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Show PEOPLE'S VERDICT! Over Half a Million Sold and in Use 4,000 Made and Sold Per Week. SINGER'S lSn3TV JMT-VRO'VJ.-CL) SILENT? Family Sewing Machines, a in: Tin: bent ix the wohld, B -cause all of them are in constant use, while a very large proportion ofothor m ikes are not used, owing to their being partially or utterly impracticable. THE SINGER NW FAMILY MACHINE Has been brought to perfection, regardless of time, labor or expense, and if now incomparably the best sewing machine in existence. It is Simple, Compact, Durable, Beautiful, Quiet, Light-Running, and capable of performing a range and variety of work never before attempted upon a single machine; using either Silk., Twist, Linen or Cotton thread, and sawing with equal facility the very finest and coarsest materials, or anything between the two extremes, jn the most beautiful and substantial manner. The ew Improved Attachments for Hemming, (any width) Braiding, Emdroidering, Magic Ruffling, Gathering, Gathering and sewing on (at the same time Sell-Sewing, Cording, Tucking, Q jilting, Felling, Trimming,Binding,ete., are novel and practicable, and have been invented and adjusted especially for this machine. Folding1 Tops and Cabinet Cases. New designs of the unique, useful and popular Folding lops and Cabinet Cases, peculiar to the Singer Machine, in every variety of wooa, such as Black Walnut, Mahogany, .Rosewood, Sattnwood, and from the plainest to the most elaborate pattern and finish. The Machines themselves are plain or highly ornamented with pearl and gold to correspond with their tables or cabinets. In the Singer the work is fed or passed through the Machine in the natural direction, namely, from the operator, permitting her to sit in a natural and healthy position. In many other Machines the work passes from right to left, or the reverse, compelling the operator to sit in a bent and unhealthy position, and thus causing weakness of the bach, etc. The Singer ues a SHORT STRAIGHT NEEDLE, whieh is not liable ti break or miss the stitch. Many other machines use a long crooked needle which is liable to break and to miss the stitch. Iu the Singer Machine the Shuttle is cakried, thus avoiding nearly all wi'ar. It require.- NO OIL, and dues not soil the thread or goods. Other machines drive their shuttles, in a race, thus causing great wear, and requiring oil, soiling the thread and goods. On the Singer, the Tension on both the upper and lower threads is abso lutely under the ready control of the operator, thus rendering the machine always available for good sewing, which is not the case with any other. Many so-called cheap machines are really worthless, and so are many of their new peculiarities and supposed advantages. The SIJVGER is the OLDEST PRACTICAL SEWING MACHINE, Being about twenty years in the market. Having beeu constantly improved by the employment of the most skilled ingenuity of the age and unlimited un-limited capital, it is now divested of all unnecessary parts and possesses All the Very Latest Inventions and Improvements. It is the on :y Machine sold on Honest Claims, as all its parts are Practical and will do all that is claimed for tbem. Some other Machines are Greatly Complicated, to do Useless and Silly things, and thus are rendered Liable to Constant Derangement. Derange-ment. The Siuger Seldom or Never gives trouble, but is readily and easily-managed easily-managed by those who utterly fail on other Machines. SINGER'S NEW MANUFACTURING MACHINES Claim the sauie advantages over others of their class as the new Family Machines. Ma-chines. These old and well-tried Sewing Machines are applicable to all kinds of heavy and light manufacturing in Clotlis, Leatlier, etc., and run jn the most perfect and reliable manner without trouble to the operator. Without any previous advertisement, the Demand for the SINGER MACHINE is so Great that we