - , , - Pliiii)!0 Cliels' Seek Ass's. tance: .mS1:: 1111TE11-'5TiiiII 11 II , alma wad Iitered sbe was wrack Jwbr. . i ,... v,....) , onasftitelle74.e -a ,.....ero- e , , , man I , .SEVENTY - EDE . . matarsouncleotmlant:nurglienmeutedotetabtepirlearelithatgalonuce. ,,,,... - , Reezt 13, Uinta the payment of any more tax until definite for drainage have ., ' 11 - . re , i, ,, 7 e .1js, . ' e see' Ow ,17E les ' ' , i, FOR - -- gm wthhenecrispahe -- Priv- ' 18-ac- - . s. LI . 111 field of trenches. for the carton is IMAV. enroute tt). mIght,' , Washing-tonD. C, addressed- - to President Calvin , Coolidge, White House. Welt-sh- : , - a carton from this sever; - , , to yeelectionatternoond, , . ' INTO ClIASHES - SE ECIa. SECriul e ., NOVEMBE1a-23-19- 25 IJONDAY .:.1cliiéf:- Miss Florence Barlow, celery conno'isseur,.. , - For .',:::,.136.--$.-- filled 1 . (8i I i : gams',",rehappeCarettizeriaasattentiOnon 24 ' crrY uTmt KE ; - . I- - A ; ,,,,c. ,, PIIOT.51-:.:TAX:'- SALT s , ... lirtt, 'v. V,.'110,-'1101.1)115':',''- - ' -- :::':Vr.:.fiti.. g-,.- ; - c 1 ''''1)111111AgE.AliEll'iB , ' - , ii is - - f 0 4 . . T ri rase - , ,,,. , , TT , Ilitndrznil cooetafftlitteeaGeofic:tgewheaa:e ', - zz, ... 4,..,,, f It hi set out to the board that I Dern las sent t : , 04 The irtep:::::tatorantb.tese as vothascsbmr: $13.52 low as !incomes per lazes have been collected for three 115 aaM LI CCEV , eapito ,,milit .,.,,. t be Potel per year,- - seeording-t- o- Mr. Collier; . w.ire ., , , governors of Wyo. , rears without any , Improvements - Po will be Colorado and Mew Mexico i , ,t,'... A campaign te being conducted to directly tato the eg 0 ante saving been made., s f i I of Utah tonight. under auspices . ' ; ... 4,'" , , 1 flft(h. A. R. Gibson. declared be would !raise money to fIght the tissues ha lit5::,stg"tni: 61 1i Willey's ear. tibia is the Pilth motor the extension hotiontethhperrote- divigion of, the Uni.- A.,,,,.,i. .',..--:.. not pay another cent of drainaglIt t1,7. ti fatality he. the city this yews. : ',I.,I'wort., , eouid . 12.600 are , , ' Pueblo. as. . tstrict tax until something .tha ' y y Cadfornia and recommending that e L'!1 I c' 1, beTinCensecreof othiedmi' bill;d1whoirifikaerefr"kikkullrk- most shown for the money collected. ' highly developed Indians I.Allen accidewnteereinindajuredit.Leinitellatituttne-da1 mates get ' ''' in Washing,,''f,"." . T. Sanford appeared for 'north of the Rio Grande.-- Each of the Ll -- '' ton before thetogether sif Indians the fact tars" the bearings. itiopite v ? -' - the district supervisors. own When' has' Before the and Monday Wafinng. Perhaps oc- hold tribes its t Was- Freed language.1 to and the land. title legal accidents until of the was ecxem.,..,, laws most serious u postponed Rearing . P- perpet......uated protertion of their fro"rrup"are- - Vig:atuutnhg"tonn the it i . Witness' Died sett Monday to permit this Curred Monday when an automo- were guaranteed enhaapre7ims: to crashed property and political liberty in the Ballard Delos repretimes.-driven bile by -- - pearance of Ashby Know. Cement .....represen...t.,tb treaty of deep-dye- d Of Beating:if-- -- into a, Clover Leaf otimetittentwaat lUstieteted. Indian tentative of The Portland civilization. friary conferences which started in . waii affirm- Immo( Mr. to Mr. Collier. driven by Ira Earl. 24 company. It Is understood Santa re, New. 34esico. Monday. and ed the in President. also was Cengrees by , bs , , '7ording nr...n . Snow is now in Washington. . Norman Ballard . of the years .. Mr. Colcourts. according to Coming to halt lake. se and the three nar- the is the final date that bearbeen living under govhave ., - This lier. ' Dominica Defa at Fa;nt- - Creek Los The inincr. serious ernments trig ran be held for the reason the .which escaped insure will ailgelen party rowly SP. Jr ; liberty, The Indians were put under injuries, , The ' tag becomes delinquent - Monday. in Uinta beaus who figured hi a. Ballard& Nattered and fraternity. he said. rive in Denver next 'Wednesday. in Indian , Nov. 30. at aoon- filet...malty sensational case involvtng alleged I f about the head end bands and Earl; guardianship of the Cheyenne two lulu Thursday which groups prij One of the; their citisenship was taken la Lake Saturday for of the district are A. traffic in liquor it cut On the head. and they became meet wards et; the Indiatis--,-th-ditigraced themselves with the goy:more and again under the same charge as the I r. Supervieors lAiwoon. A. 0 Anderson horses drawing the milk Wagon "Mormons." whose bureau.- being treated as little, ' ' lifivester Q. Cannon. Mr. Cannon result of a raid conducted by fed, a broken ISL making It Dace the shows no conflict with the cording to advice ju- na almost' to the record children. From s Age tren:ese and find the cri spest ders Red Man from all their years of Criswell of aver to shoot the animal. represents Salt Lake on the board. eral agents and Sheriff A. H--I SMOOt Weekly u the - field with guardian Assessments of the district M1tchell-- 1a announied - The accident occurred en &ate presenthaa been contact, and the Franciscan !mit- - me Colorado river The with huge acre III E. Richarda this Commonwealth cents; for Utah. . to director and: been adopted by lecialatures ot 'mounted between per asionaries. ,Package hundreds et tbouaands of celery !street Indian lands.--b- e .1 whiles in seising Defa was indicted by a federal rear bringing receipts. to about Lie declared the Indian titles are Utah. Nevada, New Mexico. Wye- - 1 back door of !Wasatch avenues. ,bunchoi is at the accidents charged. on a grand jury In March. r Sunday til.00.0. of the None President. the tn oldest the United Suave ming and Colorado in tete. ConBait Lake, only a few minute?: were serious. according to police No nerneehment la chargeable charge that be sold whksky to Isaac ratified the pact but insertride from the center of town. to any 'Mormons" but, this is the tevinr and have been affirmed by torting . litakenkent. Indian. Alice Pigeont tile. president, Congress and the ed a riaer that the ratification --- Over a thousand cartons Of ttali-- ' 'reports R. of 341 only people that hati desisted, he I Sakenkent.Nvite of Illtaeo aligned an should Chrieten9011, be complete ft and when the 11011011, SPIED CHAIISES Gordon., 1 es-I:4)unit The Indiana would be more over aMdsvit at the time that after her I From a Salt Lake valley celery celery were sent eachtoday his sister, Cep, said. Boulder canyon dam is authorised prorperous it they left their-lanfriends east 'Eighth East street, 24. press by Salt Lakers Mint husband became intoxicated she 'field Nadi Mrytle to but this reservation was not pained trude Christenson. Fight. and scattered through the country. part of Pres:dent Calvin Cool- and west during Celery week while ICameren. and her children hid in the brush ! on by the other state& It is us. 23. of Ile Menlo avenue, had to fight for protection be said. but .they would "E's also post. by was hundreds went idge& rather parcels dinner 139 on home Thanksgiving 21. of FACE IRRESTEll BRIER all night and returning that Southern California The de.icioue 'redact' ao differ,. and Pierre Frontier. bruised and when the white man Came and be- slowly titan, than give up- their dermood Isaac beat her with a hoe and a gMbered. And In