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Show V , THE Featnres o Special io'vnmEri NEWO UONiiAY 23 1 I -- Interezt' to A -'-- Women and Oularat tAll ft :IT--7 Li Li W D1 I LIR PTH-M- 1 - goollea tar We lopotinent 'Ionia be elleremse Se like :lumbago's' Kaye. Mearneorbus Departmantp.,The Deatril , Salt Woo City, Utak. , Onetime ate Dotted to ea eneedes Olds. abode be Melt., clr o. lb Parer 411111' wide het nano ane alerme tea dS at cerium appended; awe moil ce Midst to be wed tar be she cabman. AU names see atiernees eolli be hiendtiontima " bold in amiceent analidellos Do not meta. ha menet Foe Model awoke or to oaks kw imerebot Idiom tboBooFcnott elm am. ide, any Any woad bowels and &dock. Whim Illomoutry, phone tor the looatima toe any commodity 4 f , 5e1 - jrcI t t ' 1 P GARRISON. OPPITIOU kV : 7. -- -- , DY AD ; . 1 Alk - restare Nowspe'per .- . believe LILLIAN ADVISIF2) HADGE TO DO .AND WHAT : fierraft,-Inc- - , - El . at all in the hot 'water She bad gone to the kitchen to inspect the parcel 1,tuttl given , , .. Ltrr-Ep.. ,,, Lillian took the Daekage I bild I didn't mind the subterfuge at , a "thank with you bor 'ill,tL'. brought a-telt ; r after law all, but rwoada - r .. its bl gobbed perfunottoriss, she had ii. ' k I Quaker-Oiti-flavog ' 4 ' e warmth of her tones. the , waled tOn ll a:rbod d enly . IN - ' "Everything went according to reinng' from down the hell,. and ovirlf i11 ats--scheduler' the Influtred. as ittel knew that Lilhan must bass sum , ,,, 41. hall reher alawelitnnnel te the rt , sweellitiS the mounted kithen, my " -floor, 174, 't.a, Dchr 3ilea yourself.- - But itenChltn ttsMentateb:e'elltringd.. - - This old world has always been y,:t'whicanlbtiti real photograph. Portraits should difference in break- - took some 50 years to perfect. , mean snore to US than that,. be i thU of happiness, but since "Without a sins', hitch.' I le- I was fast oats is flavor. Oats, , , I thoroughly ashamed Makes all the difference over;- hie is .1, mired her, and neither of us spoke- - , I u I : r....' e dish,---ql' ..i Scotch a merely "Ufa" but a PRITTLiDGE. to Sweet or yeti. Cletdoodeeks--temoriginally aTherevatrse7tond-1-7:9the world. Quaker Oats tau: uhqktdit agitirooma you. . 1: Kindly let toe hith directheme for matter .00s' mud have Scotchllavor. follm krordinarybrands ' however. learning Ow atepikto the "Maths-queening Dear XAtbleen her I spoils and ons before to able turned throwing Lillian 't . me with au impatuos-- 1 moun t mY commonsense firmly in ., around ms ar of in m3to 5 W has the tor Quick Quaker in little with 4,4! .., , oats.Nosotioks 1 Could you please ' tell ime If 1 min; ity unusual in bor. filmed .1n. t teeresad atry added feertee he . returnPAtickey ha "Out Gass t)oseud7 bee 1 . - YLAPPIER PEG, Salt lake. nettmell freckles, or if ' f ' bed. wtth a - ' ''' d so N e are "ow they .t, , thrown over my night at- I - .0, mot I ellesti cyou sat. back agkikrlnestigre was wear pabated eat? , r , , what veiy Quaker Oats &von ng the hose and - , Due to Quaker milling SCHOOL BOY, Salt feek"-eshe a wonderful What privilege Pegs Plippers she had stipulated. I also i had let down I smiled a, bit maliciously- it supplies, too, the . have No methods, a other bed. brand bag been kfINTE if I trulY has that it. indispensMickers freckles, ere natural. "Just how I could escape coming :able isitjunct of New York apart-bac- k , made life tgy ovneone something ' None safe with 'ha Wee AlltiOna you MOMS. and prepared it for our corn. successfully imitates it. "roughage" you need to make more than it might otherwise have Schoolboy. Sometimes suck freckLI: been! You're a dear. and L thank les ere painted on, but-i. An this case threw around nie.4 4 rannotimag1 piny. and when Lillian Came in It's due to exclusive Quaker laxatives seldom necessary. . -not useeesary. ins," I answered. ' turned an ' placid