have been unable to retain even one Machine to exhibit. ALL SOLD, but A LARGE NUMBER ARE NOW ON THE WAY from New York, and WILL AEEIVE IN A FEW DAYS ! They will consist of the Different Varieties made by the Singer Manufacturing Manufactu-ring Company, and we shall sell at Eastern Prices, with addition of Freight only. To accommodate parties who cannot pay all down, we will sell on EASY MONTHLY INSTALMENTS So that all may possess one of these Blessings. For the convenience of our Patrons we have engaged the services of a gentle man who has had twenty years experience and is one of the most skillful experts in the world in repairing and adjusting Sewing Machines. He wiil put each Machine in complete and practical running order before it leaves the Institution Institu-tion and will also impart to purchasers'all needful instruction, so that they can at once commence work. We resort to no trickery whatever to sell Sewing Machines, but allow their Great Merits to recommend them. We can do this, as the demand for them is bo great that although the Singer Company make more than all other first-class companies combined, they cannot nearly fill their orders, and are compelled to still extend their Gigantic Works. Having been so fortunate as to secure the GENEHAL CENTRAL AGENCY For this Territory, we extend a cordial invitation to all to come and see these Machines, whether they wish to buy or not. See all others, but do not buy without you examine the Singer I AVe Guarantee Every Machine Wc Hell To give Entire Satisfaction. THE SINGER BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE la the only Practical one in the World. Other Sewing Machines Repaired on Eeasonable Terms. MACHINES FOR SALE SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT, 'One Door South of tin' Mnig Store, i ZION'S CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION. II. II. CliAWSON, SuiH. Oi Sa iLi W HUSTON'S i : CELEBRATED COMBED Six s ou?) SPOOL COTTON. To Arrive. Will be sold wholu?;ile and retail, :it Z. Q. XvjL. I. TWO IPOOiS GIVEN AVAY For every one not entirely satisfactory. city liqdbb sioeE, Keep constantly on hand, "Wholesale and Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. GROE SBECK'S BUILDINGS, East Temple Street. SUSTAIN HOME MANUFACTURE! The Best and tlie Cheapest ! Have You Tried Tliem 1 ANTI-DYSPEPTiC, OR COMPOUND B3NESET PILLS. Home-made and purely vegetable. Twenty-five cent? per box Twenty five Pills, Warranted to give satis faction. They relieve Jaundice. Dypepia. Indigestion. Indiges-tion. Liver O-mplaint. ileaiiacho. Lo.-s. of Appetite and Foul Stmu li, will br-aKup Colds, L-'evers. Jufrh.- "lid Purity the liiootl. Tuey will Cici'n?- the toiuach, Kenovntc the System, ami Mi-pel D i-e;t.e. Are yood in all c-ses where Pnysic i? needed. Try a box. You will like them, a id never want any other act. They hre Ionic, Cathartic and Ex pec-- ! torant. OPT1IALM1C J3ALSAM, I Or Eye Balm. j Valuable in most Discuses of the Eyes. Kc- i moves Inflammation, ;trcni,':licns the Sight, I and VVeak or Droopin? Li s. and is tf-ncriilly healing and strenlheuing to the sibt, but causes no pa to. It is nisi jrnud for Tetter, I Ringworm aiiil bad Sore. Only I wcnty-Iive Cents per Box. COMvLIN .VIWi:. A valuable remedy for Cut-. Bruise', Wound-, Sorts, Burns, fccald?, and lor WeaK or Lmnc Back, bide or Bre.t-t, and lr many other Uf.e. The?e and other hnme-iiiade t'umily medicine? medi-cine? are prepared by J. E. JOH.NSO.V, St. George, Vlnh, And Bold at Zi'n's Co-operative Stores nnd by other agents throuiiout the Territory. Also sold at wiiolc.-ale or lurni.-hed on commission com-mission to respou-ibleagcriis. it lluse m- cl-i.rines cl-i.rines are not kept at your stores, ask your merchant to order them at once. 