Show COURT NOTES Harry Meyers filed nl d cult Bull for Cor Or divorce lu n the tho district court today Vida B U Meyers on the tho ground of 1111 d They were married on ott 14 of this year CAI and It Is alleged that over silIca thu th marriage defendant d r has beun to 10 her vow vows d A petition in iii bankruptcy wax flied tiled today toda In III the clerks ottic of the tho fader feder federal al at court by h Elbert l S Wilson of His ills liabilities arc ule scheduled at while hile hIs hit assets SIC are only 56 which amount is 15 claimed to be bo exempt from front execution The Thc case caso will he lie adjudicated ed ell by b a referee feC reo in bankruptcy In Tn nn no answer filed med In the district court coutt Annie Folwell denies that she shede deserted de her husband husland Percy R Po Tel fol 01 well tell who Is h suing RuIn her Iter for divorce and alleges ls by way WB of nt that Ihal Folwell deserted her Iter She hc asks for tor or a n divorce for tor 25 per mouth month alimony M as attorneys fees and th the cus custody custod tody loll tod of or their child An action tot for divorce has hns been filed flied In the district court by b Alma V DIn Dia Diamond mond mend against r Diamond on tho grounds of or desertion anti and failure to support port They ThE were married at Mont ont lose Colo Cola on 00 March 21 1 1886 and It Is alleged that defendant de dc deserted plaintiff lIi lb vests roars ago no and has hM failed to support her over since Christina 1 ledger hedger HIg today filed a 1 peti leU petition lion tion In the Ih probate division of or the tho dis district 11 court asking for letters letter of ot admin administration of the estate of oC George Geor e W M Hedger who died on March 1 lii 1906 ills Ilia estate consists of or real and person personal al 01 property valued at lit There ar are six I tic heirs to 10 thin the state estate MtH Mis Hedger r 1110 flied filed n CL petition asking to 10 l ho bo o ip painted guardian of oC the Ull estate and pir p r rIon M mon Ion n of oC her minor Ron eon Harrison HarriMan K S fledger who i l one of o th the heirs h lt named In the other petition Mrs Addle FaIrchild and slid Raymond Wright were acre arraigned before Judge Armstrong this morning on the tite charge charKo of a criminal conduct Ind uel antI and were given until Monday to enter their pleas Atty AU Georgo C Buckle was wa appointed to de do defend dolend lend fend the woman and Atty AllY W V k L i Dunn appointed as nit attorney for the man manThey They Them rh were d In Pioneer park eark on Juno JUliO 9 Wright Is III about Il out years of or age and the woman Is a 1 number of ot years cars older They rhe have both bot h been In Incourt Incourt incourt court for to I other offenses Suit Stilt hit has been filed In LIt tho the district dl court by N S ellson against B l 1 S STarter Tarter Carter to recover coer I 1500 1501 which the tho plaintiff advanced to 10 defendant for fat llio ilic purpose of u buying mining ft rt la is d that plaintiff and de tIC defendant Q wont lont In on the deal liS as a a pint patt tIers nera anti and plaIntiff put pitt up tip the th mini named lamed above with which to buy tho the stock at lit t 1 S cents a II share shari arid tao gave plaintiff I shares anti and kept the tho thore re rest t Plaintiff oaks judgment for Cor mn an mJ asks nak that tho the cheek check lie Ite gave Carter ba ho hi cancelled Judge Judg Morse Murse today toda rendered a doerr In favor of or defendant In Iii tho the case cusa of r Levi Axtel against Salt Lake City Tho The 11 WAD A as brought to 10 recover In the time cum aunt of or for or polluting he lie sisters of o Dig BIg Cottonwood creek Icek low floe lowing lag ing through the big bi ditch by turning the waters of or the Jordan mid narl Salt Sail Laki La canal tram from Utah l tan lake Into paid MId ditch where they Ihy cross each other Ho lie alto also asked for Cor or an au Injunction to restraIn tho thit city Ill from to divert time tho wa ira water w tel ter Into the big ditch The city elty denied donl that owned nay right In the wa water ter tera of nr time the big bill ditch anti and also by allowing time the waters front from lh ht I to 10 How low Into that ditch Ih hu lie wider Waters Hera of or the latter were ware contaminated The Thu coutt COUlt found the Issues In Imi favor of the city |