Show I y r L THE SALT LAKE HBBALD MO3STDAY rEBRrAR 26 1894 SALT LAKE HERALD SALT LAKE CITY UTAH BY THE HI3KATU IOBUSHING CO DIRECTORS S C Chambers President Heber J Great VicoPresI pnt P L Williams Joan T Gained E A SmJUi A W HcCune J L Rawlliis R W Young PI nan Bairibergen Horace G Whitney J W Judd Franklin S Richards THE DAILY HERALD is published even morning at THE HERALD block corner cor-ner West Temple and First Sodth Etreets Salt Lake Cty TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Dally per year 10 00 Pallv sir months 500 Dally per n > nth 100 BonuTVeekly per year 3 00 SnWeekly six months ISO nnaaj per yejr 2 50 Sunday six months 1 to All comunlcatlcrs shouW be addressed to THE HERALD Salt Lake City Utah P nscribers RII confer a favor by forwarding for-warding Tf rmaticn to this oS co when tiT papii iioJ not promotjy received ih iry will aid us to determine where the faut He < 8j eriberj rwnoVng from one place to another Td desiring papers changed sh > ui awl1 give former as well as present addpsi Communications will tot be returned ATjTimous communications will not be fc k d TIE HErnVD rcscre the right i to the name cf the author to any r > rrunication and accepts no innnu i lit with a pledge to withhold the name 1 any person mentioned in the corn i ioatlon T IE HERALD Is on sale at the prin < el news stands and on all mornint p 0ser trains leaving Salt Lake Or u cts for city delivery to either residence or piue of business should be made at tw counting room THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO U C B1IOWNLEE Manager |