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Show LATE NEWS. Defeat of the Army of the Ljire. Gloomy Prospects for Franco. (jieneral cwi. An Indian War Expected. FOItEIGIV. Berlin. :;y. The Queen has received re-ceived the following dispatch from King William : Tuesday, 29. Frederick Charing reports re-ports the complete defeat ol the army of the Loire in the battle of Monday, in which the French had the 20th corps, and probably the ISth and portions por-tions of the 15th and lGth corps engaged. en-gaged. A thousand French were wounded, and 1,600 taken prisoners. Gen. Aurelles is reported wounded. The German loss was a thousand; among them a few officers. The ship Volsctzcr, for Hamburg, with guano, has been captured by a French man-of-war. London, 30. The Globe this after-non after-non publishes the announcement of the capitulation of the entire army of the Loire, The report can be traced to no authentic source. Nothing was known of such an event, at the German Ger-man legation here, at nine to-night. World t cable London. Letters by balloon from Paris, private letters from Versailles and dispatches from Berlin, all concur in representing the prospects of the French as extremely gloomy. The Germans during the late engagements engage-ments with the army of the Loire lost enormously, but still their positions have been maintained. The efforts of Gen. Aurelles to advance to the relief of Paris have been foiled. The provisions pro-visions of Paris are almost exhausted ; scarcely a fortnight's supply remains. |