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Show r v. ' F. At , 4 :140',:"A-- cl Elikt,Idab rl!rm 1-- -ro rTiu2 1 11;E EEL Ill rIE 1 - line ' - IN - . jaiG :STbRtb 1 F srATE OADIVAY tlib" Alrarga -- OFFIE , 7-1- . ACMES frt. ' 23 ' - 1 (Continued from Page fiI IOSLE7 'which wan by tar Moro end were conferences revort0 grotieletter., Davie Mt thaa the sa very inspirational. ;0111MEINOIEMM ask ed: 0. yea leo this Orli- - lame Aid Asks Salvation wrote that Attend you Army Church Authorities "Yee." answered ithhoebutd. - For Turkey Day Baskets Although at Drat be dialed that Conference Sessiemk these letters were written to lead The Salvation Army is conduct- Altai en. be admitted hat la se , Sunday. be ing its annual campaign for funds of the lettnt, wriuen Juno 1 Irwm to Espi to fill Thanksgiving baskets- - Mrs. was trying to tempt bor. "I had DO other outlet to a- Brokerage Major Whits and Adjutant OfJessie emotions la the grees toy my meept Malay, officer in charge The presidencies of Bear Growing Riveri Salt istlin corps. report they (Ind lettere," be said. "In them I Put MY vrere and Idaho ' , conand soul. beert liberal need and in conferences urge stake Rani many during - . 'Did you have say letters aging , tributionskind of setiff from Abner' askof the Officials impressed their gran-tur- n thisMr. Preis. Budge; , ed Davis, of tbs. for the Council of the Twelve reorganised ' expansive of company "No." admitted the etitOese. understandfarOnly the Bear River stake presidencr public thus Continued ...Dig you wood to mak tug.. of tho cause tor which the at Garland setting apart Milton the ing bustseta, together with when trite. to Nude ass used, le notoosaro to girl your you wrote Welling of Yielding as president bwineao activit, of thee letters to liSLASSIO Mherr ClaingHeber succeed Prestan sectioss bring contributions. - the,' indicating a stable had "wogs who died recently. BIrs. White rePoris- heibtet elte C"Y' th. gmeta ta Throughout th - President Welling chose as his woman more than Id years old 11' bas tem" Jame. too Mr. Mille was Oil his toot COW eounseitub Arthur R. Capener and who who hhnd. hack yid Iona. J. A. Hogie & the et president iiialtitY. making objections to ont Clareac K. ankb both of- Garland bond. stock bankers anti. Thane two ofneOrl acted- as coml. ''Ilrourn Pelmet or Snooty Cultur- -. roPettfitimi Of rertakk stionkone. - Isla of the Bogie Invest-Skin- - Earamkoot,--P'- ------Preeident Mensomm,--- S.O.44, 014 Maki. wan.dealers in real es- sehiCallY. LProsident Welling was head of II th. midot of hia rtatat widitgagee, insurance and t Obit Malad stake when Mr. letters s mystery bonds to loam Wes oftim was divided and Boar River suilei Granite High aid1100i be clearr-rie11,1ausssrils tko court Alreatott. He WWI .named as prealH illbssr 11414 tiehattSa'aS On Januar" 1. the eonslsany will la-tsell 'stake and terve(' "L'LlitediankliSkoplOrhe'. Bs be went to CongresaTiThr eli bi Murechauer interposed aa woo-- Id" Main etreet to fts newty ac- until HanIves succeeded Grardtti blgt Delmore new ISL. Lion and it was agreed to retire to quired offices on the ground floor and woodwork the Jury room. Alice returned to of the aorth side of the Kearns Annie Munn' was sustained as' COO auto mechanic : courtroom and broke into shop opened Monday. The new the The new offices will not first end Mary B. Seater as second litdidlogtsars as abet walked into the building. greatly enlarges the shop tom afford, adequate roma for the to Margaret W. Manning, JurY room. new of the addition and with spare eperations of the company. 