Show S c i ji ur 7 I f ADDRESS r I In o 1 Elder IdrA In Iii h hie 1 l C IV e eI Star ot Jan Jail 10 In hO Ell W V PIn PInI I I Ith editor 18 thu rose roso o of tile tho Europen 6 laboring In iii the th folo I labOrIn which 10 b 11 c Ink in word of t I wih by y other thi v j I hI From ot or tho II labOrS or th older In I it j i I that there izi b n recently a aon Church on In tho work oC i work of and u 9 th hi lt ut vII f 11 I rii rh woi k to lIe IO II to 10 thc th inn nfl doubt partly 1 which hl IlI CI tot toti i weeks weck In which the they hw 1010 I to tho fac taL many ot Ii thin them each ich Ither ether t e j tn tho If U d and arni n happ jl 11 I I ft 10 V hll that l Of leA leAt leAI I tIly Culy I or of tic the wih with due Ji JiL I t L to temperance and aul In ni nit LJ things Now that thil thiM or of I I that lh tie h has lt It Iu rw ton their It rM If IC p J g I i their I Them Thero Is 18 IU t for UA to waste vate ivery moment Is I precIoUs Wn 0 are nrc el tn I nit ot oC Us UH In Iii the Iho 1115 w work k kI I our ni wi n In lion to our OU diligence arut I feld for Cor out our c II i vast Ind fR far l ro U I 5 ot of the thu human fa in IQ Ir In We C HY tile tho light to 10 to thom them tol thIr Most Mit of them uro tro JI hi h I ot of II or lire to fo bl bU j the dIJ duty Is Incumbent up upon upon on us to the voice that this Is hi the Itt that I lila comins or of the tho Son or Man Iun Is hi erlwIn In near Ve eo co to It It that thu tho thuS S blood or of generation 15 put upon upon zulu Is IA not flot re lt at our fh rhu time or of our n rood Is IA Wo Vo make mako the most of I It did not I U In hi j I or r Wo Ve 11 whit lILLy hu huf f to give an account o that which wu havo dona and that which WI we left nn nm ancell 18 ml tire uro pI 1 lent nt notes taking OUI Our deeds are alO rl re IlL nul our misdeeds Ind Indi i Il l Some been mado tit In thies concerning the or of our work vork that lug Is to 10 ons hg I he in Into the Church of Christ by tho Iho dom of I It has ha heen hown thia thaC d Ir aLro tn view and that tl thu thui i i ot Of tracts anti and other pub Is 15 but I a to This not bo be as a the tho vork of That be kept lp up wih with Ind dl once I It Is IA one of thin tho boAt i ras of obtaining Introduction to In 1 It be pursue I not mit merely t to set how ninny can canis b is or within 1 a period nut tOI the tho mere I of with each other 09 to the tho I 11 fU quantity pose 1 of 10 t indeed nsE au a arace race to outrun other hut but wih with j the tho of thu tha way 1 for th thu thuI I 1 Jr ot of the the thic hOles of oC arid of thel t to nur c that they mi may tile tho word worl of the Lord In the ad imul ot the tho Holy Hoty iho TILe ot cit ho sll not he be spent lit hI idleness nt itt their 01 o elsewhere but vl vii ls nfl should bo be mado eltho to the tho that they bo be 1111 en encouraged In thin tho faith or to hers ers of the Church that the they mn lh In the tho things or of the king 1101 Tho regret which wl will como come to ellern who their time to the tho heAt hest wi be and poignant while the tho lion that will 1 COl come 0 to their souls from the of O activity old lii work of time tho Lord wi buoy them lP UI for Cor future tahorA lud timid ti till thom them lh al contentment In time anti and eternity Vak UP brethren Labor tho alY ulay last for tor tho thiC night corneth In no flO man mail can rork Nothing can Ilvo give eo toUch mUch joy Ild a ai I ond and labor laborIn In the tho grat great camico of human There Thoro II ii joy tn in It spiritual riches ox ax of with til thu on high victory over the tho In or Of glory 10 exaltation Ind mind Clown crowns Of U IS as fOr or luch Auch good work works ct t each servant of the tho Lord bearing the tho holy and Into the work orld al as 1 a me mci ot of salvation 10 go forward In Iii the thu might Of Israels God und and fl flit lilA hb hits with untiring zeal tn en to do bil 1113 level 1001 bet that when ho rot returns urns to hi lilA homo Ir ir Ion