face to,r4 for lb. sweetly-pu- t encourage- 'tieAnything Look for the picture of a mating of the imest,pkinpest ' ed muscles monad bar siouth ward her. absolutely . , else? twit-diSET OF TOYS - But what a large . order! Irb Into a grin. and then - she I She entered hurriedly. and I saw which Quaker on the oats you get, methods oats Milling ' Dear Min Marin I that These awning toys can be node laughed outright. the papers bad been taken ,r. Charlestonfancy iti And in , , at tha t. when felt are perspiring I dig rather 'Stead It on." I from around the package . Des think biotite tar aloha. trent discarded socks Or atockiags ' "1.410. and growing discouraged under the If lt. admit "I mid. a anrobtog 'he , int Sinall square pasteboard box, tor nu serious in and would make a dandy gift for the bad . on while this tutelage of masters! But even at ing this question to without you or 1 ba.ppoliod of tor or sealing any mold fastening tota boy girl, they l kind. that I have something to otter. Al- for me. errand tool them throw around to than aildot .5 ripe beard that - working, the glop hearts' ways there's a way, I suppose,. if 'Efficient With an content. without break- yW. iretetre bilifte C'wt tut Ire !lady," as sheapproving. only we can find It. So. I suggest brakes of a car enlarge, the inns. tbetrthem. passed by me. she Odd bits over of left silk ,,11: ing into or the ot Is tnglor: salves Oro the that kilo. the you step public library. s, t, and that., drew a low chair to the side of the for which I ask for "Photoplay" tor October. It trust Mine are bergs enough W. from dresses could also be used. bed upon which she usually aleem, hts can underatand."- - Paddy - LowellRicherd were concerned thief than and 'Vinton to "Everybody's Doing It," in What 4301 do about Cut In one Lite a44.411,11...tr Material that!. , t turs at looked down the package ' and placed upon It the box. the is inneighbors She In or looked of bailee their bard at Peter as be Florence Poole Loire II, 1263 Logan care very the Us which "Bessie Love Show te. macros is rot. , lee rn.r4"0. envelope. which I hal which she had asked of rerlairetnen., her hands. ightdress SVOISUO, was girl How," and there with her review Price 1)c slants or cola (rein Orr- - I annwtth ntublehrnmt curiosity I mn a little while before. her own' having a good time Paddy come. 1 said this., but Peter only grinned. Then Paddy turned kis back on ShupeClarence Guy- add Ruth the Charleston. To, my mind danc' thinking 0, the winter to . , ' htte11) : wondered it she were going to show I slippers and a alight. Then she Peter Rabbit Vitoodmaneee alit Virginia aerom ran him on walked Shupe,. Petenand his dam. out ing la not- a written'. art. but this ' 'windows., drew thet,. Naturally. I:no, exercise of any Please order patterns at least let It- to ,too: I .knew her mmnsd0,t !walked to theclosed article is good--e- a such article go. times up the Laughing Brook where be at for some time looking east ,Seventh South,. girt, the heavy days before you wish to use them work too wtheeliwbontnatweverit'imiontetba,01.mrudrtat, shinsuttsernt Viola you write and tell me just muscle tondo to develop it. but un-- 1 as and down the down tbe lAughing Brook., charactenstio of the above his pond we ria aot carry them in stock. more than what you were able to getout of lees you drive very. very mush, I' as I to looks will Brook his below do have "It it pond. Laughing are building.. reordered from east. the They be concern would think you need not your--There thisinstruction? With you would hope that my curiosity ' can't any light get I Each time Paddy appeared to be a MU erPloring.l. said be at last. KEEp LooxitIG, YOUNG . 4 . . I self about losing the shapelineas of Price 154L . - 4 it would help me to help others. gratified. through these."