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Show Wood Pulp An Example In these days practically all the 25,000 tons of paper which we mako dally is made from wood pulp. The writing nnd bond papers and a few other high priced papers, contain moro or less rag, but tho paper on which dallies, weeklies, magazines, and books aro printed Is mado from wood. Tho quantity of tho former Is but a drop in the bucket of tho latter. The wood Is mado into pulp and the pulp into puper. This pulp Is selling at n price nearly threo times that of IS months ago. A few years ago pulp was put on the frco list with tho rosult that, whllo our population and tho corresponding corres-ponding coi3umptlon of paper has stcndlly increased, there has been n very Ilttlo Increase In our pulp mill capacity. A pulp mill costs from a million dollars up. Tho nar has prevented the normal import of paper pa-per and pulp from Canada, Norway, Germany nnd Russia to such an extent ex-tent that tho paper used by dallies costs doublo what it did two years ago. In fact thcro Is a good prospect, pros-pect, that many ono cent dallies will havo to chargo two cents nnd somo magazlno publishers aro confronted with tho necessity of raising their price at least livo cents a copy. Cheaper pulp Is tho only solution but American pulp makers daro not put millions Into pulp mills with tho pos sibility ot tho foreign pulp supply confronting them. This Is written as a statement of conditions rather than an nrgument In favor of high tariffs. Tho fact Is, many commodities were too highly protected In tho past, and now somo, ai tides arc not sufficiently protected. |