addition. the Salt now seeks to have the upper mates to invade our domains," said community life. He declared ent (P00 the tiny meters stalks al- Menlo avenue. were they was gan , hoee wethe result of which she Loke chamber of commerce Chief cut chairmanoft aretheotitstanding proof in the waY? makes Permanent customers went' to a hospital with many, driven by the council of the Pueblos. , But United States today that the big authorized, thereby putting into at. I. Smoot whenever it reaches a table& AS struck by a machine Email-stree, , s. broken bones. Subeequently Isaac, ceived from Senator Reed t Sixth feet the six state ratification. at Cobin we now John have been and thing in life la not bread but love atilinutated one week carton of order that the a result 2S. was arrested BunCelery standing over. grew remoraeful and proffered to turned and If this is done then the paet fluty Broadway gived lands. Spain guaranteed us of God and fellow men. fly. orders have come for celery and Kenneth ter ,night by Motorcycle the wood and water if his of Utah celery be expressed to the and '2 4, 4 be .,. our JOrgettlett. presented by congrees, it hi c.a. ,.......-..lands. and religious liberty men E. A. Iledman and O. B. Bee- wife would come home. said the president each week. Cartons are In carload Iota from dealers in the The program at the rfotel Utah " Sidney King. 24. both of Bingham. sovereignty. :and the Spanish king erd on a chargeof reckless driv--, affidavit. However, before the trial' generaity filled from the market east and on the .Pacific coast. lacerations and bruises 'gave each chief ocitne as a symbol Monday night follows: Iane, Artate le Out. There is little doubt that the suffered or Defa the Indian- woman died mg. driving an automobile while inwhen their car went of the treaty. When the United The Moonlight gong," the Taos However. for the timily Thanks- president will have added zest for Sunday night The six etate pact thus agreed to amicated,, apeeding and possession and he government loot its chief Fifth at -embankment an over States 1 our of execuPueblo Thanks-New gained ivet the dinner of t The posussion England typical gingers; If intoxicating liquor. He was re- witness. Dere was acquitted. giving Eagle would in no way be binding upon. and Tenth East streets. lands. President Lincoln gave ILS a Dance. TOSISQUII leased on SO00 bonds. addrese. Arizona, living up to Itn terms but The agents have several houles tive. nothing: wow,. do but per1- giving dishes. turkey. pumpkins South R. 0 W. Prober. 29. of the Hol- similar cane." The eider exhibited The pueblo Landsdancer: ' Reand Pueblo the upper basin mates are not tear-to- g The man was arrested at Pout of whisky which they say were 101111 selection and 'the chamber Of and perhaps a few "Boston baked' land ' apartments. was given first both CALMS held by his tribe. committee ' deiegated teens." after he bites off a few Itglons." Mr. Collier; The Peace remple and .11 street. According to purchased by Indians from Defa.j commerce aething that ,Arizona may do hoertital for laid in "Mote emergency the of our beat lands have Dance Is which of Utah who mouthfuls Mina Barlow. Florence the hat the Taos Will Taos," of celery. establish prior water rights duo oMeers was he $O indictment and anMher daneers; , traveling bruises suffered when-. been taken." he continued In good Of the Taos Puebloee," by Fto the geographical one been eerving celery to travelers on &Sing on the , long Journey in a cuts and miles an hour awl when he naked. it is announced. conditions, so unEnglish. "In my Pueblo our 4,000 the Taos war chief and other sine-O- It le maid. 1)evelopment