- she observed. thoughtful. Peter didn't notice this Then be sighed. InAnd again I thank you. Flapper your legs. I cannot believe-th- e the Lillian linsPectit PliwceL. would be satisfied air. and then she haelat MM. but later he did. But always (Copyright. 1121. by T.1,7. Buzla ' crease in size of the calves of the remember aer,ropriste. g..Mayj- help you agalo7 on . , gem.) any rielic undreamed and .alipped- into, "Iron loolr very thoughtful. PadIf you are going itlien Lillian is at work , . You .Kaow Dr. would be perceptibleunloas, to observe this; It les mastbed to beside me. oho nails e her ' after (11ra:tines by sending problem. locking Dear Mimi Kaye: dr: have you something on your of course you fairly became a pre next Edwards' Olive Tablets The mild them so they will arrive head. as a banner. Kiphnea -- He' door securely. for gifts. "Looking story: sake& I arlindr' Peter finally i driver. some time "You might as well go to sleep," It itne been BEFORE Christmas. "ris rude in- travels tbe , fastest who travels 'gravenodded You might take exercises to de- deed to let a and she said. Paddy slowly 'Thor she not your cosy corner. but I is either mgy that The secret of keeping Voting 111AG -gift look' like an after. alone." It is nothing! that thought. , hope I ans "welcome and that. this veiop the legs hi general--4o selfish or a poseur. It is simply tome off tonight at all. Z prom'.. i 17- - Yes. Peter. I have a great deal Cominunist Editor Defies foe, young---eo do this you mut,. wont reach the ante basket. ' the one set of muscles would not You are very welcome, Wonder. that she has a mind You. if there dom. L shall waken on my mind." said he. watch your Kaye. I want you to an- be out of proportion. Ever think of Ins, and I thankyou, 'U and refuses to waste a atcondon asked there's "What Priteffiled of having a sallow naneed to Jail -I swer thin question; Can you realty "I am not at an S1 ciPPYt" I pro- - with curiosity as usual. , - anybody or anytiting'nutsids her tested complexiondark riners,undsr your Ito When a fellow owes Ton? . thank re-0 sometimes But Dear yew her bilious look la Mita "A most ob, problem. I Kaye: important matter." By F. A. MAC:R4MM, there etwme war of leaking him don't imagine your face--d- ull gets a bit upon my nerves. oyes with no apse- you are. " Paddy Jellies lo find out. or hew can you hear Nos Rafe: . Because I daily read your column. sorption ' to cable Deseret The You must Pe dead,on your feet.' eh. retu rned dryly . but if I were ipt 'You News kle. Your doctor will tell you look as If It' wane retort-i- t (Special In The News Aand Chicago Daily News.) Crest Interent shit said. turning toward the door.' In your place . I should , ninety par cent of all sickneea , ed Peter. "What is I wish you would answer this as Ditto to all the toed others lines and pleasure, Iwith -am IbIS down totime from inactree bowels an4 shettp" yom I'm asking 5TOC3CHOLM. the Nov. kitchen I going la the problem of making , aeon as ooseible. ., WWI interrupted by the sod- - , "It She odd about you. ' liver. of four months' touch of den open,ng of tore bit of hot sure enough to eat next winter." reV X, Layton. the . I had known a fellow about three ball apartment Pirate cm roe tell me the name, indigestion. You'd.watera Dr. Edwards. -a wall known moot upon Editor Empalme, of the -better ' ri plicel Paddy.wareetbs when be we away. We of the piece they played at the Pan. your negligee. Well be goinggetto iris bod dorm and a rueb. etealthy. but flturtholm communist daily, -nall- 'deism in Ohlo. perfected a veg- Peter laughed right out and PadPattenre dear! If a roan have been of .