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Show . ' - ... . , , - - . - , . . . .. , , . . ,,.. -- - - - --- TIM: DESERET NEW3 IIONDA:k. NOMIBER, 23'. , , ) se, ' .. - r - S - .. - ' .. ' .. d 1,,,..idi Mzir,,, ensAro Pcireczt,7 Matched, rice, Ce3 'DoctiLocited 4 4 ' - , ,v r ..- - i., , . Nevem - 11,,,,AA,,.--..- i, Pala. In Gred S L...., . . , .. .70 r roL,-,o- ; Ill . ,,.,,,..,, - ,,...:;,T,: ,,,, ,. ,, .,, , man anci Well Conducted; Many Stars om ent.ls Sides; Mem Adds Laurel& Big Game e ' .. . . IC' '. e .' . 7 , ,.. .,Al - 3 ;; ...'''''''"nr t, i , IA.... I.., . - ; 0 , ; - ..a.,..:...0 ft , , r - -- LT' - ' 0 - marre-Capta- in long-awalt- now COLEM ' NIES Rmooloo West-thaltin- g 22.-Ce- t. lo. - .. gh atone-throu- 'Thal little old blue misfits It was tattered. It wee terms ' That Buie old blue Wade two hundred tacklers That little old blue- shirtshirt; the ice ,,.- ammo. Mtn WOre, 'Mal little old iblee'-stdthat - - rt - - ,. Bed Grange wore. Onutge; the reheated I of-tfighting togs again ea 'hltasslistiving day, but be will stet wear the famous "17 of oiled.. a . . late days. s For Bed hak turned professional. to follow, as hts phrases It the baldness be knows best. Declaring that he bad bad ne training that would enable birn to acceptother alluring offers the st rawberry bleadewarrior of the chalkgd field. signed a contract yesterday that Will place birn in the Chicago Bears' ilpeup for Mx garnets. after which he will invade Fiends, during the holidays. It . Nev. .. 1- ' - . - , . East. vs. ri Earem's Kicking laokla Sect H elps West Greedy. Avows Ithitress's soleallid punting wee all that kept East from &stuns right into the shadow or the Panther gosb Throughout the emend half Lim ball was in Panther territory most of the tima and owe toward the lain or the same East seriously threatened to seers whet. Moyle, Leopard fullback. blocked Eihreetts kick and Omen swooped it up and started for the weal. Iles before kikreta dropped him. A eerie of pasties gave the Leopards first downs on West titsa yard lino. salt Gardner attempted toward drop.kiek. it relied down the Panther seal and was downed d line. A flys yard oft the first penalty gave the Panthers downs on theft ewe five yard tint Chen the final gun pooped. A rehie Eihrem, stellar Weed halfbaeli. wag easily the etstotanditte performer of the day, bin kiekinit plunging- and excellent defense work toropiristing a great part of Wost's strength. Imo Moyle., In the lootektield to.. gether with Bob Davis, and grallet and aroma on the line showed up Well for Past, while Godirsee. Orem and Poilt. quarterback. and wenn mt the Panther line ware autsoindPent. showing exceptionally Inc wen en defense. The gem. was remarkably alma and well handled with few delete or eontroversies. Not a man was forted to leave the field dm amount et inturtee. altheugh Mitre was momentarily knorked out ow one 'rho Emir players appearpreaP4OPed to bet ihs better conditirmed of the two eleven. and sititougt conettlemisly lighter threurh the line nowrot in dr A liftWillt strength than the Panthers, the-Pant- ten-yar- - - - 'rho Wimp and mammary! Greve Prodlier , Johnson Imes wen I.. -- At. Parrs at ktral ., thawas thastrens Lee er rt. I lowleSal I I 22 90 14--41 CIIES COOLOEll Owe o Nodevon astortere, 14 sclatltea. Seniors Win Class Series at Logan - - Locum, Nev. It senior glass basketball teem &noosed the Logan high interclass series hero Last although they Were give a Moos run for it by the sonhomores who lost OutMoss scot of I to it Coach Willard Knowles 'Wilt Italie only two letter man to butia his Isis school quint &round. but there bythe Is FREDDY WELSH IS SERIOUSLY ILL Woo. "mu- Vett