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Show GENERAL, unvv'ft Kl.i-tioi. Washington. IW. 1. Surprise is expressed here at the election of ex-Governor ex-Governor Vance to the United States Senate, by the legislature of North Carolina. It is said that his political disabilities have never been removed by Congress, and it is thought they won't be now. The Darien Kxp.ditiou. New York, Pec. 1. This morning the Parien isthmus surveying ship (itiard will leave Brooklyn navy yard, where she has been tilting out, and proceed to Ellis island to take on board her powder, and then proceed on her trip to the isthmus. On the Pacific side the Snyinaxe is detailed for duty, while the will communicate between be-tween the (jutiril and Panama as necessary. ne-cessary. The stock of provision; t rkca on bnarj is k iwcivo months' cupp'vfor a Ciciv ' of 'one hundred men. Only thirteen marines wi 1 bo taken, the remainder of the sh p's company com-pany beinff first-class seamen. Tbe liuijnl takes a -Team launch and three fiat-boats, fifteen feet Jong fir ascending shallow river.-), aud which arc fitted wi'.h wheel; and can be used on land also. Tli. Alabama DlffWnliy. Washington, Pec. 1. Thcr wa a report that the 'resident would direct the war department to interfi-re in the trouble between the Slate rfEeiali in Alabama, but it s..cl - t J be without foundation. General Teny. in command com-mand of the department of the South, is here, and as soon as he heard of the requisition fir tr.p. be telegraphed not to fnrni'h them. Inadr-ijiiate PnnlO;fit. j Chicago. IVe. i. Join Giuuzla. a I drunken rafYnn, who in Septemlicr !t dc'.iWrst-Iy sh 'i rA k:!k-i a i.t-1 tie cbt.-i l '.y::. in iL- .czv.. w- yi,. tcrday couvuicd o! the "7,me ncj xu. tcnci-J to ' '."jrtern years iii.prls-ininent in the penitentiary. Trrrlljlr Klrr. Nrw Oilcan-. 1'-. i. A j-ruii o.-u-f.agration occurrr 1 here ih:.- morninc. The anttiis Theatre. John Hawkins' store-room and 5-ch .icrs ,v Cot. ins", packers and liner. (-'&-'.il-h:ri' Dt were O-Oslrovt 1. Two f. rem- n arc- r- ported 10 an it'-r the a ... '1 Le los is t:'.wj : in-ur. d lor S 1 ... - -1 jn I local cvnipaiiU'. J frilly, but 4 ouluu'r b. PuuLhed. j Saa Frar., ,-?o. ! 1. Judge Si. BaaaaaaaaaaaiaBamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammaaaaaaa1 ' yer. of the police "conn, to-day decided ; that the Mercantile Library lottery act , in effect repealed the law fixing the I penalty for dealing in lottery tickets. ' and he had therefore no power to fine : or imprison for the orTjnce. though the ' constitutional prohibition remained. 1 He therefore found one Geodwin guilty of offering to sell, but ordered hi; discharge from custody under this construction of tbe law. Numerous ! lotteries in all parts of the Slate wul establish agencies in San Francisco. I Lollerj- Scheme. San Francisco. Pec. 1. The police are making further arrests of parties engaged in lottery schemes, and the matter will be taken before the grand jury immediately. Chinese Going Home. The Ureal R-puHic, for Yokohama, to-day carried 563 passengers, ail but sixteen of whom were Chinese, going home to spend the winter: anl '--. -." i in treasure. Frank Colton. aent for the Pacific railroads, and contractor, con-tractor, goes out on her to ciab isk passenger agencies in China and Japan. |