tion ho may not h ho In the Ant And that when thin grer comes the tho r royal al court courtin un in high ho m many Y bo be able ablo to gaze guzo Coar fear lt tIme the ot of the tho 1111 bo worthy worth of tho thin Wel Well tono gol and amid faithful O ler Into tho thio jO joy of thy LordI GOGEL GOSPEL WORK LONDON n fl ln London on I ing n Jail Jun IS rho ht been ver vary during the thit past year Quie Quite I a r have havo broil baptized wo we hl goo People who Irn our home lre tire to tho hio an antime time they wish to cu Thi I nn an In Iii thin Iho work sorl auth ItI III the tho elders to 1 Ind In tida wa woy WI the tho I ity or of getting the I a ghoul rhio eel 11 1111 gette clo tip anti tiling I feel teel Ih hip work wi will ll be very CIt this it OI I look ro or I Li od 11 1 c I or of I tail those that fro ar 1 ti good ot or People which s huiChi lre tue me ot of lie Ind bui lan nf 11 rl request I 11 iii wih with hh r ry T y V 1111 anti D I 0 1 Shorten lt itt thio Iho olen ono Ot i who whit I I u it o of thin olee I force COree III hO hB introduced us to the tho chief i 1101 titter a little conversation aton wih With hf hla to U It al nit lra ore Mr IIII Mr r I 1 with eVery mIl I hud had on 00 thi force wal wait r it Eo It wi will l b leen soen that tha of oC I spreading I r gradually anti for I good some 10 among people On evening Jai Jati G C wo heM district fleeting In Iho l town ut at which President p Churles V Penrose ond W V J Morton wro the rhe spirit of tito Wil was wih With UI till antI we 1111 list limo I Of I rejoicing K i y p rout nn daughter favored UK wih mu luring the Iho Ee Eert v Il lt itt the tho ot of th inciting a to bo be lt at the I next hop iap 1 sonic which wi trill ho hll at l square baths 1 Fob b 11 have Crol 1 it 1 or of other others t the 10 different hran to 11 01 Oh that duy Jan 13 We held lie at wih 11 le 01 UI tf 01 ghoul lt LIt the tho metting 1111 and T 11 itt tILe Iho meeting Jb A 1001 tho every een of ott Vel very Jel det L I Ir out uld amid ri ulo nul anti ducts duell which warp I 4 i l 11 Ji l l rJ t jl f wol received Arthur for toll Im lud and Elders onil onilA A V the saints deserve great greal credit for Cor the work vork done the CIS In rl President and I IwI ivill g go Olt out thieve ad wI the Ind and I It is hI hImy islay my lay intentiOn to 10 Colo up IP I by meeting at tho Iho hal hiatt every evening HH as I I cel there thera II Is au opening for o it a great deal o of good god to bl b Our nt at Ild and were try veil attend t td he sark Irk as a whole Is Ie or er and the arc aro very bright for th thiO he lt at is 10 typical weather very vry ul foggy COgg the ore damp Tue he fOI fog I it about us ns thick now 13 88 I It hl hits been nay tune Ihl this winter nud It I atu though tonight he be the worst It 1 Is low con yet t e su dense that w v just 0 a peton person 01 omi the walk on the sida of oC the street All 1 tile tho eller are arr wel lt ut wih lith thI thi o of colds which Il are lie just lt at this tinie MILES u L 1 JON I QC of Conference MISSION THE Life orI 01 Tragic crl l or of Bik corlo Terry Jerr Draper Salt Loko Co Utah Jan ZO 20 Gerse George Terry ferry son of oC Joshua Terry or of this place e who was recently ut at the agency on river II iii WyomIng WIll here yesterday wih with tin ceremony Elder J 3 W WI V W I Fitzgerald I or of the 1110 Jordal Jordan preel dopey Wf tas the tho principal speaker who stoke ot of his with Terr Terry In his hOll young nuLl knew ot of his honesty courage ne lIe joel thAt occurred the de e lust mission WhiCh lie WitS sont to Ie old wih with Pratt T 1 TZ Z Stewart others After returning rain this mission he WIS to td M it homo henna but a few Cew years when he caled called on n a mission tills time to the of the Wyo yo This was 0 a life re mission given b by John Taylor While George hud had I a great desire to remain the whom wh rn lie he had been reared 11 timid ho houp gave up tip hl his great desire to obtain 1 a college timid