Show I ARE YOU ILL D J I Wi Will Sho YOI Von no to Ge Get Wehl cu 1 ll I It Not rut DI ense May fn hI hr We o have tile Xo No Patent ono one Hem Id Cd for al all people and nt but tut a prescription for your partIcular case Remedies that have halo blen been tested 11 in over E MI SiS SiSA S SA A SYSTEM o of omo Treatment for your our dl disease ense Information und and advie advice ald and n it Free Freo Trial Treatment of the tho Worlds great grent eat cst P I US OJ oi ItiE nE wl ho be sent Rent to you OU charges prepaid For several years ears these remedies havo been for patients In every country 01 oil tile globe globo Distance makes no difference I Would you ou not Iko hike to have your our CISO case gone over oer and aud carefully diagnosed 1 by a spec specialist In Our OUI Medical Do Dc Is ia under the tho direction of a SPeCialist Of at OYe over t years x In this line of work Ills His success iru In this tho under lying Iring cause ot of II cases which scorn to bated baffled tile tho s1 skill of the tho average nail his l llon lon tion o of tho reIned to disease his has been remarkable lie He has haH anso elated wih him several Prominent who IVIlO are specialists In their respective lines therefore OU patients arc o of the best professional s K hut can be obtained A spec slice lal 1 usually charges flom S lO to 21 for Cor his ServIces Wl YOU NOTHING 11 OUT TS SAY I It gives mo inc great to state slate that 1 my bins hns been full restored t by Force o of Life LIe treatment I 1 shall shull riot not fail ni to recommend It to I Ill frIends writes 1 rH A A V Holg ot of ford Mr fr 1 P D B Freeman ot of Ida Idaho Idaho ho brites lS us I wish to va a that I feel teel liko 1 tt lew ilOV man All I my II is Iono J I certainly am pleased wih with tile tho results your our remedies have brought I certainly am very grateful to tn you I sleep botel better than I have haye for or 1111 1 Improved II ii every ovey ro re I hId dId not to bo be wel well in III inless Ils less three tIll I 1 was Sil stir to mien eo haul 10 quIck your leeI cured inc e r I am tot fOI Oll to 10 Use uso my lily minnie nume 1111 letter to help humanity J I will hell I sill I letters that ele to 10 me In regard to 10 lY lily casc I a 1 than with till I got ul ot t your treat I It Is a al I hope It wi sil Bill lh tl tim I It Itis It is no frn fraud ld tUl tUI llio ho extracts Iro are Oh 0 H 0 of gratitude front Iho Will have hao our treat ot t lifo remedies a 00 to 11 fliP 1 If It were hot tor or M f Ue I would In my grave I thank 00 God fot fOI tl tile tilt 1 lie e sent sont o of JIt Life 10 I Oil nw told my CISO I hul 1111 glen gien UI ni sill o 01 hut J I tool uJ I our reel 1111 tda ioda I lUl tim wel Veil I 1 UI with a 0 I inn a ii I ii 1111 lol 1 rI I ICel after le of i O a hil hIlt 1 hig lel tu to 11 me per por i tint I I r I rulef you r no ii iiI I J oc ot C LI to Ies IesI I would forget that I WI was 0 cv J er Cr I ill I If I it WUI 01 not fur 01 thu tho lemory tf of 1 lIlY 11 gill 1 I lii in Uli to Id I putting UI en lt to heat 1 if ni nh took tile Interest III their r rou you ou It not lie ho 10 so aboUt taking I Willi lt at til lii itil lt 1 in l of nud il felt buIlt I be n a ICh rol may agonies hilt hiltI I itt tilts 10 t o Itt I IOU I 1101 el ai ot If l r f i 1 11 cured Mi May be ot lit those litt littin In our ur Wo So wil give 11 their that you ou write A them I if you OU so o Wr Vi II ft III g he I tars dal i i is unit ly MIi I I lIrt limit hut lOco ot of bite le lit UI I I I I I uris douse dono fur fOI Ihn I it lo Iu to rou you II Ill 11 i t I f lOit y iii s Y 1 Ii I I Is I p roni Pt 0 Ii i gi hi lt of t I Inc etoil null Ill c HIHI ex Cx tHI anti Wo vt wil il lU 1 HolHI II I Ii t ici I t vi Ill i II Ii itt I H N 1 Y III comfort and safety That explains tho ho ot of the tho d ce Idol You learn nr urther that he hl been absent for bOtH tWI tWo hourI hour oer every dIt the tho afternoon whore where he l I no noc nOw oft c to the city dIsposing ot of his iii goten gotten stuff Wl we e lock 1001 him up when Ito ho to re turns The rho chief rubbed hi his chin dim reflectIvely I think Il Ill let him the performance After hell go 10 to Ih ii temple to take tako his regular supply of at opIum Id Id like to 10 get et him with the goods At thIs pInt Point ChinK Mo cattle came ning Olt GIlt ot of the dining room her face fae d wih excitement She timidly touched Iame on the tho Irm aria with her little waxen fingers lie He followed wel hot hel into Inlo the building A lood flood o of light i blinded his hlA eyes eye and a pungent odor Iko like