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Show FUNERAL AT SMITHFIELD FOR MR. CHAMBERS Smlthfleid, Sept. 8. Smlthfield has Indeed sustained a great loss In the death of Elder A. B. Chambers, and the whole community mourns with those bereaved. Mr. Chambers was tho eldest son of Alfred and Mary Langton Chambers and was born at Smlthfield, November 12, 1811; was married to Mae Flshburn In 1895 and Is survived by his wlfo and eight children. He has been an ardent student stu-dent all his life, having spent fltteen years teaching school hero and was a great favorite among oil classes of peoplo. Ho was well versed on nil subjects. Mr. Chambers has served two ears as city councilman and four years ago was elected county clerk which oflko ho held at the time of his death. Ho was fir si counselor in tho bishopric ot tho Second ward slnco 1900 when the ward was organized, organ-ized, also filled a two years mission to Great Britain with duo credit. The funeral services will be held in the Second ward Tnbcriiaclo Sunday at J p.m. Tho annual reunion of the Pitcher family was held September 4 in tho first ward tabernacle with' about one descendants present. An excellent program was rendered and a sumptuous sump-tuous dinner served and nn enjoyable enjoy-able day passed by those present. Mrs. J. M. Bain has been visiting In California tho past month atid arrived ar-rived home Monday. Miss Veda Chambers will teach school in Silver City, Utah, during the coming season. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Beverldge were visiting relntlves here this week. Tho Y. L. M. I. A. of tho Second ward will give a good cheer' party on Tuesday evening, September 12, and an excellent program has been arranged. Mrs. A. G. Barbe,r of Logan spent last Sunday with Mrs. Mao Cantwoll. Mrs. William Low and daughter, of Cardston, Canada, uro Smlthfield visitors. Mrs. Ida H. Merrill and Mrs. Vora. Smith visited tho Lowlston First ward Y. L. M. I. A. Thursday afternoon. af-ternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonard Itoskelley aro rojolclng over tho arrival ot a fino baby girl born Tuesdny. |