in Art. the transcontinental trains during refrigerator' car properly pecked struck- by a car driven by anunrest On the same trip Wallace severed the officers inpursult. is Ninth East man at acres identified were to 158 reduced acres ett.d "A to and fresh. arrive from the to enter was zone, the week. is Pusarrested will long Isteola the Greeting of and to kinson have hurled two continual. imk lint-- - et Alleged He said he was which must support 141 persons.' and Broadway. in Indian by --ChlefBnow itettler-outnePloes," Volstead time of moonshine from the charge of Volstead kers by the behind when In Protesting ligainsttheIten-e- n ity-Itic standing flees the curbing struck Mountain; Hair Came , macSine.- thu upper states believe. "their religious function the chief Here' Chief gotero Ortiz: "Why conditions, uTAa STUORTS FETE- -- the macbtoti- - swerved-an- d There is another factor however, him. the driver then hurrying swat. called attention to the clause of the Giants are all Deed,' folk which enters Into the proemial that T-:, Z3 ELK Wind- the Constitution guaranteeing re- story Mrs. W. 1,, Pierson. by Chief LBAHGUGNTEDERs---River; affects the state due to the Virgin PREOICTS-BRIGHsor street. suffered a bruise on the ligious freedom. "No one can say tWhe gnow Bird Antelope Dance." drainage being in the southBY S. IN CHICASO forehead when her automobile our OtrMOn WI fiances are immoral deuce by Tesuque Pueblo; sacred elver THOMAS CB. MTH 530 ern group et states. Some question DOWN; , Motordriven car or a bad. Struck cruel dances are not Hoop Done. of Taus," "Comanche may arise so to whether the bulltl. The I by t by ON MOUNT NEBO cycle Patrolman Sherman Falken- for pleasure: they are prayers. We Witt Dance. the Tans dancers: of the BocAltm 'dam might not Seventh and East in believe at in our "The Buffet.) dance." the Tesuque I log rath the Great Eighth I Interfere with development In 8pirit r Advkes received bY the state fish I wag. streets. own I southweetent FUTURE South Because the Indian bur. IVESTOCK Utah and if there I and game department Monday inFORMED 'MUD ROOMER. ALUMNI 01 Mr. and Airs. John T: Reynolds. therefore be Dome RANSABCRI. dicates that 23 bull elk bad been L IN WINDY CITY DUD.. 101 Fir were avenue. S slightly ROOM; brought into the Salt Creek camp , OYER bruised and shocked when their COUPLE ENG PRESIDENT'S Tort ifutioiA S Ell C Es Haologrieeeemetr botwyeen ctibledlowetzrpbasistmeni : , , DTI the efofint Nebo preserve Gins Lrrn..E ,. up to machine was struck by a street car .,, Sunday evening. Eight had been Former University of 'Utah stu- on Broadway between Second and Three robberies and three burgbagged by parties hunting from U. S. Man Returns From West streets. Mr. Reynolds laries Sunday night were reported dents now living IA Chicago gave Third Hi. Perron camp in Emory county. Altunni Secretary :, YALE OF ESTATE MA VICTIMS Or CRASH a banquet for President George said he started ,to make cleft to police. Me open season began Friday Decrease Idea, struck. hand when turn Trip; Thomas visit his he there B. L. Babock who is rooming at Goes to Union Meetuig . during morning and many of the hutere Mrs. Fanny Hine. 291 Eighth t are beheved to have bagged their a local, hotel told the officers a reported on IV. return to the : Scored. East etreet, was scratched and , , negro and neves' held him up in remity after attending meetings of bruised game during the first two or three -- - - , ., tins W. Barker, secretary of the when her ear eollided with ' I front of' 602 west Second South the Ansociation of Mate Universifa- The weather Murder les days. James Funeral continuing Douglas