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Show MEDICAL. E. V. You.cu, M.T., Ai.r.i .v Fowlkk, M.D. bSurpr, U.b.A.' VOLLUM & FOW1.ER, PHYSICIANS k SURGKOXS. Oflne over Brown fc Son's Store, K.x-tTcm-ple blreet, tSnlt Lako City. I". J). 15 1 IX 11 DIC T, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Ollico Ht Kesidence, rear of Seventies Hall. Vr. F. ANDERSON, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Ulliro tit Itenideuce, In the Thirteenth Ward. Uil. 0. C. 0RM5BY, ITIYSICIAN, SURGKON AND DJU'GGIST, Hltlt.IIA.il CITV, UTAH. Dr. HIGGINS DAVIS IOR about thirty yearn Medical Practitioner Practi-tioner in England, tenders bin profea-filnnnl profea-filnnnl aid to all who may requiro the same, flu has had muoh experiunca in every branch of his profession, and oilers advico on very renfonablo torma to the poor inhabitant? inhabi-tant? of this oily, every morning from 8 until 10. Midwifery from jfo upwards. Ofuco.No. 1 Morris' Terrauo, 13th Ward. L g LEGAL. M. Klrkputriok. S. A. Mnnn KIRKPATR1CK & MANN, Attomojs-at-Law, Office First South St.. Fourth door n.t pf Ho.por, Eldredtce & Co.'n Bunk. Z. RNOW. E. D. HOOE. SNOW & 1IOGK, Attorneys and Counsolora at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Ofliuo ut Snow's oraer, 1st East St. HOTELS. Salt Lake House, V, LTCTLK, I'nonutTou. la oln for tlio rcocption of Kuo.ts. O O O ACCOJIXOD A T JONS BANKERS. F1UST NATIONAL It A IV K OK TJTVIT. Slt Uke City, Uinh Tor. Wm, H. Hooper, H. S. Kldroil.cc, I,. S. Hills Hooper, KMrcdRo A t o., BANKERS. Kast TemplkSt., Salt Ikk City, rsvnl.r. hi Gold Dust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warrants, Etc folloetions made and promptly remitted' re-mitted' CORRESPONDENTS: RijiKi & Co., ew York, Hnuk of California. San Francisco, First National lank, Gliieaco, Exchanpe Bank. 8t. Loui.i, First National Bank. Omaha. J. S. Morgan & Co., London. .I.CJIF.KKILL tO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS JO 4 aud lUlt enlilornla St.. San Frncixco - - California. I'artitfular mtcation paid tn the filling vrdora f.-r evsry uwcription t weiekrfude, Snl" of Orfi, 4c, ,Ve. CALIFORNIA TRADE, aiSSTil, FQSTETTEB. Si tl, rnip.-rter: rtiid Jiboere of FOHEIGX A ND DO.M EgTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Kentlal OIU, Gums. Roots, Seed. Klowtm. iSpougea, Skins, Pomade, &c, And all other Staples connected with the Wholesale and Ketail Drug Business. Constantly in receiot, by direct Iuiportation, of European and Asiatic product. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. II o.-tetter's Bitter?, L rake's Plantation Bitt-Tu, Woll'g .