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Show CACHE VALLEY GIRL TO MARRY OGDEN BANKER B Next Thursday, September 14, In B the Salt Lako Temple, Miss Kdythc B Johnson of Hyrum, will become the H brldo of Sumner P, Nelson of Og- B den. Miss Johnson Is n daughter ot BBBj Mrs, Jusephlno and the lato Julius HBBt Johnson, pioneers of Hyrum. Sho H has a wide circle of friends In Cache H Valley, Salt Lako City and Ogdcn, H nnd since her engagement was prlv- H ntely announced lnte last month, has H been the guest of honor at a number H ot parties and showers In Hyrum and H other towns of tlio valley, H Mr, Nelson Is assistant cashier ot H the First National Hank of Ogden, H ono of tho strongest llnnnclal lnstltu- H tleiis of,Utuh, nnd Is considered one H of tho rising commercial men or h:s Hlt home H Following tlio wedding, Mr. and H Mrs. Nelson will enjoy a honoymoon H trip of a month's duration, which will B tako them from Ogdcn to Portland, H; Oregon, and return, by way of San B ': Francisco, Los Angeles and San D:- B ego, with stopovers at Lake Tahop, H The Panama California oxpositlon, K the southern California beach resorts, B ShnstaSprlngs, and other points ot B' special interest. They will bo at homo HBBH In Ogden to their trlonda after No- B vember |