trio-uillness rnwidlo 11Pkoon Do,. ft. Borkatrad Welsh, former word lo lightwelaht Pelmet MP Pour taxi Inks ref Rrobertir thsnvok it. vamp eoportoti today 111r. A ah. Welsh. it wits oat& hos been removItafwiro, IV Porn nry prapire. Poo , 5ead liossewint. B Bradt ; told sfl from hie home in SsmmU M. J, to a pAcato hospital. sof farina. from rseurrent beast &turas. - Welsh. root, name to "'reel Hall ohm, tVaterloo Tiger s Thomas. woo born in .Pontypridtl, le Wats 1Uç 6-- 6 letvie P robs, Mr10 . - and Warnpas Cab Ise, e hitter frame of football StaFel on Kelsey fiekt ',external rbe 10147frir ntatrartoo- - Tigers betel CAI score. Wampum Cats to Tan linnet); Waterloo. W'atopos Cott rt It. Worthen cluff Swenson Eitos Ifs " 4..10 borer's titans: fir wortirni Henderson rhb - Witswerald Helkdricitt I h Substitutions: Itrkinan tor F. , Carrel. OVV33 titXT WEEK -. 4 Iai. Cowan RECORD (IXAMTER. 1- - 11, SPARK PLUG - pm, 4aedat tsar, ioNna'ag000kooto okt -- tai maitlat mars saw okau.t litAul UAL Same rm e toe ...4. 104.o.01Pooda;; Vo5 - West's SO yard line. Gardner made Broberg tarried the hall tree yard A peas failed and West to- each. revved the ball on the It yard line. Etkrent ponied forty.five and Gardner returned twenty. yards tIcrdnee punted out of bound," on West's 23 Yard: tine. lEast held anal doom to Gardner trhO eras tit wned pounted in his track& Eget penalize fit- tottt Vara toe hokling. Gardner Punted th,rty ?lards. West was fore- ed to kirk and Etkrem punted out Goterdb"nenr.tilblonyRie "senile:vets wlart;ed first down. West penalized five yards for off aide. Gardner, made three yards and Moyle carried the ball over for first downy 'Th. near. ter ended with East In poesession of the ball on tht 44 yard line. Store: PAM ft. West O. , ronvirm 411.l&MTEIR. Los Angeles, Calif.. University of with pregoutsem Cantos-ult.:- ponderance of straight football and with bin few passes, most' of them incomplete, defeated lows. 111 to 0 here Saturday. , - "Cowboy" Kutsch and Fry of, Iowa carried the brunt of the battle for Old Gold, while- Larsinette. OrtirY and Maar fought brilliant's, far the Southern California squad., Fry played despite an injured left Ths game plowboy teammate of who limped onto the field Kistach, and kit-- in no better shePe-l-eft record In the Memory of 116,001) fans for his brilliant ball carrying.' Southern California, started the when tooting Morton- Karr paved the .way tot Leraneta's touchdown in the first quarter by making turn on one Of Grahams punts.: Cook passed to Laraneta and Kiser' bucked ever the two other uncon,' "01-- 4ure -- tuovr , ome 11 :,21 . .. nit Nines KrO4SOOkt. oi., h,,,... .. ,er , ......... , illo r... u C. 6de 'Afire, le yards litsho. 11. yumbliso la teals& a Vint Idaho 114. Otilelatelitttlissa s Itarteliet snoparet tpdhlouitalt: to betouantygolordomnthatcosh e s-- et .A: ... ptli:anrmezit pee bbtrtia; ,Lt uriovabiinr angwrT1 roterset! sem:mds. tip: btoo to . - thirty-sts'yara.- s. SEND. - 'Veach-Nouhga- n II Boleatt--..........r- ...., ' townspeoPle who assembled - , ak - ., gee the graduation exeresen of- the ', , greet "Buck" Dixon , - the mighty -iBe b" Rowar&--nd .;,...i .., ,. i,. ' Saturday to v.. ow the gritty Romney ere d". re- - t, turn II ' Soicing "'''' at the - 1 1211 lt - .:By Billy de Beck. - 0,11110T o .... ' . - ,...,. ...g ,,,,,,,, ,-- ,, ..,. - e, jpw ...,.,.. "--0- itp4!k mt 7,nOrt,r, ear. ; wolonfort):nnoe ptZst ever and , left Young victor'. pus over Mon- tana State Col. lega le to 7. Three other into of , the greduation class who probably their last game for Youngthey have -- another year..of competition-conslug were Captain Eddie Kimbell. who simply would not be kept out COM i ITIZMERRILL plit of the celebration."IterklP men The and Reed ftwonsott.