portion service for Webber University Alumni reeociation ani i ' Fest ' Babcock was knocked out ties of the United states la Chi- another machine at SeventhConfuvorable to hunting it is probable of the James D. Murdoch estate Nichols and Elwood Parson At- director of tho Union buildint and Fourth South street. cago and Columbus, Ohio. that many others will succeed in - The future prospects of the live- Istreet. blow on the head and I eon not more over be will maid was 110.001. la to of than it which about At the banquet at way right wood, victitne of an automobile. drive.. will leave Tuesday for Pura I SSC their hunta before the season closes I stock industry of the northwest. in answer flied in the Third itrain crash were held Sunday in due university at Lafayette. Ind: - the last of November. C. W. Rosenceants 40 former atudents were preeent, have been the cause. I alleged ' 1211 K street. suf- district court Monday to a divorce the Bennion and Crescent Melvin Tanner. ward to attend the Sixth annual convert.. Including Utah is generally very i and W. M. Madsen arrested an alumni club was formed and fered bruises and shock in a crash complaint filed by - Mrs. Murdoch chapels, respectively. Hon of Uniyeratty Unions. to the Utah association and there Is not the great ,' Charles Bell. negro..on suspicion greeting Eli Dies Stout bright, mawere car his between and Harvey sent backanother with 176Mr. their shit Mr. Barker will be one of 0 ; in seeks at which - , Speakers Atwood's funguest for the robbery. According to the alimony of of stock driven P. Three chine. were shortage J. eral ego. considerations importatit by klegander. Edward , identified delegates to the convention the 1 Babcock officers Bishop has 'althorn ', At Oakland, Calif. 214 acBoston building. at K street dominated the national meetz . Mrs Murdoch alleges the Mur- of Crescent, Bishop Thomas Dia- university having joined last year. . many shave been anticipating and Bell. Bell ia toeing held. doch estate is valued at more than mond of Reunion. Norbert Parker. The union is composed of all tint. 1 A..., oceurted on cording to president Thomas. The and First avenue. it was reported MonA second hold-u- p word was received here Sunday talking about, into cohaideration first took the and that thp defendant's N. A. Nelson and Walter Atwood. versifies andtolleges who have et, SecS. 11.000,000 A. U. and We First Third between Scott, of the death of Ell .larvey Stout, day by George rating of inaperior students. these' portion will amount to more than Ma invocation was offered bt Ityo tre gOtng to have union buildings 14, a native of thla cite, et the livestock statistician on his return ond Sobth streets. where Frank who had rum Lancaster and the benediction such es the University of Utah Is I ' marks high scholarship 462 north Fifth Wes; reports Carr. that weeks stx of from a survey home lireleral. of his B. A. Mrs. daughter. denial is m;dg by James was pronounced by Arzle James. planning. I ha was strongarmed by a negro sufficient to exempt them from district Chadwick. at Oakland. Calif. He expects to hi gone eight days 1 . The Creecent ward choir opened Douglas Murdoch to aileggeon that of who robbed ' him of 116 and a gold routine study. were Mr. Scott said the opinions For many years Mr. Stout was be offered. he treated his 'rife in a cruel man- - the services by singing "Shall We two et which wiU bet spent at tbs. : Many plans Identified with the implement busi- men vary. but that the federal cen- s watch. one of them being the pracnor and refused to support her Meet Beyond the River?" Invoca- convention. ness and was well known in Utah. sus show there has not been a i M. Martin. 