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Show I WITH THE SOCIETY CIRCLES Mrs. K. S. Budgo was the charm-, lng hostess nt a bridge luncheon given giv-en at her beautiful homo Wednesday afternoon. A prlzo was awarded tu Mrs. Elm Squires. Tho rooms were prettily decorated with a protURlon of gladlolas and asters. Tho following follow-ing guests were present: Mesdnmes J. A. Hendrlckson, D. 0. Thatcher, O. W. Thatcher, S. O. .Stevens, I. S. Smith, Weston Vernon, Joseph Howell, Eugene Santschl, Moses Car-don, Car-don, 'Ileld Shamhart, George Thomas, Clydo Squires, J. C. Walters, A. H. Thompson, J. W. Morrell, Luther Howell, Hurton Fleming, A. M. Fleming, Flem-ing, C. W. Hansen, A. L. Colo, Roy Dullen. Harry Parker, J. E. Shcpard, P. O. Reynolds, H. P. Emels, E. D. Hall, D. C. Hudge, O. H. Budge, O. Torgcson, Moseti Thatcher.MlBs Nora Ellison and Miss Doru Wright. ! yry Nllson of tho Mountain St-tfEg Telephone and Telegraph Com-paleft Com-paleft Thursday for Kcmmerer. Wyflfcolng to accept a posltjon as man-ngeifof man-ngeifof tlio, Kemmercr exchange. UK -U Mr. J: R. Burns Ib visiting with lierj.jiaughter, Mrs. C. F. Colo at I Bancroft, Idaho. ' . ' I Mrs. E. S. Budgo entertained on i Tuesday afternoon ut her homo with n delightful five hundred party. Tlio rooms1 wore decorated with a shower I of asters and gladlolas which made a very charming effect. Apprize was won by Mrs. Luther Howell. After luncheon was served tables woro formed for tho gamo and tho following follow-ing Guests participated: Mesdames K, n. Peterson, Luther Howell, Leslie Nnisblt, P. SI. NIelson, John Christiansen, Christ-iansen, Seth 'Blair, John Coburn, Harry Farr, William Howell Ray B. West, S. H. Thatcher, Rhoda Cook, Moses Thatcher, Roy Bullcn, Asa Mullen Mul-len George Hendricks, Earl Robinson, A. F. Cardon, C. M. Wendleboe, Robert Murdock Jr., M. S. Eccles, J. W. Hay ward, O.W.Adams, Guy Card-on, Card-on, Miss OHIc Johnson, Miss Edith Bowcn, ana Miss Sarah Bastow Edith McMurrln Is making an extended ex-tended visit at Salt Lake City with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wilkinson has been In Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Will Tajlor and their two daughters, of Ogden wero Logan visitors Tuesday and Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hansen and Mrs, Clydo Squires entertained with a trout supper at tho McClaughlln camp In Logan Canyon Monday night. Covors were laid for tho following: Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hansen, Mrs. Clydo Squires, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cordon, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Bullen, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Bullen, Mr. and Mrs. Marrlner S. Kcclcs, Mr. and Mrs. E, S. Hudge. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Budgo, and Miss Nora Ella.on. A delightful kenslngton of tho week was that given by Mrs. J. C. Allen, Jr., In honor of Mrs. L. L. Dallies of Salt Lako City. The rooms wero prettily decorated with golden glow and golden gold-en rod. Those present were: Mrs. L. L. Dailies of Salt Lake Clt)', Mrs. William Howell, Mrs. C. N. Jensen. Mrs. Joseph R. Jensen, Mrs. C. C. Wendleboe, Mm C. M. NIelson, Mrs. II. A. Poderson, Mrs. John Christiansen, Christian-sen, Mrs. I. p. Stewart, Mrs. H S. Hatch, and Mrs. T. H. Humphreys. Thursday evening at tho B. Y. swimming pool tho following girls enjoyed a swim: Miss Vera Worley, Miss Laura Wlllmore, Miss Esther Willmoro, Miss Clara Wlllmoro Miss Etta Facer of Brlgham City, Miss Lcttlu Worley, MIsb Maralo Worley, Miss Connie Jones of Butto, Montana, Miss Ethel Worley, Miss May Worley, Mrs. Ethel Poulsen, Mrs. C. O. Way-man, Way-man, Miss Velda Simpson and Miss Clara Simpson. After tho swim the guests all repaired to tho Murdock Parlors where dainty refreshments I -were served and dancing was enjoyed. Mrs. A. L. Cole and Miss Lucile Snow are spending the week end In Salt Lake City. Friday afternoon Miss Ida Mitchell entertained with a dinner at Hotel Logan In honor of Mr. and Mrs. G. , W. Thatcher. Covers were laid for tho following; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. 'Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Thatcher, Thatch-er, Miss Nora Ellason and Miss Ida Mitchell. . m Miss Ircno Smith entertained with a "liOO" party at hor home Thursday evening In compliment to Miss Patience Pati-ence Thatcher. A color sclicmu of eIlow was carried out In tho decorations. decora-tions. Tho invited guests were: ' Miss Lottie Thatcher, Miss Leora Thotchor, Miss- Helen Thatcher, Miss Clara Martlneau, Miss