-Oared the game is though it ',quid be their Jast on ' earth tut, welt as for Young. lEiniball- Platted hied enough to PrOVO thst his arm is on Oho improve when he was mac- Sweason . ceeded by Worthington. the contort and played well, his handling of pasnes eitpecially being 'derider Pinred it' great game et guard. Re will have occestottibte,.remember the exereless fact that he was knocked out tor a moment by some hoof to the bead - . - -7- cote-wort- - Buck Dixon, who bad previously been selected as validictortan for g football player, did the not disappoint his mates or the fans by his performance. He was the outstanding player on the Reid. EIVO the greet Glynis was eclipsed Of this young by the hrillianms mall. who - carried , such throat around with him. that the Bobcat& , were bewildered. ' , H. Y V. Neatens, - ... Itotoses Morse St 'rides ....... 0 Corbett Kimbell C.). ., Peterson Maas .,,. Score by S. Y. V Noutriaa Men ft.. ....... Howard 111 e . Oise Wilson liebous (r ) SI elide , .... .t.. ...... .t..."r4 woo , beetle Sobesek D. toly. quarter: r B. Y. alabstflational 1,10114 for kWh lph, Worth logton fog Kimball. Igo, taloa' tor Potorroo, Clark- tor Mottle". W Lloyd fOr WarthiMrtt getaifta Otoart.itt tor V. bobruo, (Ieton", tor trottl. Cottons tor Hord, V. Deimos tar semwes. wilmo to Cca, Pitt,,, Arlo tor a tam Bard for tory. 1,tord for Ores-er- r. Cancan ter aryl tkiakmare tor Babcock. rite tor V. DbotilL Weimar; laravira, otricialagrterra. Baddial, hoo4Basamilik borit-pot- 4 . . 6- ,,... .; hi bider-banner- - - said The- grid iron will now be turned. over, to the blizzards. .. , hundred teriglentatiY... fifteen etudentaand two or three hundred In defeating Montana the Teen, did several things. - In this, first place, the team revealed the Sect that the Roberts-Ha- rt rhythms has become habitual and that the tette Conspire played Montana tumid look like a football team against the best team - in the conference, could they but be brought together right now. Montana, pisgUd. well. but Tonne played befters - there is no question about that, The Bobcats, be it said to their credit. wire One of the cleanest football teams seen on the "T"' tioid this year, Coach Roberts was right. When he lauded Coatis Ott Romney's clean sPortamanshitThe Bobcats played herd taTkied ran hard, but did it all ac- -, ail:rabbit: bard. esrding to the rules of the game, trip. morning and orturning PriAar- Ueorte'lltil lin. eitptAirt: John Howe, Dirk Ewell. Hat Merrill. Arta Fairbanks Rill Harmon, Ed Hill. Ray Hart. VPV111.11 Jrnmem litewartMsekav. George .. Ries. John Heath. Hellman-Ruben Jolley. Ruddy leduis Wrong'. Wallace Mites,ngor ill Pl Dewookkal IMM4Sogrnniol COS . celomi---z.,- played-through- Behrendt . . ne. re mow Soltwi Ito- , 17.. Gardner la.cked over the goat ate, head Mining& , t line. Can tt yard Wests ball ma and Gerd- Gorey puttied ser returned five yards. aJordner punted thity-- f iv yards, kiktsm I lig irked thirty sardia. ilwardner made , D erek around end and Davis ' yard taco made .two replaced Mum:writ and Kast high seta penal OUT feed fifteen yards when Vika talked I I CALLS IT 1:011111'.'i'EST01,11;;;i te ono of the plapere, Gardner A Ve tact birkett SUCCESSFUL YEAR pas& Gardner to kik. placed t Wall on Wests IS yard line. PikNow. PRESTON. ' Idaho, Nev. SOUTH 10,aBlith It rem latereepte4 pass. The Panth- away today of the Imo lo. putting er barks tore off a, first down. Eik. Overesenter nt ten Waukee a teed sites the the Proton striation", who rent reeelved & bad I 1411 ft". M con. senate seasoned agalset it Meths 111411 skins have bet.. unaer