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Show j CORRESPOXDE.VCE. I Salt Lake Civv, Dec. 1, 1S70. 1 Editors Xal Lake Herald: I Will you plea.-e allow us the privi-' privi-' lege of asking through the columns of I the Herald if anv of the discoverers 'of iron ore in Utah will manifest j enough interest in its development to j send a few samples of the same to the . Deseret Co-operative Novelty X orks, in this city, that we may test it with some coal wc have imported for the ' special purpose of reducing iron? We are sanguine that results will be produced more favorable than the fuel I'eretofore ued has done, and are in-i in-i rested enough in Utah's iron depos-. depos-. i.s to try them under the best circumstances circum-stances available. Yours respect f'ullv, William Fuller, See y. |