'take president of Relief aociety.L machinery value4 at $4500 will The party returned from the Icoal" will lady. ample room for and Dora Stough and Ella Peck accommodation for a num- - Jur" room boot ten minutes later. in the future. , were named as stake board Mem-- I provide Alice remainint inside. Rhineland-her more student& Ths new quarters." declared Mr. bet.. the stand anti..in re: The now auto shop is large er resumed attractivebe fitted Eider" Joseph Yielding Smith of will Bogie." IS tars. sponse to questions. said that her !". and it has the up the Connell of the Twelve merges- enough to accommodate win advantages of as as'assssisr skis the "Psarell,. woodworks give the laid shot) bed the Idaho wake presidency at lighting and ventilation that will : in when Ito bad firm Seen It. , , &hake it the finest board room In Bancroft. with Joseph ,P. Corbett ample OPSZIN for 20 to UP --pupae the 'That's &IV' said Mr. ' Americo. former bishop of Bancroft ward. as Mkt work. Registration - tor , oedema Rhinelander's and of ts min umitot.,leans The taking of aloud-terr- a the past week was finished. on an is these exprosaion quarters Jost before awing into the jury of our confidence in the future of staked Leonard if room , Alice had ever admitted to him Balt Lake City and the certainty of Thia that she bad been intimate with u- continued - prosperity here. TALL mber man before she met her hus- ecaftdenee is reposed particularly band. Rhinelander mid that she in the real estate field. My opinion ' had given this information to hiss I. that real estate today is better FIXTURE8:- as an inveatment than it has been , voluntarily. at any time since the late nineties. - Oallar 'At that tams it was the Mims Ditt this OM who Ii pictured as which led the way out of the deflaked 10111. contossshior, c, chasing a pression. - They are doing the manse today.- Ot coarse. we can hardly another Utah Copper.- - bUt "And 'Yet this girl. who velum expect the silver producers are showing teemd this thin,. deceived you tu even than they did then and ' the slimmer , o ,924 as - to ber there bettor le considerable new development forward. going , "Real estate is reePonding veer "You wore wilting to marry a like did it at that earlier period. girl who stayed with you at the We have liquidated the recent depression and prosperity "soma assured. Bait Lake City needs nuns Mil building. and. became of this, new , 11 e ID P conoraction, is certain to develop ) hers on a scaie comparable to what It has developed in other cities. We i may not have a building boom. Perhaps it will be much better if we do 1 not. But steady, stable growth are thankful Skaggs have opened a 'store ba Our town. These ire tko and improvement must come. "There has been some talk of we bear so often. Hundreds -- are ---benefited in every town where our being overbuilt here. the old 7--le a Skazgat Store.' . residence properties that are empty are offered as an argument- - But We are thankfad to be of service to you. Food coats are lower in Salt is fallacious reasoning. this The i to bait, this United according in Lake than