'A Complete Pictorial History of the Times." "The bent, cheapi t mid mnxt huc-cesstul huc-cesstul t-amily fa per in the Luton." Harper's Weekly. Splendidly Illustrated. Notice of the Prcof. The model mi w--paper of our country. Complete in all the departments of an American Amer-ican family pap'T, 11 it r per 's Weekly haw earned lor it-el t a right to its title. "A Journal Jour-nal of Civilization." i. V. Evening Pubi. The beat publication nf its cla.-s in Aincri-Ci, Aincri-Ci, and so farahead of all other week ly journals jour-nals as not to permit of any comparison between be-tween it and any ot their number. Ii columns col-umns cod tain the finest collections of read in matter that are printed. - !(.- illustrations illustra-tions aro oumeroub and beautiful, being furnished by the chief art'sts ol the country. Boston Traveler. Harper's Weekly is the bet and moat in teres ting illustrated newspaper. Nor doca i's value depend on it illustrations ulouo. Its reading matter is of a high ordcrot merit-varied, merit-varied, instructive, entertaining and unexceptionable unex-ceptionable N. Y. feuu. SUBSCRIPTIONS.--1871. TeriiiKt Harper's "Weekly, one year 1.00 An extra copy of either tho Maiuidk, Wkkki.v, or Bazar, will he supplied gratis for every Club of tivo subscribers, at -I.hi rnrh, in one remittunT; or, Six copies fur without extra copy. duhscription tollnrper'.- Magazine. Week 1 and bazar, to one address for nneycfir, SK'.t'd; or, twoof Unrper's periodicals to one address for one year. Si 00. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth biuMing, will be ncnt by cx-preHH, cx-preHH, free of expen.-e. lor &7.lxj ouli. A complete set, comprising Fourteen Volumes, sent on recei pt d' cish at the rate or $-..&' per Td., freight nt. expenso of purcliamT. Volume XI V. ready January 1st., 171. The postage on Harper's Weekly is twenty conts a year, which must be paid at tho subscriber's sub-scriber's post ollice. Address HAMPER A, BROTHERS, Mow lurk, All (hfr-Unr.lftifd Wurlil. All Krfal iliyfirinn ii'lmil Hint llin n,.rW iaVivrT-ilimlnri'd wil h Yioli-nt iImich. I n fines of inilii'f'ftinn, liiUiniin'fJ, nnl int inn, win'l cdi (linrrlK. i, nn'l nlhrr ennui or even rli ron if n Met' I ion ; ol tlio ' i oinaoji, liver nn'l Ij'OrrN, ull llnil i-: iht.IcI to i';tnr. tho r(.'mlljir li. I i ii li ol tlin tli.or.lorf.J ori'fin-. i - n ilo 'o or t wn o T wur 't'k Ki i i: ii-v ii-v khi i-NT S ci.Tzri: Anrcirs'T, tlio mint deli- I'ionn :i nil lin nil 1 c-'- I'nliriliiKf, l:t,XJilio 1 nltiTittivo in I lio wholn rn tutu ol' liii.-il iiin:. I ri'imnlii'j. It, in null., lent lor I lin m rim 1 ri'ii I . I'fiimi.L Imrtn tlio nioildt, inol ini liu-il in t rh' roli i:tm i jc n:iu miii i h irli orilin:ir' i'iii li:irl iio I UKUrnviil.c. M,J.) IIV A 1,1, UKlKlNlb'IX jZ. C. M. I. i Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS (If Nrw Goods in Fall mid WINTER SUITS! ovi:kcoats, capes, ta levi as Military Clothing:, .c. AIfo a Full Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS 6c SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boys' 1 1 ATS and CAPS. TIUJNKS in all styles and itialities. Vai.ihkm and Cam-kt Sacks. Carpets,Matting, Floor Cloths Wall Paper and Decorations, AIwayBon liiiml ami lor nale by tlio ynnl. I ii rK n nl'ifk of Frimli nuil r.nKllli tnliiirr', llomkliiH, HenvcrM, Mllllniy ( IoiIih, Jlmnr Mnili' Twccil., kv.. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! i ( '' n 1 1 (in ii V ',.tli intr, or Militnry Suit, nindn order iti the nv'' Stylo o Kn.-di i"0 , en tho Flmrtp-if notice. Kirt-cliwn h'l and i WnrkinntHliin llnuniiiteril. I MILITARY TR1MMIN6S' l 1 1 II I .A I' Aiiirrv. ! I II. K. CLWVSGN, JSi.er. I TRUCK EE AMD SALT LAKE 'jumberYard Oue Uloclt South of U.C. PASSENGER DEPOT. Lumber! Of all widths and lengths. Utah Common $32. 5U per M Truckee " rough.... 40.00 " Truckee 2d clear, " 50.00 " Truckee 1st " " .... 