the capable teattter and Hayes blocked his attempt illato ot Coach 'within con-- . Mortbateetore defeated JoeMaughan. Dim. Notre to punt. A pas Gardner to Davao. widow that the acsenn'a offeringe gave Mast the ball on the 22 yard- II to la TIM ettensiveir at the start et have riot &NM Mali Itith Ousk the s in sta attempt- the third quarter netted the Pate line, Gardner fatted semifinal' trophies' did not tome drmne op kirk. Wests 's bell On 10 toteirdovnito shirk ersord the visitors' their war. This is the first SAMSON yed . West for pimaitzed that Preston hats Iron ttra divialonet stalling. rikrem made - one yard marlin sad brought victory. ... I title and In tho live league frames West had The Lineup sod monsaatY: throuth renter of played during the season they have Northwest...no of the bell err their own Notre Hama possession eOtP4 ke points. It touchdowns, Sortitel 4 yard tin whoa the game anded.. Walsh in 0 towebdowsij . for o Drum against :5 pointy. I kelt sties In Reibommno their opponents, . e la 14 he enmpliEphraim High- Cagors - itaretIV, Lawry Protericiti ' Schuler. mentod when one takes into account .tii 14sym...- -Line to Club- Team Johnsen that s letter In011 Wet Pr hawk et , re Wean Atetthews the first of the year- - But next year 41,4, Christmas Prostnn will be in se had tiono otub Parssies.....ab conthb Baker dition a tiler boakosboll loam detested Ephraim biga Reacts Pr thie. for I or rb b .. ........ White Urn Cods by a score of 21 40 Oh eleven in t41 graduate present, fb Both Pomo playo4 wolf tor tbo flan Wyae4,,,,, Lori spring. Ocere by lOoriods: garnet - at000tai goy tb outstanding, mulling Cranaideot An haratenod ti 0 I -1 t player o th tramf, orbitwoo Napassa was Net,. Demo - . , . Preston won over 3 I 11,.111 this year when PPol 'sum. toterto. Northwestern last year Retro PamoJreermeowpe South Cache,- 0- Manahan's, tot000 ea& somata:7' ' Rearing: Last.to Pt chnot, year hie tiouth ISPItrat'art. lAwyw for Wiese). Plasmtoubelltutes relight Cache teem won over Prestos' by P r teebotnate ter iteschI; sitter gen point a the same core. :0 to altrod.rf $ a a a Prabortit I &meltdown, Itentighl. . ttertatroolere ft, Irraconlt S 2 Tottnowlt 2 2 a Tratchdown. 1.4wory:, pat att.& touch. aota-4- 4; tram ptimesnent. areal I $ a TalnaeOL 1 1, a Metes SHADS ore IS E irr ',ALONE. itarnva,rg atevs, I 0 aa L.,iy Nor-tsa- r XINNEAPOIAS It I I I 2, Hmithron Sito Ottletaloltoteratt, Italitheattl, V4l.y coratan rya It a ttl dte!loos Shade, of California, and Jack Steittran: listafre, W. D., Eatabe Dart, Moderns Dela DU. 4. K. KmlblaY. of St, Paul, tonight leer, SOS al matnitt- tads. tJetwallt.. Oa at nolo; head Atacama. Jor WY atti !111,- Italoelk meet In a ten round mateh wort. comber It. The men are wel14 T1411it... wittutite-ItikeTeak!' ;t ill 3 31i Item of iodrit,44 iS terweights. 6474"1 a Twis sit000toognos le'aterlooE, -,- touchdownst-'------- of has been stripped from the soar - Linens and atimrany7: loan. R,mxtutua.4., The lest et Unteessity.,.---- colAsculd, 'Pried .11,. Nov. 23. TN, football DROYO. I- season lies closed ol. TOUnit - , :Tnyist . .uravath Nrised iriffnt Garrett DISC kiln Modalrit -- ht . .. yriend Dietki skims 14 . Ittchort 4., summer Adorns -- C Aterem itelairmer , Dakota . .. 1""" lwrit 0Adier Graham Ksee ;111. ... .. ,rtrt.. HAW toll114 galMit tn.,. 14'41111 irickoos Fry 4.t toranets preen, 400...".':- -.roftvithon Ildwardo le; ;14' Stbloamericio ... .. toe 10... ' .... 