any other the States, city fact is that our people AS & whole , i 111011ths statistics.can what that amens to us all:----better afford homes than i . . they used to sod they are abandon, ing the shacks for real homes of new construction. ' es t Mario Antwinettoas mid soetwisedbet you woro mot willing that shs should have - ill, tins,, ,ot , colors& bloodr , I , lAil So tits tolor I thins.. f ths fiiih.U.L.L11 11.1 Ws) rt A THE DESERET , NEWS '.MONDAy NOVEILBER - the 'sew 'president As counselors Raptor Sessions and Alum A. Mop-. were chosen. Pratt. Nelson J. Boron and his and caunielors Kepler Sessions Robert L. Redford were- - rolemed. was appointed Whoa et BODerOft ward to suc-C. ceed Perot. Corbett. with Joseph Call and Amos G. RithY as 03111l -- 0 , 1 mom 11 With 't , areee-ssantin- o. -- - .TUflhiEYiflOASi fr faataiell' at spacial- ,. di ,7'' he nt ' 7 I ) with Ommplete tray, , ; , LABGIC ENALECL , - 11041kgrra Mad o( hearY ',hoe esuuna 1 ROASTERS - - , . , .1 - --- - BLACK BEAUTY - , tl t I 61 - -- - -- 7- - ' Foams - Illieb Chorea till voloon) TtoZr INittAlerea;oesert Onte....1Anati-Aserboe,admit. of Ibtommews , 'loot i sit 1 !..aa) - imALChintilidt 1111Nome - 'net cata to 'TIM ortolar Bear 00 10Aub o 1181. Mo. (b) - -' fAierbsch's-4)ovrastai- Laid Peoll--Aw- d a ' T t -- to ,d; min AIM. al3J2ETCP:C1 ... $143 ti an 9 I lobil 1; aliontlis-1- 1Dept---- (1,), ... dab .... Oa Turuniell -- -- . 1114 Row (II) To ' Cr CS-r- .3 ihoi algebont Garett - i Self besting' style . . III ............ Siam t as. mar wkwohav. le4pw. 0) tiln . Alierbleh MIUMCAL PiKIGAMes Illemsmor 111"11,2Y 77-0- she ',............ Smola Me crono-loca- nt,,p &lab tooP I SALT LAME Thaalisgbrt Si).. ces for ,tlie ZIASTS . W.0 - that-distric- . - . n) rn lb, , 11 Davie-suddenl- Mr-Da- OFF ' I I - 11M;GI1G - i cA navvare Specials! , S - - LIGHTII:G r .e,r vie , - - V - J: 1111...L11)41:- - 1ST-- - -- - Phone Vautth 6486 I :- tol?" t -: i (:) TanécabseicildWednesday I - I al ) ) tU (mt VALUES- UPNIUSUAL11' 41 11: En. -- ' - , of t-- . , e - ) GnAilDE - ,t - , at LI zal MI 14) s,:1e 0 West Tmtle and Erickson Districts Show Renew. LI INT 11 jniI NkC A 1 eat' 711'ig per lb. 41; 1 'PI ll,' Red Rosy, 10 lbs. for 19c. leo, 111licio Jonathan, Bushel Basket , .,, ; i- . ) z,- I 1 r tt I , - e. 01 . - Lrg. late Variety, 2. le: 1Pan b ernies !oft yJE Err s vs as W , , - ss as nn atuoIN . ')O. 13fr-- d Choice 1 Per - is a t a , A W 17 Shtmdde'r .. '..z3 .7 111. ' , A,A and I ' .. .; cects '. Stea.14 - 'Peril) . ' .... ,, . . i . A. - . e 1 O et - l a . -- 1,Bonir Steak; ChOici 'per lb. e 0 1 7:Roasts per lb ) . , di . 4 . 1. 0 have a quantity of tautly turkeys and geese .. it saving prices.) ntuimme- docRefitoynunotminettingned i:::re )0..mmitlidsttianft ) a ) '11 III ;It 1110k.0"4 Dir 0: - . 41R - zc Voir .:.. loff- - - Tonti:10.4411 , I' - velpnateit!oep ,!othreisisla;tontrignatiocomnedbinatorLp:rtoyf - Oswalt Oita ' - .T....,.. -- 1111 'ills& IR lows e q.W.WW . - Statee . Ann ith 75c FOR YOUR OLD FOOD CHOPPER OR CROPPING a BOWL the purchase of a N. sees Universe reed Choper. , , Volveroal Fool 1112.111 Allowsers-- lot eta - - - kito:enstuntinum oqin v-'p - couvirmirry Mbet $32.50 - trot by 211 - S3.98 A - You Pay (M17 . ,1J ,, uu ..4..W W 4 likoOreo met knives woe loam. beellow boroke. vivre Wake c3 $4 halt. .1" fork nee ,. Ipoilloor boodle. worn Moir. Pry 11010J bow. fork err. flat bliodeer--.. olio, uteri . -- , S113 riolki Skikl, to-e- noon silos. orb ore, le or 2pleve beliediot liter, blot", islit 10 1101 2116.11tee n 14"In" orkr-isvis- ' orrlillbeekalill'o--krallesi-4' A ' ascii licARPlis OD Porto Rican es Vale. ' 13 bullet on art linen. . . nil IAUEI111' Trzwax erode el b. Id A , st - 114 4ge- lb ft. premb old.fforol Snot 11.6"...4. 