(1 ,,,,,,proj mistakable, other each oa,,, L..Idy looked most mixrd with writing to bladet. has been confirmed- - The etable compound tasty ler The Merry Widow"? If shortly. Hut lump On a Pair ot heavy feet toward the Marks loves you. bell tall you too. annoyed. "What is wham a mite stockings. and put your published a violent at, oIti oil to act on the liver sod anomie JT,pnt : Couldn't relimin from it if he want. for about two moathe.twoIle to at Peter Rabbit? newspaper 'there laugh bowels. which to his psto be letter where come on Finnish gave back tech M can inthe and where in Sally A and d towhich he wouldn't. So, don't presithmt get- them. .you Liman sprang noiselessly ' from I he demanded sharply. . government for their prosecution tients for yearn make the mistake et trying to force rhelfalavly--ooseetta- He appears to think coda troduced to the Matte Dentin. and Jiffy." bed I and' stole to our wee Peter" door. a looked bit ashamed. swiftly Dr. Edwards Olive , COIMIIIIMINS Tablets. Milt summer, when the of me. and I do of him If the Crown Prince asks golly if the $ho went out of the door closing unlocked the iseuelerould be neither be. send nee a Chrisaidas tune which the orchestra la It after her. and I stood staring have oiled the noted that she most as of course. be should hare. "I President flelander visited Stock- imbetitute for coloroel. slieb gentio coilting nor "rise. plating in-it in their action yet always effee- sonoteelegaly beg your pardon. Paddy. I do. holm. shotdd I read blot ems? brings back memories, and mho in the direction she had grme. with wits the movement and opened tive. They bring abort that natural deed." said he. trying to tro Polito. If so, what 'maid be appropriate replies that any sentencel to the Daghlattet Dear Miss kityerreplies tem a ever surmiro I. that than to finish stronger tiniest track. listening ittTI struck me an to bear any by defying the governmeA, declar- buoyancy whkh ail should taiar by , If not, what should I de?, - that maths with thegoing Prince, as it Lillian expected something esetting tently. PresentlyMrs. Marks' voles hate wed the litertitorium for on. talk of next winter when last ing that it will ear what tt Wpm's. liming up the liver and clearing the - to happen something railing foil a long time and newainly enjoy 'Thanking you in advance, I re. ma lett Imilniehed long ago. sounded in winter le 'querulous. system of impurities. hardly forgotten; I don't Deer Mint and resourceful action before' an alteperated question: I I believe yen swift Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are reading the questions and answers. "Let the bourgeois rejoice. We believe one else ' I is of any thinking the - I. too. 'hate et should not will break. did I Woods be Orem' able '1113) me te WONDERENG, in 'day Whatever I Peteyt known by their olive color. 15e and question whit thea nest 'winter.- and I don't see any will bath the lest : cannot answer, so will you. please? Yount truly. Chicago Daily New. lec.--Areason why you should. It will be .- A short tittle ago give had a notIt would be too late to act,efter .rmyr mx. Riverton. time enough to think of winter .1lifl boy at our house and he has Christmas, my dear, so you cannot - : Joined the army again. He wrote when winter is somewhere near. to ascertain what this chart is The number to which you refer ''' ' to nee NO after Ite enlisted and Iwait to do about gifts. Personally. Now. I honestly, don't you think set" . Zi Is "The Merry Widow", a walls.. CHIIRCHES REPORT or me. He has am not an advocate of amked for' a Paddy chock his heel most de i promisee. Glad I could help. , an so,n or Winn!, twrithc, and I really bus and profuse giving at tided'''. 'That may be all right. for Christ1; don't know I whether to seed hien mastime. so I would unapt that Dear said he. "but not for 1 Isome folks." , Mktg Stay.: ; one oe not.