01tiltk Comoros G. IL 11-.lobr .1.L wimp inHirt 8 et mortise Tionotb401,8-444181- 6tor Gil 11. Kmiec Subotitutioito: 0, A. ttato. Penman tor Imby Olmstead for Referee. fekerintil Mears; umpire, Plumb tor Richert. Csrr for Ratter. Koko field Prise. Griffith. rarlham; Dew for Drunk LAIbt for Robin& Tows; head linesman, Batiesseit Cimea. for mt&e. Itadtr ter Plineb, Dtetterood .40A Golder tor Laity. idato--Kes- et Tilhe of theft la instils steciL I tOr rinnernt Wallinntel ter pneblilk, isoolvvry ter Cemeres. CAIROOOli tot Jorobrj ft&ird ter Omass ter GRANITE TO PLAY D.Inases, Del for Stevens. isms for Itemiser, Torn Jacoby ter Cansefee' 1 HINCKLEY THURSDAY 1),,,eoe terjlett -0 from yams , ttevirontage-e.anes.y.. A C., 152; Idaho, 31Y Tartlet through A. 20 built. ilddebak 77561: "ffitnit; il414 alletta.--arreteree0"" A. Ce; with A., too ter le orneieted- -0. Hillenitr aityconosftehaapt Po Th'atittt wrarsepw.",i l ilithe,lt tor I tt 6C. Wobble Dimas - ...all 7 ditsr . .111' Ends Carta: With Great Performance; Bobcats Praised. : Spectacular Game .17116.0 tr;-- 1 , Di1,012 - text ft le no alserrael to be runner on in the elate end National trapahootlog tOODIMMODtl, Ift DO DSO than three ehatroion'ships the runner up veered 199 Which meant that the ehamrkves seared 2ott to '' win. Anothtr runnerperfect up peened lat &net three otters" IVY. When one breaks tarretar thin well hp tools th2t he het done a good lob. 'eves it a be doean't win. C - b Iowa 18 to 0 allbeWelt Nbu esior aqui 650401E. 4141104saLl aPACittS luoit clusilvot tot Te4 tot PtU4 'PUNNERS UP FALL ONE SHOT SHY 4 .t . 1 . to-th- Trojans tate:at '- "Km 41,r4 eameot vlbute,t4 a'; - way-end Demands and Gets Recognition. , - , ' Calton and G. ' West held for three downs and 4ral thtalued the bail on line when an ritempted pass want Ei!trern line tver the goal brie loose for a thirty yard trai n. around ton en4. Iledgeon tared right for a' l'Fait down. West was yards offtor five being penalizel field. Pont With a yard, side. eke, from Ekren,. Entdropped a peas rain Punted out of monde on Ram', 1 yard lino. Oardrier dropped the puntt when Wathine drooped him to 'West rierever.d the hie racks. funible. Elltrem ponied forte-lor- e returned fiv'Zi and thireiner yarda, the bail on East's it yard pettingWest wee penalised rive yarde lino. (faultier and Moyle erase East another brat down with scrimmage. East penalised fifteen yards ltfor holding Oardner punted thirty-siyards , 4. na---Ilealy and Van eritt returned eight yerde flikrem. Hodgson ead Beeketead SPEAKS 111Alt gum rave Wept another first dews. West hammered the loopard hes for On.. ST. PAM. Minn.. Nov, 23 down- - West inad th other The, pt. pant PiOSIPWr Press says bell on firet Sink 10 yard line when the Untveraity of Minnesota may the half Esse 011404. los its heat football coach. Dr. U. Weat East Score; w Olke41 Clar itposte. TH11111 The p.IbtItt7, ay the paper Merketeed kicked off forty yards would lose the set. that Minnesota retuTroil the- ball fifvices of Dr. Clarenos W oears as And Hay Oavis. Moyle and bead football coach was tit ehlet teen yards I el er br subject of discussion among returns oardner carried (Au received 20 who dolma. and fans first Moyle paused ing players In Chleago today( Sunday) on Moir yard pass from Osrdner end way home from the Michigan Min..1 fled it lievett yards. EaPt.0 ball on nesota game st Ann Arbor. right through laehlo,,Moyina,nd r..01.0 es sucks tott uot 1 ban a(litoor but punt. tar limo. Van 117 yard carnett Cott, lis,ateitoover for Eikrem firm downc ried the hall a West Pom high Moyle i1te,x4tted on the Ewa- rich $O yard line East tumbled and West retiovergd the East ball on the Si yeird line. linseed and took the ball away- from vard West Oft lbo-1failed to gain And Oardner merited forty-fiv- e yards. Van Cott reituraed the bell five yards. Eikrein twonlysoves punted in yards and Gardner wee downedand hie trackw