assailed huts hIs nostrils The Thelong Thelong long table lIed had been artistically flied candles were burning In the con cen center conter ter and on either end At the tho of tile tho hoart were tho ito pier the tho phoenix fastened together wih with the tho bIts of oC rC red lc were with Chinese comprehending the genealogy o of Tong anti Citing Moy 10 The he In Int t acting as or of core lObuleS gleeful tilt hi hut of firo nr fol for the feast which 19 to occur after th the evenIng p performance 1 It II in Ilch Il as pineapple nuts ginger spIce Ish birds with tea leu rice cake cigarettes A and nd t duck Alt h SIP Siu bias al certainly II a re Ie resourceful and man to ne ac 10 50 much so 0 brief i a time Ching Moy 10 watch Id counte countenance nane nance find when wilen lie ho stalled his Ip ap she Ahe clapped her tn till JO Joy Ator After that her fare face A denet for fora or orI I a moment Ind amid she put Olt out her arms with WI lb ni nIt Imploring I gesture Custom man no let Lew I Pang Woo 00 Tong ron ronI Xo No said DarneR Barnes I Jew Low Pung wont be 10 able to harm any one Ofle aCer after toniGht tonight A call front frol the prompter Clung Ching Moy 10 or off to the tho theater l For ol more t han two hours hourI tilO Iho drama wu plIed i tol tal the I of I a curl US 1111 tortured t Public At tile the did ot of t Citing Chin bloy fatigued but i rejected Law Lew Pang for Cor tl t time scampered oc off the tho and making hot her wa way to i g ii In I dt 11 lull t the I n touches the wail on 11 prO tel feast 1 L Low w lung and ami Woo TOlg Tong h tui ile t theater for tor the Iho concluding or of this wherein the villaIn by m ild Id o of hil his blank out the Iho Ifo life ot of the Iho hero Citing Chil JO reo re l al cli or of lie tho rearranged somo of tile tho wih f noil then wih with a sight shIh of If T Iut sat at tile the head or of tho table with aie pink In yellow cheek re resting tn 01 on her ha babyish her hd C ayes el fl fastened on the paper drag 01 and lie phoenIx The ot of a 0 pistol shot hol rai rang I out OlIt sharp nail like the breaking or of n a joint Citing ChIng 10 to her feat elt the Jo Joor joy or of banishing her restless s floss At last she breathed olloe now nile Woo 00 Tong come to Ching hiO 10 Tho Th caterer standing In the doorway the look o of from her bar eager C CIS 0 alIt hl his string Ie if attendants began carrying In the at that moment was wall I 1 by 1 a In iii the tho theater lie Hc to 10 Tel Tell the mIll men to seize the al all Il Ill lie he wih with YOI you In a a minute lie He hurrIed Into thin tho c Clancy carried olt out his hii orders to time the lot let lettel tN tel 41 As he hI lIlt AW 11 all It am and 1 it polIce patrol wagon wason driving away from the the tho theater ater Barnes emerged n a moment later lalOr and agitated Thing Moy 0 coming to doer of the Iho 0 gave Jue I a coquettish whIrl ot of her little fan Custom house man take tuko dinner with Ching MO MOlIe lo 10 lIe aVerted his hili head before replying Sorry hut but I orr tinte must go to the tho omen lt at once 10 A J premonition 1 or trouble chasel tile tho Jo joy from rosa bet hel eyes She tok took hi his tl big Ir ight In lIce her two Un tiny OlOS fIll aId s piteously Tell Tell nn le mae ore cm con lel 00 10 lb alit boltIng lint f 5 Ill III the Iho fare ace said No CuIng Ching Moy rO Ic Will tiet cr o r oo 00 TO Tong any ny moo more The Tha smile returned a of from time Iho head hend nYe eyes Pang smuggle hOURI nian put him In Chil roy go back 11 to China wih blIt 00 rong 10 i nodded absently fluId Ind j an Chancy followed l ld nt Ihl the Oilier JI it Did you 01 get t beis Yes YeR lies hell gone off ocr 11 Ill that pJ pi I It wont he be bard to 10 tile the charge e or itt III c ease se tinS nR Clan l Thin Tho will hn to hI be chian oil cd lal salt Bar Ban wih n a grave Ire en canco nce of tone toneTo To 10 i To Clan starlet The absence o of O TonI Tong the pIstol shot and Ihl the o the 01 on hll him Old Did To Tong dIp die ni the duct chief I throat lanc Clano felt fell n a troublesome lump II lii hil his Wh you OU tel tell her lie ho gulped The chief turned for reply point ant 1 ad tl to the room tIle leC left TIle hl lights shone Rhone through nl all th the Th Time Interior Wa radiant with warmth Citing MO 10 81 sat It itt the tho head of nf thin tho The Tho paper dragon and th paPer pho phoenix were 10 before her she up Ul tw by ot of the Ohio two of ret rai silk anti tossing baCIC her doll h head dol surveyed the ehl pledge of her love lovo with wih a look o of ineffable bliss bile t |