11-1- ii.nommmi-olimmoEmommonemo- n-N GC:CYTE2YA . Goblea Valley Cre, misery Batter, Th. 22 . .23 Fresh Citron, lb. Fresh Lermoet and Orange Peel, lb.....344 Fresh Marvin Dates, 2 tans No. 2 Soft Shell Walnuts .. .. ....220 No. 1 Soft Shen Walnuts ... 234 Brazil Nits, lb. . 2 Freak RoUted Peanuts r .Z74 . I lot s !Maori 7) 1:3 .,, , 'IP" iiroZ 3 '-- '- h7 ks : ci 4m1 tililiNISzp. 41 thos4.1,, joggeoom,.. : , '- 'qv14st, pE1 'INNt41111o.',.14.bdo 1, ' Selecgok.at gleeptionally Low PO.- - " , . , - f . 111..4160keibAn.0.00.20,...,,,,, ,110-- ; .- , - . ' - ''', ''- ,- ' ,J is .i''"' tc di - . t , ti tt it ' Idir ACIIS FOUNTAIN -- ror.caLL Ton Maxima Coffee, 111 - IJ C surrom taa"Tit- or warts S 11C3 MIS. Special and Sweet 111P0 IMP 1 ellI .29 iArnitsscallotAXIDiDD.DGiipt410,!Di .... - I, - ali yard - af ore. ti , 98.95 d...,. , -- 8 LavicX TAILS DAMASK OW Plait 111AL111( $IAS ititailly . dil limbos mid& PI Aintides MLITT . , Coed likmat Voile 75 ni 70 at Badiret 1447 - 35SS nek. , $1420 , d - 11 - ... 1lapkIna-22z22-i- , At oirt ; - b111.98 ni -- notazill Naos 70.year- - plated Silverware. , .sipipre ie, meg leeks. nos Comaxnutitylia- d Bros. 'wedge, stool mere flat 116.0 32-1- "... - 1.... v ..- elme.e!I .. e bar. ! . BARGAINS IN SILVELIVIMIE 24 or ' - Napitind-222240- SI 0.t3 - ... $12441 o as 01 ;Used aotbnTedid.inelt. $A Pala. alarm r11SIX el e1111".. , Vale. dose ... Asommai 111151111 el shapes. Sale. eakb 1 AD . ' qualitriri 01 A 1111!11711116.m" G ood ...... '..... . ti Rag': $2.49 ae 4 0 .C3 grOWEL11-Poryt- , mon 1 . El Dimmest 10 vier swrviee for PIS: meow beautqui potttort Ot ht.. oieege num be - BOWL HUD 1111161101DIPIRED Rican band embroidered Towels on beau-tital art lineal elaborate , , it 4 Pal designs. ill talon; TtioLs.a.ovil.W.HI NKBAL Ip TTEy coup , INAPKIX1 , 11P1011011113 . by 1 124ii Cloths. lead-sin- e - riin - 3.50 , Napkins. Sale. dozen .... set I c3 We eau eaterit Napkins bi term land one, which until a abort time lag was not a desirable ernelting, , le;sc1;10i .. .... .,.. . SZI-0- 0 ?beet aro Me Jr.0 eetteres. tibto 1.161.1".. euelfttee emedo. ciArrus vet a product. At preeent, however, product can be treated I succeerfully in this state. .., , A Wiscorien man bee invented' a- machine to correct the dynamki, i balance of machine parte while 1 they are being made to ellIntovi 1. vibrations assembled -- -- device. .- , :Stria b.a,t floral t t or?, la; - ..... .. ... Sole. dozen took ever ibis claims of Persteto and are deve:oping Frank) the, .4 ground; the Imperial LeatcontroH 4 led Pall-has Loersbeen min.! by ,::,ing quite a tonnage . of.lead ore. and.: considerable work is now going on 't at the old Utah Zinc. which is now!, -i known sup the 'Utah Ille.testle. Atli i 1 air - -- It b - t- . StS.00 I ("i' size. eb $6-e- -) 1 -- cyr la WATCII gaff. and 'Weigle. ta Set, ile floral and gray, P 11 20c r1,:.!, DICCORAVretvo illaSPAI It I tiotha gal...sat best inseeteetureee le greased Wetees A Mersey Ono Tobte time gide. each ilLbe Cletba.