Moyle. bottle oucre..0r4 1,u making find , &tilt tailed to downs for maim the nervesary yardage and r sr d thirty-foutiartiner Punted Elltrem attee.ittil to punt, but East and bielit.4 the attempt (ten 7be quarter recsieered the bail. ended with 12a.4 In postiession at tee ball or VI eaCt It yard Moore: East J. West II-- 0 of bounds on the one-yar- -- qwe. TWIT (MARITAL IliAOYLE 'kicked off to Zihrtra eel the 39 Yard lino, who returned - rnal held the ball SI tele Yardw and Eiltrem pouted out of bound on East's yet, line. Oardner b b Krbkát5r Powers "Woos" Gamble team alter agitated seread-otrin- g the regulars had piled up two touchdowns. The substitutes continued the work of roiling lan'Pointit Pexton, eubstittite. made three touchdowns. ii Wittemerar, a Colorado plover. raced lifty-eigyams in the third period and led the way for One of Pesten'. touchdown. Weary inter carded a past dashed fifty-fiv- e yard to Western gtate's line in the third period anti tarried the ball to the d line. where Colorado recovered a fumble. The lineup: toeatent Mate Cotentin. Philip, Heaton fltII&T)e7 it. Sawyer ulnae .. .. 'e latchiary Axton germinal U. Waite Higgins . Dowd Healy Crimea temeyer ob... thb Aiken Dieky Chamberlain ,.rbb.. Hammx lb Petite Peons by periodsi 6--4 Western giate -14 kink de .... Searing: l'oreh4eerne.-11"ext- en (aubstitute for Babcock). Chamberlain:: Babcock, Points atter touchdow- 'BARNEY GOOGLE AND .... Priost.0 Demers . Jones SIEE Alton I kerhost touchdown Amos. Raekla 2, Conwell, Graham. Abbott Marty. orocrunett. Goan attar goal "WWI thowiL: itrtto 4 ?wittiest& I Gailaither Sobstitutlorur $I far, BOCIAlg11. Cole., Kotr- 12 C. Nock firettk for Pork. itrorthori Colorado univeraltrit l for 1.oferso, Carrothar0 tor sallakker. powerful line,. ttoallestast tor eratortstas C. A. thoutta eleven exhibited ?LUSA Volk smashing and open Held running at. I.,Agg1.4 Abbott torforbee& Brook. Itrood for tacit end Wen from Colorado Wewre tera Etat& St to 0, here Wailaor. Trottliposo for Moin., today rd tor Illrao. itart" tor S. Clem-mo- t. A open field run for P, Clammor tor Clark, ',Hobos. for touchdown on the first play of the Kayote. Tors. for Tleantask Hyde tor third period by Chamberlain, Colo- fi Clatoonr 'ItacCoosten for Broad. rade right halfback. was the feature WatIlsotott tor Sankt& Lowry for litydo of the game. OttletAkE Worm Itaboltor; IttritersCoach Whitham of Colorado tanbOf Grohs; thwoona. Schooner. Timo an abundance of promising material in the school. and indications point to a good team frdre the Grist sly citron. Captain George Judah and Paul latish Sr e ;be remaining playe from lain years (mita. krorionent among fit class retirerientstive baskethallero were: Jo. deb, Nook Thorpe, lionsaker, Spencer. Westover, Kowelia Soreoson, Owen. T. Sorenson, Williams aud Tuesday evening the ltliOr team will play the school faculty team, which arM bir pirkod Intro the to I. towing: Principal Norman Itemllten.Nate Tolman. VI, Knowles, b. BarPeterson. Davis ber, L. Heyward. heaffeed ens Crook. Jeditirtl - - throkaat Potuto $end - 1 -- 1 Kr& el est cflolastic est ., ay By Play r 1 014 '"Red old 1 I4-- It was Warfare- ell Ike is , ' - t r, : midfield the irendals hid a big re. margin. but the breaks were pestsdly against them. A Mocked mint in the early minutes of the intercepted peas which gamean gave 0, A C. the ban In midfield, a fumbled pset on which- - O. A, C. booted a safetytimes were the in the Vandal stepping ton downfall. einesb Agoe Aar., , In stmight toOthall Mattis men seemed far suporier. Thal gained to 111 III yards from scrimmage, gained by the Aggies.on They,.maile PenaltY. 