--MIRIL If we waited until then dont think he will I you choose arery lovely greeting Iiiiii...1ATTROANCE ever roe& back here. rkase au; be would have little Wel kittolm likely to atervii to card for him and let that softies.at S ate what to do? We shout cannot to it d.,. take two afford niontits Thad you'll be within the bounds the i e.r. Took Lydia E. rmkharn's With lots of loss and anoress.. ugh chances as that. I know of good form eithor "cunning ge." Would you like In a - ' Iwe Lake. Salt 'D&141.00KS, are some people who never ho does or does not remember give theta to some ad your chile Vegetable Compound dur ?.. hV. 73104. vrAntitxoTox. morrow. 114 the but for in dive? thought My with mend a Should a 23.(dP) phone you elbw you sift. i "tla ales always to be kind , to each people !vet along Is More the law et averagre. ing this Critical rinse MRS. M. Salt till ke. lonely folks who hae no home tett. itnotshould he something simple urea on church attendance at army ..0M10.....,0 llind esperudven A billfold'. a ties. and if you ars friendly-enougsumww THF: BEATER PADDY ; Baltimore, M4.- -9 took tytha E. , . RECt)M1B posts during the taut fiscal year Tea. lira with this lad to puraue the pencil or pen, a ply kiddies would rtiouGErnot-Lwould indicate "'that every member Pinkham's Vegetable Coirpound to e handlike to have your kittens. Sweet of Pendence. then It could do no harm Inmnogromed s of the military personnel attetKed help me through ' to0 of kerchief, or anything of that sort you to let us have theme Thank to send him some snapshots By Thornton W. - Burgess.church at an army-posLife Ahirteen theChangeof : -times during tho year," Colonel 7and for broken- Who for the future lies no thought M. c-177.John T. Axton. chief of chaplains. P IN down system. I Dear Wino Ilaye: 11, tool &me day a leason will be taught. r in the annual report to reported bad been COM. , i" ' ant to some Beaver. the you owning c(-:eo-.Davis. !with Paddy Secretary 1 plaining a leng , hod news. Abont tea days ago II lost lyss , The total attendance at post 10' time a white toM mks watt, as I was Moot people cern to think that aervice for the year was 1.1110,027. batairM 'beg or Abli,i54 In excess ot that for.the stung oast of a am to go intoCom- the members of the Squirrel family 11. It t be r medicines . new a and year preeeding high aigralrisa ', 11 which did not help . thrift y of the lintel mark for the army. ; pany so Lases meet between Sec- are the ofmoat ITN me touch. I read 0.4 ond end 'nerd tionth. la people . the Green Forest. But-, 0141 in the newapapera There are other peoimoontramed an the bock of k. this I .,,,,,c iv, of the Vetretable -MI Komi. do you think you could pito quite as thrifty ks Happy Jack ' MylesEdward Rewati and of his roustto-Compound and help use loon it? it lend A ert tagairret,orit isany Blanche Donaldson Davies, 1151 after because Happy Jack Probably takings bottle I felt better. I Stow my uncle. and I ant EMMIMO avenue, girt did not atop with one bottle,but took and Chatterer the Red Squirrel end iZZHCAW PremomFAmond Martin and it the whoie critical time and Striped Chipmunk aro seen more Salt Lake, Alice, Maxine Denby Fremont, 111 amthrough .1P.N.Atemact "4 now practically a well woman. I often than the others that they . south FiratWast. ma "Yes Peter. II hove On have bee looked two hese upon deal be long it great daughters whose health wee UndbeckJohn Gonna? and ElSorry. dear. ilope T, can , help But of all animals. bad thriftiest the before odd anintl." he mo Enamel married announcevery and Katherhis Loinelbeak ' nty lust the they youperhaps was worried about them. I got the 1111 vouth Buie. bey. ment ot your lees hero will be the there Is one of the littiapeople of mamas of your watch being restor- the Green Pore3t who begins to gins to harvest his food supply for VintageEdward- Walter and Vegetable Compound for them and it You ees;- Paddy and hie Florence Beatriew 'Arson Thema. helped them, and after they married ' ed to you. I hops it may. dear. think about and pies for the fu- the winter. 