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Show B ADDITIONAL LOCALS The first meeting of the Logan city teachers will bo hold tomorrow morn- , lug at 10 o'clock at tho Woodruff ' L, S. Hill, the contractor, has lust signed a contract with Franklin City for a $5000 water works extension, nnd a reinforced concrete reservoir. Mr, Hill was in Logan on Thursday getting his otitllt together prep'ira- tory to starting work on tho Job early Jioxt week. It will tako about six weeks to complcto this contract. HHHHHH Mosb Lewis, proprietor of ttTo utoro which bears his naino In this J city, spent Thursday hero, returning Thursday night to his homo In Mont- H All persons Interested In seeing tlio SSSSH Logan City reservoir bofora It is cov- orcd up and th.o. water Is turned In, & will no given the prlvllego Weduos- j day afternoon, September 13, between 2 nnd 5 o'clock. Thero wlllbo a committee from tho city commission to meet all visitors at tho reservoir which Is located on the sldo hill east of tho U. A. C. Tho water will Be turned Into ono compartment and tlto other will be left dry for Inspection. If the citizens well put together, they should take tho opportunity hero offered. of-fered. FOR BARGAINS IN GRANITE WARE, CALL, AT THE THREE RULES STORES, SATURDAY ONLY. $1.25 AND $1.00 VALUES 90c Adv. 9-9 Tho Democrats havo taken headquarters head-quarters in tho Hotel Eagle building. Judging from tho activity among tlio Cache County Democrats, tho feel quite "cocky" nhout tho prospects for victory. This conceit will havo to be taken out of them, and It will ho when the Republicans present n solid front at tho polls nt tho November Novem-ber election. Two nnd ono half hours to Ideal Heach on beautiful Bear Lako through the famous Logan canyon. The nrca of tho Bsar Lako is 140 squaro miles. Altitude 5924 feet, climate cli-mate Is Ideal, being cool, clear, refreshing re-freshing and invigorating. Adv tf On account of tho Logan band leaving leav-ing this morning tor Ogdcn to play In tho Fashion Show, thro will be no band concert this evening. Oct your clothes dry cleanod nnd pressed. Logan Cleaning and Tailoring Tailor-ing Co. Adv. tf Congratulations, Mr. Rasmusson, that you have secured a car load ot peaches for this city, us wo understand under-stand thero Is not tho supply which was anticipated. Try a Compensating Vapor Plug ot your car and save gasoline, get more speed and power. Seo B. W. Athay, of Blair Motor. Adv. if JOHN H. ANDERSON'S BIG FALL SALE STARTS NEXT SATURDAY, AND LASTS TWO WEEKS. GROC-ERIES, GROC-ERIES, DRY GOODS, SHOES AND CLOTHING. YOU SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR WINTER SUPPLY FROM U8. Adv. ! m Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Reese, prominent promi-nent citizens of Benson ward, wero shopping In Logan with somo of our leading merchants yestorday. Old newspapers, 5c a bundle at Tho Republican office |