-cheidam .Schnapps, Newell's Pulmonary Syrup, And all the leading Proprietary Medicine both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. jos. rt'4'J iiud 531 Marlcet Street, Between First nd Second, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. EINSTEIN BROS, & CO., Importer? and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 1 13, and 117 Pine SI reel, SAN FRANCISCO. We would especially call the attention of the Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS ! Which in point of style, fit and durability are eual to the bet custom made goods. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 2U & UIG BATTEKY STREET, 8 A N F R A N C I S C O, Offer to the trade of Salt Lake and vicinity LEATHER, of all kinds, IIAK.VESS, CALIFORNIA SADDLES, COLLARS, WHIPS, And a goneral assortment of SADDLERY GOOD? AT NEW YORK PRICES. Send for Catalogues and Prices. WH1TTIER, FULLER & CO. SCCCK830R3 TO Caiueron.Whittier k Co. and Fuller Heather 1 11 PORTKK3 AND DEALBE3 S PAINTS, OILS, ANO VJIMGQV GLASS, SOLK AGENTS FOR FRENCH AND BELGIAN PLATE GLASS CO'S 21 & 23 FRONT STREET, Cor. Pino Street, SAN FRANCISCO. G. AOOLPHE LOW & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Importers of TEAS, COFFEES NpiceN, and all EAST INDIA PUODUCE Of which ihey keep Mocks constantly on hund for sale to th JOIiBINGr T J. ADE. ALSO AOENTH FOR La A'lndn de X Harmony's, of Cadiz, SII K K K I K S , Uai tlelt WIIITK LEAD COMPANY, of New York, A Nn I U A T T'S SON-EXPLOSIVE A S T K A h OIL. James Otis. W. A. Macondrny. F. W. Mncondrny. MACONDRAY & Co., SHIFPIS & Si CiMMISSIflS iMF.nclIA.M'S, IMPORTERS OF CHINA ANO JAPAN TEAS And all doscription. of EAST 1 X D 1 A PROD V V K, SAX FRANCISCO, - - CAL. A. J. GHIFFITH, Pp.Ut in jJTJJ MI kin.U f lICltTjI-;i3 SMOKED SALMON AND HERRINGS, Vahillfrton Strvct, iw.-wpTi-. SAN FRANCISCO. All lim.M of Piir l, SnirKM TukiM riti OQ-lIsiIV llrill't. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO.. Importers nl Jol'Ur fyry TRnrty of WINES AND LIQUORS, 311 !. r et. 9an Kinnrlnt o, California. WILMERDINS & KELLOGG, Imii'Ttr an 1 .Toh!cr5 "f Wines and Liquors, 214 Jfc 21') KKOXT STREET. SAX FRANCISCO. .lsnt. Sj-ru-.ii. ,'.-lm ? j-ni.ir.. C T. I'Uf tiisd. J. 4 J. SPRUANCE, WINES ANO LIQUORS, ll-l From Strict. KN K.NCISCO, CiMFwllMA.. EASTERN TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., BOOTS AND SHOES, N... ilil nnU iHl HrouilwBV, - . NEW VllltK. PACS12, I1IIO.& CO., LEATHER AND FINDINGS, ."0 Lake Street, TJie Xnlioiml.Sei'ics textTooks. J9 The Rf-JtM'T-. lif-'rr.ti'hir, S'-x-Tir.- ;i nd tiTinan t'o-tk- tl tin!- S hnf )-v-u tfi...ij f,Pl ImiGrtid uni:"injiiy in L'tali. nivl tut ftiier ;irp fnv. TaMy p- .-iv.-.-i. I.y (tie ( .lu. ..-.r. ' a PARKER & WATSON'S SERIES I i:-,-"r 7 a A Prtmrr, and ittmlt rs in F;t- ir. i,il n. Spelling Mouk, inivtu grade-. D AVI ES' MATHEMATICS, Tte Nn:: Hi.il .r-i. 1 ct.It cn,, ,... i-U-n! n:,il..r:;i m-.:. -1 .n -y i-i..u-..., ci.i- li:r. ; t l-n 1 r ti '.. f ,l. Arithmetic. Alchr, I'fOiHtiry. mi ti I u -, u r v e j I n g , Ptri-jritilvf, K t c . MCNTEITH'S GEOSilAPHY. a r-, -; 1. Ktr.l l.