11 first downe. one to sig for the farmers. The yen-dacompleted 11 mimes. the Alrioulturisto two. Idaho was able to gain consist. line in .ently through the O. A, 11 mtddle field but only once bad score wen to nocessexy punch the the ball tame within the 0. A. C. ten yard line. In the final quarter the 'Vandals opened a bewildering the aerial attack which carried ball half the distance of the fieldwas ,InArceptheave before a long ed Blocked Pimat,Costly For Idaltethe butstanding points kable ottenerviennd isati1110 defense work of the forwards and the spectacular line plunging or the wince. lAbY Wag Unquelltion- ably the Mar of the C. A. C. lineup his line plunging and broken field running contributing tremendowny final outcome IMILC- - A, C. touchdown came on a blocked Ids- ha punt. the other was bucked , OM by straight line plunges. The Unduly and timatary; Idaho; b. A. ir, In Ia, I. .1 , I l . - kw-!moc-k, , it; N---To- (Alr)-41s- !home knits et bobby Joyce, - t i early Josses won Ike tato on the D OISE. Idaho. Nov. revorest - of Oakmont meow hi Pittsbura bt In a ourprielnit fle Is Peodb111 the Varnish: lieturdaY ' Sem-ethedepit.,14aihith winter with' his family at off C. A. Beavers the pIartd Fla,, but was notIlled their feet at Public scbootfiMd the tont by weather ot It hoot Um 04 famil, fothera leash Bat they - kern. ' 11, ri Talmtble-flat- 1 Erdt alLe , PrF2n El 231- ,- ' Nor, , 23.--(- AP) last-peri- od Seit .0a. December '6,,: i - , AL: . ITICTO CiCe."'nor'''''j, Deitriyd; kBlaze! akeGitithe :: A- 74"TG i . . , 4 CI .. b i , A .. y Trer-b- ,, , , , token hat Ito ast7er PlattT's Lien Out-Pla- y Big 00firelar Jo national amateur champion,- - habit' th1k6 410 rat Aggie Team But Lose wawa of taken foitorktg a Ugly Ike whirl' practically destrayea By 16 to 'Abe East lake Ceamt' ry club. Ike .. - :;, ' t Ikverz2yei G:If ' I - ti t ' ' , , mo) . , A ., 'No..,:tiu-c.k.-14- the 11111, 1 ''' . -- 7 VeoglittsHáve.' I . tr., ,,,, 4 0 - err ckm, I!? C2 CI S CL ,LA ; liC . ,obcat Agg.1ton D ., likrsi . ., - . ' et . . Cama0---.1.1- Conf.. QrANIPORD STAMM. ' i..; Nov. conquered California, II to 14, before a colorful crowd o( 75.000 perilous her CALN7NON. TcD . , Saturday afternoon.- - It was the first CAIEST MGM LCOPARDS- .time in 10 year, that a Cardinal 4-.team has triumphed over tho Blue -;.' PANTHERS W EIGII .. .: Gold at American football. and , - The stoti of ,ths game is tits Afternoon BAT'S way the boards read Saturday tags 4 Never of Stanford. He it whirling: crualung hurricane at Cane:likings Meld following sixty minutes of what was that spilt asunder the University of contested California eleven,bachod the thatht:wag probaby the hardest and most evenly ing Golden Bear upon his haunch, scholaatic football es knocked him over his own game ever played in this state. tine tog( timer and laid him occasion was Clio gram; ', on Vitt grilliron. i prostrate . combat,- the reel 011ak Zast-Wa- st litany DereSes h. ' Athila eCIS , Of the The victory was obtained only. high sc hool gridtroo olsosio ' I i after a eensaUenal rallY: .: hater is Ta. - Male. Probably never Gip.it aro - tIMb California boom. - seerninglY il tt nt history of Use MIEMO:-1- 411111 were beet hi routed the halt the red by , two olovons so overtly reatliont sad 1 shirts of Stanford. during the elm. f mg ottarter pushed over two touch. VAMP teallitt 411. ORA Ole tonna, , i downs and came within two yard Lint' ideas lbs. boginnastr of the Nov. 23,(LNS) '. of another before losing the ball now traditional rivalry between thir.' Ear-od- d ' through Womene tight gacenory that , two Rod sad Inset schools this , 'Mad" twang bad Maned a defame. annuli spun has gone extel IOW Or amideatonal costraet with the only