Show BOULDER gk NOTES ini gailan douglas and howard kirkland have now begun their trapping operations lee brady who ho has been visiting with his parents w mr aft and mrs park brady left for his home in san jose calif on wednesday last mr snow ana and mr rum dumbreck have been working road along the mail route through the boulder district in bad weather some parts of the road become almost impassable miss margaret Maiga iet erickson ISi ickson the summit point school teacher spent the week end at the king home visiting with miss vera bracken the boulder teacher mr and mrs king were town shop pers pera monday also bringing in their first sack of squash seed to be used by a seed heed house the growing of squash seed for the market is somewhat of an experiment this year the regular community dinner will be bc held as usual the first sunday in the month nova all are urged to be present at the next ga gathering be cause of some very special business to lie be attended to by the local farmers organization |