fec tIle the ml mIssion Lauritz ot of 1 a mah of C sterling SOOt sent wih with hint oil on tilts this but when they the reservation the tho uel agent net allow thel to enter saying that Ii h IU Itoh wont vant ally Mormons among the tho huh naiL ons 1 It was os thel then that corge that ho would mull rather than return tilling the lul llon Many lan of oe the lw knew hits his WIS was a of oC the tho Shoshone trIbe nn and the they that ho he bad hal i a right to cutter the th IR as ono orthe of the tribe Chief I plead cause the agent could Tot not refuse to hll but Ei Eider der waR allowed to re remain main turn lurn homo home on tw the re lon and haul had to re 10 return When Chief tiled 0 a counci WOI was organized among the tho Indians and George Terry WIS chosen ns as It Its ent Ills His education Iller thin tho huts tutorship or of Dr Jno R n hll experience us of 01 the Mutual the pall vart he look In titled him him Well for Cor the tho arduous work that no flea hi lay h him 11 that tha t or of educating tho to govern bernine I a PeoPle The Tho tall laud nail required a ful full tOut or of uI great patience deter detel and tlc but with humility It H fervent prayer to our In whom his faUlt I I never loitered 11 lue let met with 1 a oC It that won nn the earnest curnest support ot of the tho of oC the Indians u IL feeling of cit fluid ond envy In others hatter ater were cre tunIc holC breedi wh up till their lion to hll until ho he resIgned hll hits 11 alt ot of the council one of his bitterest was WOM elected to 11 lilA his maui remained beld head of oC tile for it II year ur tind I it half hair when thu would not blot 11 IL t I him hut tut 10 longer they riley cal called cd I it HII groi t counci tiu In which many IC at thrill Ie do dared th they know new denise WIS lel led hy by tho Greot Ind that could liot tt leh 11 11 Georgo dil dilSo So lo lucy t ot him hit iii out an ii put Either Terry crr back In hut tl the The IC hid Ia its I at 11 rrai II t for George to lead U a to n I C I to pla e hater heCor the hue urs ideaL Ident their grievances His 1 th the oud nd jealousy of hl I it II is was th tIle miSI au lIst of his hii foul iii 1 Itel Terry unit but rl rom roan I of tho fruits of hIs 1111 1101 lw three and ble fn eli NEWS TEXAS COLONY TX nl 1 is gro grow I tug lint II I lii II a me Ii the t lie 1111 I it lon In ill ehy 1 d I tn Iii I thin the Iho IWo 1 tt or Jr I hare U II her elf tim have II Itu until our is hi too emaIl ti so hike ul ii i i coin mu nit los o Of Ih the Hult 1111 soon build n it 11 hiUM thi y hwi hll hiatt ln it mu Pr pf 1 und timid ull to taHI great II in th 1111 hol Vo 0 turn y 1 1 tutu y l I II tl I I In II iu II ii working I lieu are hits wittier lit In I ii wul uli 1111 hiNt In Ill their school ate aN about 10 10 al On Jai Jati IG If f 1010 Uric I added to our IJ It 1 lun 1 1 J 1 Conference DID DIED IN N MEXICAN MISSION de 1111 No t 4 Gly CIty o of 11 P n I F JUI lU IH of t Chi luxl or of In iii I hio pit at In I a t huI elIY oh ty JOI U JG She ha been tilling for 1111 but al us alI she Wil wits strung 10 in butt no or serious would Just three III before her doth death aha 11 tot tutu alerted tl to n as 1 a boil hUI before oron 1 ii blitzing II sun were lt t blue tho mt I ot of uller a hid she he wits tuk el Cl to 20 tile tho hospital whir the she the tho heAt ot of 11 Ill I that could au II 11 dOl for liar her reeo ely was IW hit but to 10 no Miss 11 harris WIB trot a 0 tutU hId full ot of iLor of In tin blo She Bho wn was loved f II ye Ie b lr 11 alt hot ho tN mother sisters Ild and Ind relatives I ii hO ot cit 1 u liar her 1011 i i he vos born In Monroe coun JU Jima 1 II 1 At the age ngo of 1 l she wIth her parents ond an moved to where sho nhe has hns sInce She was n a Vt oC the tho SInko for tor soy sov ral iral years sio tio wO also sIte RUc I wel well as In iii O na Dub Dublan DubIan lan Ian mil uni Sho alwa always s hail r ii worm warm I lii leI Her heart cr for her stu etu and 11 in turn