Virginia Enc-land, Enc-land, Miss Mildred Warren, Miss N'oifnn Wright. Mls8 Marlon Smith, Miss Edith Thomas, Miss Ellen Bar- ber, Miss Karma Parkinson, Miss I Norma. Haosen, Miss Grettle Owon, Miss jTea'ra Bcnnlon, Miss Alta Richards, Rich-ards, and Miss Gladys Chrlstenscn. Mr. William Lindsay registrar of the 11. Y. C. Is back from a twelve weeks trip at Chicago. Miss Vivian Cederlund, daughter of Mrs John A. Cederlund left for Salt Lake City Wednesday moinlng to bo married to Mr. Charles II. Murphy of Oklahoma. Mrs. Julia B. Nlbley, Miss Margaret Nlbley, Mrs. Luther Howell and Mrs. Roy Bullen are spending tho remainder remaind-er of tho week in Salt Lako City. Mr.. Mario B. Thatcher and Miss Genevieve Thatcher returned homo from LeGrande, Oregon, after spending spend-ing tho summer In that place. Tuosday afternoon Miss Ella Hatch entertained informally with a kenslng-ten kenslng-ten nt her homo for n number of her most Intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph p. Wells, Miss Gcneviovo Wells and Mr. Herman Wells of Salt Lako City spent Sunday Sun-day In Logan, Josoph M. Anderson and family of Morgan, spent fore part of tho week In Logan guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Stewart. Miss Mablo Spando left Tuosday for Afton, Wyoming where sho goes to teach school tho coming year. Miss Sybil Spando will leave sun-day sun-day September 10th for Afton, Wyoming Wyom-ing where sho will teach school. Miss LoVon Barlow accompanied by her father, Mr. I. F. Harlow returned re-turned to hor homo In Option Tufday morning where sho will attend Bchool the coming winter. Miss Anna Winberg of Mlllvlllc spent Wednesday visiting friends in Logan. Miss Connlo Jones returned to her homo In Butte, Montana, Thursday morning after a delightful two weeks visit in Logan with Miss Vera Worloy. Miss Etta Facer of Brlgham City Is making an extended visit In Logan guest of her sister Mrs. William Bitters. Bit-ters. Mrs. L. L. Dalnes of Salt Lake City who has been spending tho summer In Logan with her mother, Mrs. Purdy, expects to return to her homo In tho near future. Mrs. Ed a M. Plcot entertained at Idea) Beach on Sunday In honor of Misses Emma and Margaret Ingcrsoll of Salt Lako City. t MUses Emma and Margaret Inger-t-.o!l of Salt Lako City Bpcnt Saturday and Sunday In Logan as the guests of Mrs. Eda M. Plcot. Mr. State England, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles England, and Miss Jo-bona Jo-bona Mathews of Mlltvlllc, wero married In tho Logan Temple Wednesday Wed-nesday morning. Following the ceremony cere-mony the young couple left for Salt Lake City. The Logan City Bond members left this morning to take part in tho Og-dou Og-dou Fashion Show. Marrlago Llsccnses havo been Isucd to tho following- p. Clyde Palmer and Kotherlno Mulr both of Logon; State England of Logan and Johanna Mathews Math-ews of Mlllvllle: C K froves of Franklin, Idaho, and Carolyn Peterson SJ of Logan; Luther J. Ilallcy and Augu- H fita Mortcnsen, both of Logan. H ... .'1--,wvijw. B Mr. and Airs. Harold Cederlund aro Hj spending tho week In Salt Lako City Hi on business nnd pleasure. They will mm also visit Ogdcn's Fashion Show. IBjC " 338 n Mr. State England left Saturday IwB for Engbnd whero he goes to All a ' IJM mission, 11 H Mr. nnd Mrs. G. B. Fuller havo returned to their homo In California. jK fll Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dullln ur1 fij daughter, Dawn, left the foro part of jB the week for Salt Lako where they 'S Intend to make their future homo. H Miss Connie Williams entertained H some of her girl friends at a party B on Wednesday afternoon. Games H wero pluyed for some time, after H which Miss Connie rendered a selec- H Hull on her violin which wiih very H much appreciated. A nicely prepared H 'lunch was then sercd In connection H with Ice cream. Thor.e present wero: H Irnbello Jacobscn, Arrabello Jacques, H Mar Farroll, Lavon RobblnH, Hazel H Spenco, Ellen Thomas, Zelda Wilson, M Lavern Allen. U M A club of girls of tho Providence ' M Second ward, who call themselveH tho U Cho-PIek Club, were entertained at H the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Rob- H slier htbt Monday, evening, Miss Ruth M ItoHslter being the linslcps, A -most H delightful evening wiiv, spent Jn M dancing, games and, music. A 'lei Irlous .nucliocn wus rervod, Covorn M "re laid for ten Tho members of M this club arc- Ruth Rossiter. lleulali H Smith, Ruth Hammond, Itiitji Baer, H I Beatrice Tlimpo, Loulsn ilium-. Altti H Icimpbell Alva Cr.mpbe'I, Mabel Tib H ' hltts an- Evelyn Hansen. M |