12 west First South. said. of establishing special courses He claims that since Aug. 6 she tion was offered bY HYrtim Loma. a masked tiee I told police at 2 a.m. Me resided here until about four deeres nddsgreat where ' could the students ter. A quartet composed of yound has been paid 120 a week - in engage Rates'. .t1' bandit faced him am he stepped out Thanksgiving Day years ago whtln be moved to He said feed is very good and of in research and 1100 advanced to to lion entirely of buy people Bennion ward sang root; and forced biro back in girnrher that winter prospects are encour- thehis .1.31 ;clothes for herself an d minor child. I "Though Deepenin" Trials.' Mrs. via Drover sod Otto Genoa. Weeders room at the point of a revolver study. Another practice which has Surviving are the follolving vl answer to tho complaint i Mae Walker sang "One Fleeting IL R. to all potato be t tob or ova , aging. Ray has been abundant gen.. martin Separate bands were tied wtth a been receiving favor la that Of reIE. If Stout, Jr.. A. 11., Az - - is made by the Tracy Loan ik I Itour."--- - '1 KnOw Thal-Md.Releasing ouch pittAents.7,frtmttheir nod trice tor resod tolb , Stout and hint W. A. Sperry of Salt malty, although hi Washington raid towel. and the bandit ransacked CiatIROS.. , I vo solo November 24. 221. 7111 I , 1925 was a dry year. company. guardian of the estate : deemer LW's." was sung byArtbur room taking SI. 'the Lake; Mrs. W. B. Edmonds and Oregon Nook rotors limit December toe. i of James Douglas Murdoch.incomWays and means of ridding the The census showed more castle Thieves entered the rear door of the Mrs. Chadwick of Oakland. F. W. accompanied by inior sta. potent. Mies Evelyn Larsen. ... of those Stout of Montpelier, Ida.. and Mrs. In Nevada. Utah and Oregon. and to I. E. Blackbura's residence. 2221Ivarious state institutions university. iiiin i The divorce suit la now pending 'Pearson. enterin't for the socket dent at the 1.,, D.A. o7rard was in the Murray a small extent in Idaho, than - was ruth East and dole a suit ease E. Marks of Forks. Wash. the in Grant J. the Reber was wed taken antler ad- before EPbrilim Didtrict to been clothes. Judge there. two cetneterr-of have Richard sults thought pnblia irpeskin; conteart finals in Hamm. Diamond bad .charge of roisetrismoomompeadresommememorl -- In all the western states, Mt White. 216 north West Temple. re- elePthabt f , and auirked objeetion Barralf hall MoIar raltitionl. e;11- Icity ,eere'ice for The itsitseassesassesesseseseseseasesseassi i IP Scott pointed out. sheep are on a ported loss of a suit case. six shirts 1 wasthrong of the juti.t.'w vdiced by many of the univer-- I Representevv Fares were Preeident U. G. , and Pass some other of Day wearing apparel. :Thanksgiving aentor.-inelprosperous basis. although and eophninore the against of.logo. aractice Miller of 'Cottonwood stake; Hythe sheepmen have not entirely re- key burglars looted the residence atti,,teada .4 Poke. ; au diatomsing 'WhY 4ilciaasee outside ameociataons in rum Bennion. Joseph Bennion, covered from their losses of a few of William Seeley. 667 west nest . mg the work of the various Ow SerorelL" - sarrats tor details. Salt Diamond and Forest cloth, ronsiderable North. steelier Bishop human tite;Intietuni 7 Midst On the quality of studentai Office. Hotel tisk. 'all 4. The invocation was offered ing. a set of sliver spoon; toilet rations Ito..- i..4 3gaits Laka thy. risme Was,. Ilaa..dir. out. said kresidettt Thomaa; value of the acripetireche .11ge A. Bateman and the benediction articles and an overcoat.. I K. Scerlatillst. '' . In th's class of Judges , were to 11 Send to ' S. Chamber 3 I M. Iby by Bishop It . pronounced I . lii- i - imen-takch- .