(-onv 4. Mnnu.l. ,1. ..Mr.V.llv." W..a : - . - : ..id . xl , f t lr .M.. CLARK'S CIAGPAM GRAMMAR T v-'..:r - :L.- r - t " ' t K'.r-t Lfon In KnEliih limmir. The .Nurmal Kngluh Lnmnmr. STEELE'S NATURAL SCIENCES A !' -. " ' t -- l. 1 -.- :, N1ltrftl Philo-fyh- A'tii.nnni). Chrmitlry, ' -eoloc . WCRMAS'S GZRKAN SERIES 1. in m in. r.. Ill mo rail..: A Reader, ... Krh. . , - - i.. k I . ' ..-T.'"" A. S. B.IHUS 4. O.. ' helmbold's: I'III'I'aIIaTIi'iNS Highly Conreutrated fO.MPOl.D FLl'ID EXTRACT , II U C 15 1j j 4 positive and ?pe-?ilic remedy forde.-iSt1? ! the B. adder. Kidneys. Gravel and Drpkal Swe.lin;s j Tui niedi ine increase the power- .! 1-?e?TioD, 1-?e?TioD, ami excites the ah;ur'enis in: healrby action, by -which the matter of c:i 1-can 1-can on- deposition?, and all unnatural enlargements en-largements are roriuced. a well us pain and in dnniin.it ion. and is jrood lur turn. V 'nien and r-niidren. H HELMBOLUS EXTRACT BltTll For weakness ariinp tri-m excesses, habit-- ot dissipation, curly indiscretion. a.tendi Trith the following yuiptyms : Indi?poitinu to Exertion, Loss -f T'owrr. Ltirnoultv oi' Breathitt?, l.-ss ot Memory, Horror ot Disease. Waket'mness. Dimne-s ot Vision. P.ii" in me il-Kd. Flushing of the B"iy, Mot Hanaf. Erupiions of the Face, eak .S rrvc-1 rrvc-1 Drvness of the Skin, Tremiin. Fn.Uii Countenance, Ln;snude, Of the .Muscular iy;tem. I These symptoms, if allowed to o on. (which this medicine inraria'dy remove- oon follow Faiuity, Epileptic its, Ac. in one of rrhteh the p-tient may exp-.re. Who can say they are not frequently iol- lowed oy those "direful diseasei." lusnnlty Mill CouMunptuni! Many Mieawureof thecaueeof their surVer-ing. surVer-ing. but uuuo will conf--. The records ol r lie insane asylums ucd the uielunchoiy deaths by consumption bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once a'.iected by or?;icic weakness, requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, whirh UELMBuLD 'a EXiKACT uE BlCill in variably does. A trial will couvtuce the iLost sceptical. In many affection peculiar to 1- omales.tne EXTRACT JiL'CUU is uoequaled by any other remedy, and for all complaints iuciden t to the sex. or in the UECX1AJS OK CHANGE OK LIFE. L ftEE M'MPTOM AliuV j;. i No Familv should he without it. j Take uo Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant medicine for uBi'leasanf-aud danterous dis.-saseii. dis.-saseii. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BltHl IMPROVED rost r.v, Cures Secret Diseases in a" at little expense, little or nu . . . . uiel, 1 no inoouveniouue. aud nu exi'.-.iro. M Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all affections and diseases of the.