12 Eardley Place. gfri. Ifamily moat have enough bark to ture long before Happy Jack it alas helped them bi bearing their Meantime! theoriot Anthony- - and Lilrel gives so much as a thought to hurt thrm all winter or they int' RoutieClyde babies. This is a gre and mad. - - : V! 'starve to death. They cannot 'get or lian Mabel Whits RoutierlittIola the matter of s winter store itine for all complaints o women, - look $V011110. food if reutle for their aupply girL food. This la Paddy the Beaver. Your Skin., anti and I recommend it to all."Mrs. L. CliffordDouglas The members of the Squirrel levee out. Squirrels can de this, but 121 GiNGRICR, 137$ N. Gilmor St, Balti. Ann Buchanan Antri Beavers Clifford, mute make sonnet. They think winter seldom about family more, Maryland. borne to tout It brims street.. boy. sure 10 of in their logs enough ninif hiving and until Scorns end supplies The Vertable Coinpound Is a de. nil and Roberta tea cop the color nod seeds are, ripe., Then they Work food pile under the leeto last UBeatrice' Yowler Butler, 215 east pendable medicine for women of mid. the ice disappear". for time. Rut and Orient's. short the hard fain a of charm ' Second South. girl. die ageLet it relieve you a.m. See. le Memos-, Paddy tile Beaver ban to look far nlit' Now Paddy the Beaver b wise in finest ten gardens. BmithJease Kimball and Ointment 61. nese, that feeling of strain and those ahead. and plow, often he works bays of hia kind. and arta p.a-..a- e Ar. San "Anderson Smith, 2113 Fifth East, annoying hot Los. guie4--1 day Sashes au COMMOIV Si in the summer whoa many of some time before he actually be : w-HAT , , , I' ,- - '77.' o 7 -- -- erHE I -- . ig) 1 1 hi:nesilia' ,f- , . tribute,--PlaPPe- ' C , 11, - ' wonderful - ' Scotch.flavor--- - famous .. ,,,,- Ii we To get true ) .. i , - Instruction for-th- e Whole Family. PK? ! , Entertainment and - I : ' -- -- 1 1 IIcouldn't - Quaker Oats you have always known iirtds 'rhe Quick Quakercooks in 3 to minutes 1 1 - - -- . ..., - Easylf - shore-entere- d one-tra- - ck asGoes it?' ' . , , . . ttr 21.-5e- nMacs - I I'r4I.IbthetettIs ses itI . fun' for--th- , ke . Ivan-pitch- 1 tit. - word."---leoPT11- 1S, dv. ' itU I SS BEDTME STORIEij , 4) far old--jw- - AEI! HELPED THROUGH KORA ,CIIMICE OF LIFE $ , L band-mad- ,. c. ' - t - ,. 0'; -:, ' --- 'S-1- -- 1.. - N. Jeuobig- , o-Grituichall. , ten't-true- 77 ' -- Obwmation wan - , rt j4 ranc Gest Cutictzra 700 I030 Lv.SaltlikeQty Franciaconext Thence, nine farn;o; trains Los Angeles over Coast and Md. ley lines;:- , les the Motver-Dolla- r way to the Coast. Via vmndrous,lake Tahoe touts over Litwin Cut-o- ff ansialong thiritn of scenicAmer- ican Alver Canyon. .7 - girt. it costs . , No 14Aore By P4CAN '11400e-- $52.50 -- NOLSt ' 'YOU . Powrri ea A !Wee rewbi, mg" L'TGOOP7ff WILL 1 Ito-Myle- via ' - ' posPrand -------- P40 'SOME MI", In ottocc, nR-- f I no PVOR CW5PEI2 1 .1tg'S GivtNc.. AtwAvb PP6 6111E'S '50 :10015 To IPscp ACI,E A CO"ST - I A GET -TR IC: Crire tegt.' HER NAME- "SRO', "ter 'obloksia. --Too: DO NOu It Now At4,4 1 Q10 COMO OF ? lM L 1 :9-37- t, HER PLEPITI I ' G000 - : 'X'Fftirt - Ned ON V te3 1 , ?(21T P717 V,11)); ,t '.1N p 6-- , I - , , Was. , Preis Baiwzolt, Gign,Aket.. 41 South Plabt St, . Salt latke . i : I 1 . V 0 c - W. , C t:7' 3 I fito4.1cost hilumet aft. ,w,d'. K Q k l'11.13 lir 440:.. Arai 4 LW? 0 11 vTTYTJ' 'a r. . lb . , WoWli' I...,.. 'O.. L4 ,, 44 . lit' . J11114."--.--.74,-7- ) P .- .- TR tO! '''' ,, t , , . ,, , - I 4 -- gi, d'4. Dlikfo.(P,i I l' . . -- 41: . Ct .4ormirs. k. P"RIY: -- .0e' 11 .:, P ,.., ti tog,. LI Ot HELLO MUP5. !: NENEP mISIO' EINICyhaiNG-- , AM'( ONE :TO '9114c7 PO 1001 -EvE- - GO 4uST 1 'THE YOuRE, ooloNti, Fog - AND. GOOFY OW-0-- 0 4. - r IM iNG WHEN ' G ONN A tJgD - w, " Jimmie Murphy.- How 1)10'''THAr 1t4E .10 JP' I - TOOTS AND CASPER- -1 The Musical Trio. . roundtrip to - , - 12 f1 I r ,,,i,:w,...... AO. , A |