Show POTATOES Ohio State Journal Ah Ui those e i l Potatoes How flow they glow In III value s and luxury from torn Ih I Isa 11 corner r grocery tilt till they thoy appear on the Ihl dining oHm CHI table thought th hun hum humble Isle ble potato tho Irish potato the hill hUl tuber would be he putting on such 55 h I is HS 1 n this I it I a Down Ioset In till the t te g lf life It II count c Itself worth l 1 f or 0 2 reals coats hut hilt when It II Is I up In the lInin clr III people ople travel Ira wi with lilt lol rolls nf ot bills In ve Yost t 1 pockets II I CI It Ii 1 n is round with a aIr miI looks with ott II it IH t Us hIM It |