Show SUPPRESSION OP OF SALOME lh fhe 1 a tow few nights ago II in Nel eW ork of It the tho widely opera by the tho three torl tors of t th the promises to material for nn an endless amount o of newspaper and other discussion ot of the tho The In tim the tho morals production the tho aims and purposes o t tho owners are considered froni varIous and by 11 all classes of Individuals The Tho suppression with M made with 0 as little alo ada 11 us and on the tho ground that tim oer was too Ib oh le and Thil This expression lum sums up IP the tho verdict ot cC Iho directors who to ho commended for tor their prompt and nc lion for tor the good The ho scene In whIch the tho greatest ll lay Wil was where In the tho t Ii ibe robe kisses the heat hearl of oC John the tho le 1011 Baptist It H IS that In fact that caused the to the tho diem Salomo Is the tho opera by Strauss founded on n the story written by tho Into lato m and morally malformed Oscar Wide it tells ot of the Infatuation ot of Salerno Salom tot for forJohn John the and hol how Horod the tho boV with who wh whis II is tho U orn his oe ld 1 lint sCorIa and Spurns the tho ardent monarch and do dares clares ler the ot of the tho H who Is Imprisoned In the tho palace where Sn Sa SaI I borne lomo visits him ld declares her I bugs Ings nut John protests agaInst anI anti her works Into 1 a rage nt at their Interview alI and In lila passion tells tho maid sho ho Iny may have anything that II is 11 in his power to bestow if she wi perform for tor him thu tho danco ot of the tho Seven Soven Veils Which sho does docs it II is that Salerno do tho severed head ot of John the tho Unit thul she Kho 11 kiss In death the tho lips she sho was not to touch louch In life Thu h head nd Is brought to 1110 and she covers It wih with wildly at tho th awful spectacle orders her hor death and the tho curtain Is rung ruing lowI on the tho maidens ICel I bod bodI body I It Is not that the tho gruesome or of that scene and ot of other ex cx objectionable should 1110 have caused n a revolt In tho minds ot of the ono cite ot of whom said Bald wIth witha I a shudder There helo may bo be a few rew who see grandeur In the tho music that tel tells a or of the Iho perverted fascination ot of Salome for tor John the her insane Insano desire to kiss the tho forerunner UI mum aIm sho ho only mutter Iho she had had the tho hea head ot of John cut of off but t to lime nino mel IncH out of I a hundred such n a situ situation can only bo be sickening When h 1 I 1 Il saw II crooning over that t piece ot of waxwork for tor tuly twenty I 1 up my that lD no member or my family should over ever have lila tho opportunity ot of asking to ROi that disgusting luR und and spectacle For Ol years playwrights lud amid resorted to oer every devIce and art arti lice their minute coull could conjure up In inthe the Iho Wl ot of stage realism l hut lucre hero II Is II a cl case e tho they overstepped inti and I it I a olt olto out o Or which the merel minutia munn rev or Ild actor remain forever In Christian countries nl it least The Tho sup lp IHU ot of was as I it II distinct I |