Show JAPAN MAY RETALIATE IN A COMMERCIAL WAY London June H In view of 4 the lawsuits pending at San ait Francisco the tho Japanese government will not luot mak any demand upon the American for Individual losses tho thi correspondent ot the tho DaIly Telegraph A i collision between the two countries Is entirely Improbable able the correspondent continues and aid the stories of c preparations for war inc arc utterly unfounded On tIle the con contrary COR this correspondent hISS lias bean beun authoritatively Informed that the In Incidents at Pun Francisco have haxo not ma inn materially affected tho relations between Japan aunt and America Tin The Daily Graphic In an editorial article discussing the tho sItuatIon Mutation says Kays that Japan will Ill not likely embark upon n a new ir hut but that the reports of or Japanese commercial retaliation are a far mu more serious matter |