WIS Ilas greatly reaty love loved Ind and respected by them In iii Jun June 1900 shia to this city to tD visit wih wIth her uncle and amI hi Ills family where h he re ra malUM d If 1 to the timo of at her death lucia she made several trips wih with PresIdent harris and the elder She Sho had In lt love lov nd sympathy for the people and the tho good 00 that always panted her lie seemed to drw draw them to hi or 1 lIar wi wIll bl be and sent homo borne fOr tOr burIaL Eder EIder Orson w v who wh his huas been Inthe lii the mla mis don field neld or r 22 2 wi will ho be ro re released leased to them theft home MISSION WORK IN ILLINOIS nock flock Island 1 Iii Jan In and B section seem to he concerned the sue COr which our elders have met with th the III yeII year The writer o of un an article appeared In the tho Times printed lt at nl In Tan Jan I shows our sw wonders It if the thio cetus with alarm anti and Mormons ore aro coining to Illinois Thue Tho saints In this branch or of the Church are uro worthY to ha given to the saints for Cor they no am work Cl era Ild lre nrc and rend to do 10 Il cli 11 iii power to tho I causo of truth lie he Hund I A u lre tire lottig I a Dr J P F A howard and anul family ot of Salt Satt Lithe JAMa City cue In Davenport Ta tho river Dr which II ii just across has charge of oC the tho Y T M t M t II IIA I A 4 he h hol hou mao god good trel friends s for tor forthe the who labor llor here A J P IN BRITAIN Elder Thomas 0 iCing reports an nih ad of oC four Cour to the Church at The Thc ear vice waR at Nottingham on au Dec 1 0 Elder Joseph lery om dating Seven were added to the Preston bronchi out on the ul On that date a WIS was held haiti In Baha hIatus 1 1 del tier J ii Galey administered tho ordinance ot of baptism to seven con coui erts On Sunday morning December 23 1006 a baptismal was hold held In the Paths Hanley when tour persons were wdell to thin Iho Church k A Nohle conducted time tho service und gave ave timely In to the converts Elor Elder Wit VI J In the thu orl of oC A confirmation hll vice luau Ice WM Was held In the tho at the tho converts were added to the Liverpool on the tho ul tanking n otal ot of 17 In six aix weeks Thue he was held in HI Its street Baths Elder Eldor E Peter Poter bel berg On Sunday December 30 tour four were ndel added to the Aberdeen brunch branch Eldir Elder Gergo George V of om elating at the tue baptismal service which was conducted 11 ju the Aberdeen Cor Baths The eller elders have a host hostI I cit friends In that city and I it Is believed o that many of oC them wi will embrace the faith Elder Abel G 0 Th writes from Crom Tin liar Lane Common us It la is to 10 me mob report six mor more In from flute from anti three from Hoyland Common The baptismal was lucId held December 22 1906 In Public Baths Either Joh I hatch thug President Thomas the necessity ot of to In interested Thin The Prejudice that huts existed against us UK Is WIY I a aunt num number her ber are our doctrines wih with witha a desire to know I If thc they lra are true Star tur AT DOUGLAS Is 8 I a o of the Church ot of 75 r nt at Douglas ArIzona Arizona and it good start Is being mae towards lImo tho erection ot Of I hi 20 zoo there thre Part Purt of the tho menus for tor Its R con coil Is IN 1 already I In Iii hani hand a hot lut has haR been secured In thu tho North Douglas addition to 10 hue tho city t J 1 3 who iii IH at the beau IC of the ot of the church states that thin tho so fil far has been very and lUllI Ii 1 WIB was tl It believe that the tho money desired would LI be ealy raised lore than Ien It Is expected that the tho litre wi viii Ihu gIve substantial IH From the tue church It II Is expected 1 that Go 00 wil with he be Ib ob tamed Elder Eider has the Of oC ot of thin tho St t Davit David stake taHt that the tako wi give ho In iii the matter o of nf nrc I a church tot COl the tho Mor 1018 II Itt II lit closing Is its of the thue above Iem item the Douglas Dougha litter Intel RII |