Show IN FROM DUGWAY I U AV About time the Des Deset ort tI et t Mountain D TV W damson manager of ot the Des I crt cit Mountain Muting Mining Development company ha has hal returned from a trip trill to La Latime time the company property which Is lo ho located I on Granite mountain In the Dug Dus Du mining milling district Tooele county und J reports ta time the vork work on the tha crossCut tun tunnel nel 1111 nd progressing very 11 satisfactorily with every Indication of cutting culling the Inn velum vein within n mm few days d H which will wilt give 1111 the company according to recent lecent surveys a depth of ot feet teel on the vein vol fl The Time company comI owns a II group of at 14 claims on Ott 1 n 1 i large well defined fissure vein strongly mineralized showing of QC rich ore In gold sold sliver silver lead und copper and after sinking staking jeep deep on the tho vein eln to 10 prove pro to time the satisfaction 1311 of ot the tho stockholders that the time vein In was n II permanent one olle und mind that the time ore Increased both in quality and quantity with depth the crosscut was started to cut the tho vein as 08 a 11 over toot feet deep Mr MI Adamson reports a good flow now of oC 11 In the tunnel und and from every cel Indication the th will hear from there very rr near future |