Show WANTED F foreman oreman for d dairy anil large cattle ranch in colorado colora pait or salary to tb right pai byart at CHAS REDD la sal utah subs subscribe cribe for the san juan record P a ast st 0 x 1 gen eibl 6 rixia mt A h lip 4 1930 A va avem vem eve PROPOSED AM amendments r TO THE constitution consa no 1 resolution relating to filling vacancies in in legislature Legis lati re A joint leboeu tion proposing an an amendment nen dment to section i 13 of artie article 1 e VI 0 of f the th ie constitution of the i i state of utah relating delatin g to vacancies in in the legis legislature democratic TICKET republican SOCIALIST TICKET fo for D against no 2 resolution i relating elating to revenue a and nd taxation A joint join resolution proposing ra posing an amendment to section 2 in and d 3 of 0 0 0 0 ar article t cle XIII of the con constitution ution of the state of utah relating to r revenue evenue and taxation for Q against j j for representative in congress E for representative in congress for representative in congress 11 for representative in congress JOSEPH RIRIE i DON B COLTON I 1 A W CLEA CLEMONS IONS no 3 relating to state school fund for justice of supreme court for justice of supreme court por for justice of supreme court for justice of supreme court and fund manner A joint of distributing resolution resol ution ting interest proposing of such to ten ireni year term ten year term ten year term 1 ten year term 1 amend section 3 article aati aiti cle X and section 7 GEORGE christensen LJ EPHRAIM HANSEN E I 1 D C DOTIA DORA I 1 D article XIII of the con constitution ution of the state of utah relating to the t BC state school fund for state senator for state senator for state senator for state senator Senit 1 j cr j and the m manner of dis distributing the interest KNOX PATTERSON I 1 L A mcgee I 1 of s uch such fund and other ot ier revenues of the several school districts of the state for state representative EJ for state representative fa for state slate representative 11 for state representative BENJ D BLACK LEONARD K X JONES 1 I 1 for Q against j for county commissioner for county commissioner 3 for county COmmis commissioner Morter for county commissioner fatir year term four year term Tern four year terni j j four year term no 4 resolution i relating elating to the taxa WM R YOUNG LJ GEO W PE PERKINS el 1 LJ 1 1 tion of mines and mining mm ing property A joint resolution solution ic providing for f or an amendment to for county commissioner for county commissioner for county commissioner for county commissioner section af article XIII XII of the constitution two year term j two year term two year ter tarm nf 1 j two year term j j 0 of f the state of utah uta 1 relating to the taxa CLEMENT JOHNSON el LLOYD LIVID ADAMS I 1 el I 1 i el tion of mines and min ng ing property for county clerk cherl and reco recorder ader for county clerk and recorder for county clerk andReco ider for county clerk and recorder for Q against j K K n D WILLIAMS FRANK HALLS 11 r no 5 A resolution solution state ta for county treasurer for county treasurer for county treas treasurer u j j for C county anty treasurer 0 co commission A le joint resolution ie creating proposing a an E LENORA JONES I 1 EDITH H REDD j 1 1 1 amendment amer dment to section 11 of article XIII for county sheriff for county sheriff 1 for county sheriff for county sheriff of the constitution oi of the state of utah j j HORACE ALLRED JOHN D ROGERS el 1 1 IJ I J i relating elating to revenue and a nd taxation for county attorney 1 for county attorney for county attorney for county attorney Atto iney j for Q A against ainest el H HE E OSCAR E JOHNSON E 1 4 no 6 to the location the for county assessor for county A assessor for county assessor j for county assessor state rate prison and state st ate institutions of A D B PERKINS j WM ERVIN PALMER E joint resolution propos nc int an amendment to section 3 of article 3 for justice of the peace M for justice of the peace j for justice of the peace el 1 for justice of the peace 1 iio tion of f the st stale to of utah I 1 of i relating elating the to the location of the state prison for constable 1 r f J 1 for constable for constable j for constable el for fo Q against el state of utah county of san juan ss I 1 frank halls comity bleik in and aind for san juan county state of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct list of nominations filed in my office as appear for national state and county officers and aind now on file and of record in my office witness my hand and seal of the said san juan county this day of october A D 1930 seal js |