- - . - - . , , .,, ' , - Cl 't - 71,--- oaletuvbreeertalefelloor"mtbr1147tocitti,.brittlheen ....-c - .....::::.,,ped,..,,,,thoiputbi---"1....,......- i etstralicoet.b.litionhaltansTuet . .0tb.,A,Aprobae: -- Se , Rd'. ki41),:a 1 t . Z -' , . ,, . . - - I : o- itsongghereethaetmdeeethnteecetireachirtabynedd - . e- - . ---- alief . 1 filttan - ' n .. , - - .-. - - - , . ' wnna , - 2 MI-fet- ed leSer e buy-ea- -- - left TT:: - itas-re-- Cotero--Orits,- Pete-Solti- - fi - t - - - - M five-gall- - , ip;ocsicTtu pi11 --- -- lilt IIIES - , I COKST , , 'II - l' ...... I- , - - 1 - - 1 , - V 1 , '1, Junizr is ilinner In Heliir J. Grantt . ' Celt-fon- d. t g Contési Sp chit-dre- -- esoa-tbl- ed , . - - I 'NOW- mei-Ite- ed Ilanyea& - . IS THE 'TIME ' L ; West Meeting inSeattle to cars. hilysused . 1 , The Balt Lake chamber of comthe 7 Ell': Yeir Lear Here - merce will be represented at the Western district conference .of , 14 Ilat Christmas - ' can't make a You , ". chamber of commerce of the Dottv ,- ,,,L, II and Mistake. a ed Matte in Beattie. Dec, t 0.14y Prealdent Beverly 8. Clenden4, 1923 Rap, in, Harry g. lospis and J. . burn; general secretary of the lo5lechan---.- 7. : cal body, it ls announced; Methods of financing the promo.. ically tion of basic industries of the west, ' ' Good Tires ; . ,.' probfreight rates andagricultural - ' lems will be dimmed. EDAN - - - ,' BuIN DioTh A-1,- ... ,.. , ... rtutsg $ ;224 Duce Fbilek . . - - ' , : t , . . - - armon 'Ilres, .. ' 56459 , ' 6 - . . '' INVIO . ..., , . , ' I k, ' , I 6, tt:1124,0164 '1'17 - ' .. - , II NI ' - - ' Ne e" I IcAta 4,14. ame.........aesseesas, - . . - - - iii, , , me - ft . ,d1r, ., .. ...- , , ,. , , , ",:' . , ,. ' ' . ject of an address before ' the . . ... ee membership' of the chamber of commerce at Weditesdars luncheón a' - ,, Parouregian. internaby N. Yett itairt itti enem- ea" tam tional traveler and lecturer. - - Ware es Will The luncheon win be the chem..' 'Ware. sea yell NMToe IOUS Old ambeir.aegemmela"11'- -' Thankwilting' dinner of the mottettottag bet and ladies are invited. Dean W. airfoil. be It to ner lb allre et perm- W. Fleetwood will offer the twernes, 1.011,, Ito wow." sopplowl a toadader at tear 17 Thanksgiving prayer and rAlward' - . M. Ashton will 'preside. " '' I theentleleseeree - 1 , -- , , 11111 , IrmAlikanovalva , nammoodost 4 ' rev' t eaa loniP.dhird &mild ,' Aiates Emmen "6. laiwokanocit All Pedals 111WIN 'The tvlaitag Shop SIS 11660 . , . . . Ikea ; wej; iss;h1171tne..:i ' , I I I ' -- f -- - ' Was, We& I ii ' . , , ommoly - . - ' r : of also given. . 1 ' dofterward witir !hair and Martin Coal Co. -- i .41: ' ! 1 m .. ---- - J80. hlinus1;neosell...collmecoendwaiy11. haetaar On the' Publeet, ,e tn. Reitisir -- , -- -- - i 6 s. ahem ,. - ., ca - - -- ' ' 9 KEELE1-- ' ... ,.. . - srEcIAL - - ,. ..- - . ft...b. , , ' ' 'Dealt," - H Thanksgiving - Ice Cream Bricks --- -- - - : .4 4 , . . Xvelet,s, ' - . , '' DEALER- - , - EsIrlep Peeked he lee teem Keele7e. ,' --;- . . . - -- - - - - ' I 'It , , . , 5 - 4 i.... . 4::-; ' sssss aaaaeaseenseseaatai The - - Vital rallialaallitta , 1.11119,1110MEMEMEM11141, . i- 1 ' - , ' , 4. ,.; - 006 CA.1.1, YOUR . - . --- '- CLASS eillite of the The ,selearnernship eaase-,."