60.00 " TRUCKEE SHINGLES $4.50 per 51. A To. 1 Sawed, $5.50 per 51. A T II S, A No. 1, clear sugar pine (ill inch) Four feet lengths, $7.00 per 51. SIKKHA VALLEY Sugar Fine, Clear Seasoned MOULDINGS Tougned X. Carooveri FLOORING, CEILING. SIDING, COUNT KK TOPS KXTBA WIPK, Rustic and Moulded Battens, .c, AlI, DOURS, DOORS, It., 1 M. a h'., Willi and vritliout Kodwood 1'Hnel,. Sasli Doors, (Single and IKmlile) PRIMED, GLAZED &UN6LAZED. All sizes constantly on hand. Kslra pizen mnilo promptly to order. D. W, PARKHURST, rroti'Ictor. WANTED! ; Barley, Flour. Butter & Eggs," i ' 1 In lai'Kii iiianfitii'. DUNFORD SOWS I5IPORTERS AND JOBBERS IX Boots, ShoesiHats At the sign of the MAMMOTH SHOE AND H&T STORE EAST TEMP,E STREET. GRAIN WANTED! Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO C1TV AND COUNTRY COOPERATIVE STORES And tle Trside generally. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, (Up Stairs.) WIWTER COODS! Long- Shawls, Nubias. Hosiery, Single Shawls, Hoods, Moves, Children's Shawls, Scarfs, Flannels, ISlanke'ts, Counterpanes, Jeans, Cassinieres, Linsejs, COMES.SC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL. IJoois Shoes, Kubbers fc Arctics, Men's, 15oys and Children's Hats. It E T AIL Dry Goods Department. This Department is in regular receipt ef iW STYLES DRESS GOODS, Aotions, Fancy Trimmings, Arc. A larsre invoice of WIKTER SHAWLS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, SCARFS, ARABS, &c. New and Fashionable Styles now on exhibition- Repellants, for Ladies Winter Suits, CLOAKS; FURS, Single, in Setts, or made to order at low price. Full stock of CARPETS, DAMASKS, RUGS, TABLE CLOTHS, &C, &C. In great variety. H. B. Clawson, Supt. PIONEER STEAM WOOD WORKING COMPANY. )V. II. Folsom, Tnos. UruizB. Oeo. Eomset, G IL Tailor. FOLSOM, ROINEY & CO., (Sonth Temple Street, one block we?t of the Tabernacle,) Having added to their already extensive stock of Machinery, are now prepared to furnish all articles iu their line, a first class article, at greitly reduced rate, Irom the best lumber produced in our own mountain home. Wo have a complete set of Sash and Poor .Machinery, by which we can till large or .small orders with great dispatch. sasii amis isen We. publish a list of sizes of Poors and Windows which are always kept on hand. Lip or cheek rail sash and all kinds and siict of doors made to order: Sash Sizes. poor p;tes. Sxll) windows, 2 fUHn'x 3 ft 9 in 2 ft f. in bv 6 ft 6 in 1012 " 2 10, 4 f." 2 S '"' 6 ? W!4 " 2 10 x 5 2 2 10 " 6 10 H'xlrt " 2 10 x.i 10 Sleet " 7 feet. Jtliiids, rrainos and .llouldins. Rolling and Stationary Slat Blinds made to order to till all kinds of openings. open-ings. lWr and indow Frames, plain and panncled. Having ene of r'ft splendid No 1 moulding machines we can furnish every variety of Mouldings. ArOOU TlJKs LG. Wo havo n No. 1 Turning Lathe, and have engaged 1'ied. 1'liijler, the best turner in the Territory, and will furnish turning ol all descriptions, including inclu-ding wheel beads, eliairs, bedsteads, and all kinds of wood turning at low rales. i.aj r.sr i.MiMioviM) i.(miim:uy Our machinery is the very best that could be purchased in tho Kat, ivn" sistinjj of a .No. 1 I'lancr and Matcher, lor surfacing lumber and tonguinf grooving llooring; a Paniels I'lancr, for planing huiily-r out of wind; a fencing fenc-ing .Machine; heavy power Morlising .Machine; machines lor rabbiting, plowing, making sash, doors, blinds and mouldings. As a great vaiieiy of work can be done on these machines, it give us great advantage contracting and building. . II. FOI.SOM attends to the building dcpai i ineni, and Wii'S .u experienced aiebilcel, and having on hand all the latest architectural work. i prepared to make plans, spr, ilications, details, ami contract for buildings of " kinds. Tho old linn of ,.( 7V.W.7; .( '.I VI.OC have charge oftue niibinf deparlnicnl and ill eonneclion with the above machinery run a sol ofohvi f saws, and nro prepared to rip boards, plank, pickets, fence rails, snips, A A, Ml who intend lo heaulify. improve and build lip, and want cheap aa r work, call mi "' - v |