--72xte-t- Of haltT Mr v se GI. II 59: 1 r 1 OC 1 0C Iliporin. ad DinceRAVIP110 minima g NTS Si piwboot omprvieo ter IS: THE THANKSGIVINGITABLE LINENS F011su..45, Sit , ILAReee. - , 0 41 irreot places in the ili'est Tintie and Erickson districts- where lead! . - .--- her i.. aI ' , (S:ji,orcia.l.t. oloPe7dninpgrodourcearAnuTmhbeerre . . , 0 - 1 - ' ' tr3c tO SLIM. CLAIM , mel . 4 0'. . , rlNr"; . , values , I le Soulbsthern. . , . err iMPOrted 001111 ...-- .- le Ito 15c. es 1 ' - )1 - 0: 10c 12c mm. -- - ) ) - i , ) .. . . . : - $1.49 inl Mining companra property West Vatic, leas in Etdoka early In the week. en route to the mine I alter & visit at Salt 'Aka-- H. states that Los Angeles parties siime Lintel ago secured a lease and bond the Scotto, which many years ago' produced some good lead ore. I0.1 P. Hulbert. of Los Angeles, is recting the campaign of work. Up to this time Hr. Lindbeckl has retimbered the partment shaft. having a depth of 15 feel. and is now making reand to pairs to the gallows-fam- e the machinery. Mr. Hulbert. who was hers but a ohort time ago, sr- ranged for the winking of the to a depth of 109 feet. shaft' When the last work was at the Scotia the ground was under bond and lean to the Chief Cons of thia district- - They took out considerable ore and sunk a wins two or throe hundred feet below the 1St level. There was ore for the entire distance and some ore now shows in the bottom of the white. the vertical depth of which Is probably not more than 125 feet. The Los Angeles peopleewho have Interested themeelves .. in the ground feel confident that deeper operations will result in the Icor tia becoming productive of some good lead ore. After Sinking to the 501I level they will drive out and cut 'the, eysttern fissuring vihrth carries tho ore. The present high price for lead and she very promising outlook for this metal has remitted In the re- - , , EL'ItuEKA.atNovu.Z01.- 1.ti 1 stock, 11 TEDIEDir full I I Fylb per E1L Ai. - u . , , a d S4 omolin - set; regular crux or ..... Olamo to S flow-- .on.......or : own PLAT" 114111. rwmco BALT Alio rerrna ..-1- ono loom Fruit. mod Denbo ens can Irahsea to aSta Pair 11111,11 111,11,11eY -- gas igt ".26 015o 35o 1 KA 110 IMMO 114..14001 smelt q 15$ fio 20o 25o Gamy , AO. boseata. Vompramble 'Sambas: amelm- -. c:;; ;i7ct,e7 )3: sad AOC canafton.,,,,i,os,.., suit 511U3 CAS , 7 IrANNEEK La Immo OWL - .......2 C; Well ripened, , 27 1 t : ST.S6 V ELCOIrt rlyr 17 I ; 'SPECIAL macsC- iair ornimm DINNERWARE - : w. omali DECORATICO VITA , -- GLASS IIIICattlt Also evlorY tray sad large - I ni .SUS Fair 'OWL , . pair AND 4 et? sittittlANDt -- - iloSA Nom to- ...3 $1.,419 AUK "op .4014.41121::"' all the coal mined In the west D is the very beet. r itgees4esrivciLet Regular , 1 OE- RIGES- CUT GLASS OVA - vases; vales - 01 - - 15c nalin rulerre ' 515 cASTOAPIK:TO.': Skaggs Fancy Quality, per lb. - nasiAs V4 011 1 AsIlL to 7- ' 206 ,16?111111. CHINA CCP - SAUCKS get ono b 10 It ..n 'mime a SIRS SLIM 'MUM mums cosotottos bowl and toot god otiopcir tot coo- - Tahoe. die et Esch reg. $24111.. 70 7 JICKL PLATED CWEOLE iii.. pyrel Owe Itne.r. lwahle to UTAH-GRAN- .rade. Gum, 410111101LX Year places to ikc7Rfl , - ; SUCK PATIEEITIS , ;'; - : , tir.1 11 C-11- - flak i DINNER SETS All tv rwe If q : , |