-e (rf.'ans whether exist ing lu Mnle or Female, from whatever cause oriyinatinp, and no matter h jw long siandiug. JJisea-c5 of th- organs require the aid o. a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Bl CHI IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. And it is certain to have the de -Tired effect in all diseases for which it is recommended. blood t blood: blood: HBIiMnOJjD'a " Highly Conoentratrd Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying tho Blood, removing ;J1 chronic chro-nic cun-ntutional disease arising from nn iiujuire state of tlto Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure 01 Scrofula. &'fld Head, Salt Klieum, I'ains and !Swrllin?3 of the B'nes lacerations lacera-tions of the Ihroal and Lef, Blorches, i'iiu-ple i'iiu-ple on tlie Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly Eruptions of Lhe ckiu, And HfRntilylng the Complexion , Two tabb -ponsful of the Extract tf Sarsaparilla Sar-saparilla addc-d to a pint ol water i- tutr.i to tne Libon Diet Drink, and one bottietul is lully eiUal to a r.iMu 01 thcSyrup of f;ir.-n-pfvrilU, or the decoction a usually nude. o HELM HOLD'S ROK WASH, An tX'Tllent Lotion br diser.-r-s arising from h.iijir- uf di".i;.iti"i. u-e-i in ti-nnec-tin with t tie htrarii Buchu and ars;i.-r ars;i.-r 11a, in filch di-eia-es as rcc miiK'D.h-1. E, I'l'-n'-eol ihcmost reiponsible and re.ii.ijlc fhaiai'ter will ac-'mpi ny the medicines. Al.-o licit direction-- lorn-', wnn h: - )l:llI'S nl' THol RAVI'S living W,tlK'-i--, ;iik1 upward- of cA,kj uusolicitei ceriiti-it - and recommcn laiory letters, many of whi-Ji are from " he h ij.-he:-t -ouri. es. incl u 1 1 n e eminent Phy-irians, Clergy mf n, St ate; men, T'ie l'rooriet-T iiis never re-urtcd v t'ir pu'ui-cati'-n in the nc-j:ij er- ; ho d--- n-t mis, ironi tne fact that his art Ties rank a. Mandard Freparation-". and do not need to be propped up by i-iTiifieiit lie ci ''lice -f M i.'d ici ii it, like the ii ri'-Column, ri'-Column, rliuuld -tau't -iLui'If, pure, maje.-uc, ha ing l'.ft t'r i;- b-i-, li,du-(;n k-I-Ul-ir, aud Tru: b alone lot us Cupitn 1. L MyE'''t smr-tt.nriiia l- a lilo- .J puri-f puri-f ": my 1 . x ; r - -1 ii.i hu i-. a D.urMic, hi, 'i will .ic; a- -u-'ii in nil ctf. B.'th arc prepared uti pui'dy 1 ti t ; fu-pril.'. fu-pril.'. .pic? in v..' j., a:,fi .i t 1 1, a-"-. a t : .'t meii-U't- of e:"!ifr tii.it ci'i r,e n,., j. ready an 1 en- n-ivo f-t w'll l a , ,m..iri-a ,m..iri-a n ' n e -r j r ' p.- : ics wi: h t :i"-c 'et J rt n h 1 ti. e t"I'. ir.g t K -. e1 i .-r n-a orv : 'i " 1 " r. t 1 S-;i--- Pr--r l 1 - -' v,, ..,,, .:r. ' r, tnr Pr-: 1" j re... i -- m.t I , ; h i i '., t 1 1 r. I Pp v . i'n; , ."ee ren.-ir-.-- bv i- ) ,- m i. ( '4 M - 1 lHv k - . ,i ;,r. l .l Pti v - j- ,..n 1. nd M -m- , I -1 K-.'