Show I JLDEI B1RTOVS FUAGKAL I I Vast Concourse of People Pay Their Respect < < > thc Demi I Kaysville Feb 25The funeral services I ser-vices over the remains of Elder Walter I H Barton who died while on a mission mis-sion In McComb City Miss was held today at 1 oclock A arge number of relatives of the family from Salt Lake and Ogden were present and there were people in the congregation I front all parts of this country Our meeting homse which has the largest l assembly room in the country was I I far from large enough to accommodate i those who came to pay their last re siec to the deceased I was probably proba-bly the largest congregation that ever lasembled In Davis county No greater great-er tribute could have been paid to the I memory of the respected young man The services were conducted by Coun sellor John R Barnes RIder George A Smith of Salt Lake city was the first speaker He gave an account of the labor of Elder Barton prior to his i I being taken sick and said that during I his illness everything possible was done I to relieve him He was given the most careful attention and was attended by i i the best physician In the locality I j President J G Kimball and W H I j Blood spoke of the integrity of the de I ceaTd in the cause of truth I I President Joseph F Smith spoke eloquently I elo-quently of the eternal future of one who is called away while in the line I of his duty a Elder Barton was His address was full of sympathy and 1 comfort for the bereaved family I Seymour B Young and John R Barnes each spoke consolingly to the family and friends I j Benediction was offered by President John W Hess I i After the services a large cortege followed fol-lowed the hearse to the cemetery i where the mortal remains were consigned I con-signed to mother earth to await the I resurrection |