with the aiming gun did the the other, this beiag the ant few Vidalia Ewe throw load toot-ba-h lapprehonsion of Stanford that eon they have ever had tie. a fever of ex !California might, repeat Stanford tothavent ' The crowd was the' Usual Red pretaaoy today. The Beam are schievoment of fast year, when the -- and tied the score in the final lack oder extravagionsh with achedukd steel the New York i leardinale . period. disappear. the two beads bitirillit twilit the Gimlets in to finale at anieon't the ochool sesta throes the field anti the Polo Gratands, and I, one titivers-- e, To Abe yell mestere sad thetere utakdee was takes to mean that ciat the 'qss the welkin flag With titedr pleas Stanford tri. Raabe has Gomm. aptell Oral bo attributed. Althottgh '' or a score an4 & Itiebeity. umph peammata la New Nark aa that Never( strew we a dread terror ,, date. -to the Blue and Gold; elthough hi N:Tearzs handled the bell. in some fashion on virtually. very attack the red Strength. men launched; although h. Ountod 11111 LODES for an average of more than 40 odium unexpected and although be gained 122 yetsoon yards, the game yards front scrimmage and was on i' lido a punting duel N.- the of throwing end of lour Stanford 41, optain Archie Ettore ISIOST primate all of which f were comand Ken Gardner. Leo). pleted, it eras on deform that the yearterback, Throughout the blond behemoth was tho auvation bait of the contest both tome j. oploottidlyo a the great wall of . China. Men Ink Cole.. Reit down five times and Lain . - - only twt l'bo Itneonl ' row p$alms vets mde Agee continund on their - Stailford. Catiforant. two per- search toward a Rocky Mountain Well to during the first Walker t..,.. Materto It championship by tramp. flosweat iods, and most of the ground &obi- anatomise armour ins roughshod over -Co lemda COUPer la School ',..,, ing was done through the line oft et MAlee .,..........e.1,......., licereory times, 41 -tackle playe being especially tem-- Mora scored may the befit kenos. Wort 'mimed third period, Horns rt br am entire Coltrin when almost re a lair chance to meth in the leo- Woven of Aggie substitutes as In Hu bor ablpiter faction ob owl quarter when a long peas trout the ftid. In this ''Ooriod Graham Stoloett lb.,. Seirso Eikrees to Pont would have Omit the tin. sad wkatte a Pore tel sit. . Mornay Nil, ,. run for a touch- Tomas the later a clear field to the too- - sparkling lb. - ........ 10evora Brummatt and down, NUL kinked ma seer He untried the he Peeled toll pant added throe points more callarms . 0 e 1 44 however. and Wears only chance of agrummett tow minutes later with . ' , .... . .. - . 11 1 1 -21 a P lac. : Tetirt4.1W111..4111007. king. IIllearord new team East oats Csor It looked like a (IL ()riffle (2. Moan Poerill ( It il)-le that mons back in tint second half. Caldwell Sasso" . tt Wocaor Iratorinan atoms. cowry' Vornita; ImtIrt wile-a'Tito Looter,' bewildered the weak- Clark McCord. band linesmen. W. J. , Mack ening'. Panthers with 4 savegoott- S. CLOSISIllf floid judge. , Dud Clark Volk Thompson; e.. tack of line throats and end runs Kar oo 1 ummet ,IMao of periods. IS asututat , B; ....... Art which gave them time first downs Stubbs latirMI ?Lek for the ported while West was able 0.0.... &boor to get first and ten only once. UTOTS THEE SCORES .. . Brook .- 1:125 ILS Lao t 1 , - ti .. .0' . - . ledligars Close Football Sea.sQn., int Blaze of Glom.: Bu Beating 1;lontana-- - , ..i; ' '' .. ' - ,3,- - ' I .. ' ' , J. e - - - ,. , .0,4.7.------ 1 - e - e , - 'The result of horse raiiii Ss pub- fished in England within two min. miss after thit finish, and through.-- est the world in tett minutes. l - - |