.:il ' !. o: -,-.-. I .. , (. , :c i p. i :..-;,( in i he :,..;,.-,. -.- ; . Kr.r nr. i - ' :-'t. : J -,r. ! ! M -1.- -v :..r:g ..: H- -. , , I I v I, - - 1 V. . w. r -. ft.;, vr 01 tne i. . . C-01 cge of urf"i!i, " i.. : o; l.Vj It- si-:. irl W'.ri.. '; ' .M'- u .1.' . D -.. . ' I. . -:-', - Vr-. j A i ir- - if r- f r ; r. ! r:-.. : :. . ;r, c i-L -. I II. T. HFItltoOLD. H f 111 hn tl Drnr; nrl ( h niP it ! UrH10u.f. j'jl. nri.i(lj, . . . 1 h : . Hel.i,)tJ.i - M((llil Dcix.t. 101. nmh Tf nth "I . I h 1 1 ,i 1 I y h I a . Beu are of Conoic: lot. ! Ask FOR IlKPMIiOLI) S! T . i K no 01 uki: -. CALIFORNIA TRADE. BRITTAN, KOLBROOX & CO Ixpor;ers and De'.crs in Stoves 6c Ranges, j SHEET IRDN &.TIN PLATE, j Copper, 7.1nc. Sheet Lead. " ire. FUMTS. I Ijcad arid Iron Iivpo. ! TiXM.ttJ ;o?, j To.di and Machinery and Genera'. hOUt FURNISHING HRDWF,' K:::brsci::g Piain. Jap.ir.r.c d, Pa-aii-hed sr.d tau:ped are, "oi. Ill 4: 113 Call for nt a and o. 17 & li Davis xntts, ' 5 AX FRANCISCO. CAL. ! ; ; ; i "J s p!' kolden & com a FOUtlGNDUY GOODS, I inen, Dress Goods. Hosiery. ?c. 'JS & : SANS' M K ST.. j S A N 1"H A M Iri. j London : 'S Le;iilenh.i!l K.O- TOB1TJ, 1 DAVSSSOfc.i l.i.jiori ci's ol" K.Nt.LlMl, fltliXl U i UtUJIJX Famy Goods, Milium!) tmk, Yanktr Xotio n$, Vt hi(c G"d.. Pod: t Cntlrr,,. IUi, ,y. P., fitnui i Lin., 1 Il'd:.; llnw,, ir-uK-:u l',u iiurr- iti Kiicp1. l-'-it.i; ! indirect connuuri join ion iib tic Ci;iuul;ir! ur.'i p, wo are en:tllt.-l to e.vcnlo nil nlM. ;iut 1 Sell at as Low Rate us Xew 1 oik Importers. I "i- m-.ite lb.- .itu-:n.i. ! I BUYERS FOR UTAH TERRITORY To cur ?KH.k, whiih tin- Ihc---! .um i.. -t .o n -1 : on the 1'acitic La-t. i j TOHIN, DIXON PAVISSON, j San K: ail' 1-' ". C.i!. j ESTABLIS Tt J 1 OjO. ' CASTIE BROTHERS, x Til. 3? 3 rT" sans WllOLKSALli GROCERS, :il3 ami 'il3 Front Strei't, San FiAlit-bicn. - - Call 1 01 ula. MORPHY.GRANT & CO. CALIFOUM A, Call ;ttlvmi(,ii th.-ir lar-n im,! v.. h"-,,i tr-,1 t'--k ul Dress Goods FRENCH PLAID POPLINS, Empri'Ns Chilli. l iinii-c Iol lis, In All ColoiK, FRENCH ANO ENGLISH MEH1N0ES, 12TC OEITO. ETC, Al-.., lull hn 01 ii 0 8 1 k 1; V, While (mi!-. Linen-, TASLI DAMAaKS, NAPKIN, TOW l i aSwC.a All ' 1 i.i' t ut-r '-r tl, I' vi . -1 in k 1 1.. - m. ic !; i ii-: 1 f. Pr'.pri"t' '"Iti.bll;. r,r - i-'i ", : !.. t . , . . , ... rary, P-p'.l P-r ir-.i. I. NATIVE WINES AND T.l-iiS M. K K I. X.Kit ' !., - r in r .; i ;.-! r a- ! W . '. n Kraut l o, - nHfuniln, Antrlln Utnf, I I l r r n 1 n ) in , I'oi I ' tnr Itllf. r-, j Shf-rrv 4.ia.c i.ranl. A , V, ,., i J-., ,-.. , ... I Bf I." . ' ' ; i M -'i!l.- ,n.I,:i.- :. ', n-.s ' ' rl. . .-' I. j) P-. i ' . j w : . il Utll ((IUIHMMI. I A ,.' 1, ' r 1 1 I 1 ' ' j WEIL & CO. Cigars aud Tobacco li A V S 1'. MM J A 1 1 , ; V. 44 1. 4 4'i ...'I 4 4't K.fii, I -., .