Show r LEAVES E Y PROM I U t M U t M wI X O X I Ii I i i I It 4 I II t I 1 I I IX X i 4 a r rr 1 j I Ih i h I IX It r I I X 4 t I If I I f t X i 1 x Y X d I g 1 1 X X f XI I X f X 1 1 J JI X I Im y m 7 u i A AGO O I W WM II 60 YEARS A AThill This Thill old 01 Gen KImball III lie he looked II in the days I ot of I mind 41 whets when he vaR otto of 0 the tho I tan appointed by Go Coy Y dung ung KImball Is II now pa paSt l O Is passing the years of his lire Jle II Utah active Interest In hi age IIse It he takes an everything pertaining to lh the mIlItary la 1 anti militia nn and seldom misses Il fl chanco to m et such Ruch of his old comrade nil 1111 survIve In at Salt L Lake ke keUn to Un uen writes 1 lIe He the News under date of speaks of seeing fleeing the th picture of the old eld art ml lit III the group or of hand cart Christmas TOWi and how inter interested seeing MelliA theIr faces OliO ested he In IIO body ot of I more Speaking of the Iho y ilen Ien he says nil as Men oten Th The men by Go Cloy Brigham Young were picked Thu rho Grant and ond b by Gee D 1 governor wanted 1 us lIS to A cOrn com of cavalry 64 rank anti me to bo be the Guards om known u its members ot of the tha Mormon Bat BalA younger 1517 of tallon All were wen hurdy hardy pioneers and ISIS the they were ordered to sleep sleen and one beg oP out of with one ry cyC open bed until Utah was as free from frons Indians 1 rind Lilli roving or of there were many In III Utah nt at that tUt time is IA isnow territory then Ihen embraced what Utah Ulah Nevada and Colorado amid now the hand of oe lifo life guards led by leo Oeo t D G Grant with Vm 11 I X N Y V Jones and Far BaISer Kuson ns as John K 1 and John mis liS sergeants made In uI all 99 campaigns over Oer that great ot of country scouting lighting Indians pursuing mail robbers robber guarding and COil coaches chell We c were IP 11 14 bill bat batties ties anti skirmishes had Otto ene man matan killed 11 wounded and 13 killed In battle Jallie hall r I ot of what tiatI stun end the Iho militia of to 10 I governors the way or of da tiny are 1110 wIth In I conveniences II aSid oven on r I th lr s and won 1 r how the boys Os feel If the they i had to put pUI up with what we e did Ihl In the days ot of I Our little band had to lo do its own foragIng for tor the necessaries of life lite We Ve never neel had I a thing UM as n a tent our were pillows two slept together nod ald two und and our om asido only covering overcoats were our front from the tha canopy r heave Rain fino allow Ind and frost troAl ware our daily anti nightly portions I have luLYe hilll had two killed under unde me iii hattie and my sud unfit fOI or tile Ille ripped into n a skeleton left loti use Of till ull that enrollment of oC 1519 only a 1 few lire are left to 10 ten tell the tale As far n 15 I 1 can find out nil all my old comrades Into the tho great et e John K Whitney SlOW now In tendon Mendon John Bj Lake valley Wm Streeper anti J John hn Davis Dals R Ft rohn county 11 Idaho Murdock Dene el D Jr St Sl e and tA hale Tile The through which w we passed united us liS as though we were Ire brothers end fly 1111 old 1111 are arc IS as delirIa dear to me tat 11 my own lIfe ilfe u |