- , ,. ' I v, . - t ' '' '' eyes. To ADDRCS8 BUSINESS. - , - . '' . - I , - n , , , - , , k t , , ! ittt , -, ers - ;Tbi Siff take 'county the Red Cross. with offices in the !Boston building bee beim requested ald in the search for the follow'to I,tng described e men: 6 feet li I Harry L. Gaylord, tail. ohaist5dark hwatikeewti grey I!Inches a and !slight stoop: left suddenly Oct. 4 Calif. from Ws home in Burbank. ot Leil Angeles. enlisted in Ohio." little known of h s war record:, is 26 years old. 6 t feet le Mehra tall and has dark 40,-1- f 7116.,.....,.., ..........n.........r,...s,.,-- . ehaptorofl --- " s - r - -- - , Red Cross Asks Ho) Vets, To Hunt Missing - 11144"-;:erm.- ! Teti' and-as- ol i 1...,... I you CANT yourt th store , 4 o-- ? - . ; .? , - , , ' 1 .cs. . ,r zter - llC015 4 The following Mu numbers were given by members of thel ward Double tolled quartet: "Though Dee'ponin-Triahr.- ." "Sometime Well 1.."nderstand." and "l -Know.- That Mr Redeemer Urea"- A duet. : . 1 -4- .- 4 '11-- ' r. ' , , 1924 rea7.1 ' - . "Ccmtlitione in Asia as Viewed from Mt. Ararat" will be the sub- Beinpm; - ' - , . "Seen From Mt. Ararat' - Paint ',' .COUPEeidy ;.. tign - IIS be......4 Ikea, ?aka oar saasanaaa , ber a MAYTAG. - , , , C of C. to Hear of Mite 4 new tires - gra io '',1 1924- - ,- - CHEY ROLET courgt- ..4.. ,.. ...rouwasenot ey - -- ream Stals ical;a lterlarinlini;7441.41!Das - many other professional associa. Ilio onntnalL fi : IIII111"Irilleit titans tame under criticism of thel. A group of Plurla 'nal..." fre.m ; 110 WI it, body. Every buditution turns out r1alr Melnett Inn"- - sang----and dviced . , . I"... ,..i type of student designed to fill for the students. re-ithe need of that particular locality: 71" speaking contest WWI In 1 a general otandardisation rick cognition of tha birthiny of Prest.i r in the fi.' ilandis done by 'outside- - agencies, is Grant. Oraer entrants , es,awit -11.1112 the coliseums of 0pin- nals were Clervic 3 Gerrard. atealor:; If ir-ion. It iit, clearly the place of the Anvils Rigby. junior college. an4 I lip LIM' k institutiod to classify its students Grace CoPPin. tophomcre., i and its work. was the conclusion. 4 I Alb - . , i ' ot the body. ,. 0 47.1e); The enabling act and specie' acts FREST-0111- 11 . 1. I .0f Congress states various whereby 110 --: ' '- ' "' '' are- - defirtved '''' of - certain school . . FOOC: lends met the severe opposition of , ' B GREEDRI,, , :the association. i 21 - A eamwritee- - was appointed i , FURNACE by ' ' ' ''.1 the body to carry their stand to , rum Irsil 4? rola . , emigres's. and if need be to the -Asp r011a 110C, TUOI Utah is only one of preeidenL re- ProdeaLln-- Heber I. Grant bas from to ,tmt,otaillsesef reatinit $1..., many states deg:ved of such land. 7.,, congratulations said booOlo bowsaws, two friends and relatives on hid sixty-nin'mars " .' birthday annivereary. some .(Coot Os.r" Coot., Dor or tale. La Robbed 1:1"111.d letters 11,11.4,.." by Murray I having (,..... 'Sell flowers have iirra2k1- - Manie,beant,..utitul tootle moot ...settee Ike Goods oottoty to 'priced ss High i;fler-soat hia home. alla 11".".. ' . ' l 4' ' ' . "' ' . pieThe .I. e. renney company store 201. Eighth &venni'. motion ' ' ' ' , at Murray-warobbed of gondol tures were takan of hinuielf and, i valued ta several 'hundred dollars, members of his family. Me will ha trued of borthr at o Sunday night. Entrance was gained and ; through a coal chute. and tha back I dinner at the home of Mr. ; unlocked. J.- Cannon. 211 Eighth 40 Mrs.'0aorge in.. .wAs. 120. il mitrirrosbaso Ms thieved carafully selected tba avenue. this evening at 1:11 In reek 'Tom, ' In. best and joigheet priced goods. Dail teciack- - Tim function familia eeed, Sumatra ova lootteallegothest. , 1 6 -- that It 7111 t- talgentnt:A.les'aathewineedll . Nor-ber- g. -- . I! it .- $550 - ': Gift .... for tlie Wife is a ' - - Problem -,- - - '" , -- - - tz,:it,t . - . ilf , 1- I1 , .4. Mr-Nich- , - I 11 1 -- 4 . ' |