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Show MARKER SET TO MEMORIALIZE PITDISCOVERY Utah's monument to the men who discovered the Bingham copper field Erastus Bingham and his sons, Sanford and Thomas Thom-as will be dedicated August 1, with many of the Bingham de-cendants de-cendants and officials of the American Am-erican Pioneer Trails Assn. attending at-tending the ceremony at the ' marker's site in front of the R. C. Gemmell memorial club in Bingham Canyon. Dr. Howard R. Dnggs, New York City, a former Utahn, now president of the American Pioneer Pio-neer Trails Assn. and John D. Giles, the association's regional director and executive secretary of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Assn., announced plans for the marker dedication Tuesday as the former made ready for a trip through the western wes-tern states. Dr. Dnggs will head a group which will participate in various programs honoring the pioneers who made mining history in the Pacific coast and Rocky mountain moun-tain states. The Utah program is one of the series. Accompanying Dr. and Mrs. Driggs are Dr. Madeleine Schoen-hof, Schoen-hof, New York City, president of the association's New York university uni-versity chapter; Miss Elsie Cook, recording secretary; Mrs. Hattie Birman, Miss Eleanor Mauk and Miss Helen Lehrer, all national association members. A visit to Virginia City, Nov., greatest of silver carnps, is scheduled sched-uled for Wednesday, with a meeting meet-ing in Sacramento and a pageant at Cnhimhia Stafp rvnrlf nuar Yosemite National park, planned for the week end. Dr. Driggs will take part in commemorating the Oregon gold rush at Medford, Ore., with other assemblies planned in Portland and at Baker, Ore. Highlights of Idaho's gold rush days will be recalled at a Poca-tello Poca-tello meeting July 30, after which Dr. Driggs will come to Salt Lake City for the Bingham dedication. Later Dr. Driggs will go to the 90th anniversary of the "Pike's Peak or Bust" days at Colorado Springs and will speak at the dedication de-dication of the Jackson memorial wing of the national museum at Scotts Bluff, Neb., August 8 and then attend the Fort Laramie, Wyo., centennial. O |