- r:.' r i : :.; i r - : : .- . rv I' 1 1 . .-v uifi'. o. .1. l. i.tli'lM. tV .. GC.Y.MiSSlGN MRjri"!iT; 1 ( Ik) .u j mix ta' n, UKAl.tltH J DitKl.ON IIt(IM ( I ' '- '. 1. i; , . i.. i.-' :, .-..... :. A . Stri h, - ' ' .r -a-!, ! - '., ' , , UTAH CENTRAL UAILItOAl). p' vi (nnim PimiZ UHi OF UTAH. Oil Hiul ntl.i 1'Iiim mIiu , Dl'r. 1 , ) H, l.i - ,!i 1. ik,- City at .'. m.iii p p., An-'vo .it Otfdcn 7 n in. :nid i l'. p. ni. 1.' U' I tl t N i ill . 11 Il'l 'i 1 . '. ill . Arr :it Suit l,;ikc i'.:y iU ,i. u una T:'vM p.m. l-ivrc lYoui Suit I. ilk' It) t I H".. dV L'n.;. - .'."-I l iiir.- I o , - .f i K-inni..,,-:,'!, M K..-ilK' 1. ; I Cj-'.ii n Kit i f li inn 1;1-it to K.i - ill- " ;i K.iiin-it.w, ' ISA ! Criric ulr ... ,-o.iV I r.'P. . v A L.ibc Cn til iiddili-'ii to llic p Ai ACG'jPj1M.)DTIJN TK'.IW Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKl'TKO. Li-nv int; Uidvii :it .'. ii in. it ii.! Suit L.th o Cit Ht 1. U' p III., Cm uli;.-1! lull I. nc ill cnl I1.- tlic ,,r.'b r id a 1 1. k t-t I-1 r ( u i ii ..ii i h - t in e d i v , n, U.i, II lie and t-lup liy KTillK-lli; x'i'h the iiwid i'U'V ut iMiy punt nn tuc lint tu t.ike vii nr let ull p...-ciui'iii. Pa..fcii will ilnr Pin i linn, tlit ir TU ki u nt Hie Oillt t . 1-il'ty t'ctii. ad iiln-nal will l. -luntM-d hu the biri- s cllt- t,.'! n lb,. ,Mi:i. l-'o.' nil inb't inai mn oncf ruin t'rciH; or p.if aivc, iipplj U. D.O. A l.DI- It, i,-krt and Fiilitg,t. h 1 1 I. tike City. I OS. A. U Ut Niif. LIVERPOOL Sl QJ.Ef.SToW. - ', . . , v, .- ; . ' INHAN LINE Of Royal llnU trnnii i, Hat In t fi :n. JrT ork Every Saturday, AII'i'ii;il. Tii4'l:ij. n ! ..n ,., I .,, , I., , 7 r. II. .. g ,..., nu.ua I' ii .hi. . f. ,,. 1,1 v .(,,. .1 to JV . w 1 nib , I.I ,,. . . . 7 ft.UI. -i . . , . . ..j ;ii.ua I'..-ii ii-l 1 ' 1 1 1 . I . . i , m, , - I Ht , . i) I'. rui .1,(11 ... I 1 I. -.. A, ft ,. I - :r ... . '.ik. Or WII.I.IA.M CAI.li II. .,u (.,'. I'.k. ?L:.EiR Vi 3 R T PCUTl last. CniCiCO & NORTH rVEST N RAILWAY hfir i - I mi'l H u Ii L .1 liutil f iu liiimlia i tin k anil tin t . m . 'J ... i i ' ; n t t p .), j ,iT w u ' . ii i ,, Hi.d ' . i' - " ' " ' ' vn ,.-,.,- ..... J ... ' I, i I..UI... . : 1. 1. j ..i.-n i 1 1 'ii ) 1 in it ii J'tiln. Mom Ml .f rh.g i M( It a ' '.' b . I, I.I, J I J f 1 (, I .llpBl,.T. '"' ' '' ' ' '' 1 1 :' ' "I"'. I .)-.. In t.i. ii.m.r A .-j, i ir . P ' ' I- i -- .1. I " 1 lit,, ,i. r,.,J tH , " 1 ':- . I B J I . IV I- pi f 'I , oiiifi.M ant, Knfrl . " - '- ""- t 4 ' i' :, It.. - . . i. t. .l.t' i 4l . . 1 , ' " ' ' "! "; b - i . : -' " : . i ' . , i I , i yt I. -i: ' A I P j.i. I.i. '-- . ; .r.-, 1 'Jin j . y.t .r.l .'-'.. u- tHr it t . r n 'M.njpljt HAKHY riOuLHG, II. I'. i-. , A 'v V, i .. i(( ,,,, j kn A,--l,1 ' Lij '-f i 1. hi. Ul'. '.- r.l c,.u W. h. FTH'jSi Uni'.rtlAiMV ratU. ,"tfc |