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Show ? Uperton : I V.ne D'l'l ich 58W 'fie Olson Ph. 568J r , m Elvin Armitstead til returned after spend- X $w i ni' haIf wt' 0,1 'IrliSni spending ffSnB with Mr. and U SiiU Lakt , i,r partv was enjoyed :u v n.iht at the home of .Doris Poul-V! Poul-V! ,. Ganiniell, Margene J , i Marlene Diederich. '''Bier of Salt Lake City ; d henw last Sunday alter :' , ., two week vacation $ ami Mls. Ernest Diede- 'j family- . ,"v and H.'.v Diederich of '''w. City aie spending this 'titli Mr- Mrs- Ernest :.f,'o the beach was enjoy- - nmlav bv Marlene, Ann 'n" Diederich and their cous ; ri-- and Koy Diederich. and Mrs. Angus Christened Christen-ed sons. Knit and Bruce, '": ;imi Mrs. Albert Birk ;a.st' Monday at Brighton. anJ Mrs Ernest Diederich .. Saiiday with Mr. and v.yiiam Boelter and Mr. and ;.m W. Diederich, all of I Ik- City. ,ul Shields, son of Mr. and illval Shields of Salt Lake pending a few days with r-,ruipaiviits, Mr. and Mrs. U- ii.-.v. !,j..v visitors of Mr. and j:rsl Diederich were Mr. ,:5. John Diederich and lifurd Kgelnd of Salt uty. t'.v dinner guests at the , :;'M:'. and Mrs. H. A. Cheer-re Mr and Mrs. Robert A. . !i ami Jay Cheever of f r and Mrs. David O. Stoker ir.ly, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynn and family and Mr. and Sanson of Salt Lake City t-tsts Thursday of Mr. and |