Show nlhingtonH flirtlitlayist Price I Price Feb 24Washingtons birth day was very appropriately celebrate in Price last Tuesday evening the attraction at-traction being a concert given by Price school conducted by Professor and Mrs J W Davis and Miss Pearl Perry The entertainment was a success In every particular being the best ever given er Price on this or any similar occasion Almost the entire population was In attendance at-tendance to see the school childrens Bright faces so anxious to perform their part of the programme The church was brilliantly lighted and decorated Washingtons and Lincolns portraits portrais especially drawn for the occasion adorned adorn-ed the back part of the stage around which were banners flags etc The children were all wearing the national colors and carrying a flag which made a very pretty appearance There could have been no pains spalred by Professor Pro-fessor Davis and his assistants in training train-ing the children for this entertainment as each and every one knew their part ant performed i well Great credit should be given the teachers for their untiring energy and the interest they have taken to advance their pupils The programme was very long and would please anyone patriotically Inclined I was as follows Opening Remarks Arthur W iirsley Dialogue Wahlngton Pririiry Piano Citizens GallDpMrs J AV Davis Star Spahtjled BannerSchool Washington and LincolnSchool Song Washington and LincolnSchool PianorRay of Sunshine Mrs J W Davis Storm Dav Miss Susie Empy Piano Sweet Bye and ByeMrs Mrs J Davis Army and Navy Mr Joe Burgess and n 1 W McIntyre Abraham LIncolnRichard Brauch George Washington Miss Olive Branch riano Falling RainMrs J W Davis Hal Columbia School FreedomMiss Rosa Bryner Clap Hurrah Primary Clouds Miss Maud Thompson American Flag Miss Ltllie Bryner Yankee Doodle Primary Boxing Lightweights Fausett Brothers Milk Maid Mr Oscar McIntyre and Miss Minnie i Thompson Barbara FrtJtchie Miss Maggie McIntyre Battle Cry ot FreedomSchool GurbaUII School Closing ReniatltsCarl H Valentlna |